16 research outputs found

    Assessment of knowledge and skills of patients with hypertension related to self-measurement of blood pressure (SBPM)

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    Background Scientific societies have provided massive guidance on the role blood pressure self-measurements play in assessing hypertension treatment effectiveness, where the necessity for the measurements to strictly follow manual and general instructions in order to obtain proper and reliable readings have been underlined and highlighted. Material and methods The present study has been aimed at assessing knowledge and skills regarding blood pressure self-measurements by hypertension patients. The patients self-monitored their blood pressure twice a day with a RossmaxAI95CA sphygmomanometer for 10 days. The videorecorded measurements were analysed and the patients’ skills were marked independently by 2 researchers with regard to 20 parameters. A 10 question test was applied to rank each patient’s knowledge. The study was performed at community pharmacies and a health centre in Malopolska region. Results The study involved 14 patients. A score of 4 points was found to be the mean test score. Less than 30% of the respondents answered properly the questions on cuff inflation value, time interval between having a coffee and taking the measurement to be respected, or which arm to select for measurements. A mean score for measurement performance skills, based on the video analysis, reached 12.2 points, which corresponds to 61% compliance. The patients tended to take blood pressure measurements while leaning forward, as they sat too far from the table, thus having their arm not supported properly. The cuff placed too low, i.e. at the bend of the elbow, or set inversely, with the air tube up, proved to be the most common mistakes. While taking measurements patients would adjust their position in the chair, re-inflate the cuff, write, or inflate the cuff with the hand on which it was placed. Conclusions The study has shown that hypertension patients due to their insufficient skills and limited knowledge shall be subjected to proper educational procedures on blood pressure self-measurements

    Are we ready to implement competence-based teaching in pharmacy education in Poland?

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    Pharmacists in Poland are responsible for the dispensing and quality control of pharmaceuticals. The education process in pharmacy is regulated and monitored at the national level. Pharmacy education at Jagiellonian University is organized in a traditional way based on input and content teaching. The aim of the study was to determinate whether the Jagiellonian University curriculum in the Pharmacy program meets the criteria of the European Competence Framework. The mapping of the intended curriculum was done by four academic teachers. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the distribution of the European Competence Framework among a group of courses and study years was done. We observed that most of the personal competencies are offered to students in their senior years, while the patient care competencies are distributed equally during the cycle of the study, and only some of them are overrepresented at the senior years. We need a legislation change at the national level as well as organizational and mental change at the university level to move from learning outcome-based pharmacy education to competence-based

    Effect of education for hypertensive patients with correctly performed self-blood pressure monitoring (SBPM)

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    Introduction: The study objective was to assess the impact of pharmacist-led education on the patient’s knowledge and skills on SBPM (self-blood pressure monitoring). Methods: Patient knowledge was assessed using tests and patients’ skills were based on a checklist (20 parameters) completed by the researcher based on the SBPM video records. Patients taking pressure measurements were filmed for 20 days and after 6 months. After the first 10 days, patients were educated about the correct SBPM procedure. Knowledge tests were repeated three times (before/after/6 months after education). Results: All patients’ knowledge and skills in the field of SBPM were improved after education. After the education, patients scored an average of 9 out of 10 points in the knowledge test (increasing an average of five points after education), six months later—an average increase of 7.36 points. Patient skills after training were rated at 17.4 out of 20 points on average (increase by an average of 5.14 points after education), six months later, there was an average of 16.23 points. Conclusions: The study showed an increase in patients\u27 knowledge and skills in the field of SBPM after training

    An assessment of counseling quality provided by community pharmacies to patients during expedition of pseudoephedrine.

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    Badanie zaprojektowano w celu oceny jakości konsultacji farmaceutycznej towarzyszącej ekspedycji pseudoefedryny Metodyka: Badanie terenowe z zastosowaniem metodologii "tajemniczego pacjenta" przeprowadzone w 142 aptekach w Polsce. Badanie przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem dwóch scenariuszy (scenariusz I: lek dla dziecka, II: dla pacjenta 75-letniego) oraz listy kontrolnej. W obydwu sytuacjach farmaceuta powinien odradzić lek. Listy kontrolne uzupełniano po opuszczeniu apteki. Dane analizowano zbiorczo. Oceniano, czy dokonano identyfikacji użytkownika i wykluczono przeciwwskazania do zastosowania leku. Wyniki: Analizowano 142 konsultacje (I n=72, II n= 70). Spontanicznej identyfikacji pacjenta dokonało jedynie 24 ze 142 farmaceutów. Scenariusz I: 21 farmaceutów nie zadało żadnego pytania. Scenariusz II: tylko 22% ekspediujących lek dla "starszej osoby" ustaliło jej wiek. 50% konsultujących nie zapytało o choroby/inne leki stosowane przez niego. Wnioski: Konieczna jest edukacja farmaceutów w zakresie przeprowadzania wywiadu i wprowadzenie algorytmów ekspedycji niektórych leków.The study was designed to investigate the quality of pharmaceutical counseling accompanying the expedition of pseudoephedrine. Method: the "mystery patient" study carried out in 142 community pharmacies in Poland. The study was conducted using two scenarios and a check-list. The scenario I: drug for child, II: 75-year-old man. In both situations, the pharmacy staff should discourage the use of the drug. The checklists were completed after leaving the pharmacy. The data were analyzed collectively. It was assessed whether the pharmacists/ technicians identify the drug user and/or exclude contraindications. Results: 142 consultations were analyzed (I n=72, II n=70). Only 24 out of 142 pharmacists/technicians identified the patient. Scenario I: 21 pharmacists did not ask any questions. Scenario II: only 22% pharmacists/technicians informed that the drug is for the "elderly person" determined his age, 50% of consultants did not ask about diseases/other medicines used by him. Conclusions: It is necessary to educate pharmacists about conducting interviews and introducing algorithms for the expedition of OTC drugs

