998 research outputs found

    Continuous-flow laboratory simulation of stream water quality changes downstream of an untreated wastewater discharge.

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    In regions of the world with poor provision of wastewater treatment, raw sewage is often discharged directly into surface waters. This paper describes an experimental evaluation of the fate of two organic chemicals under these conditions using an artificial channel cascade fed with a mix of settled sewage and river water at its upstream end and operated under continuous steady-state conditions. The experiments underpin an environmental risk assessment methodology based on the idea of an “impact zone” (IZ) – the zone downstream of wastewater emission in which water quality is severely impaired by high concentrations of unionised ammonia, nitrite and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Radiolabelled dodecane-6-benzene sulphonate (DOBS) and aniline hydrochloride were used as the model chemical and reference compound respectively. Rapid changes in 14C counts were observed with flow-time for both these materials. These changes were most likely to be due to complete mineralisation. A dissipation half-life of approximately 7.1 h was observed for the 14C label with DOBS. The end of the IZ was defined as the point at which the concentration of both unionised ammonia and nitrite fell below their respective predicted no-effect concentrations for salmonids. At these points in the cascade, approximately 83 and 90% of the initial concentration of 14C had been removed from the water column, respectively. A simple model of mineral nitrogen transformations based on Michaelis–Menten kinetics was fitted to observed concentrations of NH4, NO2 and NO3. The cascade is intended to provide a confirmatory methodology for assessing the ecological risks of chemicals under direct discharge co

    A re-interpretation of the Triangulum-Andromeda stellar clouds: a population of halo stars kicked out of the Galactic disk

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    The Triangulum-Andromeda stellar clouds (TriAnd1 and TriAnd2) are a pair of concentric ring- or shell-like over-densities at large RR (\approx 30 kpc) and ZZ (\approx -10 kpc) in the Galactic halo that are thought to have been formed from the accretion and disruption of a satellite galaxy. This paper critically re-examines this formation scenario by comparing the number ratio of RR Lyrae to M giant stars associated with the TriAnd clouds with other structures in the Galaxy. The current data suggest a stellar population for these over-densities (fRR:MG<0.38f_{\rm RR:MG} < 0.38 at 95% confidence) quite unlike any of the known satellites of the Milky Way (fRR:MG0.5f_{\rm RR:MG} \approx 0.5 for the very largest and fRR:MG>>1f_{\rm RR:MG} >>1 for the smaller satellites) and more like the population of stars born in the much deeper potential well inhabited by the Galactic disk (fRR:MG<0.01f_{\rm RR:MG} < 0.01). N-body simulations of a Milky-Way-like galaxy perturbed by the impact of a dwarf galaxy demonstrate that, in the right circumstances, concentric rings propagating outwards from that Galactic disk can plausibly produce similar over-densities. These results provide dramatic support for the recent proposal by Xu et al. (2015) that, rather than stars accreted from other galaxies, the TriAnd clouds could represent stars kicked-out from our own disk. If so, these would be the first populations of disk stars to be found in the Galactic halo and a clear signature of the importance of this second formation mechanism for stellar halos more generally. Moreover, their existence at the very extremities of the disk places strong constraints on the nature of the interaction that formed them.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures; published in MNRA

    A Population of Short-Period Variable Quasars from PTF as Supermassive Black Hole Binary Candidates

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    Supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) at sub-parsec separations should be common in galactic nuclei, as a result of frequent galaxy mergers. Hydrodynamical simulations of circumbinary discs predict strong periodic modulation of the mass accretion rate on time-scales comparable to the orbital period of the binary. As a result, SMBHBs may be recognized by the periodic modulation of their brightness. We conducted a statistical search for periodic variability in a sample of 35,383 spectroscopically confirmed quasars in the photometric database of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF). We analysed Lomb-Scargle periodograms and assessed the significance of our findings by modeling each individual quasar's variability as a damped random walk (DRW). We identified 50 quasars with significant periodicity beyond the DRW model, typically with short periods of a few hundred days. We find 33 of these to remain significant after a re-analysis of their periodograms including additional optical data from the intermediate-PTF and the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey (CRTS). Assuming that the observed periods correspond to the redshifted orbital periods of SMBHBs, we conclude that our findings are consistent with a population of unequal-mass SMBHBs, with a typical mass ratio as low as q = M2/M1 ~ 0.01.Comment: MNRAS (accepted), new section 4.

