24 research outputs found

    An Exploration of the Pre-Tenure and Tenure Process Experiences of Canadian Nursing Faculty

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    The number of PhD prepared nurses seeking employment in academia in Canada is not keeping up with the rate of retirements and the demands for new hires in the same settings. The current number of vacancies is expected to grow over the coming decade as an aging professoriate prepares to leave full time employment. Retention of newly hired faculty will become a critical issue for administrators in an increasingly competitive environment. Purpose: The purpose of this mixed methods study was to explore how organizational culture, mentorship and the perceived level of psychological and structural empowerment are associated with one’s work environment among pre-tenure and newly tenured nursing faculty in Canada. Methodology: This article reports the qualitative findings from the in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted with 10 faculty volunteers after they completed an online survey. Results: Respondents overwhelmingly expressed a desire for a collegial and supportive working environment with clearly articulated policies and a transparent process for achieving tenure in academia. A healthy work environment was clearly identified as critical to the tenure process. Mentorship was identified as critical to creating a productive research culture. Résumé Le nombre d’infirmières détentrices d\u27un doctorat à la recherche d’un emploi dans les milieux universitaires au Canada ne suit pas le rythme du taux des retraites et des ouvertures de postes dans les mêmes milieux. Il est à prévoir que le nombre actuel de postes vacants augmentera au cours de la prochaine décennie, en raison d’un corps professoral vieillissant qui se prépare à quitter le travail à temps complet. Le maintien en poste des professeurs récemment embauchés devient un enjeu majeur pour les administrateurs dans un environnement de plus en plus compétitif. But : Le but de cette étude, réalisée à l’aide d’une méthodologie mixte, était d’explorer auprès de professeurs en sciences infirmières en voie d’être agrégés ou nouvellement agrégés, comment la culture organisationnelle, le mentorat et le niveau perçu d’empowerment psychologique et structurale sont associés à son environnement de travail.Méthodologie : cet article présente les résultats qualitatifs d’entrevues en profondeur, semi-structurées menées avec 10 professeurs qui se sont portés volontaires, après qu’ils aient complété un sondage en ligne. Résultats : Les répondants ont exprimé massivement leur désir de travailler dans un milieu où règne un climat de collégialité et de soutien, où les politiques sont clairement articulées et où le processus pour atteindre l’agrégation au niveau universitaire est transparent. Un milieu de travail sain a été clairement identifié comme étant essentiel au processus d’agrégation. Le mentorat a été identifié comme étant central au développement d’une culture de la recherche productiv

    Canadians Living with Diabetes and in Poverty Are at High Risk

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    Canadian individuals living in poverty and who also have T2DM are at high risk for adverse health outcomes. Social welfare does not provide sufficient assistance to allow them to successfully manage their disease. They have difficulty affording the diet required to avoid severe health problems that result from T2DM.York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Individuals' History of Low Income Is a Key Determinant of Type 2 Diabetes

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    People who experience low income status are at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes.York’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Poverty Has a Devastating Impact on Canadians Living with Diabetes

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    Diabetes is more prevalent among the poor. Healthcare professionals, in addition to providing excellent care, must push to reduce poverty. This will optimize the management and prevention of diabetes.York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Type 2 Diabetes in Vulnerable Populations

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    Diabetes prevention and management needs more advocacy through a network of different health care partners working together. This can also help inform policy that meets the distinct needs of at risk populations for diabetes, such as low-income earners.York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Perfil das mulheres que buscam a laqueadura tubária no interior do estado de São Paulo / Profile of women seeking tubal ligation in the interior of São Paulo state

