11 research outputs found

    Formula Optimization Of Lozenges Containing Alpinia Galanga (L.) Stuntz Rhizome Extract With A Combination Of Mannitol And Sucrose Sweeteners Using Simplex Lattice Design Method

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    Galangal (Alpinia galanga (L.) Stuntz) has many benefits for the health. Galangal is used as a tonic traditionally, but the dose is unknown, so it is necessary to be formulated. Lozenges was selected for the formulation of galangal because its practical and comfortable form. Taste is an important parameter for the lozenges so a mixture of mannitol and sucrose are used in this formulation. This research aims to optimize the lozenges formulation using a mixture of mannitol and sucrose with Simplex Lattice Design method. Galangal rhizome was extracted by maceration using 70% ethanol. Lozenges were made in three formulas, Formula A (100%: 0%), Formula B (50%: 50%), and Formula C (0%: 100%) with SLD in wet granulation method. Granule mass was sieved through the sieve no. 10 and dried in an oven at 60°C, then dried granule was mixed homogeneously with magnesium stearate-talk and tested for its physical properties include flow rate and compactibility. The granule was compressed into tablets and tested for its physical properties, including weight uniformity, hardness, friability, dissolving time, and tasting test. The data which was obtained were used to create a profile of physical properties of the granule and the taste of the tablet. Optimum formula was selected based on the highest total response. The tablet was created based on the optimum formula and tested physical properties of granule and tablets. The data was obtained and compared theoritically and statistically using the T-Test. The result showed that optimum formula of galangal rhizome extract lozenges is a formula with ratio 25% maintol : 75% sucrose. The optimum formula of the flow rate and granule compactibility and significantly different between verification and SLD calculations, while the dissolved time and the respon of tablets flavor are not significantly different. The dominant composition of sucrose can increase granule's compactibility response, dissolving time, and tasting test of lozenges, lowering the response speed of the flow of granules

    Pengaruh Pemberian Kombinasi Minyak Atsiri Rimpang Temulawak (Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb.) Dan Kurkuminoidnya Terhadap Efek Analgetik Pada Mencit

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek analgetik dari minyak atsiri rimpang temulawak (Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb.), kurkuminoid, dan kombinasi keduanya. Penyarian kurkuminoid dilakukan dengan pelarut etil asetat dan heksan. Minyak atsiri diperoleh dari hasil destilasi air-uap. Uji analgetik dilakukan dengan metode formalin tes (20µL formalin 1%, intraplantar) terhadap mencit jantan galur Swiss (30±5g), umur 2 bulan. Kelompok uji meliputi CMC-Na 0,5 % p.o. (kontrol negatif), indometasin 4 mg/kgBB p.o. dan i.p. (kontrol positif), kurkuminoid 48 mg/kgBB p.o., minyak atsiri 24mg/kgBB p.o, serta kombinasinya p.o. Injeksi formalin dilakukan 1 jam setelah pemejanan sampel. Data licking time diambil pada fase I (menit 0-5) dan fase II (10-30menit) setelah injeksi formalin. Fase I mengindikasikan nyeri yang terjadi pada daerah susunan saraf pusat (SSP) sedangkan fase II pada daerah perifer. Hasil uji terhadap fase I menunjukkan daya analgetik indometasin p.o sebesar (4,96±3,26 %) dan i.p. (4,54±1,65%). Kurkuminoid dan minyak atsiri masing-masing (1,22±0,89%) dan (28,8±8,48%), sedangkan campuran (42,14±5,6%). Kurniawan (2007) melaporkan bahwa besarnya daya analgetik fase I pada morfin 5 mg/kgBB p.o. adalah (69,68±2,17%). Pada fase II minyak atsiri memiliki daya analgetik sebesar (74,63±1,97%), campuran minyak atsiri (24mg/kgBB) dan kurkuminoid (48 mg/kgBB) memiliki daya analgetik sebesar (67,56±0,59%), indometasin i.p. (49,46±1,08%) dan p.o (49,82±0,91%), serta kurkuminoid (44,80±1,46%)

    Aphrodisiac Effects of Red Ginger (Zingiber Officinale Rosc. Red Clone) Essential Oil and Essential Oil Free Etanolic Extract in Male Rats

