6 research outputs found

    Integració d'una wiki al Campus Virtual de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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    Aquest projecte presenta una sol·lució per tal d'incorporar una eina wiki al Campus Virtual de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Enfront de la metodologia docent clàssica, la wiki oferirà funcionalitats orientades al treball col·laboratiu i fomentarà la participació de l'alumne. L'objectiu final és tenir una eina completament integrada al Campus Virtual, que aprofiti l'aplicatiu existent i s'interrelacioni amb la resta de mòduls presents.Este proyecto ofrece una solución para la integración de una herramienta wiki en el Campus Virtual de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Frente a la metodología docente clásica, la wiki ofrecerá funcionalidades orientadas al trabajo colaborativo y fomentará la participación del alumno. El objetivo final es conseguir una herramienta completamente integrada en el Campus Virtual, que aproveche la aplicación existente y se interrelacione con el resta de módulos presentes.This project provides a solution in order to add a wiki tool to the Autonomous University of Barcelona Virtual Campus. As opposed to the traditional teaching methodology, the wiki tool will include collaborative work oriented functionalities and will promote student participation. The final goal is to have a tool which is completely integrated in the Virtual Campus and which uses the existing application and interacts with the rest of the existing modules

    Case report : Challenges in immune reconstitution following hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for CTLA-4 insufficiency-like primary immune regulatory disorders

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    Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4) haploinsufficiency is a T-cell hyperactivation disorder that can manifest with both immunodeficiency and immune dysregulation. Approximately one-third of patients may present mild symptoms and remain stable under supportive care. The remaining patients may develop severe multiorgan autoimmunity requiring lifelong immunosuppressive treatment. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is potentially curable for patients with treatment-resistant immune dysregulation. Nevertheless, little experience is reported regarding the management of complications post-HSCT. We present case 1 (CTLA-4 haploinsufficiency) and case 2 (CTLA-4 insufficiency-like phenotype) manifesting with severe autoimmunity including cytopenia and involvement of the central nervous system (CNS), lung, and gut and variable impairment of humoral responses. Both patients underwent HSCT for which the main complications were persistent mixed chimerism, infections, and immune-mediated complications [graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and nodular lung disease]. Detailed management and outcomes of therapeutic interventions post-HSCT are discussed. Concretely, post-HSCT abatacept and human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched sibling donor lymphocyte infusions may be used to increase T-cell donor chimerism with the aim of correcting the immune phenotype of CTLA-4 haploinsufficiency

    Integració d'una wiki al Campus Virtual de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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    Aquest projecte presenta una sol·lució per tal d’incorporar una eina wiki al Campus Virtual de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Enfront de la metodologia docent clàssica, la wiki oferirà funcionalitats orientades al treball col·laboratiu i fomentarà la participació de l’alumne. L’objectiu final és tenir una eina completament integrada al Campus Virtual, que aprofiti l’aplicatiu existent i s’interrelacioni amb la resta de mòduls presents.Este proyecto ofrece una solución para la integración de una herramienta wiki en el Campus Virtual de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Frente a la metodología docente clásica, la wiki ofrecerá funcionalidades orientadas al trabajo colaborativo y fomentará la participación del alumno. El objetivo final es conseguir una herramienta completamente integrada en el Campus Virtual, que aproveche la aplicación existente y se interrelacione con el resta de módulos presentes.This project provides a solution in order to add a wiki tool to the Autonomous University of Barcelona Virtual Campus. As opposed to the traditional teaching methodology, the wiki tool will include collaborative work oriented functionalities and will promote student participation. The final goal is to have a tool which is completely integrated in the Virtual Campus and which uses the existing application and interacts with the rest of the existing modules

    Integració d'una wiki al Campus Virtual de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

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    Aquest projecte presenta una sol·lució per tal d'incorporar una eina wiki al Campus Virtual de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Enfront de la metodologia docent clàssica, la wiki oferirà funcionalitats orientades al treball col·laboratiu i fomentarà la participació de l'alumne. L'objectiu final és tenir una eina completament integrada al Campus Virtual, que aprofiti l'aplicatiu existent i s'interrelacioni amb la resta de mòduls presents.Este proyecto ofrece una solución para la integración de una herramienta wiki en el Campus Virtual de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Frente a la metodología docente clásica, la wiki ofrecerá funcionalidades orientadas al trabajo colaborativo y fomentará la participación del alumno. El objetivo final es conseguir una herramienta completamente integrada en el Campus Virtual, que aproveche la aplicación existente y se interrelacione con el resta de módulos presentes.This project provides a solution in order to add a wiki tool to the Autonomous University of Barcelona Virtual Campus. As opposed to the traditional teaching methodology, the wiki tool will include collaborative work oriented functionalities and will promote student participation. The final goal is to have a tool which is completely integrated in the Virtual Campus and which uses the existing application and interacts with the rest of the existing modules

    Reuse of EHRs to Support Clinical Research in a Hospital of Reference.

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    Most hospitals have already implemented information systems and Electronic Health Records (EHRs), but the reuse of such data for research is still infrequent. We present a pilot project on the exploitation of clinical information from a Spanish hospital database in the context of the European Medical Information Framework project (EMIF). Specific use cases such as patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity and dementia were assessed, by exploiting EHR data integrated from several separated clinical databases. The possibility to analyse the features of specific groups of patients based on their diagnosis codes can provide new data about relationships between different conditions that can contribute for decision-making, healthcare and research.EMIF is a project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)

    Reuse of EHRs to Support Clinical Research in a Hospital of Reference.

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    Most hospitals have already implemented information systems and Electronic Health Records (EHRs), but the reuse of such data for research is still infrequent. We present a pilot project on the exploitation of clinical information from a Spanish hospital database in the context of the European Medical Information Framework project (EMIF). Specific use cases such as patients with diabetes mellitus type 2, obesity and dementia were assessed, by exploiting EHR data integrated from several separated clinical databases. The possibility to analyse the features of specific groups of patients based on their diagnosis codes can provide new data about relationships between different conditions that can contribute for decision-making, healthcare and research.EMIF is a project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)