9 research outputs found

    Dynamics of export imports oil and gas and non-oil and gas to indonesia's foreign exchange reserve: a vector autoregressive approach

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    Foreign exchange reserves can be interpreted as a number of foreign currencies that are kept by the central bank to meet development financing needs and other country's dependents, namely export financing and foreign debt financing or other activities. Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves in the last ten years from January 2010 to January 2021 fluctuated, but experienced an upward trend. Oil and gas exports decreased by 7.11 percent and non-oil and gas exports decreased by 13.24 persen. Meanwhile, oil and gas imports increased by 4.73 percent and non-oil and gas imports decreased by 9.00 percent. The decline in Indonesia's oil and gas and non-oil and gas exports by category of goods in January 2021 compared to December 2020. This study aims to identify the relationship, shock response and variation between oil and gas and non-oil and gas imports and exports in foreign exchange reserves during January 2010 to January 2021. The variable in this study is the position of foreign exchange reserves, exports of oil and gas, exports of non-oil and gas, imports of oil and gas and imports of non-oil and gas. This study uses secondary data obtained from the official website of Bank Indonesia (BI) during January 2010 to January 2021. Data analysis uses the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) analysis method. Granger Causality Test results show that there is a one-way relationship between EMI and ENM variables on PCD. While the other variables do not have a relationship. The average shock response occurred at the beginning and the middle of the next 12 periods, except for the shock response of non-oil and gas imports to the position of reserve reserves which tended to be stable. At the end of the next 12 periods, the contribution of PCD in explaining PCD Diversity itself has decreased by 80.97 percent, followed by IMI at 6.10 percent, INM at 4.98 percent, EMI at 4.67 percent and ENM at 3.26 perse

    Analysis of determinants of palm oil exports in Indonesia

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    Palm oil is one of the leading export commodities for Indonesia. The high demand for world palm oil makes Indonesia one of the largest palm oil exporters in the world. During 2010-2018 the value of Indonesian palm oil exports fluctuated, therefore there is a need for research to analyze the factors that affect the export value of Indonesian palm oil. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the amount of palm oil production, area of oil palm plantations, world CPO prices and exchange rates on the export value of Indonesian palm oil in 2010-2018. The method in this research is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis tools. The type of data obtained is secondary data of time series (time series). Based on the results of this study, it is known that partially the amount of palm oil production, oil palm plantation area, and world CPO prices have a positive effect on the export value of palm oil and the exchange rate has a negative effect on the export value of Indonesian palm oil in 2010-2018. Simultaneously the amount of palm oil production, the area of oil palm plantations, the world CPO price, and the exchange rate together have a significant effect on the value of Indonesian palm oil exports in 2010-2018

    Pengaruh Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (Ipm), Upah Minimum Regional (UMR), Dan Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka Terhadap Jumlah Penduduk Miskin Di Indonesia Tahun 2017-2021 (Studi Kasus 34 Provinsi Di Indonesia)

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    TThis study aims to analyze the effect of the Human Development Index (HDI), Regional Minimum Wage, and Open Unemployment Rate on the Number of Poor Populations in 34 Provinces in Indonesia in 2017-2021. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS). The technique used in this research is panel data regression analysis through the E-views 10 program. The results show that the Fixed Effect Model (FEM) is the most appropriate panel data regression model. Based on the simultaneous test, the Human Development Index (IPM), Regional Minimum Wage, and the Open Unemployment Rate affect the Number of Poor Populations. Based on the partial test, the Human Development Index (HDI) has a negatif and significant effect on the Number of Poor Populations, while the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR), and the Open Unemployment Rate have a positif and significant impact on the Number of Poor People in 34 Provinces in Indonesia in 2017-2021.   Keywords: HDI 1, Minimum Wage2, Unemployment3, Number Of Poor People

    Pelatihan Penyusunan Laporan Keuangan pada BUMDes Desa Balesari

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    This community service program aims to provide an understanding of financial reports to BUMDes administrators. This program is implemented for BUMDes management in Balesari Village, Windusari District, Magelang Regency, Central Java Province. The service method used is training and discussion. The result of this activity is that BUMDes administrators can understand and prepare financial reports well. Previously, BUMDes management only recorded cash disbursements and income, did not classify transactions that occurred, so that the financial reports could not provide appropriate financial information. By having a basic understanding of accounting, BUMDes management can classify each transaction and record it according to the account, so that BUMDes' financial reports are tidier and can provide good information to their users

    Analysis of determinants of coffee exports in Indonesia

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    Coffee is one of the plantation commodities that has an important role in economic activities in Indonesia. Coffee is also one of Indonesia's export commodities which is quite important as a foreign exchange earner in addition to the oil and gas sector. During 2005-2018 Indonesia's coffee exports always fluctuated every year. Therefore, there is a need for research on the factors that affect coffee exports. This study aims to analyze the effect of coffee production, plantation area and exchange rate on Indonesian coffee exports. The results show that: 1) During 2005-2018 the value of coffee exports increased by an average of 6% per year, Indonesian coffee production increased by an average of 1.2% annually, the area of coffee plantations decreased by an average of 0.1% annually and the price of the US Dollar increased by 3.1% annually; 2) Partially the variable of coffee production has a significant positive effect on coffee exports, the area of coffee plantations has a significant positive effect on coffee exports, and the exchange rate has a significant positive effect on coffee exports, while simultaneously the variables of the amount of production, the area of the plantation, and the exchange rate have an effect on coffee exports

    Inovasi Media Pembelajaran Antimonoton Berbasis Visual Learning Style dengan ECOBRA

