67 research outputs found

    Bryophytes: A Potential Source of Antioxidants

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    A variety of degenerative diseases are caused by free radicals. Oxidative stress, the major cause of the diseases, is due to the imbalance between the free radicals and the antioxidants. To overcome this imbalance, the body needs antioxidants whether endogenously present or supplied from exogenous sources. Hence, the search of effective natural antioxidants is greatly needed to fight the onset of degenerative diseases and aging. Indeed, vascular plants are well-known sources of good and efficient natural antioxidants. Non-tracheophytes are however relatively unexplored. Interestingly, these atracheophytes are endowed with the remarkable property of desiccation tolerance which makes them unique in the plant kingdom. The property is attributed to its specialized structure and rich reservoir of phytochemicals. Therefore, there is a need to bioprospect this rich resource for antioxidants

    Assessment of Osteoporosis (Asthi-Majja Kshaya) w.s.r. to BMD with Dashmool Majja Siddha Sneha Basti

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    Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue consequentially leading to increase in bone fragility and susceptibility to fracture. According to principle of Ashraya-Asharayi Bhava, Asthi and Vata are inversely proportional to each other regarding to the Vriddhi and Kshaya. The symptoms of AsthiMajja Kshaya resembles to osteoporosis. Dashmool and Majjadravyas have direct affinity towards Asthi Dhatu, already diagnosed and non-operated case of osteoporosis with complaints of pain of bilateral hip joint and Lower back pain, restricted movements and limping gait approached the out-patient division of the hospital and was managed by Panchakarma therapy. The aim of the study is to find out the Probable efficacy and accepted activities of osteogenesis and ossification by the DMSSB (changes in T and Z score of BMD before and after intervention). Significant improvement was noticed after the treatment. Pain was reduced significantly with marked improvement in range of motion

    Efficient in vitro regeneration protocol of Centella asiatica (L.) Urban: An endemic and underutilized nutraceutical herb

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    The present communication reports an efficient in vitro plantlet  regeneration protocol for endemic umbellifer Centella asiatica (L.) urban via callus mediated organogenesis from leaf and stem explants. The plant is pharmacologically very important and its consumption as underutilized green leafy vegetable affluent in micronutrients is communally conscientious for its threatened status. Therefore, there is an importunate need to preserve its germplasm so that pharmacologically active constituent can be made available all over the year without causing loss of species from wild. Optimum callusing was observed in MS + benzylaminopurine (BAP, 0.5 mg/l) + α-napthalene acetic acid (NAA, 0.3 mg/l) in both leaf and stem explants with callus induction frequency 75 and 83.33%, respectively. For shooting, MS + BAP (0.5 mg/l) in leaf and MS + BAP (0.75 mg/l) in stem derived callus were found to be most efficient. Rooting of in vitro raised shoots was best induced on full strength MS media supplemented with indole- 3- butyric acid (IBA, 0.5 mg/l). The regenerated plants were acclimatized in controlled environment and successfully transferred in field condition displaying normal development.Keywords: Centella asiatica, in vitro, micropropagation, organogenesis, plant growth regulators, plant regeneration, tissue cultureAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(33), pp. 5164-517

    A comprehensive classical review on Ardita w.s.r. to Bell’s Palsy

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    Facial function plays an integral part in everyday lives disability of both verbal communication and facial expression are hampered in Ardita. Acharya Charaka has considered Ardita as one among the 80 Vataja Nanatmaja Vyadhi in Sutra Sthana. Ardita can be result of long-term suppression of natural urges like sneezing & Pandiculation. The features of Ardita mostly resemble with palsy of 7th nerve such as deviation of face, loss or decreased function of the affected muscles, Numbness of the particular area. Main causative Dosh of Ardita is Vata, so the line of treatment is mainly based on the principal treatment of Vata

    Progress towards Millennium Development Goals with women empowerment

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    Background: Women empowerment is a powerful determinant of their own, children’s and their families’ health. Perhaps, due to this fact, promotion of gender equality and empowering women was kept as one of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Objective: The present analysis was undertaken to study the effect of women empowerment on health of women, family planning and various health indicators of children. Methods: Available data from National Surveys in India, various research studies and evidences from published global studies were gathered and further analyzed. Results: Census 2011 (India) have shown that states having higher women literacy, like Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra (75%), have better positive indicators of health than states like Rajasthan with 53 % literacy. NFHS -3 (India) showed that empowered women had better access to maternal services (76 %), more use of contraception (66.6%) and resultantly, had lower neonatal mortality (36%). As against this, for less empowered women, access to maternal services (72 %) is low, lesser use of contraception (44%) and relatively higher neonatal mortality (43%). A systematic analysis of 175 countries (Lancet, 2010) has established that increase in women education decreases under five child mortality. Conclusions: Investments in women’s employment, health and education, are correlated with a range of positive outcomes, including greater economic growth and children’s health and survival

    Standardization of Sneha Nasya Matra by Bindu Pramana of Taila and Ghrita

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    In today’s due to lack of time, to prevent contamination, easy measurement, easy way of administration. Nasya Karma is administered on drop basis, which gives wrong interpretation. So, to achieve the optimum therapeutic effect, Nasya Karma is administered in Bindu Pramana. In this regard this study was adoptedto fix the dose

