567 research outputs found
La Cigale : Potpourri
Playmates : Waltz
The Little Fishermaiden : Waltz
Tariff-Rate Quotas : Difficult to model or plain simple?
The difficulty of reliably and accurately incorporating tariffrate quotas (TRQs) into trade models has received a lot of attention in recent years. As a result of the Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations, TRQs replaced an assortment of tariff and nontariff instruments in an effort to standardise trade barriers, and facilitate their future liberalisation. Understanding the nuances of TRQs is now particularly crucial for New Zealand because of the preferential access arrangements that New Zealand has for a number of products in highly protected markets such as the European Union, Japan, and the United States. It has been argued that TRQs are complex instruments and are difficult to model because for any trade flow between two countries, one of three regimes may be applicable : 1. The import quota may not be binding and the within-quota tariff applies; 2. The quota may be binding, the within-quota tariff applies, and a quota rent is created; or 3. Trade occurs over and above the quota, in which case an over-quota tariff applies (although, even in this regime, someone is still able to collect the quota rent on within-quota trade). But even this characterisation, which many claim is too complex to model, is a major simplification of reality. Bilateral preferences are ubiquitous, and such preferences are usually included in the determination of multilateral market access quotas. It is usual, therefore, that the TRQ instrument has several tiers to the quota schedule, plus a number of within and over-quota tariff rates applicable on either a bilateral or a multilateral basis. Further trade liberalisation creates something of a dilemma for New Zealand. Any decrease in over-quota tariffs and/or increase in quota levels potentially reduces the value of quota rents, many of which accrue to New Zealand due to the bilateral preferences. It is important, therefore, that New Zealand trade negotiators understand how much additional trade is required to offset the loss of New Zealands quota rents. Modelling trade in the presence of TRQs is the only way to ascertain this knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to show that complex TRQs can be modelled very easily and precisely. The only catch is that the model must be formulated as a complementarity problem rather than the more conventional linear or nonlinear optimisation problem. The concept will be demonstrated using a simple 3-region, single commodity spatial price equilibrium model of trade.Tariff-rate quota, trade modelling, mathematical programming, complementarity
The Dude\u27s March
Send Me An Answer From Over The Sea
Title Onlyhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/11268/thumbnail.jp
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Neuronal O-GlcNAcylation Improves Cognitive Function in the Aged Mouse Brain.
Mounting evidence in animal models indicates potential for rejuvenation of cellular and cognitive functions in the aging brain. However, the ability to utilize this potential is predicated on identifying molecular targets that reverse the effects of aging in vulnerable regions of the brain, such as the hippocampus. The dynamic post-translational modification O-linked N-Acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) has emerged as an attractive target for regulating aging-specific synaptic alterations as well as neurodegeneration. While speculation exists about the role of O-GlcNAc in neurodegenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease, its role in physiological brain aging remains largely unexplored. Here, we report that countering age-related decreased O-GlcNAc transferase (OGT) expression and O-GlcNAcylation ameliorates cognitive impairments in aged mice. Mimicking an aged condition in young adults by abrogating OGT, using a temporally controlled neuron-specific conditional knockout mouse model, recapitulated cellular and cognitive features of brain aging. Conversely, overexpressing OGT in mature hippocampal neurons using a viral-mediated approach enhanced associative fear memory in young adult mice. Excitingly, in aged mice overexpressing neuronal OGT in the aged hippocampus rescued in part age-related impairments in spatial learning and memory as well as associative fear memory. Our data identify O-GlcNAcylaton as a key molecular mediator promoting cognitive rejuvenation
Automobile Accident Costs and Payments: Studies in the Economics of Injury Reparation
The report is presented as a pool of data which will serve many purposes. First of all, the report furnishes a perspective on the largeness and the smallness of the reparation process, and of its many parts. Second, the report supplies much more specific information than has ever before been available on many points, such as the high or low level of reparation in relation to losses; the number of people who get paid, and those who receive nothing; the levels of legal expense, including attorneys\u27 fees. Third, it will furnish a guide for future research directed to narrower questions, by disclosing what are the kinds and approximate dimensions of the phenomena which call for further examination. In order to suggest what sorts of information the report contains, and what conclusions may be drawn from it, a few of its findings are sketched in the following paragraphs. These findings have been selected from among many others as the ones most likely to be meaningful in the eyes of readers of many different kinds. Most of this summary relates to the survey of Michigan automobile accidents, which forms the major portion of this study.https://repository.law.umich.edu/michigan_legal_studies/1004/thumbnail.jp
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