16 research outputs found

    SOIL PROPERTIES OF EIGHT FOREST STANDS RESULTED FROM REHABILITATION OF DEGRADED LAND ON THE TROPICAL AREA FOR ALMOST A HALF CENTURY (Sifat-sifat Tanah Delapan Tegakan Hutan Hasil Rehabilitasi Lahan Terdegradasi pada Daerah Tropika Selama Setengah Abad)

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    ABSTRACTPhysical, chemical and biological properties of soil are influenced by vegetation types which grow above it. Different tree species of stands will produce difference litter quantity, litter quality and also plants’ root system. Therefore quantifying physical and chemical soil properties in several stands after rehabilitation of degraded land will increase the understanding of forest soil characteristics. The research was conducted in 8 forest stands in Wanagama I, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Collection of soil samples was done at the depth of 0-10, 10-30 and 30-50 cm by making soil profile. The result showed that the textural classes were from sandy clay loam to clay. The content of clay increased with increasing soil depth. Bulk density did not differ much among the profiles and soil depth, ranging from 0.90 to 1.28 g/cm3, and so were particle density ranged from 2.19 to 2.55 g/cm3 and pore space ranged from 47.89 to 58.08 %. pH H2O ranging from 5.81 to 7.49 (slightly acid to neutral), meanwhile  pH KCl ranging from 4.44 to 6.37. C-organic content varied widely among the vegetations and soil depth ranged between 0.11 and 5.17 %. Available P and total P varied widely from 1 to 104 ppm and from 20 to 390 ppm, respectively. CEC were not much different among the profiles and soil depths, ranging from 19.80 to 38.06 cmol (+)/kg and base saturation in all samples were very high i.e. > 100 %. ABSTRAKSifat-sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah dipengaruhi oleh tipe vegetasi yang tumbuh di atasnya. Perbedaan spesies pohon suatu tegakan akan menghasilkan perbedaan jumlah seresah, kualitas seresah dan juga sistem perakaran. Kuantifikasi sifat-sifat fisik dan kimia tanah pada beberapa tegakan hutan pada lahan terdegradasi setelah direhabilitasi akan meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai sifat-sifat tanah hutan. Penelitian dilakukan pada I jenis tegakan hutan di Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. Pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan pada kedalaman 0-10, 10-30 dan 30-50 cm dengan cara membuat profil tanah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelas tekstur mulai dari geluh lempung pasiran sampai lempung. Kandungan lempung meningkat dengan semakin dalamnya tanah. Berat volume tidak banyak berbeda antar profil dan kedalaman tanah, berkisar antara 0,90 - 1,28 g/cm3, dan kerapatan partikel berkisar antara 2,19 - 2,55 g/ cm3, dan ruang pori tanah berkisar antara 47,89 - 58,08 %. pH H2O berkisar antara 5,81 - 7,49 (agak asam sampai netral), pH KCI berkisar dari 4,44 - 6,37. Kandungan C-organik sangat bervariasi antar jenis vegetasi dan kedalaman tanah mulai 0,11 - 5,17 %. Kandungan P tersedia dan P total sangat bervariasi, secaraberturut-turut dari 1- 104 ppm dan 20 - 370 ppm. Nilai KPK tidak banyak berbeda antar profil dan kedalaman tanah berkisar antara 19,80 - 38,06 cmol (+)/ kg dan kejenuhan basa untuk semua sampel mempunyai nilai sangat tinggi > 100 %

    Kandungan Unsur Hara Daun Pinus Merkusi Jungh. et de Vriese dan Sifat-sifat Tanah di Tegakan dengan Produksi Getah yang Bervariasi

