27 research outputs found

    The complex-network based relation between migration and FDI in the OECD

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    We explore the relationship between human migration and OECD’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) using a complex systems’ approach, and we demonstrate how complex systems’ techniques can contribute new insights and advance macroeconomic empirical analysis in alternative ways. More precisely, we find a strong correlation between the migration network and the outward-FDI network, and we highlight the existence of a weaker FDI relationship in pairs of countries that are more central in the migration network. Illuminating this result, we show that inward migrants coming from third-party countries which are linked (a) either to FDI-parent country or to FDI-host country or (b) both to FDI-parent and FDI-host country are FDI marring

    The complex-network based relation between migration and FDI in the OECD

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    We explore the relationship between human migration and OECD’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) using a complex systems’ approach, and we demonstrate how complex systems’ techniques can contribute new insights and advance macroeconomic empirical analysis in alternative ways. More precisely, we find a strong correlation between the migration network and the outward-FDI network, and we highlight the existence of a weaker FDI relationship in pairs of countries that are more central in the migration network. Illuminating this result, we show that inward migrants coming from third-party countries which are linked (a) either to FDI-parent country or to FDI-host country or (b) both to FDI-parent and FDI-host country are FDI marring

    The complex-network based relation between migration and FDI in the OECD

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    We explore the relationship between human migration and OECD’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) using a complex systems’ approach, and we demonstrate how complex systems’ techniques can contribute new insights and advance macroeconomic empirical analysis in alternative ways. More precisely, we find a strong correlation between the migration network and the outward-FDI network, and we highlight the existence of a weaker FDI relationship in pairs of countries that are more central in the migration network. Illuminating this result, we show that inward migrants coming from third-party countries which are linked (a) either to FDI-parent country or to FDI-host country or (b) both to FDI-parent and FDI-host country are FDI marring

    The relation between migration and FDI in the OECD from a complex network perspective

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    We explore the relationship between human migration and OECD’s foreign direct investment (FDI) using a gravity equation enriched with variables that account for complex network effects. Based on a panel data analysis, we find a strong positive correlation between the migration network and the FDI network, which can be mostly explained by countries’ economic/demographic sizes and geographical distance. We highlight the existence of a stronger positive FDI relationship in pairs of countries that are more central in the migration network. Both intensive and extensive forms of centrality are FDI enhancing. Illuminating this result, we show that bilateral FDI between any two countries is further affected positively by the complex web of ‘third party’ corridors/migration stocks of the international migration network (IMN). Our findings are consistent whether we consider bilateral FDI and bilateral migration figures, or we focus on the outward FDI and the respective inward migration of the OECD countries

    The effects of acute low-volume HIIT and aerobic exercise on leukocyte count and redox status

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    A single bout of exercise can result in inflammatory responses, increased oxidative stress and upregulation of enzymatic antioxidant mechanisms. Although low-volume high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has become popular, its acute responses on the above mechanisms have not been adequately studied. The present study evaluated the effects of HIIT on hematological profile and redox status compared with those following traditional continuous aerobic exercise (CET). Twelve healthy young men participated in a randomized crossover design under HIIT and CET. In HIIT session, participants performed four 30-sec sprints on a cycle-ergometer with 4 min of recovery against a resistance of 0.375 kg/kg of body mass. CET consisted of 30-min cycling on a cycle-ergometer at 70% of their VO2max. Blood was drawn at baseline, immediately post, 24h, 48h and 72h post-exercise and was analyzed for complete blood count and redox status (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, [TBARS]; protein carbonyls, [PC]; total antioxidant capacity, [TAC]; catalase and uric acid). White blood cells (WBC) increased after both exercise protocols immediately post-exercise (HIIT: 50% and CET: 31%, respectively). HIIT increased (+22%) PC post-exercise compared to baseline and CET (p 0.05) for TBARS and catalase following either exercise protocol. Low-volume HIIT is associated with a greater acute phase leukocyte count and redox response than low-volume CET, and this should be considered when an exercise training program is developed and complete blood count is performed for health purposes

    A case-control validation of Type D personality in Greek patients with stable coronary heart disease

