11 research outputs found

    Diseñar, programar y planificar la automatización de una planta embotelladora, optimizando el presupuesto

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    Nivel educativo:Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas.Trabajas en una empresa de ingeniería y te ha sido asignado, junto con otros dos compañeros, el siguiente proyecto: Diseñar, programar y planificar la automatización de ESTE* proceso industrial, optimizando el presupuesto. Dependiendo de cuál sea tu grupo, el proceso a automatizar será: un ascensor, una planta embotelladora de vino, un depósito de agua caliente o una esclusa.Se debe diseñar, implementar, justificar y presentar un proyecto que de respuesta a la pregunta motriz para el caso del proceso de automatización que le ha correspondido a su grupo. El resultado final del proyecto será un Documento de Viabilidad y una Presentación de la solución adoptada. Ambos productos se le entregarán al cliente de la empresa de ingeniería, que debe quedar convencido de lo óptimo de la solución que ha pagado

    Self-Perception of the Digital Competence of Educators during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Analysis of Different Educational Stages

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    The objective of this research is to measure the perception that teachers had about their own performance when they were forced to carry out Emergency Remote Teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A questionnaire was provided to teachers of every educational stage in the Basque Country (Pre-school, Primary and Secondary Education, Professional Training, and Higher Education) obtaining a total of 4586 responses. The statistical analysis of the data shows that the greatest difficulties reported by educators are shortcomings in their training in digital skills, which has made them perceive a higher workload during the lockdown along with negative emotions. Another finding is the existing digital divide between teachers based on their gender, age, and type of school. A further worrying result is the lower technological competence at lower educational levels, which are the most vulnerable in remote teaching. These results invite us to reflect on the measures to be taken to improve equity, social justice, and the resilience of the educational system, which align with some of the Sustainable Development Goals.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country, grant number GIU 19/010, PPGI19/11 and by the Basque Government, grant number IT1195-19

    Integrating the Maker pedagogical approach in teacher training: the acceptance level and motivational attitudes

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    In recent years, Maker Education has gained popularity in formal education, but the perceptions of pre-service teachers after participating in a maker training program at a university-based makerspace remain to be explored. The purpose of this study is to analyze the acceptance level and the degree of motivation of pre-service teachers towards the maker educational approach. The research assesses attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction according to Keller's motivational model, as well as the acceptance of the maker approach using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The study focuses on Early Childhood Education pre-service teachers from UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) who have been involved in designing teaching and learning plans based on Maker Education. The results show a strong motivation among the pre-service teachers in terms of attention, relevance, confidence and satisfaction towards the maker approach. The study also highlights a high level of technology acceptance. These findings underline the positive impact of maker-based learning methods and suggest that greater motivation correlates with the positive attitudes towards integrating this pedagogy in the future. In light of these findings, integrating innovative maker pedagogy into teacher training appears to be beneficial, as the high levels of acceptance and motivation indicate its potential to equip students with essential twenty-first century skills.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    Diseñar, programar y planificar la automatización de una planta embotelladora, optimizando el presupuesto

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    Nivel educativo:Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas.Trabajas en una empresa de ingeniería y te ha sido asignado, junto con otros dos compañeros, el siguiente proyecto: Diseñar, programar y planificar la automatización de ESTE* proceso industrial, optimizando el presupuesto. Dependiendo de cuál sea tu grupo, el proceso a automatizar será: un ascensor, una planta embotelladora de vino, un depósito de agua caliente o una esclusa.Se debe diseñar, implementar, justificar y presentar un proyecto que de respuesta a la pregunta motriz para el caso del proceso de automatización que le ha correspondido a su grupo. El resultado final del proyecto será un Documento de Viabilidad y una Presentación de la solución adoptada. Ambos productos se le entregarán al cliente de la empresa de ingeniería, que debe quedar convencido de lo óptimo de la solución que ha pagado

