72 research outputs found

    A validation of the Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness Questionnaire

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    This work presents the results of the validation of the Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness Questionnaire (CASQ) in a cross-sectional sample of Portuguese adolescents. The psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the CASQ, a multidimensional self-report questionnaire that assesses daytime sleepiness versus day and nighttime alertness, were studied through exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), in adolescents from 11 to 17 years old (EFA sample: N = 732; CFA sample: N = 726). Results of the EFA indicate an exploratory factor solution of three factors which explain 53.26% of variance, with good reliability indices in factors (alpha between .83 and .68). Also, the CFA indicated that the three-factor solution proposed in EFA had better fit indices compared with two alternative models (χ2/df = 4.79; GFI = .93; CFI = .92; RMSEA = .72; ECVI =.662; RMR = .041). The obtained results support acceptable levels of validity and reliability of the Portuguese version of CASQ.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validation of a three-dimensional model about sleep: habits, personal factors and environmental factors

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    Objectives: The present study aims to test the factor structure of two sleep questionnaires and their internal consistency in a sample of adolescents and their respective parents and to evaluate the validity and robustness of a three-dimensional model about sleep, addressing nine subcategories related to sleep habits, personal and environmental factors. Methods: Participants were 654 adolescents from Portuguese schools, who completed “My Sleep and I” questionnaire, and 664 parents who completed “My child׳s sleep” questionnaire; to them confirmatory factor analysis was applied. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis indicate that a nine-factor model has better fit indices compared with the others tested models for both samples (adolescents: χ2/df (Chi-square/degrees of freedom)=2.59, Comparative Fit Index (CFI)=.82, Goodness-of-Fit Index (GFI)=.92, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA)=.049, Expected Cross-Validation Index (ECVI)=1.416; Parents: χ2/df=2.89, CFI=.85, GFI=.91, RMSEA=.053, ECVI=1.528). Moreover, the comparison of the models through Δχ2 index (chi-square difference between rival models) indicates a better fit for this model, Δχ2 (24)=186.5, p<.001 for adolescents and Δχ2 (24)=209, p<.001 for parents. Also, the three second-order factors have good internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity for all factors in both samples. Conclusions: Results postulate that the three factors and their nine subcategories account for correlations between sleep habits, self-perceptions and knowledge about sleep

    Project Live2Work: presentantion of the manual

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    The Live2Work project proposes materials and methodologies, in a coherent and well-founded structure for intervention with populations in situations of social vulnerability, in order to promote the development of skills for the construction of sustainable living projects. The manual for the support of the project is presented in three parts. The first part aims to present the project Live2Work with respect to its purpose, general objectives, distinctive characteristics, as well as a summary of the different stages and outputs in which it takes place. The second part focuses on the social relevance of the project, starting with an analysis and evaluation of the current European context, on a set of demographic, educational and employability issues, and analyzes the main understandings on social justice. It also includes a reflection on the current way of training (academic and professional) of the different end users that does not always adequately prepare them to deal effectively with the construction of life projects in public in situations of social vulnerability. The third part analyzes different theoretical contributions for the construction of life projects in people in situations of social vulnerability, constituting as the conceptual basis of the intervention. Thus, the concepts and principles of the Systems Theory, the Chaos Theory, the Ecological Approach, and the Career Self-Management Models are presented, since they inspired the rational of the project.N/

    Headaches, sleep and academic success in adolescents.

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    Introduction and Objectives Sleep complaints often correlate with other health and social problems. During a national study about sleep habits in adolescents, we observed a very high frequency of headaches, so the aim of this work was to analyse what could be correlated with this complaint in terms of sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, academic success, age and gender. Materials and Methods We used a specific questionnaire that included Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness Scale (CASQ) and other variables concerning sleep related habits, sleep complaints, health complaints and demographics. Teachers from 31 schools across Portugal collected data between January and April, 2012. We used SPSS to analyse data. Results The 6838 participants were between 12 and 22 years old, mean=14.97(1.99); 53.3% were females. From the whole sample, 53.8% (3671) students reported having headaches regularly. Those with a headache complaint slept less hours during weekdays (p=0.008) and more hours on weekends (p=0.045); they also had more daytime sleepiness (p=0.000), but showed no differences on academic success (p>0.050). As expected girls had more headaches than boys (p=0.000) and there were no differences across age, since all groups had high frequency of headaches (p=0.098). Conclusions These results suggest that in adolescents headaches are also related to sleep deprivation or sleep problems. In the future, we should pay more attention to headaches as a symptom of sleep problems and explore which factors may mediate the risk of academic failure in the presence of headaches. Furthermore, the high level of headaches in younger people across all age groups supports the need of early intervention.N/

    Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Sleep Model’s Questionnaires

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    Objectives: The present study aims to test the factor structure of two sleep questionnaires and their internal consistency in a sample of adolescents and their respective parents and to evaluate the validity and robustness of a three-dimensional model about sleep, addressing nine subcategories related to sleep habits, personal and environmental factors (Rebelo-Pinto, Pinto, Rebelo-Pinto, & Paiva, 2014). Methods: Participants were 654 adolescents from Portuguese schools, who completed “My Sleep and I” questionnaire, and 664 parents who completed “My child’s sleep” questionnaire; to them confirmatory factor analysis was applied. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis indicate that a nine-factor model has better fit indices compared with the others tested models for both samples (Adolescents: X2/df (chi-square/degrees of freedom)= 2.59, CFI (Comparative Fit Index)=.82, GFI (Goodness-of-Fit Index)=.92, RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error of Approximation)=.049, ECVI (Expected Cross-Validation Index)= 1.416; Parents: X2/df= 2.89, CFI=.85, GFI=.91, RMSEA=.053, ECVI= 1.528). Moreover, the comparison of the models through Δχ² index (chi-square difference between rival models) indicates a better fit for this model, Δχ² (24) = 186.5, p < .001 for adolescents and Δχ² (24) = 209, p < .001 for parents. Also, the three second-order factors have good internal consistency, convergent and discriminant validity for all factors in both samples. Conclusions: Results postulate that the three factors and their nine subcategories account for correlations between sleep habits, self-perceptions and knowledge about sleep.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evaluation of two projects on Sleep Education: “Sleep Schools Project” and “Sleep more to Read better”

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    Objectives: The present work aims to present the activities of sleep education and sleep awareness, whenever an educational model is assumed: a three-dimensional model about sleep, addressing sleep habits, personal and environmental factors with nine subcategories, together with the associated community projects around sleep and scientific research activities. Two projects are evaluated: Sleep Schools Project (SSP) and Sleep more to Read better (SMRB) Methods: In spite of somewhat different objectives both projects used similar methodologies and therefore are evaluated together. The program was developed in public and private Portuguese schools, from “kindergarden” to Secondary school???. The observation period is 5 years. The number of educational and awareness actions was computed along project evolution and trends measured. Idem for community projects around sleep, research presentations, education materials and media dissemination (direct and indirect impacts). Besides, a quantitative evaluation of the territorial areas covered and the number of target subjects involved was done. Furthermore the accuracy and efficiency of the model was assessed. Chi square, regression and trend analysis were applied. Results: The attendants, and project targets, were teachers, parents, students, health professionals. The number of sessions performed from 2009 to 2014 increased exponentially. ??? The same holds for the number of attendants and visited schools???. The total number of scientific communications was 37; while … questionnaires and 1 model were validated. The number of community projects also increased and is presently …. The number of communication in the media (TV, radio and news papers also increased significantly. The territorial distribution shows a higher density of actions in the littoral regions with significantly lower values in the interior and southern regions. Conclusions: The present data are clear indicators of significant awareness raising, but future work must deal with measurement of impacts upon children/ adolescents sleep behaviorsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O sono em adolescentes portugueses: Proposta de um modelo tridimensional

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    O sono é uma necessidade básica que influencia e é simultaneamente influenciada pela diversidade de atividades, papéis e contextos de vida, assumindo particular importância nos adolescentes. Apresenta-se um estudo com 400 alunos do 9º e 11º anos de escolaridade, de duas escolas da região de Lisboa, avaliados através do Questionário Sobre Sono para Adolescentes - QSSA. Os resultados quantitativos da caracterização do sono incidiram sobre hábitos, auto perceções e conhecimentos. Da exploração qualitativa dos fatores invocados por uma subamostra de 100 adolescentes como fundamento das suas auto perceções, emergiram as categorias de qualidade, importância e atitudes. Com base nestes resultados, propõe-se um modelo tridimensional acerca do sono dos adolescentes que contempla hábitos de sono, fatores pessoais e fatores ambientais

