93 research outputs found

    Untersuchung der kognitiven Modellierung zur Gussstückqualitätsverbesserung

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    Als Ergebnis der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein nützliches Hilfsmittel auf der Basis der kognitiven Herangehensweise zur Verbesserung der Effizienz der Managemententscheidungen für die Gussausschussverringerung und Qualitätsverbesserung in den Gießereien entwickelt. Das Werkzeug hilft dem Technologen, den Mechanismus des Gussfehlerentstehungsprozesses aufzudecken, die Logik der Gussfehlerentstehung zu verstehen und die präventiven Maßnahmen zu testen. Man kann das Werkzeug täglich im Betrieb benutzen, um die strategischen und operativen Entscheidungen rasch und ohne Durchführung der kostspieligen und komplizierten Versuche zu treffen. Auf diese Weise können Kosten und Zeit eingespart werden

    Analytical survey of development directions of social labour sphere of urban settlement

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    The article shows the relevance of implementing the development processes and expanding the infoshere within the international standards of statistical accounting. It reflects methodological approaches to analytical processing of information resources characterizing the conditions and trends in developing modern urban settlement. The article also provides the dynamics on the a number of indexes of social labour sphere in Rostov-on-Don. It shows the practicability of forming the conception of the strategic development of the urban settlement based on official information resources. The article provides the comparative assessment of the position of Rostov-on-Don as the capital of the Southern Federal District on a number of indexes of social labour sphere regarding million-plus cities of Russian and regional capitals forming a part of the Southern Federal District.peer-reviewe

    The success factors of small business

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    Purpose: Small businesses in the economy of any country are of great significance. However, their viability is much lower than large and even medium ones. As is known, only a little number of the established small enterprises will not go bankrupt in a year, and they will succeed and continue developing for the next five years by expanding their activities. Even a smaller number of small enterprises will be able to transform into the medium one. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the factors that assist to define the success of small businesses’ performance and development. Design/Methodology/Approach: This commentary note studies, identifies and generalizes the success factors of small enterprises described in the works of many successful entrepreneurs both in Russia and abroad. The authors use the toolkit and methods of economic analysis, consider quantitative and qualitative characteristics and features of small business development as well as entrepreneurial abilities that allow to identify key factors for small businesses’ success. Findings: The authors have found that many successful entrepreneurs describing their experience in managing business and identifying main success factors of small businesses have similar opinions in this area. These main aspects have been identified. Practical Implications: The note provides practical recommendations to entrepreneurs establishing their small businesses and trying to develop them successfully. It describes main secrets of business and philosophies of entrepreneur’s actions. Originality/Value: The authors’ position is because business success is achieved by people who have not only the necessary economic knowledge but also those who have the necessary mindset, so called philosophy of success, personal attitude including intuition.peer-reviewe

    The impact of World University Rankings on BRICS students' choices of universities (the case of the Ural Federal University)

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    World rankings affect universities’ positions on the global education market. The survey (2017-2018, UrFU) of Chinese students (n = 20) and experts (n = 4) found that for students the quality of education and their parents’ / friends’ opinions were the key factors in their university choice. Experts believe, however, that the role of rankings will grow and that high ranking positions will be used by universities to attract investment and improve their status

    The impact of sensory characteristics on the willingness to pay for honey

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    Honey consumption in Russia has been actively growing in recent years due to the increasing interest in healthy and environment-friendly food products. However, it remains an open question which characteristics of honey are the most significant for consumers and, more importantly, from an economic point of view, for which of them consumers are willing to pay. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of sensory characteristics in assessing consumers' willingness to pay for honey and to determine which properties and characteristics "natural" honey should have to encourage repeated purchases by target consumers. The study involved a behavioral experiment that included a pre-test questionnaire, blind tasting of honey samples, an in-room test to assess perceived quality, and a closed auction using the Becker-DeGroote-Marschak method. As the result, it was revealed that the correspondence of the expected sensations to the actual taste, taste intensity, duration of the aftertaste and the sensations of tickling in the throat had a positive effect on both the perceived quality of the product and the willingness to pay for it, while perception of off-flavors or added sugar had a negative impact. Using factor analysis, we have combined 21 sensory characteristics of honey into eight components that were sufficient to obtain the flavor portrait of honey by Russian consumers

