74 research outputs found

    Fast LTL Satisfiability Checking by SAT Solvers

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    Satisfiability checking for Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) is a fundamental step in checking for possible errors in LTL assertions. Extant LTL satisfiability checkers use a variety of different search procedures. With the sole exception of LTL satisfiability checking based on bounded model checking, which does not provide a complete decision procedure, LTL satisfiability checkers have not taken advantage of the remarkable progress over the past 20 years in Boolean satisfiability solving. In this paper, we propose a new LTL satisfiability-checking framework that is accelerated using a Boolean SAT solver. Our approach is based on the variant of the \emph{obligation-set method}, which we proposed in earlier work. We describe here heuristics that allow the use of a Boolean SAT solver to analyze the obligations for a given LTL formula. The experimental evaluation indicates that the new approach provides a a significant performance advantage

    LTLf satisfiability checking

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    We consider here Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas interpreted over \emph{finite} traces. We denote this logic by LTLf. The existing approach for LTLf satisfiability checking is based on a reduction to standard LTL satisfiability checking. We describe here a novel direct approach to LTLf satisfiability checking, where we take advantage of the difference in the semantics between LTL and LTLf. While LTL satisfiability checking requires finding a \emph{fair cycle} in an appropriate transition system, here we need to search only for a finite trace. This enables us to introduce specialized heuristics, where we also exploit recent progress in Boolean SAT solving. We have implemented our approach in a prototype tool and experiments show that our approach outperforms existing approaches

    Safety Model Checking with Complementary Approximations

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    Formal verification techniques such as model checking, are becoming popular in hardware design. SAT-based model checking techniques such as IC3/PDR, have gained a significant success in hardware industry. In this paper, we present a new framework for SAT-based safety model checking, named Complementary Approximate Reachability (CAR). CAR is based on standard reachability analysis, but instead of maintaining a single sequence of reachable- state sets, CAR maintains two sequences of over- and under- approximate reachable-state sets, checking safety and unsafety at the same time. To construct the two sequences, CAR uses standard Boolean-reasoning algorithms, based on satisfiability solving, one to find a satisfying cube of a satisfiable Boolean formula, and one to provide a minimal unsatisfiable core of an unsatisfiable Boolean formula. We applied CAR to 548 hardware model-checking instances, and compared its performance with IC3/PDR. Our results show that CAR is able to solve 42 instances that cannot be solved by IC3/PDR. When evaluated against a portfolio that includes IC3/PDR and other approaches, CAR is able to solve 21 instances that the other approaches cannot solve. We conclude that CAR should be considered as a valuable member of any algorithmic portfolio for safety model checking

    On Reachability Analysis of Pushdown Systems with Transductions: Application to Boolean Programs with Call-by-Reference

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    Pushdown systems with transductions (TrPDSs) are an extension of pushdown systems (PDSs) by associating each transition rule with a transduction, which allows to inspect and modify the stack content at each step of a transition rule. It was shown by Uezato and Minamide that TrPDSs can model PDSs with checkpoint and discrete-timed PDSs. Moreover, TrPDSs can be simulated by PDSs and the predecessor configurations pre^*(C) of a regular set C of configurations can be computed by a saturation procedure when the closure of the transductions in TrPDSs is finite. In this work, we comprehensively investigate the reachability problem of finite TrPDSs. We propose a novel saturation procedure to compute pre^*(C) for finite TrPDSs. Also, we introduce a saturation procedure to compute the successor configurations post^*(C) of a regular set C of configurations for finite TrPDSs. From these two saturation procedures, we present two efficient implementation algorithms to compute pre^*(C) and post^*(C). Finally, we show how the presence of transductions enables the modeling of Boolean programs with call-by-reference parameter passing. The TrPDS model has finite closure of transductions which results in model-checking approach for Boolean programs with call-by-reference parameter passing against safety properties

    LTLf Synthesis with Fairness and Stability Assumptions

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    In synthesis, assumptions are constraints on the environment that rule out certain environment behaviors. A key observation here is that even if we consider systems with LTLf goals on finite traces, environment assumptions need to be expressed over infinite traces, since accomplishing the agent goals may require an unbounded number of environment action. To solve synthesis with respect to finite-trace LTLf goals under infinite-trace assumptions, we could reduce the problem to LTL synthesis. Unfortunately, while synthesis in LTLf and in LTL have the same worst-case complexity (both 2EXPTIME-complete), the algorithms available for LTL synthesis are much more difficult in practice than those for LTLf synthesis. In this work we show that in interesting cases we can avoid such a detour to LTL synthesis and keep the simplicity of LTLf synthesis. Specifically, we develop a BDD-based fixpoint-based technique for handling basic forms of fairness and of stability assumptions. We show, empirically, that this technique performs much better than standard LTL synthesis
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