24 research outputs found

    Eksistensi Lokalitas dalam Perancangan Hotel Resor Tanjung Aan

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    Terkait rencana pengembangan kawasan wisata terpadu mandalika yang direncanakan akan dibangun berbagai fasilitas super mewah yang jika dilihat berdasarkan aktivitas, pelaku aktivitas, potensi dan beberapa masalah yang terdapat di lokasi ini, semua fasilitas mewah itu akan terlihat berlebihan dan kurang tepat sasaran. Untuk itu peran arsitektur dibutuhkan untuk mewujudkan objek yang dapat mewadahi seluruh kegiatan yang terjadi dan menyelesaikan beberapa masalah yang ada. Dengan mengangkat aspek lokalitas sebagai pendekatan dalam mendesain dimana unsur lokalitas merupakan salah satu potensi yang menonjol dari berbagai potensi yang ada. Diharapan fasilitas yang dibangun sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengunjung maupun masyarakat setempa


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    Motor bensin empat langkah berkapasitas 135 cc dapat bersaing dalam ajang kompetisi balap seperti Indoprix 150 ccdengan meningkatkan kapasitas volume silinder. Cara untuk meningkatkan kapasitas volume silinder diantaranyabore upyaitu memasang piston dan silinder yang berdiameter lebih besar, serta stroke upatau mengubah posisi TitikMati Atas dan Titik Mati Bawah sehingga langkah piston lebih panjang.Setelah dilakukan modifikasi, terjadiperbaikan unjuk kerja yaitu torsi, tenaga, kompresi serta emisi gas buang bila dibandingkan dengan standar. Hasilpengujian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan tenaga dan torsi terbesar terjadi pada modifikasi stroke up yaitu daritenaga dari 11,6 HP menjadi 13,9 HP dan torsi 12 Nm meningkat menjadi 14,58 Nm. Pada modifikasi bore up terjadipembakaran tidak sempurna yang terindikasi dari gumpalan kerak karbon pada kepala piston dan ujung busimeskipun terjadi peningkatan tenaga menjadi 12,6 HP dan peningkatan torsi menjadi 12,89 Nm. Emisi gas buang COhanya terdeteksi pada modifikasi bore up, sementara pada kondisi standar dan modifikasi stroke up tidak terdeteksiadanya polutan CO


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    This study aimed to investigate how the price of beef in East Java is affected by Ramadan. This study used ARCH/GARCH model to determine the correlation. The impact of Ramadan on the price beef in East Java is then examined, along with the effect of price fluctuations and price volatility, using the GARCH model. The results showed that price volatility affects variations in beef prices. Then, the GARCH (1,1) model estimation findings demonstrate that the volatility from the prior period and yesterday's variation in East Java have impacted changes in beef prices

    Effect of Perception, Attitude, Patient Safety Policy, Stakeholder Support, and Health Promotion, on Infection Prevention

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    BACKGROUND: Patients who receive health service, health worker, and visitors in a hospital are at risk for nosocomial infection, ie infection acquired in hospital. The presence of patient safety policy and health promotion are needed for surgical infection prevention effort. This study aimed to analyze the effect of health worker perception, attitude, patient safety policy, stakeholder support, and health promotion, on surgical infection prevention effort. SUBJECT AND METHODS: This was a cross sectional study conducted at PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A sample of 104 health care workers from this hospital was selected at random for this study. The dependent variable was surgical infection prevention effort. The independent variables were the health worker perception on surgical infection prevention effort, attitude, presence of patient safety policy, stakeholder support, and health promotion. The data were collected using a questionnaire and in-depth interview. The data were analyzed using path analysis model. RESULTS: Health workers perception had positive effect on surgical infection prevention effort, and it was statistically significant (b =0.45; p<0.001). The effects of attitude (b=0.08; p=0.311), presence of patient safety (b=0.06; p=0.413), stakeholder support (b=0.13; p=0.134), and health promotion (b=0.04; p=0.719) on surgical infection prevention effort were nearly non-existent, and statistically non-significant. The model fit indices met the requirement for path analysis model: x2=4.48; p=0.214; GFI=0.98; AGFI=0.88; RMSEA=0.069; NFI=0.98; CFI=0.99. CONCLUSION: Health workers perception affects surgical infection prevention effort. Attitude, presence of patient safety policy, stakeholder support, and health promotion, do not affect surgical infection prevention effort. Keyword: perception, attitude, patient safety, stakeholder support, health promotion, surgical infection prevention effor

