187 research outputs found

    Protocolos para la mitigación de ciberataques en el hogar. Caso de estudio: estratos 3 y 4 de la ciudad de Bogotá

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl trabajo contiene un estudio el cual fue desarrollado en la ciudad de Bogotá en los estratos 3 y 4, para conocer el conocimiento y nivel de seguridad que tiene una persona del común, en el cual se desarrollo un levantamiento de vulnerabilidades, estudio de riesgo y creación de un protocolo para la mitigación y mejoramiento en la seguridad de la informacion de las personas del caso de estudio tomado.INTRODUCCIÓN 2. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 3. METODOLOGIA 4. LEVANTAMIENTO DE VULNERABILIDADES 5. EVALUACION DEL RIESGO 6. DESARROLLO DE PROTOCOLOS 7. VALIDACION DE PROTOCOLOS 8. ESTRATEGIA DE COMUNICACIÓN 9. BIBLIOGRAFÍA 10. ANEXOSEspecializaciónEspecialista en Seguridad de la Informació

    Mitigation of the ground reflection effect in real-time locating systems based on wireless sensor networks by using artificial neural networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become much more relevant in recent years, mainly because they can be used in a wide diversity of applications. Real-time locating systems (RTLSs) are one of the most promising applications based on WSNs and represent a currently growing market. Specifically, WSNs are an ideal alternative to develop RTLSs aimed at indoor environments where existing global navigation satellite systems, such as the global positioning system, do not work correctly due to the blockage of the satellite signals. However, accuracy in indoor RTLSs is still a problem requiring novel solutions. One of the main challenges is to deal with the problems that arise from the effects of the propagation of radiofrequency waves, such as attenuation, diffraction, reflection and scattering. These effects can lead to other undesired problems, such as multipath. When the ground is responsible for wave reflections, multipath can be modeled as the ground reflection effect. This paper presents an innovative mathematical model for improving the accuracy of RTLSs, focusing on the mitigation of the ground reflection effect by using multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks.Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become much more relevant in recent years, mainly because they can be used in a wide diversity of applications. Real-time locating systems (RTLSs) are one of the most promising applications based on WSNs and represent a currently growing market. Specifically, WSNs are an ideal alternative to develop RTLSs aimed at indoor environments where existing global navigation satellite systems, such as the global positioning system, do not work correctly due to the blockage of the satellite signals. However, accuracy in indoor RTLSs is still a problem requiring novel solutions. One of the main challenges is to deal with the problems that arise from the effects of the propagation of radiofrequency waves, such as attenuation, diffraction, reflection and scattering. These effects can lead to other undesired problems, such as multipath. When the ground is responsible for wave reflections, multipath can be modeled as the ground reflection effect. This paper presents an innovative mathematical model for improving the accuracy of RTLSs, focusing on the mitigation of the ground reflection effect by using multilayer perceptron artificial neural networks

    AIDeM: Agent-Based Intrusion Detection Mechanism

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    The availability of services can be comprimised if a service request sent to the web services server hides some form of attack within its contents. This article presents AIDeM (An Agent-Based Intrusion Detection Mechanism), an adaptive solution for dealing with DoS attacks in Web service environments. The solution proposes a two phased mechanism in which each phase incorporates a special type of CBR-BDI agent that functions as a classifier. In the first phase, a case-based reasoning (CBR) engine utilizes a Naïves Bayes strategy to carry out an initial filter, and in the second phase, a CBR engine incorporates a neural network to complete the classification mechanism. AIDeM has been applied within the FUSION@ architecture to improve its current security mechanism. A prototype of the architecture was developed and applied to a case study. The results obtained are presented in this study.The availability of services can be comprimised if a service request sent to the web services server hides some form of attack within its contents. This article presents AIDeM (An Agent-Based Intrusion Detection Mechanism), an adaptive solution for dealing with DoS attacks in Web service environments. The solution proposes a two phased mechanism in which each phase incorporates a special type of CBR-BDI agent that functions as a classifier. In the first phase, a case-based reasoning (CBR) engine utilizes a Naïves Bayes strategy to carry out an initial filter, and in the second phase, a CBR engine incorporates a neural network to complete the classification mechanism. AIDeM has been applied within the FUSION@ architecture to improve its current security mechanism. A prototype of the architecture was developed and applied to a case study. The results obtained are presented in this study

    Management Ubiquitous of Messages and Documents Organizational through Intelligent Agents

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    In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants.In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants

    Management Ubiquitous of Messages and Documents Organizational through Intelligent Agents

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    In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants.In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants

    Management Ubiquitous of Messages and Documents Organizational through Intelligent Agents

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    In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants.In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants

    Management Ubiquitous of Messages and Documents Organizational through Intelligent Agents

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    In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants.In the context of artificial intelligence, the multiagent systems are an alternative solution to address complex problems and distributed. PAINALLI is an multi-agent architecture for managing messages and documents organizational anywhere and anytime. To formalize, the management makes use of international standards such as ISO 15489 and MoReq specification. The ubiquity gained in the architecture is due to the use of intelligent agents deployed in fixed and mobile technologies: personal computers, smart phones and personal digital assistants

    Curva de Kuznets ambiental: evidencia empírica para Colombia 1971-2014

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEn las últimas décadas la Curva Medioambiental de Kuznets ha sido una de las teorías más debatidas desde la economía ambiental, ya que explora la relación entre las variables crecimiento económico y calidad del medio ambiente intentado demostrar que el crecimiento económico en el corto plazo genera un deterioro en el medio ambiente, y en el largo plazo cuando las economías son más ricas, su crecimiento económico es beneficioso para el medio ambiente; Basados en la evidencia empírica se evaluará la validez de la hipótesis planteada de la Curva de Kuznets para Colombia.INTRODUCCIÓN 1. MARCO TEÓRICO 2. REVISIÓN DE LITERATURA 3. METODOLOGÍA Y DATOS 4. RESULTADOS 5. CONCLUSIONES BIBLIOGRAFÍA ANEXOSPregradoEconomist

    Diseño estructural para el proyecto de vivienda nueva para el barrio Bella Vista del municipio de Soacha (Cundinamarca)

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    Trabajo socialDiseño estructural de pórticos resistentes a momento realizado para el proyecto, nacido en la casa de uno, proyecto que busca brindar a familias de bajos recursos o familias que han llegado al lugar por situaciones de orden público en el país, una oportunidad de vivienda nueva que permita la mejora en la calidad de vida de los habitantes del municipio.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Improving the Language Active Learning with Multiagent Systems

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    Nowadays, there is a growing need for providing novel solutions to facilitate active learning in dependency environments. This paper present a multiagent architecture that incorporates agents specifically designed to provide advanced interfaces for elderly and dependent people that can be executed on mobile devices. The architecture has been initially oriented to language learning in courses for elderly people and has been tested in a real environment. The structure of the architecture and the preliminary results obtained are presented within this paper.Nowadays, there is a growing need for providing novel solutions to facilitate active learning in dependency environments. This paper present a multiagent architecture that incorporates agents specifically designed to provide advanced interfaces for elderly and dependent people that can be executed on mobile devices. The architecture has been initially oriented to language learning in courses for elderly people and has been tested in a real environment. The structure of the architecture and the preliminary results obtained are presented within this paper