294 research outputs found

    Trois scénarios pour le service public

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    Génesis y crítica de la noción de red

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    Traducción del francés de Jorge Márquez Valderrama La noción de ‘red’ es omnipresente, incluso omnipotente. Ha tomado el lugar de nociones antes dominantes, como la de sistema o la de estructura. La polisemia de la noción explica su éxito, pero lanza la duda sobre su coherencia. Esa duda se ve reforzada por la multitud de metáforas que rodean la noción y sus utilizaciones. Se podría también concluir en lo opuesto, al constatar que la utilización de una noción es una prueba de su potencia y de su complejidad. La red es un receptor epistémico o un cristalizado

    La télévision publique, nouvelle école de la république ?

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    La nouvelle loi sur la télévision publique, voulue par le Président Sarkozy qui l’a qualifiée de « réforme historique », oblige à revenir sur ce qu’est la télévision. Cette réforme n’est pas de circonstance. Elle est stratégique et dessine, d’un côté, une télévision publique financée par l’impôt, une télévision pédagogique, culturelle et, de l’autre, une télévision commerciale, exempte de toute obligation, apparemment gratuite, la télévision du divertissement et du plaisir populaire. D’un côté, « la télé-école », signifiant réciproquement que la véritable école serait la télévision, et de l’autre « la télé-caddy », combinant ces deux derniers lieux de socialité dans des sociétés délitées : le petit écran et l’hypermarché.The new law on the public television wanted by the president Sarkozy who qualified it as “historical reform”, makes come back on what is television. This reform is not of circumstance. It is strategical and draws, on the one hand, a public television financed by the levy, a pedagogic, cultural television, and, of other hand, a commercial television, exempt from any obligation, obviously free, the television of entertainment and popular pleasure. On the one hand, “the television-school”, meaning reciprocally that the true school would be television, have of other one “the television-caddy”, combining these last two places of sociabilty in flaked societies : the small screen and the supermarket

    Réseaux et territoires : la construction d'une problématique

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    En choisissant une approche simultanée de plusieurs secteurs concernés par les schémas de service collectifs (TIC, Energie et Transports), le groupe de prospective s'est orienté vers une réflexion transversale sur la dynamique entre les réseaux et le territoire. Dans ce but, l'article propose d'abord une approche croisée, deux par deux, des relations entre les secteurs concernés. Puis en adoptant une vision synthétique, il propose une démarche distinguant six champs d'analyse pour comprendre les relations entre nouvelle donne dans les industries de réseau et évolution des territoires. A partir de ces éléments, la démarche prospective dispose d'un cadre qui servira de base au fonctionnement du groupe au cours de l'année 2001.-----------------------------------------------Cet article vous est proposé avec l'aimable autorisation des auteurs et de l'éditeur, DIACT. La présente version en PDF est sous le copyright de la DIACT (http://www.diact.gouv.fr/) - 2001. Ce document est protégé en vertu de la loi du droit d'auteur.Réseaux ; territoires ; schémas de service collectif ; déréglementation ; normes ; valeurs ; usagers ; citoyens

    Absence of antibodies to Rickettsia spp., Bartonella spp., Ehrlichia spp. and Coxiella burnetii in Tahiti, French Polynesia

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    International audienceAbtractBackgroundIn the Pacific islands countries and territories, very little is known about the incidence of infectious diseases due to zoonotic pathogens. To our knowledge, human infections due to Rickettsia spp., Coxiella burnetii, Ehrlichia spp. and Bartonella spp. have never been reported in French Polynesia; and infections due to C. burnetti have been reported worldwide except in New Zealand. To evaluate the prevalence of this disease, we conducted a serosurvey among French Polynesian blood donors.MethodsThe presence of immunoglobulin G antibodies against R. felis, R. typhi, R. conorii, C. burnetii, B. henselae, B. quintana, and E. chaffeensis was evaluated by indirect immunofluorescence assay in sera from 472 French Polynesian blood donors collected from 2011 to 2013. In addition, 178 ticks and 36 cat fleas collected in French Polynesia were also collected and tested by polymerase chain reaction to detect Rickettsia spp., B. henselae and Ehrlichia spp.ResultsNone of the blood donors had antibodies at a significant level against Rickettsia spp., Coxiella burnetii, Ehrlichia spp. and Bartonella spp. All tested ticks and cat fleas were PCR-negative for Rickettsia spp., B. henselae, and Ehrlichia spp.ConclusionWe cannot conclude that these pathogens are absent in French Polynesia but, if present, their prevalence is probably very low. C. burnetii has been reported worldwide except in New Zealand. It may also be absent from French Polynesia

    La télévision italienne après la loi Gasparri

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    Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computational Particle Filters for Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation

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    International audienceTo perform long-term and long-range missions, underwater vehicles need reliable navigation algorithms. This paper considers multi-beam Terrain Aided Navigation which can provide a drift-free navigation tool. This leads to an estimation problem with implicit observation equation and unknown likelihood. Indeed, the measurement sensor is considered to be a numerical black box model that introduces some unknown stochastic noise. We introduce a measurement updating procedure based on an adaptive kernel derived from Approximate Bayesian Computational filters. The proposed method is based on two well-known particle filters: Regularized Particle Filter and Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter. Numerical results are presented and the robustness is demonstrated with respect to the original filters, yielding to twice as less non-convergence cases. The proposed method increases the robustness of particle-like filters while remaining computationally efficient