    Review of method of preparation of Dhoomvarti

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    The Importance of Ayurveda in global scenario is because of its holistic approach towards positive life style. It consists of internal as well as external medicine. Dhoompana has significant role in Urdhwa Jatrugat Rogas, respiratory conditions and post operative procedure (Paschat Karma of Samsodhana).[1] Acharya’s have described various types of internal medications in the form of Kashaya, Choorna etc; along with various Nasya and Dhoompana Yoga. Classics explain the different types of Dhoomvarti and their method of preparation. Sirovairechanik Dhoomvarti is one type of Dhoomvarti which have preventive, promotive and curative aspect, frequently given in the form of Post operative procedure (Vamana and Nasya Karma) of Panchakarma. Shirovirechanadi Dravyas mentioned in Charak Samhita Sutrasthana was used for the preparation of Dhoomvarti with bamboo as base.[2] Observations were noted during preparation and burning of the Dhoomvarti


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    Objective: Today, one of the major problems in the treatment of disease is the development of resistance against conventional antibiotics. One way to curb the problem of increasing antibiotic resistance is to use botanicals. Bryophytes, one of the earliest land inhabitants, are generally not known to get affected by any disease in nature owing to their unique chemical constituents. Therefore, the study was aimed to test the efficacy of bryophytes as an alternative to the synthetic drugs by exploring their antimicrobial and biochemical potential.Methods: Antibacterial, biochemical and antioxidant characterization of 2 liverworts, Reboulia hemisphaerica L. (Raddi), Marchantia palmata Reinw., Nees & Blume and one moss species, Hydrogonium gracilantum (Mitt). P. C. Chen was done under laboratory conditions.Results: Both acetone and ethanol extracts of the collected bryophytes inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Erwinia chrysanthemi and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on an agar plate. The ethanol extract of H. gracilantum was the most potent inhibitor of E. chrysanthemi followed by ethanol extract of R. hemisphaerica against E. coli.Conclusion: E. chrysanthemi was the most sensitive pathogen to ethanol extract of H. gracilentum while E. coli and B. cereus were inhibited most by ethanol extract of R. hemispherica. However, P. aeruginosa was most sensitive to acetone extracts of M. palmata and H. gracilantum and ethanol extract of R. hemisphaerca. All the plant extracts had moderate content of phenols and flavonoids. The antioxidant activity of corresponding extracts could be related with the total phenol and flavonoid contents.Keywords: Bryophytes, Reboulia hemisphaerica, Marchantia palmata, Hydrogonium gracilantum, Phenols, antioxidants, Flavonoids, Antibacterial Â

    Carbon Nanotube–Purification and Sorting Protocols

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have shown extraordinary mechanical, thermal, electrical, and electronic properties. Electronic properties of CNT are very sensitive to its diameter and chirality, making it metallicor semiconducting, depending upon its chiral vector. The extraordinary properties of CNTs have led to demonstration of several applications but commercial realisation of these devices require consistent qualityof CNTs, and these should be  free of any impurity. For development of electronic devices, CNTs should notjust be pure but also of similar length, diameter, and electronic behaviour. Such demanding requirements need development of elaborate purification and sorting protocols. In this paper,  a brief review of the existing technologies and the research done is presented.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(5), pp.591-599, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.169

    Resveratrol and Black Tea Polyphenol Combination Synergistically Suppress Mouse Skin Tumors Growth by Inhibition of Activated MAPKs and p53

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    Cancer chemoprevention by natural dietary agents has received considerable importance because of their cost-effectiveness and wide safety margin. However, single agent intervention has failed to bring the expected outcome in clinical trials; therefore, combinations of chemopreventive agents are gaining increasing popularity. The present study aims to evaluate the combinatorial chemopreventive effects of resveratrol and black tea polyphenol (BTP) in suppressing two-stage mouse skin carcinogenesis induced by DMBA and TPA. Resveratrol/BTP alone treatment decreased tumor incidence by ∼67% and ∼75%, while combination of both at low doses synergistically decreased tumor incidence even more significantly by ∼89% (p<0.01). This combination also significantly regressed tumor volume and number (p<0.01). Mechanistic studies revealed that this combinatorial inhibition was associated with decreased expression of phosphorylated mitogen-activated protein kinase family proteins: extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2, c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1/2, p38 and increased in total p53 and phospho p53 (Ser 15) in skin tissue/tumor. Treatment with combinations of resveratrol and BTP also decreased expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in mouse skin tissues/tumors than their solitary treatments as determined by immunohistochemistry. In addition, histological and cell death analysis also confirmed that resveratrol and BTP treatment together inhibits cellular proliferation and markedly induces apoptosis. Taken together, our results for the first time lucidly illustrate that resveratrol and BTP in combination impart better suppressive activity than either of these agents alone and accentuate that development of novel combination therapies/chemoprevention using dietary agents will be more beneficial against cancer. This promising combination should be examined in therapeutic trials of skin and possibly other cancers
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