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    Tujuan penelitian makalah ini yakni membuat siswa yang tidak menyukai mata pelajaran tertentu menjadi mata pelajaran favoritnya dengan membantu memahami bagaimana kunci utama dan mekanisme mata pelajaran tersebut sehingga untuk mendapatkan nilai yang sempurna di setiap mata pelajaran tidak menjadi suatu beban yang berat dan sulit.Gaya belajar yang berbeda tiap individu menuntut metode pembelajaran yang berbeda pula. Media pembelajaran yang monoton sudah saatnya diperbarui dengan berbagai inovasi. Dari berbagai macan gaya belajar (learning style). Gaya belajar visual adalah gaya belajar yang sederhana dan mudah diimplementasikan dengan penggunaan gambar dan warna. Ecobra adalah inovasi media pembelajaran menggunakan komik dimana didalamnya disuguhi kasus terhadap setiap materi sehingga siswa dapat mengerti serta mengimplementasikan manfaat dan tujuan materi. Di bagian akhir setiap materi terdapat Braincard sebagai media pembantu untuk menghafal materi


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    This study aims to determine (1) Effect of Gross Domestic Product on Stock Price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2002 to 2009, (2) Effect of Inflation on Stock Price Index (IHSG) in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2002-2009. The population in this study is the price index of all shares listed on the Stock Exchange (BEI) from 1 January 2002 until 31 December 2009. The samples in this study using saturation sampling or sample census. Data collection technique used documentation techniques. Analysis of the data in this study using four types of test, namely: (1) descriptive statistics, (2) the classical assumption, (3) a regression test and (4) test the hypothesis. This study using SPSS version 17.0 for data processing. The results showed that (1) the Gross Domestic Product significant positive effect on the t-count IHSG 10.793 and 0.000 significance, (2) Inflation had no significant effect on IHSG by t-test 1.942 and 0.062 significance

    Potensi Usaha Kecil Mikro (UKM) Dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

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    Sebagai kegiatan ekonomi, aktivitas Usaha Kecil Mikro (UKM)  telah memberikan kesempatan kerja bagi masyarakat sekitar dan menciptakan mobilisasi faktor produksi meskipun dalam skala kecil. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi UKM dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi desa. Mengambil objek di Desa Purwodadi Kecamatan Tegalrejo Kabupaten Magelang, penelitian dilakukan terhadap 37 unit usaha. Dari hasil penelitian, diketahui bahwa terdapat unit usaha yang memiliki omset sangat rendah sebesar Rp. 375.000,- dan omset sangat tinggi sebesar Rp. 150.000.000,- per bulan. Untuk mengetahui besarnya peningkatan pendapatan perkapita dilakukan dengan pendekatan Upah Minimum Kabupaten Magelang tahun 2019 sebagai proyeksi pendapatan perkapita yang bisa dibentuk sampai dengan 1 tahun atau 12 bulan ke depan. Untuk mencapai Upah Minimum Kabupaten Magelang sebesar Rp. 1.882.000,-, unit usaha harus tumbuh rata-rata perbulan sebesar 15,35 persen, atau total omset unit-unit usaha sebagai pembentuk PDB Desa harus meningkat sebanyak 438persen. Dengan metode Location Qutient (LQ), sebanyak 25 unit usaha memiliki LQ <1, dari 47 unit usaha yang ada. Konstribusi usaha terhadap pembentukan total omset yaitu sebanyak 34 unit usaha, dengan konstribusi <1 persen, sebanyak 4 unit usaha dengan konstribusi lebih besar sama dengan 1persen, sebanyak  9 unit usaha dengan konstribusi >2 persen. Konstribusi tertenggi sebesar 24,44 persen merupakan unit usaha penyumbang tertinggi yaitu dari usaha kuliner; jamur, cireng dan nugge

    Peningkatan Kapasitas UMKM Disabilitas Kota Magelang Melalui Pendampingan Pendirian Koperasi Disabilitas Kota Magelang

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    Pengabdian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh permasalahan dari usaha dagang (catering, craft, pulsa, furniture, pot bunga) dan jasa (jasa pijat) yang dimiliki penyandang disabilitas di kota Magelang antara lain keterbatasan modal yang dimiliki karena untuk mengakses pinjaman kredit diPerbankan dengan berbagai administrasi dan jaminan yang begitu kompleks, belum adanya koperasi penyandang disabilitas di kota Magelang sehingga UMKM disabilitas kesulitan modal dan pemasaran, belum ada pelatihan dari pemerintah terkait pemberdayaan disabilitas, tingkat produktifitas masih kurang, dan tingkat ketergantungan masih tinggi. Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mencapai kesejahteraan penyandang disabilitas dengan meningkatkan kapasitas UMKM yang dikelola disabilitas mengenai hal-hal terkait (a) motivasi pentingnya koperasi disabilitas di kota Magelang, (b) pendampingan mendirikan koperasi disabilitas kota Magelang, (c) menghubungkan koperasi disabilitas tersebut dengan pihak–pihak terkait dalam pengelolaannya. Pelaksanaan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pelaksanaan ceramah, tutorial, dan diskusi. Hasil pengabdian ini adalah memiliki motivasi usaha untuk kemandirian disabilitas, meningkatkan pemahaman tentang perkoperasian, dan menyiapkan persyaratan pendirian koperasi. Tindak lanjut dari program pengabdian ini adalah melengkapi persyaratan administrasi mulai dari pembuatan rencana usaha, pembuatan Anggaran Dasar/Anggaran Rumah Tangga, dan pendaftaran badan hukum ke notaris