14 research outputs found

    Tara Goldstein

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    El Instituto de Inglés, de 1943 a 1949, bajo el liderator de Lewis C. Richardson

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    Este artículo analiza el trabajo del Instituto de Inglés (1943-1949) de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, bajo la dirección de Lewis C. Richardson. Después de discutir la historia de la enseñanza del inglés en Puerto Rico de 1898 a 1949, describe la incepción del Instituto de Inglés, sus dirigentes y agentes principales, así como sus objetivos. Escudriña la estructura del proyecto piloto para la enseñanza del inglés en los grados 1-4, los materiales producidos y el progreso logrado por los estudiantes. Finalmente, aclara por qué el programa fue abandonado por el Departamento de Educación y considera las implicaciones de esta decisión. Cómo citar: Pousada, A. (2014). English Institute of 1943-1949 under the Leadership of Lewis C. Richardson. Pedagogía, 47(1), 51-75. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/16357This article analyzes the work of the English Institute (1943-1949) of the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, under the leadership of Lewis C. Richardson. After discussing the history of English teaching in Puerto Rico from 1898 to 1949, it describes the inception of the English Institute, its key leaders and agents, as well as its objectives. It scrutinizes the structure of the pilot project for teaching English in grades 1-4, the materials produced, and the progress made by the students. Finally, it clarifies why the program was abandoned by the Department of Education and considers the implications of this decision. How to cite: Pousada, A. (2014). English Institute of 1943-1949 under the Leadership of Lewis C. Richardson. Pedagogía, 47(1), 51-75. Retrieved from https://revistas.upr.edu/index.php/educacion/article/view/1635

    Proyecto de viabilidad Pequepelu

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    RESUMEN: El trabajo evalúa la viabilidad de una nueva empresa de peluquería. La peluquería se situará en la Calle general Dávila número 38. Se trata de una peluquería que ofrece el servicio especializado para el público infantil, además también ofrece el servicio de ludoteca. Se analizan y diagnostican estrategias de funcionamiento de la actividad. Para ello se hace un análisis primario dónde se especifica el campo de actividad de la peluquería, un análisis externo dónde se evalúa tanto el entorno general como el especifico y un análisis interno donde se analiza el perfil estratégico que tiene la empresa. Con esta información se detecta la estrategia competitiva que llevará a cabo la empresa. A continuación se da paso a la elaboración de los diferentes planes que conciernen a la empresa. Se elabora un plan de marketing dónde se establecen políticas de precios, servicio y distribución, un plan de operaciones dónde se especifican los requisitos legales y costes de arranque del proyecto, un plan de recursos humanos donde se especifica la estructura organizativa de la empresa, y por último se realiza un plan financiero, en este caso se generan previsiones de ingresos y de gastos y se evalúa financieramente el proyecto mediante el método del VAN.ABSTRACT: The study evaluates the feasibility of a new hairdressing business. The hairdresser will be placed in the general Davila 38th Street This is a hairdresser who offers specialized service for young audiences, and also offers a kindergarten service. Strategies are analyzed and diagnosed operating activity. For this analysis a primary field of activity where hairdressing is specified, an external analysis where both general and specific environment such as an internal analysis where the strategic profile the company has analyzed is evaluated. With this information the competitive strategy that will hold the company is detected. Then it gives way to the development of different plans that concern the company. A marketing plan where pricing, service and distribution are established, a plan of operations where the legal requirements and start-up costs of the project, a plan of human resources where the organizational structure of the company is specified specified is made, and Finally a financial plan, in this case estimates of revenue and expenditure are generated and the project is financially assessed by the VAN method is performed.Máster en Dirección de Empresas (MBA

    Dolutegravir Plus 3TC in Virologically Suppressed PLWHIV: Immunological Outcomes in a Multicenter Retrospective Cohort in Spain during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Dolutegravir (DTG) based dual therapies for treating PLWHIV are a standard of care nowadays. Switching to DTG and lamivudine (3TC) safety and efficacy were proven in TANGO randomized clinical trial. This multicenter retrospective study included 1032 HIV virologically suppressed patients switching to DTG+3TC from 13 Spanish hospitals. DTG+3TC provided high rates of undetectable viral load over 96%, corresponding to 96.6% (889/921) at 24 weeks, 97.5% (743/763) at 48 weeks, and 98.3% (417/425) at 96 weeks. No significant differences are evident when comparing the total population according to sex, presence of comorbidity, or presence of AIDS. The analysis for paired data showed an increase in CD4+ cell count. A statistically significant increase in CD4+ lymphocyte count was found in those without comorbidities in the three-time series analyzed [average increase at 24 weeks: 48.7 (SD: 215.3) vs. 25.8 (SD: 215.5), p-value = 0.050; a mean increase at 48 weeks: 75.1 (SD: 232.9) vs. 42.3 (SD: 255.6), p-value = 0.003; a mean increase at 96 weeks: 120.1 (SD: 205.0) vs. 63.8 (SD:275.3), p-value = 0.003]. In conclusion, our cohort demonstrates that DTG+3TC is an effective treatment strategy for virologically-suppressed PLWHIV independent of age, sex, and HIV stage, as well as a safe and durable strategy

    Dolutegravir Plus 3TC in Virologically Suppressed PLWHIV: Immunological Outcomes in a Multicenter Retrospective Cohort in Spain during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Dolutegravir (DTG) based dual therapies for treating PLWHIV are a standard of care nowadays. Switching to DTG and lamivudine (3TC) safety and efficacy were proven in TANGO randomized clinical trial. This multicenter retrospective study included 1032 HIV virologically suppressed patients switching to DTG+3TC from 13 Spanish hospitals. DTG+3TC provided high rates of undetectable viral load over 96%, corresponding to 96.6% (889/921) at 24 weeks, 97.5% (743/763) at 48 weeks, and 98.3% (417/425) at 96 weeks. No significant differences are evident when comparing the total population according to sex, presence of comorbidity, or presence of AIDS. The analysis for paired data showed an increase in CD4+ cell count. A statistically significant increase in CD4+ lymphocyte count was found in those without comorbidities in the three-time series analyzed [average increase at 24 weeks: 48.7 (SD: 215.3) vs. 25.8 (SD: 215.5), p-value = 0.050; a mean increase at 48 weeks: 75.1 (SD: 232.9) vs. 42.3 (SD: 255.6), p-value = 0.003; a mean increase at 96 weeks: 120.1 (SD: 205.0) vs. 63.8 (SD:275.3), p-value = 0.003]. In conclusion, our cohort demonstrates that DTG+3TC is an effective treatment strategy for virologically-suppressed PLWHIV independent of age, sex, and HIV stage, as well as a safe and durable strategy