70 research outputs found

    Records d’un viatge botànic a Mallorca al 1952

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    La Vegetazione dell'area Pantaleo-Gutturu Mannu-Punta Maxia-Monte Arcosu nel Sulcis-Iglesiente (Sardegna sud-occidentale)

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    From the Pantaleo-M. Arcosu district (SW Sardinia) 14 associations are described, 4 of them (Phagnalo-Psoraleetum morisianae, Helichryso-Teucrietum mari, Pistacio-Juniperetum oxycedri and OsmundoAlnetum Glutinosae) for the first time. Prevailing vegetation types in this area are macchia-associations: in lower parts the Pistacio-Juniperetum oxycedri belonging to the Oleo-Ceratonion, in the higher ones the Asplenio-Quercetum ilicis (Quercion ilicis) a transiction belt, between about 400-700 m asI shows the Vibumo-Quercetum ilicis. Up to the last century, the whole study-area was covered by a dense evergreen mediterranean forest which has been modified and partially destroyed by cutting, fire and intense pasture. Nowadays, due also to the protection actions by regional forest authorithies, the woody species show an increasing vigour and are prevailing again. These associations at present can be interpreted as climaxnear vegetation types

    La Flora di Pantaleo-Gutturu Mannu-Punta Maxia nel Sulcis (Sardegna sud-occidentale)

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    This study takes into consideration the floristic eomponent of the area Pantaleo- Gutturu Mannu-Punta Maxia, whieh extends over about 12.000 ha and is situated in the southwestern part of Sardinia. The flora eonsists of 594 taxa belonging to 338 genera and 90 families. The native eomponent is emphatised, particularly the endemie one whieh is 6,2% of the totaI. The analysis of the life forms spectrum reveals the dear dominance of therophytes which points out that the area is a typical plein mediterranean environment; also the ehorological speetrum shows 57% of mediterranean elements. FIoristic correlations with other areas of Sardinia are given

    The Vegetation on Limestone Gravels and Screes on the Southern Parts of the Eastern Alps

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit* wird die Kalkschuttvegetation der Ostalpen (am Südabfall) mittels automatischer Datenverarbeitungsmethoden überprüft und bearbeitet. Dazu wurden 266 (bisher noch unveröffentlichte) Aufnahmen von E. und S. Pignatti und eine Auswahl von Aufnahmen aus der entsprechenden Literatur (10 Tabellen mit jeweils 5 Aufnahmen) herangezogen. Die Bearbeitung läßt sich in z-wei Abschnitte teilen: Klassifikation der (unveröffentlichten) Aufnahmen und Anordnung des gesamten zu überprüfenden Materials. Das Ergebnis bestätigt die Aufteilung der Gesellschaften der Thlaspietalia zwischen den beiden Verbänden Thlaspion und Petasition. Der Kern des Thlas- pion umfasst 3 vikariierende Gesellschaften regionalen Charakters u.zw. das Thlaspietum rotundifolii in Graubünden und in angrenzenden italienischen Gebieten, das Papa- veretum rhaetici aus den Dolomiten und das Papaveretum julici der Julischen Alpen und Karawanken.U ovom prilogu je prikazana vegetacija točila južnih dijelova istočnih Alpa na temelju kompjutorske obrade vegetacijskih snimaka. Za obradu je uzeto 266 neobjavljenih snimaka koje su načinili Erika i Sandro Pignatti te izbor vegetacijskih snimaka iz literature (10 tabela s po pet snimaka). Rezultat obrade potvrđuje podjelu zajednica reda Thlaspietalia na sveze Thlaspion i Petasition. Jezgru sveze Thlaspion čine tri regionalne vikarne zajednice i to: Thlaspietum rotundifolii u Grabtindenu u Švicarskoj i susjednim graničnim područjima Italije, Papaveretum rhaetici iz Dolomita i Papaveretum julici iz Julijskih Alpa i Karavanki.The vegetation on limestone gravels and screes on the Southern side of the Eastern Alps is reviewed on the basis of an elaboration with computer. The material treated consists of 266 original relevés (not yet published) and 50 relevés selected in 10 tab. from the literature. The elaboration was performed in 2 steps: classification of the original relevés and ordination of the complete set. The results confirm the opportunity to articulate the Thlaspietalia in two alliances: Thlaspion and Petasition. The nucleus of the Thlaspion is given by 3 regionally vicariant associations: Thlaspietum rotundifolii in E-Switzerland and in the neighbouring Alps of Italy, Papaveretum rhaetici in the Dolomites and Papaveretum julici in the Julian Alps and Karawanken