    A fast stroboscopic spectral method for rotating systems in numerical relativity

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    We present a numerical technique for solving evolution equations, as the wave equation, in the description of rotating astrophysical compact objects in comoving coordinates, which avoids the problems associated with the light cylinder. The technique implements a fast spectral matching between two domains in relative rotation: an inner spherical domain, comoving with the sources and lying strictly inside the light cylinder, and an outer inertial spherical shell. Even though the emphasis is placed on spectral techniques, the matching is independent of the specific manner in which equations are solved inside each domain, and can be adapted to different schemes. We illustrate the strategy with some simple but representative examples.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figure

    Disk Heating, Galactoseismology, and the Formation of Stellar Halos

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    Deep photometric surveys of the Milky Way have revealed diffuse structures encircling our Galaxy far beyond the "classical" limits of the stellar disk. This paper reviews results from our own and other observational programs, which together suggest that, despite their extreme positions, the stars in these structures were formed in our Galactic disk. Mounting evidence from recent observations and simulations implies kinematic connections between several of these distinct structures. This suggests the existence of collective disk oscillations that can plausibly be traced all the way to asymmetries seen in the stellar velocity distribution around the Sun. There are multiple interesting implications of these findings: they promise new perspectives on the process of disk heating, they provide direct evidence for a stellar halo formation mechanism in addition to the accretion and disruption of satellite galaxies, and, they motivate searches of current and near-future surveys to trace these oscillations across the Galaxy. Such maps could be used as dynamical diagnostics in the emerging field of "Galactoseismology", which promises to model the history of interactions between the Milky Way and its entourage of satellites, as well examine the density of our dark matter halo. As sensitivity to very low surface brightness features around external galaxies increases, many more examples of such disk oscillations will likely be identified. Statistical samples of such features not only encode detailed information about interaction rates and mergers, but also about long sought-after dark matter halo densities and shapes. Models for the Milky Way's own Galactoseismic history will therefore serve as a critical foundation for studying the weak dynamical interactions of galaxies across the universe.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, accepted in for publication in a special edition of the journal "Galaxies", reporting the proceedings of the conference "On the Origin (and Evolution) of Baryonic Galaxy Halos", Puerto Ayora, Ecuador, March 13-17 2017, Eds. Duncan A. Forbes and Ericson D. Lope

    Statistical Searches for Microlensing Events in Large, Non-Uniformly Sampled Time-Domain Surveys: A Test Using Palomar Transient Factory Data

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    Many photometric time-domain surveys are driven by specific goals, such as searches for supernovae or transiting exoplanets, which set the cadence with which fields are re-imaged. In the case of the Palomar Transient Factory (PTF), several sub-surveys are conducted in parallel, leading to non-uniform sampling over its \sim20,000deg220,000 \mathrm{deg}^2 footprint. While the median 7.26deg27.26 \mathrm{deg}^2 PTF field has been imaged \sim40 times in \textit{R}-band, \sim2300deg22300 \mathrm{deg}^2 have been observed >>100 times. We use PTF data to study the trade-off between searching for microlensing events in a survey whose footprint is much larger than that of typical microlensing searches, but with far-from-optimal time sampling. To examine the probability that microlensing events can be recovered in these data, we test statistics used on uniformly sampled data to identify variables and transients. We find that the von Neumann ratio performs best for identifying simulated microlensing events in our data. We develop a selection method using this statistic and apply it to data from fields with >>10 RR-band observations, 1.1×1091.1\times10^9 light curves, uncovering three candidate microlensing events. We lack simultaneous, multi-color photometry to confirm these as microlensing events. However, their number is consistent with predictions for the event rate in the PTF footprint over the survey's three years of operations, as estimated from near-field microlensing models. This work can help constrain all-sky event rate predictions and tests microlensing signal recovery in large data sets, which will be useful to future time-domain surveys, such as that planned with the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ. fixed author lis