    Предикторы достоверности в нарративах женщин — доноров ооцитов

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    This article analyses protocols of in-depth interviews of oocyte donors using a comprehensive methodology that combines aspects of psychology, semiotics, pragmatics, and cognitive linguistics. The authors examine discursive markers of oral dialogic speech that indirectly indicate the reliability of the statements of the interviewees or their desire to disguise information during the conversation. The interdisciplinary nature of the study is provided by the synthesis of psychological and linguistic methodological approaches to the analysis of linguistic material, united around the logical-philosophical category of modality. A similar methodological approach is found in the authorial methods of criteria analysis by A. Vrij. Within the framework of the first method, the authors consider the cognitive operations transmitted by the interviewee while describing the ongoing events, as well as the structural and lexical-semantic makeup of the text as indicators of the reliability of the information presented, which corresponds to the linguistic interpretation of modality. The second method of analysis is developed to a greater extent in line with the psychological approach to the definition of modality: the presence of accurate sensory information in the narrative of the interviewees is a significant indicator of the speaker’s truthfulness. The analysis of interviews with oocyte donors using these methods reveals that perceptual and affective information updated in a communication situation is more indicative of the truthfulness of the speaker than the mental representation of the events and facts presented. In addition, truth-tellers provide more detail, also related to the realm of sensory perception. The desire to disguise any information is often accompanied by a reference to forgetfulness and a transition to another topic of the storyline. The applied research results may be of interest to a wide range of interviewers on different topics while the scholarly results can be used in interdisciplinary art and social science studies.Исследование посвящено анализу протоколов глубинного интервью доноров ооцитов с применением комплексной методологии, сочетающей элементы психологии, лингвосемиотики, прагмалингвистики, когнитивной лингвистики. На материале устной диалогической речи рассмотрены дискурсивные маркеры, опосредованно указывающие на достоверность высказываний участниц интервью или желание скрыть определенную информацию в ходе беседы. Междисциплинарный характер исследования обеспечивается синтезом психологических и лингвистических методологических подходов к анализу языкового материала, объединенных вокруг логико-философской категории модальности. Подобный методологический подход обнаруживается в авторских методиках критериального анализа А. Врая. В рамках первой методики исследуются когнитивные операции, транслируемые участником интервью в ходе описания происходящих событий, а также структурное и лексико-семантическое оформление текста высказывания как показатели достоверности излагаемой информации, что соответствует лингвистической интерпретации модальности. Вторая методика анализа выстраивается в большей степени в русле психологического подхода к определению модальности: наличие точной сенсорной информации в нарративе участников интервью является значимым показателем правдивости говорящего. Анализ интервью доноров ооцитов с использованием данных методик показал, что перцептивная, аффективная информация, актуализируемая в ситуации общения, в большей степени свидетельствует о правдивости говорящего, чем ментальная репрезентация излагаемых событий и фактов. Кроме того, говорящие правду приводят больше деталей, также относящихся к сфере чувственного восприятия. Желание скрыть какую-либо информацию часто сопровождается ссылкой на нарушения памяти и переходом на другую тему повествования. Прикладные результаты исследования могут представлять интерес для широкого круга лиц, проводящих собеседования по различной тематике. Научные результаты могут быть использованы при проведении междисциплинарных исследований социально-гуманитарного профиля

    Cognitive Approach in Castings’ Quality Control

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    Every year production volume of castings grows, especially grows production volume of non-ferrous metals, thanks to aluminium. As a result, requirements to castings quality also increase. Foundry men from all over the world put all their efforts to manage the problem of casting defects. In this article the authors present an approach based on the use of cognitive models that help to visualize inner cause-and-effect relations leading to casting defects in the foundry process. The cognitive models mentioned comprise a diverse network of factors and their relations, which together thoroughly describe all the details of the foundry process and their influence on the appearance of castings’ defects and other aspects.. Moreover, the article contains an example of a simple die casting model and results of simulation. Implementation of the proposed method will help foundry men reveal the mechanism and the main reasons of casting defects formation

    Methodological and analytical provision of region monitoring

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    The article reflects methodological and applied aspects of the quality and completeness of information provided to the monitoring taking into account the level of spatial aggregation. The authors suggest an algorithm on forming informational blocks of monitoring on the region level which allows to implement the functions of the given analytical tool. Furthermore, the article provides the reasons for integrating information within the united methodological and legal area of Russian public statistics in order to form the representative database for regional monitoring and analysis.peer-reviewe

    Studying Supply Chain and Tourism Cluster Development

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    Supply chain and tourism cluster are the two important ways to enhance the competitiveness of regions or industries. By discussing the differences and links between the two, this paper concludes that tourism cluster and supply chain carry features of compatibility and symbiosis. The importance of this research paper is determined by the fact that a significant number of tourism clusters established in the territory of the Russian Federation are not always successful as catalysts for the tourism sector development. This study aims to determine methods for conducting research on specialization as a factor in tourism cluster development, taking into consideration the existing research approaches and findings in this area. The systemic, structural, functional and analysis methods were used, along with a general theoretic approach to researching tourism cluster development. The selected methods made it possible to identify approaches to forming the relevant research methodologies. Based on the presented approaches, it is possible to choose research methods and the coherence of research activities in this area, with a view to identify key development indicators for tourism development and various tourism-related processes taking place within the territory of a tourism cluster. The research findings will provide necessary tools and mechanisms for developing tourism clusters based on the diversification of their specialization. The findings of the study are directed at increasing the effectiveness of decisions taken to assess and forecast tourism cluster development and can also be of use to all those interested in this field. The materials of the present study can be used by regional administrations to monitor and make effective management decisions aimed at improving regional tourism development programs. Experts and scholars could also benefit from the findings of this study to analyze and develop projections and to promote topic-related methodological approaches. The article will be of practical value for the specialists in tourism planning, tourism administration and tourism enterprise managers