13 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento In Vitro De Encyclea Cordigera Em Diferentes Concentrações De Mel

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    The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effects of different honey concentrations in culture media, in comparison to sucrose medium, for the in vitro development of the epiphytic Encyclea cordigera orchid, in order to improve the process of propagation of the species. The in vitro germination was prepared on a reduced Murashige & Skoog (MS) medium. After 90 days, the seedlings were divided into different treatments, where they remained for another 90 days. Six treatments were set up (30g L-1 of sucrose; 15, 30, 45, and 60g L-1 of honey; and absence of any carbohydrates) in a completely randomized design. Plants were removed from the vials 270 days after the start of the experiment, and the number of roots, length of the largest leaf, length of the longest root, number of leaves, and fresh and dry masses were evaluated. Data concerning the number of leaves and roots were (x+1)1/2 transformed and subjected to an analysis of variance (ANOVA); the means were compared by a Tukey’s test set at 5% probability. Medium containing 60g L-1 of honey proved to be superior to the sucrose medium traditionally used, favoring the in vitro growth and development of Encyclea cordigera. This medium can therefore be recommended for the propagation of this species, which is usually cultivated as an ornamental plant. © 2016, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. All rights reserved.46459059

    Initial Growth Of Costus Longebracteolatus And Costus Spiralis 'french Kiss' Under Different Light Conditions

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    The Brazilian native Costus longebracteolatus and Costus spiralis 'French Kiss', in the family Costaceae, have been used as both cut flowers and cut foliage. It is known that Costus species grow better under partial shade, but studies on the influence of shading or light on plant growth, development, and flower production are still incipient. As this kind of information is essential on planning of planting, production, and agribusiness activities, the objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of different colored shade nets and light conditions on the initial growth of both C. longebracteolatus and C. spiralis 'French Kiss'. Plants, obtained from cuttings of pseudostems, were cultivated under six light conditions, which comprised six treatments, along 270 days: red net with 50% shading, blue net with 50% shading, black net with 70% shading, black net with 50% shading, black net with 30% shading, and full sun. The initial growth of C. longebracteolatus (up to 270 days) is more successful under the blue net with 50% shading, which promoted highest values of pseudostem length and dry matter of aerial part. For C. spiralis 'French Kiss' plants, both the red and blue nets with 50% shading implied best results and differed for the other treatments with greater pseudostem length. Plant exposure to full sun inhibited growth and development, and favored early leaf necrosis.22332633

    Anatomical aspects of the embryo and initial development of Oenocarpus minor Mart: a palm tree from the Amazon

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    The anatomy of the embryo and the initial germination phase of O. minor seeds are examined here. Ripe fruits were collected from five individuals, the pulp removed, and the seeds sown in beds with sandy substrate in a greenhouse with 50% shade. Germination follow-up was made by collecting different stages of development. The anatomical study done according to usual techniques of light microscopy. The embryo is capitate and occupies a central position in the basal region of the seed. The embryogenic axis is located in the proximal region in a position that is oblique to the cotyledon axis. The cotyledon is formed by parenchymatous, procambial and protodermic tissue. The vascular bundles lie along the peripheral zone of the distal region to the embryogenicaxis. After 14 days, the primary rootemerges; after 21 days, the first cotyledon sheath and after 35 days, the second cotyledon sheath, and the seedling emerges above the substrate. Germination is of the ligule adjacent type.Neste trabalho foi feita a anatomia do embrião e a fase inicial da germinação da semente de O. minor. Frutos maduros de cinco indivíduos foram despolpados e as sementes obtidas foram semeadas em canteiros contendo substrato areia em casa de vegetação com sombreamento a 50%. O acompanhamento da germinação foi feito através de coletas das diferentes fases do desenvolvimento. O estudo anatômico foi realizado conforme técnicas usuais de microscopia de luz. O embrião é capitado. O eixo embrionário localiza-se na região proximal em posição oblíqua ao eixo cotiledonar. O cotilédone é formado por tecido parenquimático, procambial e protodérmico. Os feixes vasculares ocorrem ao longo da zona periférica da região distal até ao eixo embrionário. Aos 14 dias é emitida a raiz primária. Aos 21 dias forma-se a primeira bainha cotiledonar e aos 35 dias a segunda bainha cotiledonar ocorrendo à emergência da plântula acima do substrato. A germinação é do tipo adjacente ligular