19 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Sinking Parameters To Optimize Response At Edm Of Aisi H13 Using Taguchi – Fuzzy Method

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    The development technology in today's manufacturing is very fast, the desire of the market will need products and components with complex shapes and a high level of accuracy as well as hardness material which has high strength. High degree of hardness and precision widely used non-conventional sinking of EDM. End cutting depth (CDE), the maximum rate of erosion material(REM) and rate of electrode wear (RWE) as well as minimal surface roughness (SR) is the performance of the process of machine sinking EDM to be achieved. Aims of a study conducted to determine the contribution of the process parameters in order to reduce the variation of response parameters simultaneously and determine the value of setting the appropriate parameter process. The parameters were varied current, on time, off time and machining voltage. This research used experimental design of Taguchi method with orthogonal matrix L16 44. Combination of Taguchi-Fuzzy is used as a method of optimization by experimenting as much as two times. Optimization results show the contribution of each parameter on all responses simultaneously is current at 41.35%, energy on time amounted to 37.90%, off time amounting to 10,11%and machining voltage by 5%. End cutting depth (CDE) with a specific target, the maximum rate of erosion material (REM), ), the rate of wear of the electrode (RWE) and the surface roughness (SR) are both derived parameter value of at least current, 15A the energy on time 300ìs, off time 5ìs and machining voltage of 12V

    The Influence of Matrix Banana Stem Fiber Volume Fraction Recycled Polypropylene (RPP) toward Bending Test

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    ABSTRAKSerat alam telah terbukti sebagai material yang kuat, mampu untuk menggantikan serat sintetik sebagai penguat. Serat batang pisang kepok yang memiliki kekuatan tarik 68,44 MPa dengan bundalan rata-rata 0,698 mm salah satu serat yang memiliki potensi sebagai penguat untuk polymer material komposit. Pada material komposit bermatriks recycled polypropylene (RPP) berpenguat serat batang pisang kepok dapat menahan beban yang diterima material komposit. Sedangkan recycled polypropylene (RPP) sebagai pengikat serat batang pisang, bekerja menahan beban dan melindungi serat dari kerusakan.  Hasil pengujian yang paling optimal terdapat pada volume fraksi 35% fiber : 65% matriks dengan  tegangan bending 122,09 N/mm2, modulus elastisitas 2975 MPa, momen bending 126,59 N/mm2 dan tegangan lentur 64,34 MPa. Pada pengamatan SEM fraksi volume 35% filler : 65% matriks paling optimal karena adanya ikatan matriks dan serat menyatu dengan sempurna. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh fraksi volume serat batang pisang kepok sebagai penguat (fiber) dan recycled polypropylene (RPP) sebagai pengikat (matriks) pada material komposit akan mempengaruhi kekuatan material komposit lebih kuat dan getas. Apabila ditinjau dari keseluruhan pengujian yang dilakukan maka fraksi volume yang paling optimal terdapat pada fraksi volume 35% filler : 65% matriks


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    Aluminum matrix composite (AMC) has been widely used in various industries such as Automotive, aerospace and marine. One of the constraints to fabricate AMC is the high costs involved. Fly ash is a coal combustion waste that have considerable potential as an alternative material for the manufacture of AMC. In this work, AMC was fabricated through stir casting methods, alumina and fly ash are utilized as reinforcement. Mechanical properties of the composite were analysed based on the results of impact test, tensile test and hardness test. Impact test revealed that the maximum energy absorbed of the AMC is 14.224 Joule with composition 8 wt% alumina and 12 wt% fly ash. Moreover, tensile strength and hardness testing result on AMC showed the similar tendency. Mechanical properties increase linearly with increasing the addition of fly ash. The maximum value was obtained at 133.74 MPa and 65.37 BHN for tensile strength and hardness number, respectively. Microstructural results also showed that there was grain refinement to the addition of fly ash composition, which supports the mechanical properties result

    Optimization of angular distortion on weld joints using taguchi approach

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    Welding process is joining method which is extensively utilized in shipbuilding and automotive industry. Distortion is a classic problem encountered during the welding process which always occurs in welding processes. Distortion on weld joint involves many parameters that influence such as properties of materials and welding parameters. The objective of this work is to investigate effect of various processes of Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) on angular distortion in low carbon steel weld joints. To obtain optimum parameters of angular distortion, the effect various welding parameter is analysed using Taguchi Method. In this work, the effect of groove type, welding current and root opening are investigated for determining angular distortion. Taguchi method with L9 orthogonal array is utilized to analysed contribution for each parameter. ANOVA results revealed that the welding current the significant contribution parameter, on the other hand root opening shows minimum contribution to determine angular distortion value. Optimum parameter is obtained with groove type, welding current and root opening is X, 75A and 3 mm, respectively. Welding current parameter is considered the most significant contribution to determine for angular distortion effect due to has the highest contribution (50.04 %) than the other parameters groove type and root opening, with contribution value 21.76 %, 2.38%, respectively. Moreover, hardness test result on weld joint shows that X type groove has maximum hardness number than the other groove type


