53 research outputs found

    A new system and legal regulation of administrative punishment in the Czech Republic

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    This paper focuses on the new legal regulation that came into effect on 1.07.2017. This represents a relatively new approach to punishment realized by the administrative bodies. The new legal regulation has changed the system of administrative delicts itself as well as practice of administrative bodies. Not only in Poland, where there was a newly-adopted new legal regulation in the Administrative Code (KPA), but also in the Czech Republic, we can see how the phenomenon of administrative punishment is becoming important and is an important part of the functioning of public administration. This paper would like to analyze important changes as well as some questions that the new legal regulation in the Czech Republic has brought.Příspěvek se zaměřuje na novou právní úpravu, která vstoupila v účinnost 1. 7. 2017. Ta představuje relativně nový přístup k trestání, které správní orgány realizují. Nová právní úprava změnila samotný systém správních deliktů i praxi správních orgánů. Nejen v Polsku, kde byla nově přijata nová právní úprava ve správním řádu (KPA), ale i v České republice, můžeme vidět, jak se správní trestání stává a je důležitou součástí fungování veřejné správy.This paper focuses on the new legal regulation that came into effect on 1.07.2017. This represents a relatively new approach to punishment realized by the administrative bodies. The new legal regulation has changed the system of administrative delicts itself as well as practice of administrative bodies. Not only in Poland, where there was a newly-adopted new legal regulation in the Administrative Code (KPA), but also in the Czech Republic, we can see how the phenomenon of administrative punishment is becoming important and is an important part of the functioning of public administration. This paper would like to analyze important changes as well as some questions that the new legal regulation in the Czech Republic has brought

    Správní řád Evropské unie - z pohledu Polska, Wroclaw, 22. 4. 2016

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    Příspěvek se věnoval návrhu správního řádu Evropské unie z perspektivy Polska.Příspěvek se věnoval návrhu správního řádu Evropské unie z perspektivy Polska.This contribution focused on the issue of feature of Model Rules on EU Administrative Procedure and describes conference that took place in Poland to this topic

    Dokazování a ústní jednání ve správním řízení

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    Příspěvek se věnoval problematice dokazování ve správním řízení a jeho návaznosti na institut ústního jednání. Zabýval se takovými otázkami, jako je obligatornost ústního jednání při dokazování, možnosti dokazování bez ústního jednání a účasti účastníků řízení při tomto procesu.Příspěvek se věnoval problematice dokazování ve správním řízení a jeho návaznosti na institut ústního jednání. Zabýval se takovými otázkami, jako je obligatornost ústního jednání při dokazování, možnosti dokazování bez ústního jednání a účasti účastníků řízení při tomto procesu.Contribution focused on the issue of proving in administrative proceedings and its relation to institute of oral hearing. It deals with issues such as the obligatoriness of oral hearing in process of taking of evidence, the possibility of proving without oral hearing and participation of the parties in this process

    Remonstrance against Decisions Made by Central Administrative Bodies in the Czech Republic

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    The remonstrance is traditional standard (ordinary) remedial measure which can be (only) applied after the first instance decision has been issued by central administrative body. The article is heading to verify the hypothesis whether the remonstrance does reflect the principle of two instances in entirety. As the finding of the research it can be pointed out that the remonstrance represents relative exclusion of the principle of two instances, which is applied only in a modified form, as the remonstrance is not decided by any higher, independent administrative authority, but by the identical central administrative body, namely by its head, not by its remonstrance committee, which issues „only“ recommendations/advices. We concluded that possible solutions are either transformation remonstrance committees into administrative bodies/tribunals, or rules providing the central administrative bodies do not make first instance decisions

    Simplification of Administrative Procedure on the Example of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary (V4 Countries)

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    The article deals with the idea of simplification of administrative procedure on the example of legal regulation that can be found in Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. This legal regulation comes from the same or similar evolution and legal conditions. General legal regulation of administrative procedure is represented by so called Code of Administrative Procedure. Existence of such code in all mentioned countries might be regarded as a first step towards simplification. Using research methods—dogmatic, normative, and, namely, comparative—the article examines concrete examples of simplification in mentioned countries that have similar approaches in solving this demand. This article mentions possible views (or addressees) on the need of simplifications as well as possible limits of this issue. In this sense, the protection of the public interest and protection of rights of individuals presents certain limitations to simplification. Legal regulation of administrative procedure is complicated. Although each legal regulation is in detail specific, we can find some common solutions in particular legal regulation of simplifications. Such results of this article might be useful (not only) for further comparison in European countries

    Effectiveness of Judicial Protection against Administrative Silence in the Czech Republic

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    This paper is devoted to the issue of judicial protection in case of (or against) administrative silence (inactivity) and its effectiveness on the case study of the Czech Republic. The aim of judicial protection again-st administrative silence is to help solving or terminating administrati-ve silence quickly, otherwise, an imaginary vicious circle is created. The purpose of the paper is to verify whether judicial protection is indeed effective by surveying the related legislation and court practice (especi-ally the length of proceedings) dealing with the so-called inactivity. The methods of analysis applied are normative analysis, literature review, sta-tistical analysis of decision-making activities of courts and deduction. Our findings establish that due to the excessive length of court proceedings and incomprehensible legal regulation it is difficult to view the judicial protection against administrative silence as being a speedy and effecti-ve instrument of remediation of inactivity on the part of administrative authorities. The results can serve as a ground to compare the situation with other similar countries and to exchange best practices

    Alternative Methods for Shelf Life Extension of Unfi ltered Beers from Microbreweries

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    At present, a broad range of unfi ltered beers is produced mainly by microbreweries. So far, however, no suitable method exists for ensuring extended shelf life at the industrial scale without damaging the taste. The most widespread method – pasteurization also kills brewery yeasts and, has a thermal impact on beer. This review describes the premises for ensuring effective microbial stabilization that depends particularly on proper sanitization practices. Alternative methods – the high hydrostatic in addition, processing and the pulsed electric fi elds processing have a minimal effect on the beer quality. These techniques were already tested under laboratory conditions and have potential for use at the industrial scale. This article describes these methods in detail

    Správní rozhodnutí jako nástroj ochrany subjektivních práv

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    Tato kapitola se věnuje problematice správního rozhodnutí a jeho vztahu k požadavku ochrany subjektivních práv.Tato kapitola se věnuje problematice správního rozhodnutí a jeho vztahu k požadavku ochrany subjektivních práv.This chapter focuses on the administrative decisoin and ist relation to demand of protection of rights in public administration