    Budżetowanie działalności jednostek gospodarczych Teoria i praktyka. Część V

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Przekazujemy do rąk Czytelników część monografii dotyczącej budżetowania jednostek gospodarczych. Jej przygotowanie zbiegło się z ukazaniem się manifestu Precz z budżetami Jeremiego Норе’а i Robina Frasera. Autorzy poddają tam ostrej krytyce dotychczasowe praktyki stosowania budżetowania kosztowego. Stąd niniejsza publikacja - między innymi - dlatego różni się istotnie od poprzednich. Od pewnego czasu - także w Polsce - pojawiały się głosy wskazujące na istotne niedoskonałości budżetowania kosztowego, na przykład J. Gierusz [Materiały konferencyjne 2001], G. H. Świderska [Rachunkowośćzarządcza i rachunek kosztów, 2002]. Nie odnosiły one jednak skutku. Nie zauważono też dotąd narastającej listy zarzutów wytaczanych przeciw finansowym jednostkom miary stosowanym w budżetowaniu kosztowym, na przykład G. K. Świderska [jak wyżej], M. Sierpińska, B. Niedbała [Controllingoperacyjny wpnedsiębiorstwie, 2003]. Bez echa pozostało postawione przez autora pytanie: „zmierzch czy rozwój budżetowania?” [„Controlling i rachunkowość zarządcza” 9/2002], gdzie jednoznacznie wskazano, że budżetowanie kosztowe obejmuje jedynie jedną sferę działalności przedsiębiorstwa i tym samym nie może stanowić wystarczającej podstawy do sterowania przedsiębiorstwem. Zwolennicy budżetowania kosztowego nawet zgadzali się ze stawianymi zarzutami, jednak nie reagowali na propozycje zmian w filozofii i metodologii budżetowania."(...

    Opieka farmaceutyczna - studium przypadku

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    Assessment of knowledge and skills of patients with hypertension related to self-measurement of blood pressure (SBPM)

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    Background Scientific societies have provided massive guidance on the role blood pressure self-measurements play in assessing hypertension treatment effectiveness, where the necessity for the measurements to strictly follow manual and general instructions in order to obtain proper and reliable readings have been underlined and highlighted.Material and methods The present study has been aimed at assessing knowledge and skills regarding blood pressure self-measurements by hypertension patients. The patients self-monitored their blood pressure twice a day with a RossmaxAI95CA sphygmomanometer for 10 days. The videorecorded measurements were analysed and the patients’ skills were marked independently by 2 researchers with regard to 20 parameters. A 10 question test was applied to rank each patient’s knowledge. The study was performed at community pharmacies and a health centre in Malopolska region.Results The study involved 14 patients. A score of 4 points was found to be the mean test score. Less than 30% of the respondents answered properly the questions on cuff inflation value, time interval between having a coffee and taking the measurement to be respected, or which arm to select for measurements. A mean score for measurement performance skills, based on the video analysis, reached 12.2 points, which corresponds to 61% compliance. The patients tended to take blood pressure measurements while leaning forward, as they sat too far from the table, thus having their arm not supported properly. The cuff placed too low, i.e. at the bend of the elbow, or set inversely, with the air tube up, proved to be the most common mistakes. While taking measurements patients would adjust their position in the chair, re-inflate the cuff, write, or inflate the cuff with the hand on which it was placed.Conclusions The study has shown that hypertension patients due to their insufficient skills and limited knowledge shall be subjected to proper educational procedures on blood pressure self-measurements.Background Scientific societies have provided massive guidance on the role blood pressure self-measurements play in assessing hypertension treatment effectiveness, where the necessity for the measurements to strictly follow manual and general instructions in order to obtain proper and reliable readings have been underlined and highlighted.Material and methods The present study has been aimed at assessing knowledge and skills regarding blood pressure self-measurements by hypertension patients. The patients self-monitored their blood pressure twice a day with a RossmaxAI95CA sphygmomanometer for 10 days. The videorecorded measurements were analysed and the patients’ skills were marked independently by 2 researchers with regard to 20 parameters. A 10 question test was applied to rank each patient’s knowledge. The study was performed at community pharmacies and a health centre in Malopolska region.Results The study involved 14 patients. A score of 4 points was found to be the mean test score. Less than 30% of the respondents answered properly the questions on cuff inflation value, time interval between having a coffee and taking the measurement to be respected, or which arm to select for measurements. A mean score for measurement performance skills, based on the video analysis, reached 12.2 points, which corresponds to 61% compliance. The patients tended to take blood pressure measurements while leaning forward, as they sat too far from the table, thus having their arm not supported properly. The cuff placed too low, i.e. at the bend of the elbow, or set inversely, with the air tube up, proved to be the most common mistakes. While taking measurements patients would adjust their position in the chair, re-inflate the cuff, write, or inflate the cuff with the hand on which it was placed.Conclusions The study has shown that hypertension patients due to their insufficient skills and limited knowledge shall be subjected to proper educational procedures on blood pressure self-measurements