715 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Common Bean Varieties for Yield and Yield Component in Segen Area Peoples Zone SNNPRS, Ethiopia

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    Studies on the evaluation of variety performance provide opportunities to increase productivity of common bean. Therefore, the current study evaluates the performance of varieties on yield and yield components of common bean during the main cropping season of 2015 and 2016 at four locations in Segen Zone,Konso woreda (Southwestern Ethiopia) with the objectives of  selecting high yielding common bean varieties those are adapted to the study area. Fifteen released common bean varieties and one local cultivar were planted in randomized complete block design with three replications. The analysis revealed that significant variation for all traits except maturity date. Highest yield obtained from Nasir(2136 kgha-1) and Hawassa dume (1948 kgha-1) followed by Sari (1751 kgha-1) were as at Addis Gebere, high grain yield was obtained from Sari (2227 kgha-1), Hawassa dume (2111 kgha-1) and Dimtu (2073 kgha-1). For average mean yield from overall location, high yield obtained from Hawassa dume (2129 kgha-1) and Nasir (2002 kgha-1) followed by Sari (1989 kgha-1). Results revealed that Hawassa dume, Nasir and Sari were best performed and better adapted varieties than the others respectively. Therefore, the above mentioned varieties are promising varieties for the production area and recommendable for area with similar agro-ecologies. Keywords: Phaseolus Vulagris L, Evaluation, Grain yield,Varieties

    The cytotoxic activity of diiron bis-cyclopentadienyl complexes with bridging c3-ligands

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    Diiron bis-cyclopentadienyl bis-carbonyl cationic complexes with a bridging vinylim-inium ligand, [Fe2Cp2 (CO)(µ-CO){µ-η1:η3-C3 (R′)C2HC1NMe(R′′)}]CF3SO3 (R = Xyl = 2,6-C6H3Me2, R′ = Ph, R′′ = H, 2a; R = Xyl, R′ = R′′ = Me, 2b; R = R′ = Me, R′′ = H, 2c; R = Me, R′ = 2-naphthyl, R′′ = H, 2d; R = Me, R′ = R′′ = Ph, 2e), are easily available from commercial chemicals, robust in aqueous media and exert a variable in vitro cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines depending on the nature of the substituents on the vinyliminium ligand. The anticancer activity is, at least in part, associated to fragmentation reactions, leading to iron oxidation and active neutral and well-defined monoiron species. We report an innovative synthetic procedure for the preparation of 2a,c,d, and a facile method to access the monoiron derivative of 2a, i.e., [FeCp(CO){C1 (NMeXyl)C2HC3 (Ph)C(O)}] (3a). According to IC50 analyses at different times of incubation of the complexes, 3a is significantly faster in inhibiting cell viability compared to its diiron precursor 2a. The neutral complexes [Fe2Cp2 (CO)(µ-CO){µ-k1N:k1C:k1C-C3 (R′)C2 (Se)C1 (NMe2)C4 (CO2Y)C5 (CO2Y)}] (R′ = Y = Me, 4a; R′ = Pr, Y =tBu, 4b; R′ = Y = Et, 4c) are obtained via the two-step modification of the vinyliminium moiety and comprise a bridging selenophene-decorated alkylidene ligand. The antiproliferative activity exhibited by 4a-c is moderate but comparable on the ovarian cancer cell line A2780 and the corresponding cisplatin resistant cell line, A2780cisR. Complexes 4a-c in aqueous solutions undergo progressive release of the alkylidene ligand as a functionalized selenophene, this process being slower in cell culture medium. Since the released selenophenes SeC1 {C(O)R′ }C2 (NMe2)C3 (CO2Y)C4 (CO2Y) (R′ = Y = Me, 5a; R′ = Pr, Y =tBu, 5b) are substantially not cytotoxic, it is presumable that the activity of 4a-c is largely ascribable to the {Fe2Cp2 (CO)2 } scaffold

    The Effect of Learning Organization Environment and Innovative Work Behavior Under the Moderation Role of Employee Engagement in Public Sector Organization

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    The main objective of the study is to explore the impact of learning organization environment on innovative work behavior. The study results show that learning organization environment explained a significant relation with innovative work behavior also with the mediator variable that is employee engagement. Convenience sampling is used as the sampling strategy. This survey is based on questionnaire and data is collected from 140 managers of Public sector organizations located in Faisalabad. To analyses the data, SPSS version 23.0 is used. To check the relationship between the variables correlation analysis is used and to checks the effect between variables linear regression analysis is used. Thus, all the hypotheses showed significant results. Keywords: Learning Organization environment, innovative work behavior, employee engagemen

