19 research outputs found

    Implementation forms of institutional support for traditional and innovative development of national economic systems

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    The article focuses on the theory and methodology of origin, functioning, development and transformation of institutions in the process of traditional and innovative development of national economic systems. The authors carry out a diverse contrastive decomposition of national economic systems, laws, patterns and trends of their development. A functional role of interaction of traditions, innovations, investments and institutions in a national economic system of Russia as well as controversial polyfurcation consequences of such interaction are revealed. © Mikhail Postaliuk, Venera Vagizova, Taras Postaliuk, 2013

    Islamic finance as an innovative tool for the Volga region real economy development

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    © Angela Igonina, Mikhail Postaliuk, 2014. This paper deals with the Islamic finance as innovative method if the real economy development in the Volga region, Russia. The development if Islamic finance institutions in the global economy is considered. To estimate the total volume of Islamic banking assets correlation and regression analysis technique is applied. Prospects if the Islamic finance implementation in Volga region is analyzed

    Economic systems sustainable development spatial structures innovatization

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    © Mikhail Postaliuk, Alsu Akhmetshina, 2014. The article discusses the need for economic systems sustainable development spatial structures innovatization; the paper also presents the characteristic feature of dynamic stability as an ability of an economic system to create and maintain its innovative structure-forming relationships

    The decomposition analysis institutional support of traditionalization and innovatization of russian economy

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    Variable-based decomposition analysis of traditional and innovative development of national economic systems and forms of its institutional support makes it possible to reveal specific features of the processes that occur in the real and financial sectors of economy, first of all in the sphere of its material production. The sphere of material production in Russia is undertaking a particularly difficult period. The destruction of old institutions that are to govern production activities and the lack of new effective institutions had the most negative impact on material production of the economy. Those Russian industrial enterprises that have survived are under the pressure of tough world competition. Many of them need serious support, including an institutional one. The article focuses on the theory and methodology of origin, functioning, development and transformation of institutions in the process of traditional and innovative development of national economic systems; the authors carry out a diverse contrastive decomposition of national economic systems, reveal the functional role of interaction of traditions, innovations, investments and institutions in Russian economy as well as their controversial poly furcation consequences

    The innovatization of management institutions in the Russian economy

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    The study innovatization planning institutions in the system of economic management is a fundamentally new holistic approach to the study of the dynamic interaction of business, government and society in that part of the national institutional matrix in which managerial institutional traps may occur. Their appearance is connected with the use of alternative institutions and losses that turn out on this basis, following an inefficient norm. The effective innovatization of planning institutions in the system of economic management takes place only in case planning periodic institutions are dynamically substituted by adaptive target (continuous) planning institutions that will provide protection from institutional traps in this area of interaction of business, government and society (Postalyuk, 2004). Concerning the article demonstrates the necessity for innovatization of planning institutions in the system of management of the Russian economy; provides a definition and characteristic features of adaptive target (continuous) planning as an alternative to periodic planning, as an interacting system of institutions that affects the efficiency of management of the Russian economy, as an institutional form of the struggle with losses, which arise from the positive and negative factors of management

    Implementation forms of institutional support for traditional and innovative development of national economic systems

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    The article focuses on the theory and methodology of origin, functioning, development and transformation of institutions in the process of traditional and innovative development of national economic systems. The authors carry out a diverse contrastive decomposition of national economic systems, laws, patterns and trends of their development. A functional role of interaction of traditions, innovations, investments and institutions in a national economic system of Russia as well as controversial polyfurcation consequences of such interaction are revealed. © Mikhail Postaliuk, Venera Vagizova, Taras Postaliuk, 2013

    Implementation forms of institutional support for traditional and innovative development of national economic systems

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    The article focuses on the theory and methodology of origin, functioning, development and transformation of institutions in the process of traditional and innovative development of national economic systems. The authors carry out a diverse contrastive decomposition of national economic systems, laws, patterns and trends of their development. A functional role of interaction of traditions, innovations, investments and institutions in a national economic system of Russia as well as controversial polyfurcation consequences of such interaction are revealed. © Mikhail Postaliuk, Venera Vagizova, Taras Postaliuk, 2013

    Implementation forms of institutional support for traditional and innovative development of national economic systems

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    The article focuses on the theory and methodology of origin, functioning, development and transformation of institutions in the process of traditional and innovative development of national economic systems. The authors carry out a diverse contrastive decomposition of national economic systems, laws, patterns and trends of their development. A functional role of interaction of traditions, innovations, investments and institutions in a national economic system of Russia as well as controversial polyfurcation consequences of such interaction are revealed. © Mikhail Postaliuk, Venera Vagizova, Taras Postaliuk, 2013

    Economic systems sustainable development spatial structures innovatization

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    © Mikhail Postaliuk, Alsu Akhmetshina, 2014. The article discusses the need for economic systems sustainable development spatial structures innovatization; the paper also presents the characteristic feature of dynamic stability as an ability of an economic system to create and maintain its innovative structure-forming relationships

    Economic systems sustainable development spatial structures innovatization

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    © Mikhail Postaliuk, Alsu Akhmetshina, 2014. The article discusses the need for economic systems sustainable development spatial structures innovatization; the paper also presents the characteristic feature of dynamic stability as an ability of an economic system to create and maintain its innovative structure-forming relationships