    Adaptive Approximate Bayesian Computational Particle Filters for Underwater Terrain Aided Navigation

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    International audienceTo perform long-term and long-range missions, underwater vehicles need reliable navigation algorithms. This paper considers multi-beam Terrain Aided Navigation which can provide a drift-free navigation tool. This leads to an estimation problem with implicit observation equation and unknown likelihood. Indeed, the measurement sensor is considered to be a numerical black box model that introduces some unknown stochastic noise. We introduce a measurement updating procedure based on an adaptive kernel derived from Approximate Bayesian Computational filters. The proposed method is based on two well-known particle filters: Regularized Particle Filter and Rao-Blackwellized Particle Filter. Numerical results are presented and the robustness is demonstrated with respect to the original filters, yielding to twice as less non-convergence cases. The proposed method increases the robustness of particle-like filters while remaining computationally efficient

    The oncogenic kinase NEK2 regulates an RBFOX2-dependent pro-mesenchymal splicing program in triple-negative breast cancer cells

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    Background: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the most heterogeneous and malignant subtype of breast cancer (BC). TNBC is defined by the absence of expression of estrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors and lacks efficacious targeted therapies. NEK2 is an oncogenic kinase that is significantly upregulated in TNBC, thereby representing a promising therapeutic target. NEK2 localizes in the nucleus and promotes oncogenic splice variants in different cancer cells. Notably, alternative splicing (AS) dysregulation has recently emerged as a featuring trait of TNBC that contributes to its aggressive phenotype. Methods: To investigate whether NEK2 modulates TNBC transcriptome we performed RNA-sequencing analyses in a representative TNBC cell line (MDA-MB-231) and results were validated in multiple TNBC cell lines. Bioinformatics and functional analyses were carried out to elucidate the mechanism of splicing regulation by NEK2. Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas were mined to evaluate the potential of NEK2-sensitive exons as markers to identify the TNBC subtype and to assess their prognostic value. Results: Transcriptome analysis revealed a widespread impact of NEK2 on the transcriptome of TNBC cells, with 1830 AS events that are susceptible to its expression. NEK2 regulates the inclusion of cassette exons in splice variants that discriminate TNBC from other BC and that correlate with poor prognosis, suggesting that this kinase contributes to the TNBC-specific splicing program. NEK2 elicits its effects by modulating the expression of the splicing factor RBFOX2, a well-known regulator of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Accordingly, NEK2 splicing-regulated genes are enriched in functional terms related to cell adhesion and contractile cytoskeleton and NEK2 depletion in mesenchymal TNBC cells induces phenotypic and molecular traits typical of epithelial cells. Remarkably, depletion of select NEK2-sensitive splice-variants that are prognostic in TNBC patients is sufficient to interfere with TNBC cell morphology and motility, suggesting that NEK2 orchestrates a pro-mesenchymal splicing program that modulates migratory and invasive properties of TNBC cells

    The oncogenic kinase NEK2 regulates an RBFOX2-dependent pro-mesenchymal splicing program in triple-negative breast cancer cells

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    Background: Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the most heterogeneous and malignant subtype of breast cancer (BC). TNBC is defined by the absence of expression of estrogen, progesterone and HER2 receptors and lacks efficacious targeted therapies. NEK2 is an oncogenic kinase that is significantly upregulated in TNBC, thereby representing a promising therapeutic target. NEK2 localizes in the nucleus and promotes oncogenic splice variants in different cancer cells. Notably, alternative splicing (AS) dysregulation has recently emerged as a featuring trait of TNBC that contributes to its aggressive phenotype. Methods: To investigate whether NEK2 modulates TNBC transcriptome we performed RNA-sequencing analyses in a representative TNBC cell line (MDA-MB-231) and results were validated in multiple TNBC cell lines. Bioinformatics and functional analyses were carried out to elucidate the mechanism of splicing regulation by NEK2. Data from The Cancer Genome Atlas were mined to evaluate the potential of NEK2-sensitive exons as markers to identify the TNBC subtype and to assess their prognostic value. Results: Transcriptome analysis revealed a widespread impact of NEK2 on the transcriptome of TNBC cells, with 1830 AS events that are susceptible to its expression. NEK2 regulates the inclusion of cassette exons in splice variants that discriminate TNBC from other BC and that correlate with poor prognosis, suggesting that this kinase contributes to the TNBC-specific splicing program. NEK2 elicits its effects by modulating the expression of the splicing factor RBFOX2, a well-known regulator of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT). Accordingly, NEK2 splicing-regulated genes are enriched in functional terms related to cell adhesion and contractile cytoskeleton and NEK2 depletion in mesenchymal TNBC cells induces phenotypic and molecular traits typical of epithelial cells. Remarkably, depletion of select NEK2-sensitive splice-variants that are prognostic in TNBC patients is sufficient to interfere with TNBC cell morphology and motility, suggesting that NEK2 orchestrates a pro-mesenchymal splicing program that modulates migratory and invasive properties of TNBC cells