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    BACKGROUND: Type D personality has been associated with a variety of emotional and social difficulties as well as with poor prognosis in patients with established coronary heart disease (CHD). We examined the psychometric properties and validity of the Type D Scale-14 (DS14) and the prevalence of Type D personality among Greek patients with CHD while taking into account demographic; clinical, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia; as well as psychological variables such as depression, anxiety, and psychological stress. METHODS: Ninety-six patients with stable coronary heart disease and 80 healthy participants from the general population completed the Greek version of the DS14 and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). RESULTS: Cronbach's α coefficient for the negative affectivity (NA) and social inhibition (SI) subscales was 0.83 and 0.72 for the CHD and 0.88 and 0.76 for the control group, respectively. Internal-structural validity was assessed by a factor analysis (two-factor solution), and the factor structure of the original DS14 was replicated. Using the standardized cutoff point of NA ≥10 and SI ≥10, instead of the median scores, in order to have compatible results with the majority of studies, the prevalence of Type D personality was 51% for the CHD patients and 13% for the control group. Higher NA and SI were connected with higher anxiety, depression, and total psychological stress. Finally, more patients with CHD and Type D personality than those without were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes; however, no differences were observed in hypertension or hypercholesterolemia. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the Type D construct is reliable and valid in a Greek population. The prevalence of Type D personality was higher in patients with stable coronary heart disease than in people from the general population. The DS14 subscales were positively correlated with higher anxiety, depression, and total psychological stress. Regarding other CHD risk factors, only diabetes mellitus was found more frequently in CHD patients with Type D personality

    Biochemistry and physiology of soccer

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    The inflammatory responses, oxidative stress rise and performance deterioration have been observed after one or more soccer games in season microcycle, lasting 72 hours. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of protein supplementation (80% casein & 20% Whey) on performance, muscle damage, inflammation and oxidative stress markers during a one in-season microcycle with two games. The recovery time between soccer games was 72 hours. Twenty healthy soccer players participated in two trials, receiving either milk protein concentrate (PRO: 1.15 and 0.26 g/kg on game and training days, respectively) or an energy-matched placebo (PLA: 1.37 and 0.31 g/kg of carbohydrate on game and training days, respectively) according to a randomized, repeated-measures, crossover, double-blind design. Each trial included two games and four daily practices. Speed (10m, 30m.) , jump height (CMJ), isokinetic peak torque, and muscle soreness (DOMS) of knee flexors (KF) and extensors (KE) were measured before G1 and daily thereafter for six days. Blood samples were drawn before and immediately post games and every day during the microcycle, in order to determine inflammation and oxidative stress markers. Field activity and heart rate were monitored using GPS technology during games and practices. The two games reduced speed (3-17%), strength of knee flexors (12-23%) and jump height (3-10%), during recovery period after games, in both trials. In high intensity running marker during soccer game, PRO trial restrict the decline compared to PLA trial (P= 0.012), for the second game in last 15 minutes (75-90 min.). No treatment effect was observed for delayed onset of muscle soreness, leukocyte counts, and creatine kinase activity. Furthermore, no treatment effect was observed, despite of the faster recovery of knee strength (KF, KE) and faster recovery of protein and lipid peroxidation markers in PRO trial, 48 hours after the second game. In summary, the protein supplementation improves soccer specific performance marker, promoting the faster recovery of knee strength.Μετά από έναν ή περισσότερους αγώνες ποδοσφαίρου κατά τη διάρκεια ενός αγωνιστικού μικρόκυκλου, παρατηρείται έντονη φλεγμονώδης αντίδραση, αύξηση των επιπέδων του οξειδωτικού στρες και πτώση της απόδοσης για 72 ώρες. Σκοπός της παρούσας διατριβής ήταν να εξετάσει τις επιδράσεις συμπληρώματος πρωτεΐνης (80% καζεΐνης & 20% ορού γάλακτος), σε δείκτες απόδοσης, μυϊκής βλάβης, φλεγμονής και οξειδωτικού στρες, κατά την διάρκεια ενός αγωνιστικού μικρόκυκλου με δύο ποδοσφαιρικούς αγώνες και με τη χρονική διαφορά μεταξύ του πρώτου και του δεύτερου αγώνα να είναι 72 ώρες. Στην διπλά τυφλή μελέτη με επαναλαμβανόμενες μετρήσεις, έλαβαν μέρος 20 υγιείς ποδοσφαιριστές, οι οποίοι συμμετείχαν σε δύο πειραματικές εβδομάδες, αφού χωρίστηκαν με τυχαιοποιημένο τρόπο. Οι ποδοσφαιριστές κατανάλωναν είτε πρωτεΐνη γάλακτος σε σκόνη (PRO: 1,15 γρ/κλ. την ημέρα του αγώνα και 0,26 γρ/κλ. τις ημέρες της προπόνησης) είτε εικονικό σκεύασμα παρόμοιας ενεργειακής απόδοσης (PLA: 1,37 γρ/κλ. την ημέρα του αγώνα και 0,31 γρ/κλ. τις ημέρες της προπόνησης). Κάθε πειραματική εβδομάδα περιελάμβανε δύο ποδοσφαιρικούς αγώνες και τέσσερις προπονήσεις. Η ταχύτητα (10μ., 30μ.), το άλμα (CMJ), η ισοκινητική μέγιστη ροπή και ο μυϊκός πόνος (DOMS) των καμπτήρων (KF) και των εκτεινόντων του γόνατος (KE), μετρήθηκαν πριν τον πρώτο αγώνα και κάθε μέρα για τις επόμενες έξι ημέρες. Ποσότητα αίματος συλλέχθηκε πριν και αμέσως μετά από κάθε αγώνα και για όλες τις επόμενες ημέρες προκειμένου να μετρηθούν δείκτες φλεγμονής και οξειδωτικού στρες. Οι δρομικές επιβαρύνσεις και η καρδιακή συχνότητα των αγώνων και τον προπονήσεων, κατεγράφησαν μέσω μονάδων GPS. Οι δύο αγώνες, μείωσαν την ταχύτητα (3-17%), την δύναμη των καμπτήρων (12-23%) και το άλμα (3-10%) κατά την διάρκεια της αποκατάστασης και στις δύο πειραματικές εβδομάδες. Στη συνθήκη PRO, για το τρέξιμο υψηλής έντασης παρατηρήθηκε μικρότερη μείωση σε σχέση με την συνθήκη PLA (P= 0.012) για το δεύτερο παιχνίδι στα τελευταία 15 λεπτά (75-90 λεπ.). Δεν παρατηρήθηκε καμία επίδραση της συμπληρωματικής λήψης στους δείκτες φλεγμονής (DOMS, αριθμός λευκοκυττάρων, κρεατινική κινάση). Παρά την ταχύτερη ανάκαμψη της δύναμης των εκτεινόντων και των καμπτήρων στη συνθήκη PRO, στις 48 ώρες μετά το δεύτερο παιχνίδι και των δεικτών οξείδωσης πρωτεϊνών και λιπιδίων, δεν εμφανίστηκε σημαντική διαφορά μεταξύ των δύο συνθηκών. Συνοπτικά, η συμπληρωματική λήψη πρωτεΐνης μπορεί να βελτιώσει την αγωνιστική απόδοση δημιουργώντας τις συνθήκες για ταχύτερη ανάκτηση της δύναμης