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    Secara ekonomi, peranan tegakan Pinus dari tahun ke tahun meningkat dari nilai getahnya dan telah menjadi produk unggulan di Perum PERHUTANI. Di beberapa KPH produksi getah antara petak satu dengan petak lainnya mempunyai variasi yang cukup besar, padahal berasal dari bibit yang sama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari sifat tanah dan iklimnya yang berakibat pada kandungan hara daun yang diduga sebagai penyebab perbedaan produksi getah. Penelitian dilakukan di Ngablak dengan produksi getah rendah (>15 g/pohon/3 hari), kedua RPH terletak di KPH Kedu Utara. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat profil tanah pada masing-masing petak dengan 3 ulangan. Sampel daun segar diambil dengan memanjat pohon dengan memotong rantingnya, daun dan dianalisis unsur hara makro dan mikro. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pada pinus di Ngablak terletak pada elevasi rata-rata 1.213 m dpl dan di Grabag pada elevasi 908 m dpl. Ketebalan solum di Ngablak hanya 60 cm, warna tanahnya lebih cerah (yellowish red) dan di dalam profil tanah terdapat banyak batu-batu yang keras, sedangkan di Grabag mempunyai solum > 90 cm, warna tanah lebih kelam (dark brown) dan tidak ada bahan kasar di dalamnya. Biomassa sersah, tinggi dan diameter di Ngablak hanya 1.317 ton/ha, 19,3 m dan 20,8 cm, sedangkan di Grabag 6.857 ton/ ha, 31,6 m dan 20,8 cm. Kandungan Mg dan Mn di Ngablak 0,14 ppm dan 86 ppm, sedangkan di Grabag 0,27 ppm dan 283 ppm. Kandungan unsur hara C, N, P, K, Ca, Na, Fe, Cu dan Zn relatif tidak begitu berbeda.Katakunci: Pinus merkusii, produksi getah, unsur hara, elevasi, sifat tanah Nutrient Content of Pinus merkusi Jungh. et de Vriese Leaf and Its Soil Properties under Varied Resin Production Levels of StandsAbstractEconomically, the role of pine stands increased because of the value of the resin. The resin has been a flagship product of Perum PERHUTANI. In some areas, resin production varied among compartments. The variation is quite large even the trees were from the same seed origins. This study aimed to study the soil properties and climate, which results in variation of leaf nutrient content. Those were predicted as the cause of differences in the production of resin. The study was conducted in both RPH Ngablak (lower resin production, (15 g/tree/3 d), which are located in KPH Kedu Utara. Soil samples were taken in each compartment with three replications. Fresh leaf samples were collected and analyzed for the macro and micro nutrients. The results showed that the pine in Ngablak lies at an elevation of about 1,213 m, while in Grabag it lies on 908 m above sea level. The thickness of the soil’s solum in Ngablak was only 60 cm. The soil was brighter in colors (yellowish red) and many hard stones were found in soil’s profile. Whereas in Grabag the solum was > 90 cm, dark in color (dark brown) and no coarse material in the soil’s profile. Litter biomass, trees height and diameter in Ngablak were only 1,317 tons/ha, 19.3 m and 20.8 cm, respectively. While in Grabag, the litter biomass, trees height and diameter were accounted for 6,857 tons/ha, 31.6 m and 20.8 cm, respectively. The leaf content of Mg and Mn in Ngablak were 0.14 ppm and 86 ppm, respectively, while in Grabag were accounted for 0.27 ppm and 283 ppm, respectively. Nutrient content of C, N, P, K, Ca, Na, Fe, Cu and Zn in both areas were no significant different.

