17 research outputs found

    D1.1 - Report concerning line and use-case based requirements

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    The project ‘Fuel Cell Hybrid Power Pack for Rail Applications’ was an innovation action in Horizon 2020, the most significant research programme in the European Union. Aimed at reducing the production costs of fuel cell systems in transport applications while increasing their service life to levels that can compete with conventional technologies, the programme has awarded the project entitled FCH2Rail, under Grant Agreement No. 101006633 ([1]). FCH2Rail is a project focused on developing, building, testing, demonstrating and homologating a scalable, modular and multi-purpose Fuel Cell Hybrid PowerPack (FCHPP) applicable for different rail applications (multiple units, mainline locomotives and shunting locomotives). It is also suitable for retrofitting existing electric and diesel trains, to reach TRL7. The purpose of Deliverable D1.1 is to analyse and gather requirements on hydrogen trains from operational and infrastructural parameters. This is done within two steps. First a high-level line analysis is performed to collect infrastructural and operational characteristics for various countries in the European Union. In the second steps, representative use-cases are identified and simulated to evaluate detailed requirements on the FCHPP. The first part of the document (section 1) defines requirements of interests. The defined requirements are described. A methodology is described to gather and evaluate these requirements from various data sources. Section 2 describes and characterises then the data used such as timetables, digital elevation models and Open Street Map. Section 3 states the rolling stock of the investigating countries Spain, Portugal, Germany and Slovakia. The vehicles, their fleet sizes and ages are shown and categorised by their usages. Section 4 characterises all railway services suited for the operation of hydrogen (bi-mode) trains (i.e. line-based requirements) in the investigating countries on a higher level. For each service, the requirements defined in section 1 are visualised and put in respective to each other and to vehicle usages. The investigated countries are compared with each other. Section 5 describes a detailed investigation of various use-cases. A use-case is the specific operation of a vehicle on a certain line over a business day. A mechanical energy simulation is performed for each use-case. Simulation results are finally compared. In section 6 the findings of this study and achievable market potentials for generic FC trains are discussed

    Epistasis and pleiotropy affect the modularity of the genotype-phenotype map of drug resistance in HIV-1

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    The genotype-phenotype (GP) map is a central concept in evolutionary biology as it describes the mapping of molecular genetic variation onto phenotypic trait variation. Our understanding of that mapping remains partial, especially when trying to link functional clustering of pleiotropic gene effects with patterns of phenotypic trait co-variation. Only on rare occasions have studies been able to fully explore that link and tend to show poor correspondence between modular structures within the GP map and among phenotypes. By dissecting the structure of the GP map of the replicative capacity of HIV-1 in 15 drug environments, we provide a detailed view of that mapping from mutational pleiotropic variation to phenotypic co-variation, including epistatic effects of a set of amino-acid substitutions in the reverse transcriptase and protease genes. We show that epistasis increases the pleiotropic degree of single mutations and provides modularity to the GP map of drug resistance in HIV-1. Moreover, modules of epistatic pleiotropic effects within the GP map match the phenotypic modules of correlated replicative capacity among drug classes. Epistasis thus increases the evolvability of cross-resistance in HIV by providing more drug- and class-specific pleiotropic profiles to the main effects of the mutations. We discuss the implications for the evolution of cross-resistance in HIV

    ZielgrĂ¶ĂŸen und Spannungsfelder beim Vergleich von Herstellungs-verfahren fĂŒr metallische Bipolarplatten

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    Elektrochemische Energiewandler sind eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, die Energieversorgung der Zu-kunft zu sichern. Eine SchlĂŒsselkomponente der hierfĂŒr benötigten Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brenn-stoffzellen und -Elektrolyseurzellen ist die Bipolarplatte. FĂŒr die Herstellung metallischer Bipolarplatten sind verschiedene umformende Fertigungstechnologien geeignet, die sich hinsichtlich erreichbarer Fer-tigungskosten, Endeigenschaften der Bipolarplatte und technologischer Prozessgrenzen unterschei-den. In diesem Artikel werden die aktuell prĂ€ferierten Fertigungstechnologien wie die wirkmedienba-sierte Blechumformung, sowie das HohlprĂ€gen und das HohlprĂ€gewalzen zur Herstellung von metalli-schen Bipolarplatten miteinander verglichen und bewertet.Electrochemical energy converters are an excellent option to secure the energy supply of the future. A key component of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and -electrolyser cells required for this purpose is the bipolar plate. Various forming technologies with different manufacturing costs, final prop-erties of the bipolar plates, and technological process limits are suitable for the fabrication of metallic bipolar plates. In this article, the currently preferred manufacturing technologies to produce metallic bipolar plates like precisely media-based sheet forming as well as hollow embossing and roll embossing, are compared and evaluated

    ZielgrĂ¶ĂŸen und Spannungsfelder beim Vergleich von Herstellungs-verfahren fĂŒr metallische Bipolarplatten

