78 research outputs found

    Potential RNA-dependent RNA polymerase inhibitors as prospective therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2

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    Introduction. The emergence of SARS-CoV-2 has taken humanity off guard. Following an outbreak of SARS-CoV in 2002, and MERS-CoV about 10 years later, SARS-CoV-2 is the third coronavirus in less than 20 years to cross the species barrier and start spreading by human-to-human transmission. It is the most infectious of the three, currently causing the COVID-19 pandemic. No treatment has been approved for COVID-19. We previously proposed targets that can serve as binding sites for antiviral drugs for multiple coronaviruses, and here we set out to find current drugs that can be repurposed as COVID-19 therapeutics. Aim. To identify drugs against COVID-19, we performed an in silico virtual screen with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs targeting the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP), a critical enzyme for coronavirus replication. Methodology. Initially, no RdRP structure of SARS-CoV-2 was available. We performed basic sequence and structural analysis to determine if RdRP from SARS-CoV was a suitable replacement. We performed molecular dynamics simulations to generate multiple starting conformations that were used for the in silico virtual screen. During this work, a structure of RdRP from SARS-CoV-2 became available and was also included in the in silico virtual screen. Results. The virtual screen identified several drugs predicted to bind in the conserved RNA tunnel of RdRP, where many of the proposed targets were located. Among these candidates, quinupristin is particularly interesting because it is expected to bind across the RNA tunnel, blocking access from both sides and suggesting that it has the potential to arrest viral replication by preventing viral RNA synthesis. Quinupristin is an antibiotic that has been in clinical use for two decades and is known to cause relatively minor side effects. Conclusion. Quinupristin represents a potential anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapeutic. At present, we have no evidence that this drug is effective against SARS-CoV-2 but expect that the biomedical community will expeditiously follow up on our in silico findings

    Discovery of novel bacterial topoisomerase I inhibitors by use of in silico docking and in vitro assays

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    Topoisomerases are important targets for antibacterial and anticancer therapies. Bacterial topoisomerase I remains to be exploited for antibiotics that can be used in the clinic. Inhibitors of bacterial topoisomerase I may provide leads for novel antibacterial drugs against pathogens resistant to current antibiotics. TB is the leading infectious cause of death worldwide, and new TB drugs against an alternative target are urgently needed to overcome multi-drug resistance. Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MtbTopI) has been validated genetically and chemically as a TB drug target. Here we conducted in silico screening targeting an active site pocket of MtbTopI. The top hits were assayed for inhibition of MtbTopI activity. The shared structural motif found in the active hits was utilized in a second round of in silico screening and in vitro assays, yielding selective inhibitors of MtbTopI with ICs as low as 2 µM. Growth inhibition of Mycobacterium smegmatis by these compounds in combination with an efflux pump inhibitor was diminished by the overexpression of recombinant MtbTopI. This work demonstrates that in silico screening can be utilized to discover new bacterial topoisomerase I inhibitors, and identifies a novel structural motif which could be explored further for finding selective bacterial topoisomerase I inhibitors

    Domain Rearrangement and Denaturation in Ebola Virus Protein VP40

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    The VP40 protein plays a critical role in coordinating the virion assembly, budding, and replication of the Ebola virus. Efforts have been made in recent years to understand various aspects of VP40 structure, dynamics, and function such as assembly of the protein and its roles in virus replication and penetration of the protein into the plasma membrane. A major conformational transformation is necessary for VP40 to form some of its oligomeric structures and to perform various functions. This conformational change from a compact structure with the N-terminal domain (NTD) and C-terminal domain (CTD) closely associated involves a dissociation or springing-out of the CTD from the NTD. We perform investigations using computational molecular dynamics simulations as well as knowledge-based Monte Carlo simulations. We find that a sharp springing of the CTD from the NTD in a free VP40 protein cannot occur solely by random thermal fluctuations without intermediate oligomerized segments, and therefore is likely triggered by additional molecular events

    Plasma membrane association facilitates conformational changes in the Marburg virus protein VP40 dimer