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    O PAISM, considerado um marco para a saúde da mulher, redimensionou toda a rede do cuidado relativo a ela, superando a atenção restrita ao ciclo gravídico-puerperal e introduzindo o conceito de saúde reprodutiva às ações em saúde da mulher (Osis, 1998).  O conceito de saúde reprodutiva foi definido pelo Fundo das Nações Unidas para Assuntos de População (UNFPA) na Conferência de População do Cairo em 1994 como “um estado de completo bem-estar físico, mental e social em todos os assuntos concernentes ao sistema reprodutivo, suas funções e processos” (UNFPA, 1995), e implica que a pessoa possa ter uma vida sexual segura e satisfatória, “tendo autonomia para reproduzir e liberdade de decidir sobre quando e quantas vezes deve fazê-lo”. Ainda, de acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), é o PF que auxilia os casais a decidir quando começar a ter filhos, qual o intervalo entre eles e quando parar, sendo responsável ainda por auxiliar na detecção de riscos envolvidos com a gestação (OMS, 1998).Os direitos reprodutivos estão previstos na legislação nacional e normativas do Ministério da Saúde (MS). A oferta da contracepção na atenção primária se insere no PF, como preconiza o PAISM, e uma das situações previstas é a esterilização feminina cirúrgica definitiva – LT, que é regulamentada no Brasil pela Lei 9.263 (Brasil, 1996) e pela Portaria 144 do Ministério da Saúde (Brasil, 1997), com o intuito de garantir os direitos reprodutivos de casais ou indivíduos, homens e mulheres, de acordo com o artigo 226 da Constitui­ção Federal (Brasil, 1988).No Brasil, a decisão pela LT ocorre, na maioria das vezes, pela falta de escolha das mulheres, imposta pelas circunstâncias vividas e pela indisposição do parceiro de colaborar na anticoncepção (Marcolino e Galastro, 2001; Carvalho, 2003; Moura e Vieira, 2010), devido aos repetitivos insucessos e no sentimento de incapacidade de se controlar este aspecto da vida (Osis et al., 1998; Moura e Vieira, 2010), levando as mulheres a optarem por este método como necessário para que se tenha controle de sua história reprodutiva.Existe uma situação de possível reversão da tendência de crescimento deste método no Brasil, porém um alto índice de esterilização permanece para mulheres com menor renda e escolaridade, podendo indicar acesso mais difícil aos métodos contraceptivos reversíveis ou falta de informação qualificada sobre eles, com taxas influenciadas ainda pelo número de filhos vivos. Há que se considerar, no entanto, que a taxa de fecundidade é mais elevada entre as mulheres de classes sociais menos favorecidas, havendo entre estas uma média de 3,9 filhos, em contraste com a média de 1,2 filhos entre as mulheres de classes sociais mais favorecidas (Carvalho e Schor, 2012; Cirolini, 2010; IBGE, 2010b).Existe ainda um descompasso entre o desejo de não ter filhos e do uso regular de métodos contraceptivos, e a análise dos índices de LT deve incluir ainda a própria desaprovação das mulheres em relação aos métodos contraceptivos reversíveis oferecidos, eficácia, inocuidade e até mesmo aceitação cultural, sendo evidente a maior participação delas no PF (Heilborn et al., 2009; Nicolau et al., 2010; Ribeiro et al., 2008). A dificuldade de acesso ao PF de qualidade, e consequente falta de informação adequada sobre os métodos contraceptivos, juntamente com a não individualização do cuidado corroboram com a decisão pela LT em detrimento de outros métodos (Vieira e Souza, 2011; Carvalho e Schor, 2012; Nicolau et al., 2010).A literatura evidencia que o cenário brasileiro é marcado pela busca da LT por mulheres de menor escolaridade e renda, que não recebem adequado aconselhamento em PF, e muitas vezes decidem pela LT pelas situações de vida a que estão submetidas, tendo, portanto, grande chance de recorrer à reversão do procedimento em outro momento da vida. O problema da longa espera para o procedimento foi apontado na literatura, ao encontro do que foi identificado no campo deste estudo, gerando a motivação para a pesquisa.Este estudo buscou responder às seguintes questões: quem são as mulheres que procuram a LT no interior do estado de SP, porque optam pela LT e quais as suas características sociodemográficas

    Researching the gap between the existing and potential community health worker education and training in the refugee context : an intersectoral approach; final interim report (July 31, 2015 - July 31, 2016)

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    This research produced new knowledge towards the creation of an education model for building health care capacity in marginalized communities in Kenya, and developed a new Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Community Health Education (CHE). Community health professionals in resource poor communities such as the protracted refugee situation in Dadaab, need education and training: impacted by social, cultural, economic and environmental conditions, significant health issues and challenges in Dadaab include skilled delivery of mothers; maternal, infant, and under-five mortality; female genital mutilation; toilets and garbage management; and the quality of clinical care at health facilities

    Education model for building health care capacity in protracted refugee contexts : policy brief

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    Reliance on humanitarian NGOs for health care in protracted displacement situations like Dadaab is not sustainable. Refugees need to be equipped to play a greater role in providing primary health care for their communities. Findings of project research clearly indicated overwhelming support for the development of a health-related degree, with most prospective students and community health workers expressing interest in taking the degree. As a result, a BSc degree in Community Health Education has been developed and ready for implementation. This policy brief highlights the importance of developing education models aimed at addressing health and higher education equity issues in protracted refugee situations