1,223 research outputs found

    Value and territories : Pithoi, storerooms, redistribution across the eastern

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    The present research has the main objective of studying storage modes regarding pithoi in the Late Bronze Age Mediterranean, aiming at better understanding the socio-economic organisation of the three contexts under examination - Pyla-Kokkinokremos, Kommos, and Broglio di Trebisacce. Despite the fact that this research embraces the whole Mediterranean, the research question arises from the Italian perspective. Indeed, the Italian pithos production started - after the contact with the Aegeans - during the 13th century BC (Italian Recent Bronze Age). The Late Bronze Age was indeed characterised by the existence of intense Mediterranean networks linking Anatolia, the Levant, Egypt, Cyprus, the Aegeans and, at a lower extent, also the Western Mediterranean. The work is developed in nine Chapters, which includes typological, technological and functional analyses in order to obtain a proper comprehension of the pithos

    Astroled - Illuminazione artistica urbana del Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e del nuovo Parco Astronomico di Monte Mario nella Sede Centrale dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica.

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    Il “concept” di progetto individua gli obiettivi e le finalità e, in generale, le indicazioni di progetto per la nuova illuminazione artistica urbana del Museo Astronomico e Copernicano e del nuovo Parco Astronomico di Monte Mario nella Sede Centrale dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, valorizzando gli aspetti architettonici, le peculiarità storiche e scientifiche, il ruolo e la riconoscibilità nello skyline della città di Roma

    In viaggio tra passato e futuro. Itinerario nel tempo e nello spazio dal Parco Storico dell’Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Monte Mario.

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    Il progetto di arricchire il “Nuovo parco astronomico di Monte Mario” di un itinerario guidato rientra in un più ampio programma di promozione e valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, artistico, scientifico e paesaggistico dell’Osservatorio di Monte Mario che, nel suo ruolo di Sede Centrale dell’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, è l’emblema dell’intero Istituto che simbolicamente a rappresenta. Questo “Itinerario nel tempo e nello spazio dal parco storico dell’Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma Monte Mario” è indirizzato ad appassionati, studenti, studiosi, turisti, che, singolarmente o in gruppo, potranno visitare il parco con i padiglioni di osservazione e la Torre Solare. Il progetto punta a: - promuovere e far conoscere il complesso della Sede Centrale dell’INAF, rendendolo accessibile, popolare, riconosciuto e apprezzato grazie alle peculiarità che lo contraddistinguono, quelle di carattere storico, artistico, architettonico, paesaggistico, e – last but not least – quelle di carattere scientifico e tecnologico-strumentale, in ottemperanza alle previsioni statutarie dell’ente; - affermare l’unicità e la riconoscibilità del “Nuovo Parco Astronomico” della Capitale, che la sinergia tra scienza, tecnologia, architettura e paesaggio, consolidata nel tempo, rende esclusivo, originale e non riproducibile; - trasmettere ai visitatori esperienze memorabili e singolari, come percorrere il tracciato del Primo Meridiano, apprendere da contenuti multimediali lo stato dei grandi progetti cui l’ente partecipa o che promuove, come SKA o CTA, visitare il Museo Copernicano, che con le sue magnifiche collezioni custodisce secoli di storia dell’astronomia; - riqualificare e valorizzare un complesso suggestivo e pregevole per storia e scienza come l’Osservatorio Astronomico, riservando cura e attenzione alla fase della progettazione, nel pieno rispetto della normativa vigente e con particolare attenzione ai vincoli cui il complesso è soggetto, anche allo scopo di dare lustro alle attività dell’INAF; - trasmettere stati d’animo ed emozioni, come tramite per favorire l’interesse del pubblico nei confronti della cultura dell’astronomia e dell’astrofisica, per favorirne la diffusione e divulgazione; - catturare l’interesse del pubblico e di potenziali investitori, promuovendo il brand dell’INAF. Il percorso darà modo ai visitatori di approfondire la conoscenza dell’astronomia e dell’astrofisica, in un viaggio simbolico nel tempo – tra passato il passato che possiamo toccare con mano e il futuro che stiamo già vivendo – attraverso i pannelli illustrativi posti negli snodi, le postazioni multimediali che si prevede di installare, e gli approfondimenti che saranno accessibili in rete tramite la lettura di codici QR. L’itinerario si conclude con la sosta alla terrazza panoramica che domina la città e dalla quale si distinguono elementi architettonici inconfondibili, quali Trinità dei Monti e il Colosseo, da una prospettiva superba. Come tappa opzionale per arricchire il percorso è stata inserita la visita al Museo Astronomico e Copernicano, recentemente riallestito, nel momento in cui sarà riaperto al pubblico. Ma nel complesso sono presenti anche alcune interessanti infrastrutture, alcune delle quali rappresentano veri e propri gioielli della storia dell’astronomia italiana. La Cisterna, la Torre solare, le cupole di Villa Mellini, i padiglioni nel parco, i manufatti legati al Primo Meridiano d’Italia: tutte testimonianze di un passato che simboleggia, al contempo, un cammino di ricerca. Un cammino che attraversa i secoli, partendo dagli strumenti con cui abbiamo osservato il cielo nel passato per arrivare alle strutture osservative con cui l’uomo osserva l’Universo oggi, sempre più lontano nel tempo e nello spazio. Un cammino che dal passato ci guida verso il nostro futuro

    Dysphagia-related mucositis in children undergoing chemotherapy: The COMEDY pattern

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    Objectives Children undergoing chemotherapy can experience dysphagia due to non-erosive reflux disease (NERD). Oral mucositis (OM) associated with NERD-dysphagia in children with cancer has recently been defined with the acronym COMEDY (Clenching, Oral Mucositis, closed Eyes, DYsphagia). This study aims to identify the prevalence of the COMEDY pattern among chemotherapy-induced OM. Subjects and methods Forty-two medical records of children undergoing chemotherapy for haemato-oncologic diseases and presenting OM were reviewed. The following data were collected: age, type of haemato-oncologic disease, presence of dysphagia, type of oral mucosal lesions (i.e. traditional oral mucositis or COMEDY pattern), site of oral lesions, ear-nose-throat (ENT) assessment for the indirect signs of NERD and paediatric neuro-psychiatric (PNP) assessment. Results Among 42 children with chemotherapy-related OM, 6 patients (14.2%) showed the COMEDY pattern. Besides the characteristic clinical aspect of the oral mucosa, initially classified as grade II OM, these children suffered from NERD-related dysphagia and PNP issues. Conclusion A COMEDY pattern can occur in a number of cases of chemotherapy-induced OM; recognizing this pattern may improve the effectiveness of treatment

    Photoacoustic Imaging: Hybrid Technology for Small Animals Holding Potentials Translatable for Clinical applications

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    Photoacoustic imaging is an emerging modality that exploits the photoacoustic effect to combine the high contrast of optical imaging with the spatial resolution and penetration depth of ultrasound. A key feature of PA imaging methods is that they exploit optical contrast but employ US detection principles. The PA effect offers a way to take advantage of the ability of light to penetrate into the body and let us defeat light diffusion by using US waves to see the penetrating light. The main advantage of this hybrid approach is that the optical properties of biological tissue, including high contrast and spectral specificity, are encoded in an ultrasound signal. Resolutions of better than 1 mm can be obtained at depths measured in centimeters (up to 7) and not in millimeters, depending on the laser wavelength and transducer frequency used, opening up entirely new regimens of optical imaging. From a clinical standpoint, PA imaging is complementary in nature and synergetic with US and a combined US and PA imaging system can be easily implemented due to the presence of a shared detector and associated electronics. Furthermore, such a system will be readily accepted by clinicians familiar with US imaging

    Usefulness of a clinical diagnosis of ICU-acquired paresis to predict outcome in patients with SIRS and acute respiratory failure

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    Purpose: Neuromuscular abnormalities are common in ICU patients. We aimed to assess the incidence of clinically diagnosed ICU-acquired paresis (ICUAP) and its impact on outcome. Methods: Forty-two patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome on mechanical ventilation for ≥48h were prospectively studied. Diagnosis of ICUAP was defined as symmetric limb muscle weakness in at least two muscle groups at ICU discharge without other explanation. The threshold Medical Research Council (MRC) Score was set at 35 (of 50) points. Activities in daily living were scored using the Barthel Index 28 and 180days after ICU discharge. Results: Three patients died before sedation was stopped. ICUAP was diagnosed in 13 of the 39 patients (33%). Multivariate regression analysis yielded five ICUAP-predicting variables (P<0.05): SAPS II at ICU admission, treatment with steroids, muscle relaxants or norepinephrine, and days with sepsis. Patients with ICUAP had lower admission SAPS II scores [37±13 vs. 49±15 (P=0.018)], lower Barthel Index at 28days and lower survival at 180days after ICU discharge (38 vs. 77%, P=0.033) than patients without ICUAP. Daily TISS-28 scores were similar but cumulative TISS-28 scores were higher in patients with ICUAP (664±275) than in patients without ICUAP (417±236; P=0.008). The only independent risk factor for death before day 180 was the presence of ICUAP. Conclusions: A clinical diagnosis of ICUAP was frequently established in this patient group. Despite lower SAPS II scores, these patients needed more resources and had high mortality and prolonged recovery periods after ICU discharg

    Splanchnic Vasoregulation After Major Abdominal Surgery in Pigs

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    Background: Unrecognized reduction of blood supply to intestinal organs is associated with significant postoperative morbidity in abdominal surgery. The aim of this study was to determine whether—in the absence of hypovolemia—intestinal hypoperfusion as a result of blood flow redistribution occurs after abdominal surgery. Methods: Standardized operative trauma was induced in 14 healthy pigs. Systemic, regional, and local blood flow, intestinal and gastric intraluminal-to-end-tidal pCO2 gradients representing mucosal perfusion, and oxygen transport variables were measured for 10 postoperative hours. Normovolemia was maintained using continuous infusion of Ringer's lactate and additional boluses of colloids in response to blood pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure, and urinary output. Results: Postoperative blood flow was significantly increased in the celiac trunk (76% increase [percentage of baseline flow], p=0.003) and the hepatic (136% increase, p=0.002) and splenic (36% increase, p=0.025) arteries. Blood flow was significantly decreased in the mesenteric artery (25% decrease, p=0.007) and portal vein (13% decrease, p=0.028). Carotid and renal artery blood flow remained unchanged. Conclusions: Maintenance of normovolemia is insufficient to protect from intestinal hypoperfusion after abdominal surgery. Postoperative redistribution of cardiac output results in decreased intestinal and increased hepatic and splenic arterial blood flo

    Effects of Endotoxin and Catecholamines on Hepatic Mitochondrial Respiration

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    Catecholamines are frequently used in sepsis, but their interaction with mitochondrial function is controversial. We incubated isolated native and endotoxin-exposed swine liver mitochondria with either dopamine, dobutamine, noradrenaline or placebo for 1h. Mitochondrial State 3 and 4 respiration and their ratio (RCR) were determined for respiratory chain complexes I, II and IV. All catecholamines impaired glutamate-dependent RCR (p = 0.046), predominantly in native mitochondria. Endotoxin incubation alone induced a decrease in glutamate-dependent RCR compared to control samples (p = 0.002). We conclude that catecholamines and endotoxin impair the efficiency of mitochondrial complex I respiration in vitr