30 research outputs found

    From fade-out into spotlight: An audio-visual character analysis (ACIS) on the diversity of media representation and production culture

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    The article focuses on gender portrayal in audio-visual media and discusses the visibility and participation of diverse people. Based on a theoretical framework from gender media studies, we conceptualize audio-visual visibility as a dimension of intersectionality and apply this in an empirical approach. Audio-visual character analysis (ACIS) is introduced as a method to investigate media content in order to describe visibility of the represented people. Applying this method, a quantitative content analysis of a representative sample of German television from 2016 was realized to answer the research questions on the portrayal of relevant characters and on the positions behind the camera. The findings show an unequal representation of gender and an intersectional relevance of other categories of difference such as age as well as an interplay between gender of creative positions and visibility of female characters. The article discusses findings and implications for future research

    Gender differences within the German-language Wikipedia

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    The Wikipedia project constitutes the currently most-used and most comprehensive online encyclopedia in the world (Schneider, 2008, p. 35) and is advertising itself as free and open for everyone, and in terms of an encyclopedia as diverse and balanced at all levels. But from a gender perspective there is a huge discrepancy in sex ratio within Wikipedia’s community. In 2005, researchers at University of Würzburg found that women constitute only 10 % of German-language Wikipedia authors (Schroer&Hertel, 2009, p. 104). This fact leads to the presumption, that Wikipedia’s reflection of the world mediates and interprets a mainly male conception of the world and thus displays an inequality with reference to modern society. Proceeding from the assumption that women and men have different communication behaviours as well as different perceptions and interpretations of communication in almost all aspects of social interaction including e.g. conversational strategies, conflict management and negotiation skills, we hypothesize that these different ways of communication significantly affect the motivation of female Wikipedia contributors

    Free Speech Under Pressure: The Effect of Online Harassment on Literary Writers

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    In the perception of writers in Germany, free speech is under strong pressure. A survey study, in which 526 literature writers took part, reveals innumerable aspects of hate speech, online harassment, and even physical assaults. Every second person has already experienced assaults on his or her person and is also aware of attacks on colleagues. Three quarters are concerned about freedom of expression in Germany and complain of an increase in threats, intimidation, and hateful reactions. The research project was developed in collaboration between the Institute for Media Research, University of Rostock, and the PEN Center Germany

    Traumberuf oder Verlegenheitslösung?: Einstiegsmotivation und Arbeitssituation des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft

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    Zusammenfassung: Über die Beschäftigungs- und Ausbildungsbedingungen des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienwissenschaft ist bisher vergleichsweise wenig bekannt. Ziel der vorliegenden Studie ist es daher, eine erste umfassende Bestandsaufnahme des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses im Fach bis zur Promotion zu leisten. Hierfür wurden alle Promovierenden in Deutschland, der Schweiz und in Österreich zu ihrer Wahrnehmung und Beurteilung der eigenen beruflichen Situation und Zukunft befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen u. a., dass die Nachwuchswissenschaftler/innen auf der einen Seite zwar hoch intrinsisch motiviert sind, andererseits nehmen sie eine wissenschaftliche Karriere als sehr unsicher und hürdenreich wahr. Zudem lassen sich verschiedene Typen von Nachwuchskräften ausmachen: die Idealisten, die Karrieristen und die Unentschlossenen. Es zeigt sich, dass lediglich die Idealisten dem Wunschbild eines produktiven und interessierten Wissenschaftlers entsprechen. Die Ergebnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund der zukünftigen Fachentwicklung diskutier

    Geschlechterstereotype und Soziale Medien : Expertise für den Dritten Gleichstellungsbericht der Bundesregierung

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    Integration oder Desintegration durch Angriffe auf Autor*innen aus dem Netz: Das freie Wort unter Druck?

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    Das freie Wort befindet sich in der Wahrnehmung von Autorinnen und Autoren in Deutschland unter starkem Druck. Die Studie, an der sich 526 Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller beteiligt haben, fördert erschreckende Zahlen zutage: Drei Viertel sind in Sorge über die freie Meinungsäußerung in Deutschland und beklagen eine Zunahme von Bedrohungen, Einschüchterungsversuchen und hasserfüllten Reaktionen. Jeder Zweite hat bereits Übergriffe auf seine Person erlebt und hat außerdem Kenntnis von Angriffen auf Kolleginnen und Kollegen. "Das freie Wort unter Druck" ist ein Forschungsprojekt des Instituts für Medienforschung und des PEN-Zentrums Deutschland.In the perception of authors in Germany, the free word is under strong pressure. The study, in which 526 writers took part, reveals alarming figures: three quarters are concerned about freedom of expression in Germany and complain of an increase in threats, intimidation and hateful reactions. Every second person has already experienced assaults on his or her person and is also aware of attacks on colleagues. "The free word under pressure" is a research project of the Institute for Media Research and the PEN Centre Germany

    Where are the Women Directors?

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    Re-Framing the Picture: An International Comparative Assessment of Gender Equity Policies in the Film Sector: Full Report Gender Equity Policy (GEP) Analysis Project

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    Re-Framing the Picture presents research from the “Gender Equity Policy (GEP) Analysis” project. Building on a substantial corpus of studies and data evidencing the long history of gender inequity in the international film sector, the international team of researchers located in Germany, the UK and Canada has designed an innovative, interdisciplinary approach with the aim to “assess, understand, and model the impact of gender equity policies (GEP) in the film industry”. To re-frame the picture of gender equity in film industries, they studied the policies, practices and norms that constrain equitable industry structures. The report presents in-depth insights from three different perspectives: The Policies, the Number, and the Networks. The researchers combine an in-depth analysis of existing gender equity policies, using a specifically designed policy analysis framework and interviews with industry experts, with a quantitative analysis that looks more closely at industry data and the structures it reveals. Finally, a social network approach helps understand how different interventions might reduce the dominance of men in the three case film industries (Germany, the UK and Canada) by modelling the impact of hypothetical policies. They find that 1) fighting gender inequity remains a long-haul endeavour, 2) no one-size-fits-all solution exists, 3) policies need to be intentional and structural, 4) and we should expand the reach of policies that make access to, for instance, funding or awards nominations dependent on progress towards gender equity

    Hanko Bommert/Ralf Kleyböcker/Andrea Voß-Frick: TV-Interviews im Urteil der Zuschauer

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