99 research outputs found

    Cancer Screening

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    Cancer screening is a means to detect cancer early with the goal of decreasing morbidity and mortality. At present, there is a reasonable consensus regarding screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cances and the role of screening is under trial in case of cancers of the lung,  ovaries and prostate. On the other hand, good screening tests are not available for some of the commonest cancers in India like the oral, pharyngeal, esophageal and stomach cancers

    An Urban Informal Economy: Livelihood Opportunity to Poor or Challenges for Urban Governance

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    Issues are contested whether informal sectors ofEconomy are opportunity to urban poor or challenge for urban governance This article argues that street vending has become an important source of earning livelihood for rural poor in the urban areas and not only rural poor are getting livelihood opportunities in the informal economy this has been providing goods in cheaper price to another section of urban poor that neither urban authorities nor other can provide Thus street vending has become an opportunity of marketing space to most of the urban poor in Kathmandu Metropolitan City However issues relating to urban management and controlling over the deteriorating city environment due to increase vending activities are of course challenging for urban governance Therefore there are confrontations between authorities and vendors over licensing taxation encroachment of public places and pavements and on increasing social problems In spite of its crucial role for providing employment and livelihoods to both urban and rural poor its economic importance is rarely recognized either in national poverty reduction strategies or in city governance initiative

    A Review on Pottali Kalpana w.s.r. to Kaparda Purana Putapaka method of preparation

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    Pottali Kalpana is one of the unique Kalpana mentioned in our classics. It is one among the four Moorchita Parada Yogas. Kaparda Purana Putapaka method is one the methods mentioned for preparation of this Kalpana. It brings in the compactness of the Dravyas. Pottali Kalpana are a blend of extremely important trace elements which form the crux of the immune system. Various Kaparda Purana Method of preparation of Pottalis have been compiled here which have been mentioned in classical Rasashastra texts along with its ingredients and other variations. The alkalinity of the Kaparda Purana method of preparation owing to calcium probably has a significant role to play in the management of Atisara and Grahani. This Kalpana can be used in emergency care as well

    Mesh based and Hybrid Multicast routing protocols for MANETs: Current State of the art

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    This paper discusses various multicast routing protocols which are proposed in the recent past each having its own unique characteristic, with a motive of providing a complete understanding of these multicast routing protocols and present the scope of future research in this field. Further, the paper specifically discusses the current development in the development of mesh based and hybrid multicasting routing protocols. The study of this paper addresses the solution of most difficult task in Multicast routing protocols for MANETs under host mobility which causes multi-hop routing which is even more severe with bandwidth limitations. The Multicast routing plays a substantial part in MANETs

    Finding Frequent Text-Patterns on Big Data using Visualisation Techniques

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    Big Data has got more importance in various industries over the last couple of years, which is applied on various huge and large data sets because it cannot be stored and process through traditional databases. Big data has huge potential to store and process such huge and large datasets in several ways because, during processing, we are analyzing the large datasets in required time. Text analysis is still somewhat in its infancy but is very promising. Because in most of the companies 80% of data is in unstructured form, while most types of analysis only work with structured data. In this paper, we are discussing some visualization techniques available for Big data. Finally, R package is used to analyze unstructured text because R is freely available and it comes with lots of free packages and powerful tools through which we can easily analyze the large data sets in a sufficient time

    Medicated Candies - A new perspective of classical concept

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    Kasa /cough is one of the most common respiratory condition that afflict every human being at some point in their life. Ayurveda classics have described five types of Kasa. The mode of administration of Oushadha in this Vyadhi is told as Muhurmuhu i.e. frequent administration of medicine. Certain Oushadha Yogas when administered in this Kala may hamper the Agni and Ahara Kala. So, a Yoga which when administered once, act as a sustained release medicament, without hampering the Agni and Ahara Kala would fit the requirement for this way of administration. Such a dosage form that we could find in our classics was Lehya in the form of Candy. In this study, one such Yoga mentioned for Pittaja Kasa Chikitsa in Ashtanga Hridaya, containing Draksha, Pippali, Sharkara was modified into the form of candy. Prepared candies served the purpose of providing sustained release of medicine, repeated administration without altering the Agni and Ahara Kala and finally relief from Kasa. It can be concluded that modified dosage forms that do not adulterate the classical concepts, but are suitable for the current times is the need of hour. Ayurveda practitioners need to look into this aspect of Chikitsa and come up with such novel methods

    Upcycling of Sneha Kalka - A Novel Design

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    Sneha Kalka is the by-product formed due to addition of Kalka and Drava Dravya to Sneha (oil or ghee) during Snehapaka which is considered as waste and discarded. Sneha Kalpana is a type of dosage form which is extensively used in clinical practice and prepared on large scale production leading to formation of huge quantity of Sneha Kalka. This study is an attempt to convert this Sneha Kalka into a new dosage form i.e., Granules. In this study, the Sneha Kalka of Ashwagandha Ghrita was converted into Ashwagandha Granules. The resultant product was highly palatable and can act as a substitute to expensive malt based health drink powders


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