76 research outputs found

    From Foe to Partner to Foe Again: The Strange Alliance of the Dutch Authorities and Digoel Exiles in Australia, 1943-1945

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    Page range: 57-84In March 1943, Boven Digoel, the notorious Dutch internment camp in the New Guinea jungle, was evacuated. The inmates, some five hundred political prisoners, the majority of them communists, were brought to Australia. The highest Dutch official there, unconventional Ch. O. van der Plas, employed them for anti-Japanese propaganda activities, and endorsed and stimulated the establishment of Serikat Indonesia Baroe (SIBAR, Association for a New Indonesia), an organization intended to become in the post-war Indies a national party, with official Dutch backing. He consciously sought the support of the exiles, in the SIBAR partnership, that went far beyond other colonial–communist cooperation endeavors in Southeast Asia. This alliance between Dutch authorities and Indonesian communists was conveniently forgotten after the Japanese surrender

    Tan Malaka,gerakan kiri, dan Revolusi Indonesia; Jilid I Agustus 1945-Maret 1946

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    Tan Malaka sosok penuh misteri dalam kancah kemerdekaan RI baik di masa persiapan maupun perjuangan memper­tahankan kemerdekaan dari upaya kembalinya penjajah di Indonesia. Dengan menggunakan nama samaran, ia menulis berbagai artikel dalam surat kabar dan mempertahankan pandanganannya yang tidak kenal kompromi. Kedudukannya di Comintern dan keyakinanannya atas dialektika materialisme telah menenggelamkan butir-butir local value Minangkabau dalam filsafatnya di mata musuh-musuhnya. Ia adalah pahlawan nasional yang potret dan biografinya tidak pernah tercantum dalam Album Pahlawan Bangsa

    Politiek politieneele everziecten van Nederlansch-Indie brennenpublikatie

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    Deel II 1929-1930Lxxvi, 544 p.; 23 cm

    In Het Land Van De Overheerser

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    Tan malaka gerakan kiri, dan revolusi Indonesia

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    yang ada V.12.eks v.3.2 eks.v.4.2 ek

    Politiek-politioneele overzichten van Nederlands-Indie

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    Deel IIIx, 467 p.; 24 cm

    Politiek - Politionneele Overzichten Van Nederlandsch - Indie

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    xcix+485 hlm

    Politiek-politioneele overzichten van nederlandsch-idie 1927 - 1928

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    cxxv, 573 p.; 21 cm
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