    Rastlinski svet Dolomitov

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    Book reportKnjižno poročil

    Un nuovo metodo per l’elaborazione delle tabelle fitosociologiche

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    Beschreibung eines neuen Verfahrens zur Bearbeitung der pflanzen- sociologischen Tabellen, das auf der Methode von Ellenberg unter Berücksichtigung der charakteristischen Artenkombination begründet ist.Opis novog postupka za izradu biljnosocioloških tabela, koji se oslanja na Ellenber-ovu metodu, ali je poboljšan jer uvažuje karakterističnu kombinaciju vrsta.Descrizione di un nuovo método per Pelaborazione delle tabelle fito- sociologiche, che é basato sul procedimento di Ellenberg, corretto mediante lüso della combinazione specifica caratteristica

    Dolomite Vegetation as a System

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    Die Möglichkeit, Ursprung und Struktur der Vegetation durch die Aufstellung von Fliessdiagrammen zu klären, werden am Beispiel der Dolomitenvegetation untersucht. Es wird ein erstes Fliessdiagramm vorgeschlagen, das die allgemeinen Beziehungen im Rahmen des Dolomiten-Ökosystems darstellt, ferner zwei weitere Diagramme, welche die ökophysiologischen und ökomorphologischen Selektionsprozesse zeigen. Durch Selektion wird die Gebietsflora auf eine niedrige Zahl (etwa 100 Arten) reduziert, die an die besonderen Lebensverhältnisse der Dolomiten-Umwelt angepasst sind. Dadurch entsteht die Pflanzengemeinschaft der dolomitischen Umwelt.Vegetacija na dolomitu poslužila je kao primjer istraživanja mogućnosti da se podrijetlo i struktura vegetacije razjasne pomoću "flow" dijagrama. Prvi dijagram prikazuje opće odnose unutar dolomitnog sustava, dok slijedeća dva dijagrama pokazuju selektivne procese na ekofiziološkoj i ekomorfološkoj osnovi. Ta selekcija smanjuje raspoloživu količinu vrsta mjesne flore na relativno nizak broj (oko 100 vrsta), te su vrste osobito prilagođene na specifične životne uvjete dolomitnog okoliša. Na taj se način izgrađuje biljna zajednica u dolomitnom okolišu.Origin and structure of vegetation on dolomite are interpreted on the basis of flow diagrams. The first diagram visualizes general relations among the principal components of the dolomite system; the following diagrams deal with processes of ecophysiological and ecomorphological selection. Environmental factors are reducing the available floristic stock to a relatively low number of species (ca. 100), which are particularly adapted to ecological conditions of the site. In this way the floristic and biological characters of dolomite communities can be better understood

    Educational or emotional languages? An interactive experiment with the Lucanian flora (S-Italy)

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    In the frame of dissemination activities for a still-in-progress work on the Sites of Community Importance (see EU Directive 92/43) of Basilicata (a region of Southern Italy), an interactive tool (IIT) for the identification of vascular plants growing there has been illustrated to two groups of people, following two different approaches: one focused on textual parts and on scientific accuracy, the other on images and on the visual comparison of different objects. The reactions were measured in terms of number of accesses to the IIT, elapsed time from the demonstration to the first individual access, and number of queries in the first week after the IIT was distributed. The most clicked options were recorded as well. People who followed the emotional/visual approach proved to be significantly more interested in the IIT than those who followed the descriptive/scientific approach. It seems that to raise the interest of non-experts to the identification of plant species and, more in general, to the study of biodiversity, words should be kept at minimum, while the quality of the images and their “appeal” are essential

    “Flora Italiana Digitale”: an interactive identification tool for the Flora of Italy

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    The digital facilities of the second edition of Pignatti’s “Flora d’Italia” are presented. A software, called FID (i.e. “Flora Italiana Digitale”) will link together a random-access interactive identification tool, a thesaurus, synoptic tables and one template for each single species, including a distribution map (referred to the Italian regions), “ecograms”, a text-box and up to 24 highresolution colour images. The FID follows a “shareware phylosophy”. All contents and images can be integrated and/or replaced over time, in order to continuously improve the diagnostic and qualitative performance of the provided utilities. Ideally, the community of users should interact on the web, so that every user could easily become content provider