    Assessment of the effects of different sample perfusion procedures on phase-contrast tomographic images of mouse spinal cord

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    Synchrotron X-ray Phase Contrast micro-Tomography (SXrPC\u3bcT) is a powerful tool in the investigation of biological tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS), and it allows to simultaneously detect the vascular and neuronal network avoiding contrast agents or destructive sample preparations. However, specific sample preparation procedures aimed to optimize the achievable contrast- and signal-to-noise ratio (CNR and SNR, respectively) are required. Here we report and discuss the effects of perfusion with two different fixative agents (ethanol and paraformaldehyde) and with a widely used contrast medium (MICROFIL\uae) on mouse spinal cord. As a main result, we found that ethanol enhances contrast at the grey/white matter interface and increases the contrast in correspondence of vascular features and fibres, thus providing an adequate spatial resolution to visualise the vascular network at the microscale. On the other hand, ethanol is known to induce tissue dehydration, likely reducing cell dimensions below the spatial resolution limit imposed by the experimental technique. Nonetheless, neurons remain well visible using either perfused paraformaldehyde or MICROFIL\uae compound, as these latter media do not affect tissues with dehydration effects. Paraformaldehyde appears as the best compromise: it is not a contrast agent, like MICROFIL\uae, but it is less invasive than ethanol and permits to visualise well both cells and blood vessels. However, a quantitative estimation of the relative grey matter volume of each sample has led us to conclude that no significant alterations in the grey matter extension compared to the white matter occur as a consequence of the perfusion procedures tested in this study

    Nutritional Factors Modulating Alu Methylation inan Italian Sample from The Mark-Age StudyIncluding Offspring of Healthy Nonagenarians

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    Alu hypomethylation promotes genomic instability and is associated with aging and age-related diseases. Dietary factors affect global DNA methylation, leading to changes in genomic stability and gene expression with an impact on longevity and the risk of disease. This preliminary study aims to investigate the relationship between nutritional factors, such as circulating trace elements, lipids and antioxidants, and Alu methylation in elderly subjects and offspring of healthy nonagenarians. Alu DNA methylation was analyzed in sixty RASIG (randomly recruited age-stratified individuals from the general population) and thirty-two GO (GeHA offspring) enrolled in Italy in the framework of the MARK-AGE project. Factor analysis revealed a different clustering between Alu CpG1 and the other CpG sites. RASIG over 65 years showed lower Alu CpG1 methylation than those of GO subjects in the same age class. Moreover, Alu CpG1 methylation was associated with fruit and whole-grain bread consumption, LDL2-Cholesterol and plasma copper. The preserved Alu methylation status in GO, suggests Alu epigenetic changes as a potential marker of aging. Our preliminary investigation shows that Alu methylation may be affected by food rich in fibers and antioxidants, or circulating LDL subfractions and plasma copper

    Increased activation of blood neutrophils after cigarette smoking in young individuals susceptible to COPD

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    Background: Cigarette smoking is the most important risk factor for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Only a subgroup of smokers develops COPD and it is unclear why these individuals are more susceptible to the detrimental effects of cigarette smoking. The risk to develop COPD is known to be higher in individuals with familial aggregation of COPD. This study aimed to investigate if acute systemic and local immune responses to cigarette smoke differentiate between individuals susceptible or non-susceptible to develop COPD, both at young (18-40 years) and old (40-75 years) age. Methods: All participants smoked three cigarettes in one hour. Changes in inflammatory markers in peripheral blood (at 0 and 3 hours) and in bronchial biopsies (at 0 and 24 hours) were investigated. Acute effects of smoking were analyzed within and between susceptible and non-susceptible individuals, and by multiple regression analysis. Results: Young susceptible individuals showed significantly higher increases in the expression of Fc gamma RII (CD32) in its active forms (A17 and A27) on neutrophils after smoking (p = 0.016 and 0.028 respectively), independently of age, smoking status and expression of the respective markers at baseline. Smoking had no significant effect on mediators in blood or inflammatory cell counts in bronchial biopsies. In the old group, acute effects of smoking were comparable between healthy controls and COPD patients. Conclusions: We show for the first time that COPD susceptibility at young age associates with an increased systemic innate immune response to cigarette smoking. This suggests a role of systemic inflammation in the early induction phase of COPD