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    Filovirus infections cause hemorrhagic fever in humans and non-human primates that often results in high fatality rates. The Marburg virus is a lipid-enveloped virus from the Filoviridae family and is closely related to the Ebola virus. The viral matrix layer underneath the lipid envelope is formed by the matrix protein VP40 (VP40), which is also involved in other functions during the viral life-cycle. As in the Ebola virus VP40 (eVP40), the recently determined X-ray crystal structure of the Marburg virus VP40 (mVP40) features loops containing cationic residues that form a lipid binding basic patch. However, the mVP40 basic patch is significantly flatter with a more extended surface than in eVP40, suggesting the possibility of differences in the plasma membrane interactions and phospholipid specificity between the VP40 dimers. In this paper, we report on molecular dynamics simulations that investigate the roles of various residues and lipid types in PM association as well as the conformational changes of the mVP40 dimer facilitated by membrane association. We compared the structural changes of the mVP40 dimer with the mVP40 dimer in both lipid free and membrane associated conditions. Despite the significant structural differences in the crystal structure, the Marburg VP40 dimer is found to adopt a configuration very similar to the Ebola VP40 dimer after associating with the membrane. This conformational rearrangement upon lipid binding allows Marburg VP40 to localize and stabilize at the membrane surface in a manner similar to the Ebola VP40 dimer. Consideration of the structural information in its lipid-interacting condition may be important in targeting mVP40 for novel drugs to inhibit viral budding from the plasma membrane

    Structural insights into the repair mechanism of AGT for methyl-induced DNA damage

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    Methylation induced DNA base-pairing damage is one of the major causes of cancer. O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) is considered a demethylation agent of the methylated DNA. Structural investigations with thermodynamic properties of the AGT-DNA complex are still lacking. In this report, we modeled two catalytic states of AGT-DNA interactions and an AGT-DNA covalent complex and explored structural features using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We utilized the umbrella sampling method to investigate the changes in the free energy of the interactions in two different AGT-DNA catalytic states, one with methylated GUA in DNA and the other with methylated CYS145 in AGT. These non-covalent complexes represent the pre- A nd post-repair complexes. Therefore, our study encompasses the process of recognition, complex formation, and separation of the AGT and the damaged (methylated) DNA base. We believe that the use of parameters for the amino acid and nucleotide modifications and for the protein-DNA covalent bond will allow investigations of the DNA repair mechanism as well as the exploration of cancer therapeutics targeting the AGT-DNA complexes at various functional states as well as explorations via stabilization of the complex

    Covalent Complex of DNA and Bacterial Topoisomerase: Implications in Antibacterial Drug Development

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    A topoisomerase-DNA transient covalent complex can be a druggable target for novel topoisomerase poison inhibitors that represent a new class of antibacterial or anticancer drugs. Herein, we have investigated molecular features of the functionally important Escherichia coli topoisomerase I (EctopoI)-DNA covalent complex (EctopoIcc) for molecular simulations, which is very useful in the development of new antibacterial drugs. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach, we used a model small molecule (SM), NSC76027, obtained from virtual screening. We examined the direct binding of NSC76027 to EctopoI as well as inhibition of EctopoI relaxation activity of this SM via experimental techniques. We then performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate the dynamics and stability of EctopoIcc and EctopoI-NSC76027-DNA ternary complex. Our simulation results show that NSC76027 forms a stable ternary complex with EctopoIcc. EctopoI investigated here also serves as a model system for investigating a complex of topoisomerase and DNA in which DNA is covalently attached to the protein

    Graphene-VP40 interactions and potential disruption of the Ebola virus matrix filaments

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    Ebola virus infections cause hemorrhagic fever that often results in very high fatality rates. In addition to exploring vaccines, development of drugs is also essential for treating the disease and preventing the spread of the infection. The Ebola virus matrix protein VP40 exists in various conformational and oligomeric forms and is a potential pharmacological target for disrupting the virus life-cycle. Here we explored graphene-VP40 interactions using molecular dynamics simulations and graphene pelleting assays. We found that graphene sheets associate strongly with VP40 at various interfaces. We also found that the graphene is able to disrupt the C-terminal domain (CTD-CTD) interface of VP40 hexamers. This VP40 hexamer-hexamer interface is crucial in forming the Ebola viral matrix and disruption of this interface may provide a method to use graphene or similar nanoparticle based solutions as a disinfectant that can significantly reduce the spread of the disease and prevent an Ebola epidemic

    Detection of lipid-induced structural changes of the Marburg virus matrix protein VP40 using hydrogen/deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry

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    Marburg virus (MARV) is a lipid-enveloped virus from the Filoviridae family containing a negative sense RNA genome. One of the seven MARV genes encodes the matrix protein VP40, which forms a matrix layer beneath the plasma membrane inner leaflet to facilitate budding from the host cell. MARV VP40 (mVP40) has been shown to be a dimeric peripheral protein with a broad and flat basic surface that can associate with anionic phospholipids such as phosphatidylserine. Although a number of mVP40 cationic residues have been shown to facilitate binding to membranes containing anionic lipids, much less is known on how mVP40 assembles to form the matrix layer following membrane binding. Here we have used hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) mass spectrometry to determine the solvent accessibility of mVP40 residues in the absence and presence of phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. HDX analysis demonstrates that two basic loops in the mVP40 C-terminal domain make important contributions to anionic membrane binding and also reveals a potential oligomerization interface in the C-terminal domain as well as a conserved oligomerization interface in the mVP40 N-terminal domain. Lipid binding assays confirm the role of the two basic patches elucidated with HD/X measurements, whereas molecular dynamics simulations and membrane insertion measurements complement these studies to demonstrate that mVP40 does not appreciably insert into the hydrocarbon region of anionic membranes in contrast to the matrix protein from Ebola virus. Taken together, we propose a model by which association of the mVP40 dimer with the anionic plasma membrane facilitates assembly of mVP40 oligomers

    Cysteine mutations in the ebolavirus matrix protein VP40 promote phosphatidylserine binding by increasing the flexibility of a lipid-binding loop

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    Ebolavirus (EBOV) is a negative-sense RNA virus that causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans. The matrix protein VP40 facilitates viral budding by binding to lipids in the host cell plasma membrane and driving the formation of filamentous, pleomorphic virus particles. The C-terminal domain of VP40 contains two highly-conserved cysteine residues at positions 311 and 314, but their role in the viral life cycle is unknown. We therefore investigated the properties of VP40 mutants in which the conserved cysteine residues were replaced with alanine. The C311A mutation significantly increased the affinity of VP40 for membranes containing phosphatidylserine (PS), resulting in the assembly of longer virus-like particles (VLPs) compared to wild-type VP40. The C314A mutation also increased the affinity of VP40 for membranes containing PS, albeit to a lesser degree than C311A. The double mutant behaved in a similar manner to the individual mutants. Computer modeling revealed that both cysteine residues restrain a loop segment containing lysine residues that interact with the plasma membrane, but Cys311 has the dominant role. Accordingly, the C311A mutation increases the flexibility of this membrane-binding loop, changes the profile of hydrogen bonding within VP40 and therefore binds to PS with greater affinity. This is the first evidence that mutations in VP40 can increase its affinity for biological membranes and modify the length of Ebola VLPs. The Cys311 and Cys314 residues therefore play an important role in dynamic interactions at the plasma membrane by modulating the ability of VP40 to bind PS

    Inhibition of aminoglycoside 6\u3csup\u3e′\u3c/sup\u3e-n-acetyltransferase type ib (Aac(6\u3csup\u3e′\u3c/sup\u3e )-ib): Structure–activity relationship of substituted pyrrolidine pentamine derivatives as inhibitors

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    The aminoglycoside 6′-N-acetyltransferase type Ib (AAC(6′ )-Ib) is a common cause of resistance to amikacin and other aminoglycosides in Gram-negatives. Utilization of mixture-based combinatorial libraries and application of the positional scanning strategy identified an inhibitor of AAC(6′ )-Ib. This inhibitor’s chemical structure consists of a pyrrolidine pentamine scaffold substituted at four locations (R1, R3, R4, and R5). The substituents are two S-phenyl groups (R1 and R4), an S-hydroxymethyl group (R3), and a 3-phenylbutyl group (R5). Another location, R2, does not have a substitution, but it is named because its stereochemistry was modified in some compounds utilized in this study. Structure–activity relationship (SAR) analysis using derivatives with different functionalities, modified stereochemistry, and truncations was carried out by assessing the effect of the addition of each compound at 8 µM to 16 µg/mL amikacin-containing media and performing checkerboard assays varying the concentrations of the inhibitor analogs and the antibiotic. The results show that: (1) the aromatic functionalities at R1 and R4 are essential, but the stereochemistry is essential only at R4; (2) the stereochemical conformation at R2 is critical; (3) the hydroxyl moiety at R3 as well as stereoconformation are required for full inhibitory activity; (4) the phenyl functionality at R5 is not essential and can be replaced by aliphatic groups; (5) the location of the phenyl group on the butyl carbon chain at R5 is not essential; (6) the length of the aliphatic chain at R5 is not critical; and (7) all truncations of the scaffold resulted in inactive compounds. Molecular docking revealed that all compounds preferentially bind to the kanamycin C binding cavity, and binding affinity correlates with the experimental data for most of the compounds evaluated. The SAR results in this study will serve as the basis for the design of new analogs in an effort to improve their ability to induce phenotypic conversion to susceptibility in amikacin-resistant pathogens
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