    Construção de projetos de vida em situações de vulnerabilidade social: Apresentação de uma investigação-ação com técnicos da SCML

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    Comunicação oral apresentada no 3º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos PortuguesesO presente trabalho apresenta uma investigação-ação relativa a uma formação intitulada “Construção de Projetos de Vida” para 34 técnicos da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML), que desenvolvem o seu trabalho junto de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade social. Descrevem-se as três etapas do processo: (i) identificação das características, necessidades, expectativas e problemas dos futuros formandos no exercício das suas funções neste âmbito, (ii) desenvolvimento da ação de formação à medida, e sua implementação, determinando-se aspetos como a fundamentação teórica, os objetivos, os conteúdos, as atividades e os materiais, a planificação temporal, e as estratégias de avaliação da ação de formação, de modo a assegurar o desenvolvimento de uma intervenção formativa fundamentada, e (iii) avaliação dos fatores de (in)satisfação associados à implementação da ação de formação, através de uma avaliação qualitativa e de uma avaliação quantitativa. Os resultados obtidos trazem importantes contributos para o desenvolvimento de diretivas acerca de uma formação teórica e prática de qualidade, dos profissionais que atuam no domínio do apoio à construção de projetos de vida, em particular com populações de vulnerabilidade

    Construção de projetos de vida em situações de vulnerabilidade profissional: Proposta de um racional para a intervenção

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    O racional proposto enquadra-se no projeto Live2Work, que propõe uma estrutura coerente e fundamentada para a intervenção com populações em situação de vulnerabilidade profissional, no sentido do desenvolvimento de competências para a construção de projetos de vida sustentáveis. Referem-se os problemas de enquadramento social destas populações, desenha-se o percurso concetual para a construção do racional da intervenção, inspirado em modelos de carreira mais adequados a este tipo de populações.The model presented is a proposal of Live2Work project and is based on the need to develop needed skills concerning sustainable life project with people in vulnerable situations. Considering the social integration problems of these populations the conceptual path for the construction of the intervention rational is inspired in models of career more suited to this type of populations

    O modelo Sono Escolas aplicado ao estudo do sono na família

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    O Projeto Sono Escolas® constitui-se como uma ferramenta de referência na educação do Sono em Portugal. O modelo conceptual construído a partir da revisão da literatura, com contributos da Psicologia, tem suportado intervenções em todo o país numa perspectiva de Saúde Pública, prevenção, bem-estar e qualidade de vida. Os maus hábitos e a privação de sono têm sido relacionados com alterações ao nível do humor, memória, raciocínio, desenvolvimento e saúde em geral. Porém, o sono nos contextos familiares tem sido pouco estudado, embora se reconheça a importância da família na adoção de comportamentos de risco noutras áreas da saúde. Pretende-se com este trabalho desenvolver instrumentos de avaliação que, de acordo com o modelo conceptual do Projeto Sono Escolas, permitam estudar os hábitos de sono da família, contribuindo para um melhor conhecimento científico sobre o assunto. Para o efeito, foram desenvolvidos 2 questionários semelhantes para pais e filhos sobre o sono dos filhos, de acordo com as dimensões do modelo conceptual – hábitos de sono, fatores ambientais e fatores pessoais. Realizou-se um estudo piloto com 75 alunos do 9º ano de escolaridade e 25 pais, respetivamente, de uma escola em Coimbra. A consistência interna global é bastante adequada, com alphas de Cronbach de .67 no questionário dos pais e de .73 no questionários dos filhos. Por sua vez, a correlação dos resultados obtidos entre pais e filhos, para o global da escala, não é estatisticamente significativa (rsp=-.219, p=.293), indicando a inexistência de uma relação entre a auto perceção do sono, e perceção que os pais têm acerca do sono dos seus filhos. Foi ainda analisada a distribuição dos itens pelas dimensões que constituem o modelo, a partir de uma análise fatorial exploratória ao questionário dos filhos. Retiram-se implicações acerca da pertinência modelo original do Projeto Sono Escolas® na evolução do estudo do sono nas famílias, bem como, da relevância da Psicologia para o estudo do Sono, sobretudo na criação de instrumentos adequados. Por fim, a diferença de percepção entre pais e filhos sobre o sono dos filhos traz implicações numa perspectiva de intervenção comunitária ou clínica na promoção da saúde e bem-estar.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio