117 research outputs found

    Railway terminals: Accessibility for persons with reduced mobility

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    In the era of integration of all means of transport, there is revived interest in railway transport, which cannot any long exist as a transport system on its own or as an independent part within the growing cities. This renaissance of railway transport, and its integration with other means of transportation, led to a great production of exclusive terminals in recent days. High demands and investments related to these objects gathered together the most prominent architects and constructors, and as result offered a diversity of modern terminals, which integrate the static and dynamic character of the building into a unified whole, and celebrate new technologies and speed. Removal of barriers for customers, abundance of daylight, space filled with views, easy orientation and safe passage through space are some of the most important imperatives for modern railway terminals. Among other things this includes accessibility of railway infrastructure for persons with reduced mobility. The paper explores conditions for implementation of “Technical Specification for Interoperability - People with Reduced Mobility” on Serbian Railways

    Determination of sleeper support conditions

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    Accessible railway platforms - Czech and Serbian design experience and recommendations

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    Accessible railway platforms are an important part of modern railway infrastructure. Accessibility for all passenger categories, including people with reduced mobility (PRM), is one of basic and mandatory requirements for new and reconstructed European railway infrastructure. According to the results of the research conducted within the framework of the Visegrád Group (cultural and political alliance of four Central European nations – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, that are members of the European Union) in 2015, the existing railway platforms and passenger information systems represent serious barriers for PRM passengers (especially for people in wheelchair, with crutches, with baby prams, as well as for blind and visually impaired passengers). This paper deals with design requirements for railway platforms from the aspect of accessibility, tactile walking surface indicators and acoustic information for blind and visually impaired passengers. Paper analyses legal framework and shows examples of practical application of accessibility standards in Czech Republic and the Republic of Serbia. Furthermore, it provides concrete recommendations for barrier-free design of railway platform

    Performance requirements for rail fastening systems on European railway network

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    In order to realize interoperability of railway system, the reconstruction and modernization plan of railway network in the Republic of Serbia should be harmonized with technical requirements of European railway network. The paper presents hierarchical approach to harmonization of legal and technical regulations in the area of railway infrastructure, with special attention drawn to the rail fastening systems. Performance requirements for rail fastening systems were analysed according to the adopted standard series SRPS EN 13481 and SRPS EN 13146

    Optimizacija ranžirno-otpremnog dela gravitacione ranžirne stanice

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    U disertaciji je prikazan iterativni postupak razvoja generalnog resenja gravitacene ranzirne stanice zasnovan na koordinaciji projekta stanice и svim fazama projektovanja sa prostornim planiranjem i zastitom životne sredine. Osnovni problem koji disertacija razmatra je optimizacija rešenja ranžirno- otpremnog dela gravitacene ranzirne stanice. Istražene su mogućnosti za poveéanje kapaciteta postojećih i novih gravitacionih ranžirnih stanica, korišćenjem poboljšanja и oblasti tehnologije rada и stanici, njenim uključivanjem и informacioni sistem, kao i korišćenjem savremenih postupaka kočenja na ranžirnoj rampi. Prikazan je postupak dinamičke specijalizacije ranžirnih koloseka, koji se mode primeniti и stanicama uključenim и informacioni sistem. Ukazano je na dve osnovne modifìkacije resenja ranzirno-otpremnog dela stanice: rešenje sa zasebnom ranžirnom i otpremnom grupom i rešenje sa objedinjenom ranžirno-otpremnom grupom, ispitane su posledice dodeljivcinja realizacije zadataka otpreme ranzirnim kolosecima. Dàt je prikaz resenja gravitacionih stanica и svetu, sa posebnim osvrtom na rešenje ranzirno-otpremnog dela stanice. Istaknute su prednosti i nedostaci obe modifìkacije resenja ranzirno-otpremnog dela, uz stav da na konačno opredeljenje najviše utiče obim i vrsta ranzirnog zadatka. U poglavlju 7 prikazana je primena Teorije masovnog opsluživanja za određivanje potrebnog broja ranžirnih i otpremnih koloseka, kao i primena postupka simulacije procesa na odgovarajuéim izlaznim grlima ranzirno-otpremnog dela gravitacione ranzirne stanice. U poglavlju 6 obrađen je poseban problem povezivanja rada gravitacione ranzirne stanice i bliske robne stanice. U poglavlju 8 data opšta matrica ciljevci i kriterijuma, koji и postupku višekriterijumske optimizacije treba da omoguée odabir funkcionalnog, bezbednog i ekonomičnog generalnog resenja gravitacione ranzirne stanice, uklopljenog и planirani prostorni razvoj, sa prihvatljivim uticajima na okolnu zivotnu sredinu. Pokazatelji navedeni и poglavlju 8 se и najvećoj meri neposredno, ili posredno određuju preko metodologie za razvoj generalnog resenja gravitacione ranžirne stanice, koja je prikazana и disertaciji.Within the Dissertation an iterative procedure for the development of a general solution of gravitation marshalling yard has been presented. This procedure is being based on the co-ordination of a marshalling yard design during all the design phases including spatial planning and environment protection. The essential problem treated by the Dissertation is the optimisation of the solution of the marshalling-dispatching part of the gravitation marshalling yard. Possibilities for the capacity increase of the existing and new gravitation marshalling yards have been investigated using improvements within the yard’s work technology, its connection to an information system as well as using modern braking procedures at a gravitation marshalling yard. A procedure for a dynamic specialisation of marshalling tracks within a yard has been presented, which can be applied at the yards connected to an information system. Two essential modifications of the solution to the marshalling-dispatching part of a yard have been pointed out: a solution with a separate marshalling and dispatching groups and a solution with the integrated marshalling-dispatching group. Consequences of different dispatching task assignments to the marshalling tracks have been investigated as well. Various marshalling yards solutions found around the World have been presented, with a special emphasis on the solutions of the marshalling-dispatching parts. Advantages and drawbacks of both solution modifications of the marshalling­ dispatching parts have been stressed, with a conclusion that the final choice is been mostly affected by the size and the type of a marshalling task. Chapter 7 presents the application of the “Theory of mass service" for defining the required number of marshalling and dispatching tracks, as well as an application of a simulation procedure onto the appropriate exit branches of the marshalling­ dispatching part of a gravitation marshalling yard. Within the Chapter 6 a specific problem of connecting the operation of a gravitation marshalling yard with a close-by freight station has been investigated. Chapter 8 brings a general matrix of objectives and criteria, which should, within a multicriteria optimisation procedure, enable the choice of a functional, safe and economic general solution of the gravitation marshalling yard, incorporated into the pre-planned spatial development and with an acceptable impact on the environment. Parameters stated in the Chapter 8 are mostly defined, either directly or indirectly, using the methodology for the marshalling yard general solution development, which has been presented in the Dissertatio

    Optimizacija ranžirno-otpremnog dela gravitacione ranžirne stanice

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    U disertaciji je prikazan iterativni postupak razvoja generalnog resenja gravitacene ranzirne stanice zasnovan na koordinaciji projekta stanice и svim fazama projektovanja sa prostornim planiranjem i zastitom životne sredine. Osnovni problem koji disertacija razmatra je optimizacija rešenja ranžirno- otpremnog dela gravitacene ranzirne stanice. Istražene su mogućnosti za poveéanje kapaciteta postojećih i novih gravitacionih ranžirnih stanica, korišćenjem poboljšanja и oblasti tehnologije rada и stanici, njenim uključivanjem и informacioni sistem, kao i korišćenjem savremenih postupaka kočenja na ranžirnoj rampi. Prikazan je postupak dinamičke specijalizacije ranžirnih koloseka, koji se mode primeniti и stanicama uključenim и informacioni sistem. Ukazano je na dve osnovne modifìkacije resenja ranzirno-otpremnog dela stanice: rešenje sa zasebnom ranžirnom i otpremnom grupom i rešenje sa objedinjenom ranžirno-otpremnom grupom, ispitane su posledice dodeljivcinja realizacije zadataka otpreme ranzirnim kolosecima. Dàt je prikaz resenja gravitacionih stanica и svetu, sa posebnim osvrtom na rešenje ranzirno-otpremnog dela stanice. Istaknute su prednosti i nedostaci obe modifìkacije resenja ranzirno-otpremnog dela, uz stav da na konačno opredeljenje najviše utiče obim i vrsta ranzirnog zadatka. U poglavlju 7 prikazana je primena Teorije masovnog opsluživanja za određivanje potrebnog broja ranžirnih i otpremnih koloseka, kao i primena postupka simulacije procesa na odgovarajuéim izlaznim grlima ranzirno-otpremnog dela gravitacione ranzirne stanice. U poglavlju 6 obrađen je poseban problem povezivanja rada gravitacione ranzirne stanice i bliske robne stanice. U poglavlju 8 data opšta matrica ciljevci i kriterijuma, koji и postupku višekriterijumske optimizacije treba da omoguée odabir funkcionalnog, bezbednog i ekonomičnog generalnog resenja gravitacione ranzirne stanice, uklopljenog и planirani prostorni razvoj, sa prihvatljivim uticajima na okolnu zivotnu sredinu. Pokazatelji navedeni и poglavlju 8 se и najvećoj meri neposredno, ili posredno određuju preko metodologie za razvoj generalnog resenja gravitacione ranžirne stanice, koja je prikazana и disertaciji.Within the Dissertation an iterative procedure for the development of a general solution of gravitation marshalling yard has been presented. This procedure is being based on the co-ordination of a marshalling yard design during all the design phases including spatial planning and environment protection. The essential problem treated by the Dissertation is the optimisation of the solution of the marshalling-dispatching part of the gravitation marshalling yard. Possibilities for the capacity increase of the existing and new gravitation marshalling yards have been investigated using improvements within the yard’s work technology, its connection to an information system as well as using modern braking procedures at a gravitation marshalling yard. A procedure for a dynamic specialisation of marshalling tracks within a yard has been presented, which can be applied at the yards connected to an information system. Two essential modifications of the solution to the marshalling-dispatching part of a yard have been pointed out: a solution with a separate marshalling and dispatching groups and a solution with the integrated marshalling-dispatching group. Consequences of different dispatching task assignments to the marshalling tracks have been investigated as well. Various marshalling yards solutions found around the World have been presented, with a special emphasis on the solutions of the marshalling-dispatching parts. Advantages and drawbacks of both solution modifications of the marshalling­ dispatching parts have been stressed, with a conclusion that the final choice is been mostly affected by the size and the type of a marshalling task. Chapter 7 presents the application of the “Theory of mass service" for defining the required number of marshalling and dispatching tracks, as well as an application of a simulation procedure onto the appropriate exit branches of the marshalling­ dispatching part of a gravitation marshalling yard. Within the Chapter 6 a specific problem of connecting the operation of a gravitation marshalling yard with a close-by freight station has been investigated. Chapter 8 brings a general matrix of objectives and criteria, which should, within a multicriteria optimisation procedure, enable the choice of a functional, safe and economic general solution of the gravitation marshalling yard, incorporated into the pre-planned spatial development and with an acceptable impact on the environment. Parameters stated in the Chapter 8 are mostly defined, either directly or indirectly, using the methodology for the marshalling yard general solution development, which has been presented in the Dissertatio

    Ocena i rangiranje varijantnih rešenja konstrukcije koloseka na čvrstoj podlozi

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    Slab track systems have been in use for more than a hundred years; first as metro and tunnel systems, and today as standard solution to track systems in urban surroundings and alternative solution to high-speed lines. This paper defines criteria functions for assessment of some slab track systems used in Europe. Results of variants rank are obtained by applying procedure of Multiple Criteria Optimization and use of different decision making scenarios.Kolosek na čvrstoj podlozi primenjuje se više od sto godina, najpre u metroima i tunelima, a danas kao standardno rešenje za šinske sisteme u gradskom okruženju i kao ravnopravno alternativno rešenje na prugama za velike brzine. U radu se definišu kriterijumske funkcije za ocenu nekih od priznatih evropskih varijantnih rešenja konstrukcije koloseka po stručnom izboru autora. Primenom postupka višekriterijumske optimizacije prikazuju se rezultati rangiranja varijanata za različita scenarija donošenja odluke

    Javni putnički saobraćaj na razdaljinama do 800 km

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    The increase in the average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans more than 2°C would lead to dangerous climate change and the devastating impact on wildlife. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the gas emission in all the sectors, including transport. Based on a large number of examples from different continents, this paper researches the possible shift of passengers from air and road to high speed rail traffic, on the trip lengths up to 800 km. The goal of the planned shift to other modes are reducing CO2 emission. The paper provides guidelines for the development of sustainable public passenger transport, which is environmental, economic and social required.Povećanje prosečne temperature Zemljine atmosfere i okeana preko 2°C dovelo bi do značajne promene klime i razornog uticaja na živi svet. Zato je neophodno da se smanji emisija gasa u svim sektorima, uključujući saobraćaj. Ovaj rad, na osnovu velikog broja primera sa više kontinenata, istražuje mogući transfer putnika sa vazdušnog i drumskog na železnički saobraćaj za velike brzine, na dužinama putovanja do 800 km. Cilj planskog transfera putnika je redukovanje emisije CO2. U radu se daju smernice za razvoj održivog javnog putničkog saobraćaja, koji je zasnovan na ekološkim, ekonomskim i sociološkim zahtevima

    Sustainable Railway Infrastructure and Specific Environmental Issues in the Republic of Serbia

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    Transport represents both need and threat to the modern human society. European transport policy aims at sustainable transport development based on the efficient use of natural resources, protection and improvement of environment, as well as the real and diverse needs of potential users. The paper points out that the development of railway infrastructure is a necessary but not sufficient condition for shaping the sustainable mobility. Railway infrastructure has to meet the requirements of the society, economy, protection and improvement of the environment. In general, electrification of railways leads to reduction of the carbon footprint. On the other hand, thermal power plants in Serbia are the main suppliers of electric power. The results of previous geotechnical laboratory testing showed that investigated fly ash could be suitable for utilisation in the railway infrastructure. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests to determine the presence of radionuclides and trace elements in fly ash samples

    Track alignment parameters on modern railway lines for mixed traffic

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