    Kandungan Unsur Hara dalam Daun Jati yang Baru Jatuh pada Tapak yang Berbeda

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    Seresah di lantai hutan memegang peranan penting dalam menjaga produktivitas dan kelestarian hutan selain dapat mengendalikan erosi, mempengaruhi daur hidrologi dan unsur hara juga berfungsi sebagai penyimpan karbon. Kandungan unsur hara dalam seresah/daun sangat dipengaruhi oleh: spesies, genetik, bahan induk, tanah, dan iklim. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan unsur-unsur hara C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, dan Cu dalam seresah daun jati yang baru jatuh pada beberapa tapak. Sampel seresah (daun) diambil dari tanaman jati berumur 10 tahun, dari klon-klon unggul yang berasal dari tapak yang berbeda di Jawa. Analisis C dilakukan dengan metode Walkley dan Black dan N dengan metode Kjeldahl. Analisis P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, dan Cu dilakukan dengan mengekstrak sampel dengan campuran asam keras (HClO4 + HNO3), P terekstrak diukur dengan spektrofotometer sedangkan unsur logam dengan Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kandungan C tidak jauh berbeda berkisar 46,49-52,32%, sedangkan kandungan N dan P agak berbeda dengan nilai 0,52-1,28% dan 0,04-0,14%, sedangkan kandungan K, Ca, dan Mg agak berbeda secara berturutan mempunyai nilai 0,06-0,52%, 1,69-2,64% dan 0,10-0,45%, sedangkan Na hampir tidak berbeda berkisar antara 0,018-0,025%. Kandungan Fe dan Mn mempunyai perbedaan yang cukup besar berkisar antara 185-898 ppm dan 63-202 ppm, sedangkan Cu dan Zn tidak banyak berbeda berkisar antara 54-126 ppm dan 32-58 ppm. Hubungan antara kadar unsur yang bersifat mobile (C, N, dan P) pada seresah dan tanah tidak menunjukkan tren yang nyata, sebaliknya unsur yang bersifat immobile (K, Ca, Mg, dan Na) selalu konsisten antara kadar unsur hara di seresah dengan kadar unsur hara di tanah.Kata kunci: : jati, seresah daun, unsur hara, tapak, JawaNutrients content from new fallen leaves of teak from different sitesAbstractLitter on forest floor plays a very important role to maintain forest productivity and sustainability. The litter can control soil erosion, hydrology and nutrient cycles and has a function as carbon storage. The nutrients content in the leaf litter is affected by species, genetic, parent material, soil and climate. The objective of this research was to investigate the nutrient content of C, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu in the litter from different sites. The newly fallen leaves samples were taken from the clonal teak plantation at ten years old, which planted at seven different sites in Java. The carbon (C) analysis was done with Walkley and Black and N with Kjeldahl method. Meanwhile for total P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu, the samples were extracted with mixture between HClO4 and HNO3, extracted P was measured with spectrophotometer and the metals of K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu were measured with Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The result showed that carbon content was not much different, valued 46.49-52.32%, and N and P had a little bit different value 0.52-1.28% and 0.04-0.14%, respectively. K, Ca, and Mg content was slightly different valued 0.06-0.52%, 1.69-2.64%, and 0.10-0.45%, respectively, while Na almost had not different ranged between 0.018-0.025%. Fe and Mn content were much different among the sites ranged 185-898 ppm and 63-202 ppm, respectively, while Cu and Zn were not much different valued 54-126 ppm and 32-58 ppm, respectively. The relationship between levels of elements that are mobile (C, N, and P) on litter and soil do not indicate a real trend. Otherwise immobile elements (K, Ca, Mg, and Na) are always consistent between the levels of nutrients in the litter with high levels of nutrients in the soil.

    Pengaruh Beberapa Karakteristik Kimia dan Fisika Tanah pada Pertumbuhan 30 Famili Uji Keturunan Jati (Tectona grandis) Umur 10 Tahun