    Low-Grade Systemic Inflammation Interferes with Anabolic and Catabolic Characteristics of the Aged Human Skeletal Muscle.

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    Aging is associated with the development of chronic low-grade systemic inflammation (LGSI) characterized by increased circulating levels of proinflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins such as C-reactive protein (CRP). Collective evidence suggests that elevated levels of inflammatory mediators such as CRP, interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) are correlated with deteriorated skeletal muscle mass and function, though the molecular footprint of this observation in the aged human skeletal muscle remains obscure. Based on animal models showing impaired protein synthesis and enhanced degradation in response to LGSI, we compared here the response of proteolysis- and protein synthesis-related signaling proteins as well as the satellite cell and amino acid transporter protein content between healthy older adults with increased versus physiological blood hs-CRP levels in the fasted (basal) state and after an anabolic stimulus comprised of acute resistance exercise (RE) and protein feeding. Our main findings indicate that older adults with increased hs-CRP levels demonstrate (i) increased proteasome activity, accompanied by increased protein carbonylation and IKKα/β phosphorylation; (ii) reduced Pax7+ satellite cells; (iii) increased insulin resistance, at the basal state; and (iv) impaired S6 ribosomal protein phosphorylation accompanied by hyperinsulinemia following an acute RE bout combined with protein ingestion. Collectively, these data provide support to the concept that age-related chronic LGSI may upregulate proteasome activity via induction of the NF-κB signaling and protein oxidation and impair the insulin-dependent anabolic potential of human skeletal muscle