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    This community service uses the lecture, counseling, and discussion methods titled "Anti-Corruption Education Against Generation Alpha Using the State Defense Approach." The long-term goal of this service, the anti-corruption education program, is to be able to provide a sense of awareness and understanding of the notion of corruption, types of corruption, factors causing corruption, and prevention of corruption as a form of implementation of state defense that is adapted to the context of grade 5 school students. The specific target is the alpha generation, which is well educated regarding the understanding, types, causal factors, and prevention of corruption as well as the implementation of state defense. Kegiatan was carried out in the hall at Rawa Barat 05 State Elementary School, which had previously been coordinated with the principal, class teachers, and school stakeholder groups. The main purpose of this service is to implement the values of defending the state against the alpha generation in the spirit of anti-corruption in the future. This activity begins with a Pre test to determine how far the participants' knowledge is related to the theme, then education is given in accordance with the context of the 5th grade students, and the activity ends with a Post test.To create a generation that has anti-corruption values, good and correct materials and directions are needed. Through legal appeals regarding anti-corruption education for students, one of the efforts made by the author is to provide education to students, especially at SDN Rawa Barat 5. This community service uses lectures, counseling, and discussion methods entitled "Anti-Corruption Education for the Alpha Generation Using the State Defense Approach." The specific objective of this service is to educate the alpha generation about the meaning, types, causes, and prevention of corruption as a means of defending the country. The main purpose of community service is to implement the values of defending the country for the alpha generation in the spirit of anti-corruption in the future. The increase in partners' understanding and knowledge can be seen from the results of the posttest, which proves the partners really understand the material provided


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    In the industrial world, leaf springs are an important component of vehicles. Therefore, material selection is very influential in producing good mechanical properties that can affect leaf spring performance. In this review article, the author aims to review and compile articles on relevant previous studies to compare the best alternative materials other than steel that meet the criteria for the application of leaf springs. The review method used in this article is to search for articles that are relevant to the keyword material, leaf springs, and mechanical properties. After that, the author will collect articles and choose articles that have the criteria to be reviewed. Then the articles that meet the criteria will be reviewed by extracting the data to the review table. As a result, 24 articles will be reviewed. Then the author will extract data on each article, namely material, tensile strength, and flexure. Flexural and tensile strength are used as quality criteria for each material. The conclusion of the review article obtained is that carbon/epoxy has the potential as an alternative steel material because carbon/epoxy has the highest tensile strength with a value of 1841MPa, and flexural strength with a value of 1646.7MPa is close to steel as shown in the review table. However, further research is needed, such as proper design and more efficient manufacturing methods to produce innovative leaf spring components with high quality and acceptable quality in the industry

    Aplikasi Multichart Diagram Dalam Desain Dan Manufaktur Tungku Pengecoran Kuningan (CuZn5) Menggunakan Bahan Bakar Briket Batubara Kalori Rendah

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    Abstrak : Sejak semakin mahalnya harga miyak bumi, sebagian besar industri kecil pengecoran logam tidakdapat bertahan karena biaya produksi yang semakin tinggi. Oleh karena itu dicari bahan bakaralternatif yang dapat menggantikan minyak dan gas dengan aman dan murah. Indonesia kayaakan batubara yang dalam pasar domestik dijual dalam bentuk briket batubara kalori rendah,oleh karena itu dilakukan desain untuk membuat tungku dengan bahan bakar ini. Proses desaindilakukan dengan mulai menghitung kalor yang dibutuhkan untuk melebur lagam, dalam hal inilogam yang akan dilebur adalah kuningan (CuZn5). Selanjutnya dilakukan pemilihan materialrefraktori untuk tungku yang dapat meminimalisir heat loss. Desain tungku pengecoran inidilakukan dengan menggunakan Multichart Diagram untuk effisiensi 40 % dan kapasitas 150 kgkuningan. Hasil Uji coba pengecoran dilapangan ternyata effisiensi tungku adalah 42%, lamapeleburan 3,5 jam.Kata kunci: Tungku pengecoran kuningan, briket batubara kalori rendah, mulichart diagram Abstract : Since the increasingly price of oil fuel, mostly small foundry industry can not survive due to thehigher production costs. Therefore searching for alternative fuels that can replace oil and gas safelyand inexpensively is promoted. Indonesia is rich in coal. In domestic market is sold in the form oflow-grade coal briquettes, therefore, is carried out the design to make furnace from this fuel. Thedesign process is done by beginning to calculate the heat needed to melt this alloy, in this case themetal to be melted is brass (CuZn5). Furthermore, the material selection for refractory furnace tominimize heat loss. This casting is done by using Multichart Diagram for 40% efficiency andcapacity of 150 kg brass. The test results during experiment obtained that efficiency is 42% in 3.5hours.Keywords: Furnace casting brass, low grade coal briquettes, multichart diagra


