6 research outputs found

    The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations in soils in the Region of Valasske Mezirici, the Czech Republic

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    The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination of urban, agricultural and forest soil samples was investigated from samples obtained in the surroundings of Valasske Mezirici. Valasske Mezirici is a town located in the north-east mountainous part of the Czech Republic, where a coal tar refinery is situated. 16 PAHs listed in the US EPA were investigated. Organic oxidizable carbon was also observed in the forest soils. The PAH concentrations ranged from 0.86-10.84 (with one anomalous value of 35.14) and 7.66-79.39 mg/kg dm in the urban/agricultural and forest soils, respectively. While the PAH levels in the urban/agricultural soils are within the range typically found in industrialized areas, the forest soils showed elevated PAH concentrations compared to other forest soils in Western and Northern Europe. The PAH concentrations and their molecular distribution ratios were studied as functions of the sample location and the meteorological history. The soils from localities at higher altitudes above sea level have the highest PAH concentrations, and the PAH concentrations decrease with increasing distance from the town

    Volatile fatty acid evolution in biomass mixture composts prepared in open and closed bioreactors

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    In this study we observed the production of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) during the composting process of compost heaps in two different bioreactors (open and closed) at three different depths (0, 40 and 80 cm). The compost was prepared as a mixture of bio-waste, horse manure, grass and sawdust to ensure sufficient pH conditions in compost heaps. VFA contents in the composting materials were analysed weekly over 14–119 d. The degradation process was monitored, along with temperature, pH, total organic carbon, oxidizable carbon and mono- and oligosaccharides. VFA contents were evaluated with regard to the depth of the sample site in the compost heap and to conditions in the bioreactors. The maximum VFA occurrence was observed during the first 35 d; acetic and propionic acids in particular were determined to occur in each sample. Considerable variations in their formation and elimination were observed in the two bioreactors as well as at the various depths in the compost heaps. Significant correlations were found between individual VFAs, as well as between VFA concentrations and organic carbon contents.Web of Science3341112110

    Výzkum‚ vývoj a implementace nových měřících metod pro hodnocení znečištění ovzduší a využití v rámci legislativy ES

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    Projekt byl zaměřen na měření polutantů pomocí pasivních samplerů a modelování rozptylu "nových znečišťujících látek" zejména v městských aglomeracích. Podkladové materiály obsahují závěrečné zprávy za jednotlivé dílčí projekty. DP 1 - Vývoj a aplikace nových měřicích metod. DP 2 - Inovace a doplnění souboru modelů pro rozptylové studie dle direktiv EU a zákona, DP 3 - Vývoj a aplikace Eulerovského modelu