376 research outputs found

    Archipelascape A Master Plan For Regenerating The Archipelagic Country

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    The regeneration of coastal cities is one of the key architectural, urban design and planning innovation with the of industrial decline, enhance livability and sustainability and transform the image of the Indonesian archipelagic and marine decline. Thus, the various design and planning model for waterfront regeneration could be able to develop and expand into mixed-use and hybrid function which invent new conjunction of public and private interest. In this emerging waterfront projects, inter-coastal cities competition turns the city into a product which is marketed and sold, focusing attention on the imagery which iconed the city and differentiates it from other coastal cities. Such images includes iconography of local waterfront and function is linked to the rise brand marketing in the archipelagic context.These planning activities show there have been a wide array of responses the opportunities and problems associated with spatial networks of coastal areas of metropolitan cities. They recognize a process starting with growing the nodes (coastal activities centers) and clustering some sub spatial networks through bridging them by water transportation systems. This process is shaped by creating multi-layered network of regional coastal cities into some clusters and corridors in the context of waterfront metropolitan regeneration in archipelagic country. There are three level of network in archipelagic spatial planning concepts that is cities network, regional network (intra-island and inter-island) and global network for fostering the ability of other regions to rival Jakarta city dominance in activities and drawing power. This is only when the regional coastal cities have acquired this power can there be a harmonization of centralized and decentralized planning policy


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    ABSTRAK Pasar modal banyak dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor baik dari dalam maupun dari luar. Pengaruh yang berasal dari dalam emiten, diantaranya adalah prestasi atau kinerja perusahaan yang tercermin dalam laporan keuangan. Sedangkan pengaruh yang berasal dari luar antara lain adalah perubahan suku bunga, kurs valuta asing, inflasi dan deregulasi ekonomi yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah. Informasi yang relevan merupakan sesuatu yang selalu dicari para pelaku pasar modal dalam rangka melakukan pengambilan keputusan investasi. Karena tidak semua informasi yang tersedia merupakan informasi yang relevan dengan aktivitas pasar modal, maka para pelaku pasar modal harus secara tepat memilah informasi yang layak (relevan) untuk dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Ditinjau dari rancang bangun penelitiannya, maka penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kausal. Variabel penelitian ini terdiri dari Abnormal Return saham atau keuntungan yang dinikmati oleh investor atas investasi yang dilakukannya. Besarnya return saham dilihat. dan Trading Volume Activity. (TVA) atau volume aktivitas perdagangan. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan rata-rata sebelum dan setelah bergabung tahun 2016 -2019. Hal ini terbukti dengan hasil abnormal return yang tidak signifikan dengan nilai sig yang lebih besar dari nilai α sebesar 0.782 > 0.05. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan rata-rata sebelum dan setelah bergabung tahun 2016 -2019 terhadap trading volume activity. Hal ini terbukti dengan hasil trading volume activity yang signifikan dengan nilai sig yang lebih besar dari nilai α sebesar 0.023 < 0.05. Kata Kunci: Tranding Volume Activity, Abnormal Return, Saham ==================================================================================================== ABSTRACT The capital market is heavily influenced by many factors both from within and from outside. The influence that comes from within the issuer, including the company's achievements or performance that is reflected in the financial statements. While the influence that comes from outside includes changes in interest rates, foreign exchange rates, inflation and economic deregulation issued by the government. Relevant information is something that is always sought by capital market players in order to make investment decisions. Because not all available information is information that is relevant to capital market activities, capital market players must correctly sort out relevant (relevant) information for consideration in decision making. Judging from the research design, this research uses quantitative methods and the type of research used is causal research. This research variable consists of Abnormal Returns on shares or the benefits enjoyed by investors for their investments. The magnitude of stock returns seen. and Trading Volume Activity. (TVA) or volume of trading activity. The analysis showed that there were no differences in the average before and after joining 2016-2019. This is evidenced by the results of the insignificant abnormal return with sig values greater than α values of 0.782> 0.05. The analysis shows that there are differences in the average before and after joining in 2016-2019 to trading volume activity. This is evidenced by the results of trading volume activity that is significant with a sig value greater than the α value of 0.023< 0.05. Keywords: Tranding Volume Activity, Abnormal Return, Stock

    Limnic Condition In Rheotrhopic Peat Type As the Origin of Petai Coal, Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia

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    Petrographic coal is the study of organic and inorganic components of bearing coal formation. This study aims to determine the composition, depositional facies, type and stage of the genesis of coal in the area of research. This research method using a diagram approach Diessel, 1986, Calder et al., 1991 to determine the depositional facies and peat ecosystems formation of coal carrier. Microscopic observations using Carl Zeiss Microscope and Point Counter Model F was conducted to determine the micro-organic components of coal. Based on microscopic investigation of the overall sample average abundance maceral vitrinite reached 66.3%, 30.32% mineral matter, maceral liptinite 3:26%, and to absent maceral inertinit no indicates oxidation process that occurs during the decomposition of organic matter. Syngenetic depositional pyrite component type spread sporadically on the surface of the coal seam in the form frambiodal and particulates. Facies deposition of coal based on the calculation of tissue prevetion index versus gelification index show faises limnic while the calculation of ground water index versus vegetation index show atmosphere rheotropic mires (correlation +) supported the absence maceral inertinit and funginite, hypothesized water level in stable condition was high watertable during the decomposition process takes place in an atmosphere ph 6-8 and eh balanced. Average rate comparison gelifikasi the preserved tissues of plant cells (tellocolinite) is smaller than the 23.6% plant cell tissue is not preserved (desmocollinite) amounted to 52.6% indicated from plants of the type herbaceous plant