    Amplification of The GAPDH Gene from The Urine eDNA of Sumatran Rhino in Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary, Way Kambas National Park

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    Profiling the genetic character of each individual sumatran rhino is important in order to maintain individual viability and genetic variability of Sumatran rhinos. Non-invasive sampling is needed to minimize the disturbance of individual sumatran rhinos, this is due to the solitary character of sumatran rhinos and tend to be afraid to interact with humans. Until now, non-invasive sampling of sumatran rhinos in Way Kambas National Park (WKNP) has only been done through the source of the puddle. This study aims to amplify the GAPDH gene from sumatran rhino environmental DNA (eDNA) sourced from urine. Urine sampling was carried out on four of the eight sumatran rhino individuals in WKNP. DNA extraction of four sumatran rhino urine samples was carried out with reference to the DNeasy® Blood &amp; tissue kit extraction protocol. Amplification of eDNA extraction results was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using GAPDH primers. Visualization of extraction and amplification results from four individual sumatran rhinos at TNWK was tested qualitatively with 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis results showed positive results after amplification of four individual sumatran rhino urine samples at sizes between 100-200bp. This study successfully amplified the GAPDH gene from four sumatran rhino individuals in WKNP based on qualitative tests. In further conservation efforts, it is necessary to explore eDNA extraction from other potential sources

    Model Ekonomi Minyak Sawit Mentah Dunia

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    Due to the importance of crude palm oil (CPO) in Indonesia economy, any policy elated to CPO industry should be comprehensively designed and analyzed its impacts on the industry and the economy as a whole. A scientific approach to designed and analyze policies is by simulating those policies into an economic model of the industry. In response to requirement, a study has been conducted to develop an International model of crude palm oil market. The model consists of 18 sub-models, that are, a world model, 16 individual or grouped country models, and an Indonesia model which is specified in relatively more detail. A general characteristic of the model is that the shot-term responses of production, consumption, export, and import toward the changes in CPO and competing oil prices are inelastic. Using the model and a time horizon of 1995-2000, production, consumption, export-import are projected to increase by 6.1, 5.0, and 4.1, percent, p.a., respectively. The price is projected to decline to be around US$ 415/ton in 200

    Giliiyang Data

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    Growth of Hornbill Feed Seeds at Way Canguk Research Station, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

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    Rangkong merupakan jenis burung pemakan buah (frugivory). Buah yang dikonsumsi rangkong dikategorikandalam buah yang kecil dengan jumlah yang banyakdan jenis buah yang memiliki batu (stone seeds), yaitu jenis fikus dan non fikus. Peran rangkong di hutan sangatlah penting yaitu sebagai penebar bijimelalui sisa makanan dan kotoran rangkong karena sistem pencernaannya yang tidak merusak biji sehingga mencerminkan hutan yang sehat dan menandakan masih adanya pohon-pohon besar di wilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Stasiun Penelitian Way Canguk (SPWC) TNBBS Lampung dengan metode observasi langsung melalui pengamatan laju pertumbuhan biji pakan rangkong secara generatif (semai) pada lokasi yang berbeda. Data disajikandalam bentuk tabel dan diagram kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan diperolehnya biji sebanyak 581 buah dari 12 famili dan 26 spesies serta 7 jenis yang belum teridentifikasi. Nasib biji setelah dimuntahkan tumbuh sebanyak 39% dari keseluruhan biji yang diperoleh dan 61% biji tidak mengalami pertumbuhan diduga karena adanya predator biji dan rusaknya biji serta faktor naungan yang dapat menghambat pertumbuhan biji. Biji dari buah fikus yang berasal dari defekasi tidak mengalami pertumbuhan. Nilai laju pertumbuhan semai di alam lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan semai yang berada di media terkontrol atau disekitar kamp SPWC. The hornbill is a type of frugivory bird. The fruit consumed by the hornbill is categorized into small fruit with a large number and the type of fruit that has stone seeds, namely ficus and non-ficus types. The role of hornbill in the forest is very important, namely as seed dispersal through food waste and hornbill droppings because their digestive system does not damage the seeds so that it reflects a healthy forest and indicates the presence of large trees in the area. This research was conducted at the Way Canguk Research Station (SPWC) TNBBS Lampung with direct observation by observing the growth rate of generative hornbill feed seeds (seedlings) at different locations. The data is presented in the form of tables and diagrams and then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that 581 seeds were obtained from 12 families and 26 species and 7 species that had not been identified. The fate of seeds after vomiting grew as much as 39% of the total seeds obtained and 61% of seeds did not experience growth, presumably due to seed predators and seed damage and shading factors that could inhibit seed growth. Seeds of ficus fruit from defecation did not grow. The value of the growth rate of seedlings in nature was Faster than those in controlled media or around the SPWC camp