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    Nowadays, many young men experience sexual disfunction due to many factors. Red ginger is traditionally used to solve problems related to sexual disfunction. Oleoresin compound of red ginger has been reported to function as aphrodisiac. This research aims to compare aphrodisiac effect of essential oil and essential oil free extract in male rats. Red ginger essential oil was obtained by destilation while the red ginger free of essential oil was extracted using ethanol 70%. Rats were divided into five groups, administered by : etanolic extract suspension (140 mg/kg BM), essential oil emultion (15 μl/kg BM), pasak bumi extract suspension as positive control (500mg/kg BM), red ginger powder suspension as positive control (2,5 g/kg BM), and CMC Na 1% suspension as negative control. All rats were treated orally for 32 days. Parameters measured were introduction, climbing, and coitus frequency. The result showed that essential oil increased libido but its activity was lower than pasak bumi. Etanolic extract of red ginger and red ginger powder did not increase libido and sexual activity as compared with negative control

    The Effect of Combination From Purified Extract of Sambiloto Herb (Andrographis Paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees) and Pegagan Herb (Centella Asiatica (L.) Urban) of Translocation of Glut-4 Protein in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus-insulin Resistance Rats

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    Sambiloto herb (Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Nees.) and pegagan herb (Centella asiatica (L.) Urban) are excellent medicinal plants which are being developed as traditional for antidiabetic. The research aims to see the effect of combination from purified extract of sambiloto herb and pegagan herb of translocation of GLUT-4 protein in model type 2 diabetes mellitus rats-insulin resistance compared with the use of each purified extract. Test preparations were divided into 8 groups include three from combination purified extract of sambiloto herb and pegagan herb: I (912,1: 300), II (651,5: 500), III (390,9: 700) in mg/kg BW, IV (purified extract of sambiloto herb 1303 mg/kg BW), V (purified extract of pegagan herb 1000 mg/kg BW), VI (positive control metformin 45 mg/kg BW), VII (negative control CMC-Na 0.5%) and VIII (normal control). Parameters measured semi quantitative data translocation of GLUT-4 protein in cells muscles of the thigh (soleus muscle) rats using Immunohistochemistry methods. Test animals are of type 2 diabetes mellitus insulin-resistance was induced by fructose (1,8 g/kg BW) and fat-rich food (95% pellet, 5% egg yolks and 5 mL/ 200 g BW lard) for 70 days. Determination of insulin resistance used 3 parameters such as blood glucose levels, lipid levels (triglycerides, LDL, cholesterol, and HDL), and hypoglikemic tests with glibenklamid compared to normal controls animals. Insulin resistance test results using statistical analysis Independent Samples t-Test showed significant differences (p< 0.05) between normal rats with fat-fructose rats at day-50 and -70. This indicate fat-fructose rats indicated type 2 DM insulin resistance. Group of combination I (combination purified extract of sambiloto herb and pegagan herb (912,1: 300 mg/kg BB) showed effect of translocation of GLUT-4 protein was better than each purified extract with significantly p<0.05 with oneway ANOVA

    Penetapan Kadar Steviosida pada Simplisia dan Ekstrak Daun Stevia Rebaudiana dari Tiga Daerah Berbeda

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    Pharmaceutical raw materials from agriculture or collection of wild plant chemical content can not be guaranteed always constant due to variable seed, the body, the climate, the conditions (age and how to harvest). The content of the chemical compounds responsible for the biological response must have chemical specifications, namely the composition information (type and concentration). The efficacy of traditional medicine based on the chemical compound. Therefore, the assay of the active substance a crude drugs and extracts needs to be done to ensure that a traditional medicinal products can be assured of quality and usefulness. The assay performed on botanicals and 50% ethanol extract of leaves of Stevia rebaudiana. The assay of the crude drugs and extracts from the stevia leaf area of Malang, Tawangmangu, and Bogor using High Performance Liquid Chromatograph method. Results of the assay stevioside on simplicia and stevia leaf extract obtained stevioside levels in simplicia stevia leaves from Malang, Bogor, Tawangmangu consecutive namely 5.65%; 3.89%; 1.59%. Stevioside levels in the stevia leaf extract of Malang, Bogor, Tawangmangu respectively, are 14.14%; 22.40%; 66.65%


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    Researches on the pasak bumi roots and cabe jawa fruit as aphrodisiac has done. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of insoluble hexane fraction of ethanolic extract of cabe jawa fruit to effect of ethanolic extract of pasak bumi root on sexual activity of Wistar male rats with the parameters of intromission, climbing, and coitus. Also to determine the effect of the combination of insoluble hexane fraction of ethanolic extract of cabe jawa fruit and ethanolic extract of pasak bumi root to the elevated testosterone levels in Wistar male rats. Treatment orally once daily for 30 days consisted of a combination insoluble hexane fraction of ethanolic extract of cabe jawa fruit 31.72 m