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    Abstrak Struktur mikro dan sifat mekanik pada suatu produk cor sangat tergantung dari ukuran cetakan produk cor tersebut. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan tiga jenis ukuran cetakan logam yaitu L-bow 1†(Als1), L-bow 1 ½“ (Als2), dan L-bow 2†(Als3). Logam yang dicor adalah Aluminium skrap sedangkan tungku pengecoran yang digunakan adalah tungku krus dengan menggunakan bahan bakar batubara. Pengujian yang dilakukan dengan uji kekerasan, uji struktur mikro dan uji komposisi kimia. Hasil dari pengujian kekerasan yang telah dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa produk cor dengan ukuran terkecil yaitu Als1 memiliki nilai kekerasan tertinggi yaitu rata-rata 76,82 kgf/mm², sedangkan Als2 memiliki nilai kekerasan rata-rata 73,38 kgf/mm²,dan Als3 memiliki nilai kekerasan rata-rata 72,57 kgf/mm². Jika dilihat dari proses pengujian, didapatkan hasil bahwa semakin kecil ukuran cetakan produk cor, maka nilai kekerasannya akan semakin tinggi. Demikian juga dengan pertumbuhan butir yang terbentuk, semakin kecil ukuran suatu produk cor, maka pertumbuhan butir yang terjadi pun akan semakin kecil.   Kata kunci : struktur mikro, ukuran cetakan, nilai kekerasan. Abstract Microstructure and mechanical properties in a cast product depends on the size of the mold cast product. In this study, using three kinds of metal mold size is L-bow 1 "(Als1), L-bow 1 ½" (Als2), and L-bow 2 "(Als3). Casted metal is scrap aluminum casting furnace while the furnace crucible used is by using coal fuel. Tests were conducted with hardness test, test microstructure and chemical composition test. Results of hardness testing has been done showed that the cast product with the smallest size that is Als1 has the highest hardness value is an average of 76.82 kgf / mm ², while Als2 has an average hardness value of 73.38 kgf / mm ², and has Als3 hardness value of the average 72.57 kgf / mm ².If viewed from the testing process, showed that the smaller the size of the mold cast product, the hardness value will be higher. Similarly, the grain growth is formed, the smaller the size of a cast product, the grain growth that occurs would be even smaller. Keywords: microstructure, print size, hardness value

    Effect of Cooling Water Fraction Of Salt in Low Carbon Steel Properties

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    Low carbon steel plate is widely used in the field of construction that require high hardness and ductility . One method used to increase the hardness of the low carbon steel plate that is by quenching water plus salt . The results showed that the quenching is based on a study of 10% salt water has a hardness of 168 VHN with σu = 33.62 , ε = 12 % and the lowest is 15 % salt water quenching VHN 101 σu = 30.30 and ε = 7.30% composition of the study above was 10 % salt solution in the cooling water will cause a decrease in mechanical properties

    Mechanical Behavior of Medium Carbon Steel welded with SMAW And Corroded with Sea Water

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    The problem of  metal corrosion is a very serious to be observed, especially the corrosion of medium carbon steel because it can reduce the economic value of the metal. Corrosion of carbon steel is influenced by the environmental conditions. This paper discusses the effect of the corrosion rate of medium carbon steel with SMAW welding and corrodes it with sea water during several hour. Electrodes of AWS A5.1E7016 type were used in the welding. The test results show that the medium carbon steel which was corroded with sea water has small weight loss. It seem that the weight loss has small influence on the mechanical behavior of the metal. For the welded medium carbon steel, the ultimate strength and surface hardness are smaller than the un-welded one. The microstructure of welded medium carbon steel has unsimilar structure with un-welded steel because it has about the same amount of ferlite, ferrite and martensite