    Eating Behavior of the Klihingan Hornbill (Anorrhinus Galeritus) When Nesting at the Way Canguk Research Station, Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS)

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    Enggang klihingan merupakan salah satu jenis rangkong (Bucerotidae) yang hidup berkelompok, berperan penting secara ekologis sebagai penyebar biji. Perilaku bersarangnya unik, selama mengerami induk betina mengurung diri di lubang pohon yang ditutup lumpur dan disisakan lubang kecil untuk enggang lainnya melewatkan pakan dari luar sarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku makan enggang pada saat bersarang dan mengumpulkan data jenis buah pakannya. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode focal animal sampling, pada bulan Februari – April 2021 di Stasiun Penelitian Way Canguk (SPWC), Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan (TNBBS). Perilaku enggang yang teramati dominan berupa mengeluarkan satu per satu pakan dari dalam temboloknya, kemudian memosisikan pakan ke ujung paruh untuk dimuntahkan ke sarang. Komposisi buah yang dijadikan pakan enggang meliputi 18 jenis buah, yaitu Ficus altissima, Ficus sundaica, Ficus crassiramea, Ficus stupenda var.minor, Polyalthia lateriflora, Oncosperma horridum, Canarium megalanthum, Canthiumera glabra, Zuccarinia macrophylla, Antiaris toxicaria, Myristica sp., Horsfieldia sp., Magnolia champaca, Dysoxylumsp., Fibraurea tinctoria, Endocomia macrocoma, Actinodhapne borneensis, dan Alseodaphne falcata. Waktu yang paling sering digunakan untuk memberi makan adalah sore hari pukul 16.00 – 17.00 WIB. Rerata enggang mengunjungi sarang 15 kali/hari dan membawa paling banyak 16 buah dalam sekali kunjungan. Enggang mampu memberi makan dengan lama durasi 3 – 5 buah/menit. Bushy-crested hornbill is a type of hornbill (Bucerotidae) that lives in groups, playing an important ecological role. Their nesting behavior is unique, during incubation, the female locks herself in a mud-covered tree hole and leaves a small hole for other hornbills to spread food from outside the nest. This study aimed to find out the eating behavior of hornbills during nesting and collect data on the types of fruit they eat. This study was conducted using a focused animal sampling method, from February to April 2021 at Way Canguk Research Station (SPWC), Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park (TNBBS). The dominant behavior of hornbills was observed in the form of removing the bait one by one from the cache, then placing the bait to the tip of the beak to vomit into the nest. The fruit composition used as hornbill food includes 18 types of fruit, namely Ficus altissima, Ficus sundaica, Ficus crassiramea, Ficus stupenda var. minor, Polyalthia lateriflora, Oncosperma horridum, Canarium megalanthum, Canthiumera glabra, Zuccarinia macrophylla, Antiaris toxicaria, Myristica sp., Horsfieldia sp., Magnolia champaca, Dysoxylum sp., Fibraurea tinctoria, Endocomia macrocoma, and Alseodaphne falcata. The most common time used for feeding is from 16:00 - 17:00 WIB. The average hornbill visits the nest 15 times/day and brings a maximum of 16 fruits in one visit. Hornbills can feed with a fairly low duration (3-5 pieces/minute)