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    Pertumbuhan tanaman dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik dan faktor lingkungan. Salah satu faktor lingkungan yang sangat memengaruhi pertumbuhan adalah sifat kimia dan fisika tanah. Beberapa famili jati yang ditanam pada lokasi yang berbeda diduga mempunyai respon pertumbuhan yang berbeda pula. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan (tinggi dan diameter) tanaman jati dari 30 famili yang ditanam pada dua lokasi yang berbeda, secara khusus untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik sifat kimia dan fisika tanah pada pertumbuhan jati di dua lokasi tersebut. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengukur pertumbuhan 30 famili jati yaitu tinggi total tanaman dan diameter setinggi dada. Sampel tanah diambil dengan terlebih dahulu membuat lubang profil tanah berukuran 1 m × 1 m dengan kedalaman 1 meter kemudian sampel diambil dari kedalaman 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm, dan 40-60 cm. Sifat kimia yang diamati adalah pH H2O, C Organik, N total, P, K, Ca, dan Mg tersedia serta Kapasitas Pertukaran Kation (KPK), sedangkan sifat fisik yang diukur adalah tekstur. Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan melakukan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan parameter diameter tanaman, semua (30) famili tanaman jati menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata di antara dua lokasi, sedangkan parameter tinggi hanya sebagian kecil famili yang berbeda nyata. Karakter kimia dan fisik tanah juga menunjukkan perbedaan nyata di antara dua lokasi. Parameter kimia tanah yaitu pH H2O, K, Ca, dan Mg tersedia, berbeda nyata antara 2 lokasi sedangkan kandungan C Organik, P tersedia dan KPK tidak berbeda nyata. Sementara dari sifat fisiknya, kandungan lempung dan debu pada dua lokasi berbeda nyata, sedangkan kandungan pasirnya tidak berbeda secara nyata. Perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut menunjukkan beberapa sifat tanah memang memengaruhi respon tanaman jati dalam hal pertumbuhan baik tinggi maupun diameternya. The Effect of Soil Chemical and Physical Characteristics on Growth of 30 Families of Teak (Tectona grandis) in a 10-year-old Progeny TestAbstractSome environmental factors that greatly affect plant growth are soil’s physical and chemical properties. Some teak families planted at different locations alleged to have different growth responses. This study aimed to investigate the growth response of teak (height and diameter) from 30 families, and to determine the effect of soil chemical and physical characteristics on teak growth in two different locations. Teaks were measured for total height and diameter at breast height. Soil pits (size: 1 m x 1 m and 1 m in depth) were dug and samples were taken from 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, 20-40 cm and 40-60 cm in depth. Soil characteristics measurement were conducted on pH (H2O), organic carbon, total Nitrogen, available P, K, Ca, and Mg, also the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). Further, soil physical properties been measured was soil texture. Statistical analysis was performed by t- test. The results showed that teak’s diameter of all 30 families, showed significant differences between the two locations, while only a small proportion of height parameters significantly differed among families. Chemical and physical characters of the soil also showed differences between the two locations. Soil pH (H2O), available K, Ca, and Mg, were significantly differed between the two locations while the content of organic C, available P and the CEC were not significantly differed. For the soil physical properties, content of clay and silt in two location significantly differed whereas the sand content did not differ significantly. These differences indicate that some properties of the soil were affecting the growth response of teak famili in terms of both height and diameter


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    Forest education as a means of learning Wanagama I then need to do research on available nutrients in forest soils Wanagama I. Plants require essential nutrients. Not all types of plants in Wanagama I was able to grow fast and lush, this is due to the influence of soil fertility as well as the suitability of the type of crop grown. One characteristic of fertile soil contains a lot of organic matter. Carbon is a constituent of most organic material so that the availability of carbon is strongly influenced by the amount of organic matter. The availability of organic matter in the soil also means the availability of carbon and energy source for soil microorganisms which are very dominant role in the reform process of organic materials. So the need for research on the content of soil Wanagama I to determine the content of organic matter and soil carbon. Samples were taken from 3 kinds of stands in the forest I Wanagama education whose land has not been processed. Vegetation type used is Legaran, Teak, and Ki daughter and soil depth (0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-50). The indicator used is the carbon content of organic matter in the soil and forest education Wanagama I. In the assay of organic matter and carbon elements used method of Walkey & Black (volumetric method), 77% were correct value, calculated expressed in Denntedt method (combustion method) which value is 100% truth. The analysis called quantitative volumetric analysis axisimetris. The results showed that the content of carbon in the land element unprocessed Wanagama I have high criteria at depths of 0-10 and 10-20, was at a depth of 20-30, 30-50 low on depth. Legaran: low, Teak (plot 7): very high, Teak (plot 6): high,Podocarpus : high

    KANDUNGAN KALIUM TANAH DI BAWAH TEGAKAN JATI (Tectona grandis), MAHONI (Swietenia macrophylla), DAN LEGARAN (Alstonia spectabilis R.Br) DI DALAM PETAK UKUR PERMANEN (Studi Kasus di Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama I, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta)

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    Wanagama I Forest was built as a pilot from rehabilitation of critical land pattern, and also used as an educational land even research for lecturer and students at the forestry faculty of UGM as well as by other institutions. So, at the Educational Forest of Wanagama I need to be made permanent sample plots (PSPs) to know about the increment of plant grow. PSPs is made on site and on different stands in order to represent the condition of the Educational Forest of Wanagama I. one that can be studied in PSPs is potassium content of soil. Potassium is the third most important element after N and P for plant. This study aims to determine potassium levels of soil from the stands of Teak, Legaran, and the Mahogany at educational Forest of Wanagama I. In research, data retrieval was doing at the field and laboratory, while the data retrieval from the field likes height, diameter, and sample of soil for analyzed in laboratory. In the laboratory analyzed potassium content of soil under the stands of teak, legaran, and mahogany with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer instrument and data were analyzed descriptively. From observation to potassium levels of soil under the stands of teak, legaran, and mahogany in the educational forest of wanagama I, it included in the criteria is very low at <0.1 me/100gr. Nutrient levels of potassium in each stand is on Teak 0.003 to 0.020 me / 100gr, on mahogany 0,005-0,013 me/100gr, and on legaran 0,020-0,038 me/100gr. This shows the soil at educational forest of wanagama I in the stand of teak, mahogany, and legaran was very lack of nutrient potassium, and also at educational forest of wanagama I needed treatment of potassium fertilization for plants to grow well


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    Coastal land areas such as Samas, Kuwaru, and Goa Cemara are degraded land with soil texture dominated by sand fraction and the low amount of nutrient availability. To rehabilitate the coastal land, C. equisetifolia was planted in 1996, 2000, and 2004, respectively. This research aimed to determine C-organic and N total content of litter and soil in different ages of C. equisetifolia stand on rehabilitated coastal sandy area. The study was conducted in Goa Cemara, Kuwaru, and Samas with C. equisetifolia stand aged 8, 12, 16 years. respectively. Litter samples were taken from 1m x 1m quadratic wire and soil samples were taken with soil auger at depth of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm at each location with 3 replications. The litter was separated into fresh and fragmented litter and dried until reach a constant dry weight. Both values of N total and C-Organic of litter and soil samples were analyzed by Kjeldahl and Walkley and Black methods respectively. The result showed that the older of C. equisetifolia stand, the higher Corganic content of soil, while the N total content of litter, soil N total, and Corganik of litter were not increase. The deeper the soil layer, the lower of the soil C-organic and N total content. The significant decrease of soil C-organic contents in Kuwaru occured at depth of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm, which were 0.34%, 0.07%, and 0.05%. The significant decrease of soil N total contents occured at depth of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, and 20-30 cm, which were 0.04%, 0.02%, and 0.01%. C. equisetifolia stands were able to increase the soil C-organic and N total content of coastal sandy area. Eventhough the soil C-organic and N total content are classified as very low


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    Seedling growth media requirements require physical-chemical properties of good. Physically, media should have high porosity so that the growth of seedling roots will not have problems. One of the good media, the organic materials that has decomposed completely because it can increase the porosity of media. While chemically media must be able to provide the nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the seedling. Currently increasing number of farmers cricket, chicken and goat feces throwing away waste. These impurities could be expected to improve soil physical and chemical properties that can be used as a media mixing of plant in order to get a good quality seedling. This research was aims to determine the mixing of ratio cricket dirt with regosol soils, chicken dirt with regosol soils and goat dirt with regosol soils on the growth of Seedling sengon sea until the age of three months. The method used, that is with measurement of growth parameters including height, diameter and rate of survival at Seedling sengon sea. This research use CRD design (Compelety Randomize Design) by treatment with three types of dirt, that is dirt cricket, chicken and goat mixed with regosol soils comparison, that is 1:1, 1:2, 1: 3 and control (without dirt). The results showed the survival rate sea sengon seedling highest on the composition of goat and soil mixing of regosol with a ratio of 1:3, of 100%. For high mean of sea sengon seedling was highest in the composition of goat and soil mixing of regosol with a ratio of 1:1, that is 1,23 cm. For diameter mean of sea sengon seedling was highest in the composition of goat and soil mixing of regosol with a ratio of 1:2, that is 0,012 cm