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    Elektrochemische Energiewandler sind eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, die Energieversorgung der Zu-kunft zu sichern. Eine SchlĂŒsselkomponente der hierfĂŒr benötigten Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brenn-stoffzellen und -Elektrolyseurzellen ist die Bipolarplatte. FĂŒr die Herstellung metallischer Bipolarplatten sind verschiedene umformende Fertigungstechnologien geeignet, die sich hinsichtlich erreichbarer Fer-tigungskosten, Endeigenschaften der Bipolarplatte und technologischer Prozessgrenzen unterschei-den. In diesem Artikel werden die aktuell prĂ€ferierten Fertigungstechnologien wie die wirkmedienba-sierte Blechumformung, sowie das HohlprĂ€gen und das HohlprĂ€gewalzen zur Herstellung von metalli-schen Bipolarplatten miteinander verglichen und bewertet.Electrochemical energy converters are an excellent option to secure the energy supply of the future. A key component of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and -electrolyser cells required for this purpose is the bipolar plate. Various forming technologies with different manufacturing costs, final prop-erties of the bipolar plates, and technological process limits are suitable for the fabrication of metallic bipolar plates. In this article, the currently preferred manufacturing technologies to produce metallic bipolar plates like precisely media-based sheet forming as well as hollow embossing and roll embossing, are compared and evaluated

    ZielgrĂ¶ĂŸen und Spannungsfelder beim Vergleich von Herstellungs-verfahren fĂŒr metallische Bipolarplatten

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    Elektrochemische Energiewandler sind eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, die Energieversorgung der Zu-kunft zu sichern. Eine SchlĂŒsselkomponente der hierfĂŒr benötigten Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brenn-stoffzellen und -Elektrolyseurzellen ist die Bipolarplatte. FĂŒr die Herstellung metallischer Bipolarplatten sind verschiedene umformende Fertigungstechnologien geeignet, die sich hinsichtlich erreichbarer Fer-tigungskosten, Endeigenschaften der Bipolarplatte und technologischer Prozessgrenzen unterschei-den. In diesem Artikel werden die aktuell prĂ€ferierten Fertigungstechnologien wie die wirkmedienba-sierte Blechumformung, sowie das HohlprĂ€gen und das HohlprĂ€gewalzen zur Herstellung von metalli-schen Bipolarplatten miteinander verglichen und bewertet.Electrochemical energy converters are an excellent option to secure the energy supply of the future. A key component of the polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells and -electrolyser cells required for this purpose is the bipolar plate. Various forming technologies with different manufacturing costs, final prop-erties of the bipolar plates, and technological process limits are suitable for the fabrication of metallic bipolar plates. In this article, the currently preferred manufacturing technologies to produce metallic bipolar plates like precisely media-based sheet forming as well as hollow embossing and roll embossing, are compared and evaluated

    Experimental verification of the model by Klapper for 4H-SiC homoepitaxy on vicinal substrates

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    4H-SiC homoepitaxial layers free of basal plane dislocations (BPDs) are urgently needed to overcome the so-called bipolar degradation of high-voltage devices. BPDs being present in substrates are able to either propagate to the epilayer or convert to harmless threading edge dislocations (TEDs) in the epilayer. The model by Klapper predicts the conversion of BPDs to TEDs to be more efficient for growth on vicinal substrates with low off-cut angle. This paper aims to verify the model by Klapper by an extensive variation of epitaxial growth parameters and the substrates off-cut. It is shown that the off-cut angle is the key parameter for growth of BPD-free epilayers. Furthermore, it is shown that the model also describes adequately the behavior of different types of TEDs, i.e., TED II and TE D III dislocations, during epitaxial growth. Therefore, the model by Klapper is verified successfully for 4H-SiC homoepitaxial growth on vicinal substrates

    Experimental verification of the model by Klapper for 4H-SiC homoepitaxy on vicinal substrates

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    4H-SiC homoepitaxial layers free of basal plane dislocations (BPDs) are urgently needed to overcome the so-called bipolar degradation of high-voltage devices. BPDs being present in substrates are able to either propagate to the epilayer or convert to harmless threading edge dislocations (TEDs) in the epilayer. The model by Klapper predicts the conversion of BPDs to TEDs to be more efficient for growth on vicinal substrates with low off-cut angle. This paper aims to verify the model by Klapper by an extensive variation of epitaxial growth parameters and the substrates' off-cut. It is shown that the off-cut angle is the key parameter for growth of BPD-free epilayers. Furthermore, it is shown that the model also describes adequately the behavior of different types of TEDs, i.e., TED II and TED III dislocations, during epitaxial growth. Therefore, the model by Klapper is verified successfully for 4H-SiC homoepitaxial growth on vicinal substrates

    Direktstromnutzung aus Erneuerbaren Energien zur Versorgung der Ladienfrastruktur von Akkumulator-TriebzĂŒgen.

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    ZunĂ€chst wird der Energiebedarf fĂŒr alternative Antriebe im Streckennetz des deutschen SPNV simulationsbasiert abgeschĂ€tzt. Anhand von Beispielstrecken wird der Energiebedarf von Akkumulator-TriebzĂŒgen modelliert und der Leistungsbedarf der Ladeinfrastruktur sowie die Auswirkungen auf das öffentliche Stromnetz analysiert. Darauf basierend wird die Einbindung von Erneuerbaren Energien zur Versorgung der Ladeinfrastruktur mit einem Optimierungsansatz untersucht