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    The problem in this research is price, discount, deversifrcation, shoping room, parking room, and service influece the buy decision for dress in Vida Mayen Sungkono, Rimo and Matahari Tunjungan Plasa, Matahari Surabaya plasa and Ramayana Jembatan Merah Plasa at Surabaya. The method use in this research is explanatory research,for making empiric generalization, to determine concept, to prove in developing theory where data collection and analisis go at the same time. The research population are the customers, with 100 samples wich taken in random sampless,where the datas collected were from primary datas with a spread questionary and direct interviews with the respondents and the secondair datas which have been collected from asociated institution. Variables which have observed carefully in this research is the amaunt of goods as a variable dependent and price, discount, deversifrcation, shoping room, parking room, and service as an independent variable. Datas collection were done by direct interviews with the respondent and a direct questionary to consumers in Vida Maijen Sungkono,Rimo and Matahari Tunjungan Plasa,Matahari Surabaya plasa and Ramayana Jembatan Merah Plasa at Surabaya Analisis method with cross tabulation,to sen contingency table wich shows wether there is any collection between dependent variable which cover the amount of goods and independent variable is price, discount, deversification, shoping room, parking room,and service.And chi square tess metode the different between observation and expectation frequency. From the evaluation towards the coefficient chi square calculation result, either from pearson chi square it will obtain chi square value bigger than chi square table, which means that each variable presence has an significant influence towards consumer purchasing decision

    Inner City And Kampung Redevelopment By Inter-Area Consolidation Planning System The Case Of Jakarta

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    Location and subsidy affordability are two closely related aspect that have intimate links to the question of very unprofitable for private sector for implementing the formula socially responsible development to built 1 : 3 : 6 for high, middle and low income, and the affordability of low income groups for purchasing or rent the house. The inter â area consolidation planning approach to kampung redevelopment was proposed by this study in which responsible for implementing karnpung improvement and urban infrastructure integratedly with two basic consideration. The first consideration is dwelling, working place and access, and the second is the recognition of the type of location and subsidy affordability


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    Dengan diberlakukannya kebijakan pemerintah terhadap pengtlrangan jumlah dana subsidi bahan bakar minyak akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap harga bahan bakar minyak itu sendiri sekaligus memberatkan sektor industri dan transportasi dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya dibandingkan sebelumnya. Berdasarkan realita penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah faktor jumlah kendaraan bermotor, jumlah subsidi bahan bakar minyak dan pendapatan per kapita berpengaruh terhadap tingkat konsumsi bahan bakar minyak itu sendiri di kota Surabaya. Penelitian menggunakan data berkala dihitung pertahun sejak tahun 2000 hingga tahun 2005 yang diperoleh dari Kantor Badan Pusat Statistik Surabaya, Dinas Lalu Lints dan Dinas Pendapatan Daerah. Teknik Analisa Mempergunakan Regresi Linier Berganda Diolah dengan Program SPSS 11.0 Melalui hasil pengujian secara regresi linier berganda diperoleh nilai F secara simultan bahwa jumlah kendaraan bermotor, jumlah subsidi bahan bakar minyak, dan Pendapatan per kapita berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar minyak di kota Surabaya sebesar F hitung = 184,799 >, F tabel = 19,164 menggunakan level of significant sebesar a 0,05. Sedangkan secara parsial untuk menentukan nilai t dengan a = 0,05, maka diperoleh hasil yaitu secara parsial variabel Jumlah Kendaraan Bermotor (Xl) berpengaruh secara nyata dan positif terhadap Konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak dengan t hitung = 7,134 > t Label = 2,920. Variabel Subsidi Bahan Bakar Minyak (X2) tidak berpengaruh secara nyata dan bernilai negatif terhadap konsumsi Bahan Bakar Minyak dengan t hitung = -11,712 t Label = 2,920

    Keterkaitan Ekologis Ruang Terbuka Kota Tropis.

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    ABSTRAK This paper explaines the significance of eco-regionalism approach for formulating the model of low costenergy-based tropical city. Firstly, it describes about the eco-regionalism approach as a basic concept for urban open space design. Secondly, it explains the characteristics and efforts of the open space design based on the tropical urban environment and energy aspects. Thirdly, it proposes some alternative model for ecological linkage of urban open space and the application of the model in some case studies. This approach analyze elements of urban open space in integrated citywide linkage. From this analysis, it identifies: first, the typology and characteristics of urban open space patterns between the buildings and the design of horizontal texture finishing of urban landscape and vertical texture finishing of building surfacesand second, their ecological linkage of land use, open space, greenery and water system. By analysing these elements, the steps for the low cost energy-based tropical aspects of bioclimatic design of building and urban open space could be then formulated. Key word: Ruang terbuka, ekologis, kota tropi
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