    Competência digital de professores no País Basco durante a pandemia de COVID-19

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    The objective of this research is to measure the perception that teachers had about their own performance when they were forced to carry out an Emergency Remote Teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A questionnaire was provided to teachers of every educational stage in the Basque Country (Child, Primary and Secondary Education, Professional Training and Higher Education) obtaining a total of 4,586 responses. The statistical analysis of the data shows that the greatest difficulties reported by educators are shortcomings in the training of teachers in digital skills, as well as a lack of resilience of the system and / or lack of a 'plan B' in extraordinary situations. The existing digital divide between teachers based on their gender, age and type of school should be highlighted. Another worrying result is the lower technological competence in lower educational levels, which are the most vulnerable in remote teaching. These results invite us to reflect on the measures to be taken to improve equity, social justice and resilience of the educational system.El objetivo de esta investigación es medir la percepción que tuvo el profesorado sobre su propio desempeño cuando se vio forzado a llevar a cabo una Enseñanza Remota de Emergencia debido a la pandemia del COVID-19. Se facilitó un cuestionario al conjunto de centros educativos (Educación Infantil, Primaria, Secundaria, Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Universidad) de la CAPV (Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco) obteniéndose un total de 4.586 respuestas. El análisis estadístico de los datos permite concluir que las mayores dificultades identificadas se corresponden con carencias en la formación en competencias digitales del profesorado, así como falta de resiliencia del sistema ante situaciones extraordinarias. También destaca la brecha digital existente entre docentes en función de su género, edad y tipo de centro educativo, y la menor competencia tecnológica en niveles educativos inferiores, que son los más vulnerables en una enseñanza remota. El artículo concluye con algunas recomendaciones, fundamentadas en los resultados, para mejorar la formación en competencias digitales docentes.O objetivo desta pesquisa é mensurar a percepção que os professores tiveram sobre seu próprio desempenho quando foram obrigados a realizar o Ensino Remoto Emergencial devido à pandemia do COVID-19. Foi aplicado um questionário a todos os centros educativos (Infantil, Primário, Secundário, Bacharelato, Formação Profissional e Universitário) da ACBC (Comunidade Autónoma do País Basco), obtendo-se um total de 4.586 respostas. A análise estatística dos dados permite concluir que as maiores dificuldades identificadas correspondem a deficiências na formação dos professores em competências digitais, bem como à falta de resiliência do sistema face a situações extraordinárias. Também destaca a lacuna digital existente entre os professores com base em seu gênero, idade e tipo de centro educacional, e a menor competência tecnológica nos níveis educacionais mais baixos, que são os mais vulneráveis ​​no ensino remoto. O artigo conclui com algumas recomendações, com base nos resultados, para melhorar a formação em habilidades de ensino digital

    Ikastorratza. e-Revista de didáctica

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    Se ofrecen una serie de consejos e indicaciones para que el usuario se introduzca en el nuevo Internet, también llamado Web 2.0. La principal diferencia con el anterior Internet es el interfaz del usuario. Si antes, unas pocas personas publicaban y el resto de nosotros nos limitábamos a consumir lo publicado, a partir de este nuevo Internet, todos los usuarios se convierten en potenciales creadores de contenido, por lo que el intercambio de información es infinito.ES

    The Impact of Using Collaborative Online International Learning during the Design of Maker Educational Practices by Pre-Service Teachers

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    The main purpose of this study is to measure the effect of COIL when implementing the maker methodological approach in teacher training in relation to motivation and the technology acceptance level. The sample consisted of 44 primary education pre-service teachers from the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU). The motivation level was measured using a post survey that included the Reduced Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (RIMMS) and the perception in relation to the acceptance of the technology using items from the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Quantitative data were collected at the end of the training to analyse the differences among the two groups, the EHU control group and the EHU-COIL experimental group. Results show that the EHU-COIL experimental group showed higher levels of motivation and technology acceptance in all of the subscales compared to the EHU control group after completion of the experience of being trained on maker education and designing collaboratively sustainable maker educational teaching and learning plans. The differences were particularly significant in the perceived usefulness subscale. In light of these findings, it seems that participation in COIL in teacher training adds value to maker-based educational practices.This research was funded by the Basque Government’s Department of Education, particularly the funding for research teams working on the project “Creating STEAM education through designing and implementing makerspaces”, with award number IT1685-22

    Emotions of Educators Conducting Emergency Remote Teaching during COVID-19 Confinement

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    The home confinement of the population in Spain caused by the COVID-19 pandemic interrupted face-to-face teaching and led teachers of all educational levels to perform their activities remotely. This represented a radical change in daily tasks. The goal of this study is to analyse and understand the emotions teachers experienced while performing Emergency Remote Teaching during home confinement. We performed a descriptive quantitative analysis and a comparison of the means (ANOVA) related to the independent sociodemographic variables (age, gender, and educational stage). The study sample consisted of 4589 teachers from the Basque Country, and represents the largest study with these characteristics conducted in Spain. The results obtained in the research show that, despite suffering great stress, teachers also felt pride in the work they had done. The study concludes that the teachers in the group who suffered the most negative feelings were women, primary school teachers, and middle-aged educators.This research was funded by the University of the Basque Country, grant number GIU 19/010, PPGI19/11 and by the Basque Government, grant number IT1195-19

    Education in the knowledge society : EKS

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en español y en inglésLa integración de nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje basado en juego, como el caso de los escape rooms digitales, pueden mejorar los procesos cognitivos, la motivación, el plano emocional y el ámbito social. En este estudio se ha desarrollado un modelo para investigar la influencia de los factores motivacionales en la intención de utilizar los escapes room en educación superior y su influencia sobre el aprendizaje colaborativo. 238 estudiantes de los Grados de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Social participaron en la experiencia.ES