720 research outputs found

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    L’improvisation : l’art de l’instant

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    Classification of Incomplete Data Using the Fuzzy ARTMAP Neural Network

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    The fuzzy ARTMAP neural network is used to classify data that is incomplete in one or more ways. These include a limited number of training cases, missing components, missing class labels, and missing classes. Modifications for dealing with such incomplete data are introduced, and performance is assessed on an emitter identification task using a data base of radar pulsesDefense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409) (S.G. and M.A.R); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333) (S.G.); Natural Sciences and Engineerging Research Council of Canada (E.G.); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    Comparison of Classifiers for Radar Emitter Type Identification

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    ARTMAP neural network classifiers are considered for the identification of radar emitter types from their waveform parameters. These classifiers can represent radar emitter type classes with one or more prototypes, perform on-line incremental learning to account for novelty encountered in the field, and process radar pulse streams at high speed, making them attractive for real-time applications such as electronic support measures (ESM). The performance of four ARTMAP variants- ARTMAP (Stage 1), ARTMAP-IC, fuzzy ARTMAP and Gaussian ARTMAP - is assessed with radar data gathered in the field. The k nearest neighbor (kNN) and radial basis function (RDF) classifiers are used for reference. Simulation results indicate that fuzzy ARTMAP and Gaussian ARTMAP achieve an average classification rate consistently higher than that of the other ARTMAP classifers and comparable to that of kNN and RBF. ART-EMAP, ARTMAP-IC and fuzzy ARTMAP require fewer training epochs than Gaussian ARTMAP and RBF, and substantially fewer prototype vectors (thus, smaller physical memory requirements and faster fielded performance) than Gaussian ARTMAP, RBF and kNN. Overall, fuzzy ART MAP performs at least as well as the other classifiers in both accuracy and computational complexity, and better than each of them in at least one of these aspects of performance. Incorporation into fuzzy ARTMAP of the MT- feature of ARTMAP-IC is found to be essential for convergence during on-line training with this data set.Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Office of Naval Research (N000I4-95-1-409 (S.G. and M.A.R.); National Science Foundation (IRI-97-20333) (S.G.); Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (E.G.); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0657

    Airway remodeling and its reversibility in equine asthma

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    Despite effective therapies for controlling its clinical manifestations, human asthma remains an incurable disease. It is now recognized that inflammation induced structural changes (remodeling) of the airways are responsible for the progressive loss of lung function in asthmatic patients. However, the peripheral airways, where most of the remodeling occurs in severe asthmatic patients, cannot be safely sampled in humans, and therefore, little is known of the effects of current therapies at reversing the established asthmatic remodeling, especially those occurring in the peripheral airways.Animal models have been studied to unravel etiological, immunopathological, and genetic attributes leading to asthma. However, experiments in which the disease is artificially induced have been shown to have limited translational potential for humans. To the contrary, horses naturally suffer from an asthma-like condition which shares marked similarities with human asthma making this model unique to investigate the kinetics, reversibility, as well as the physiological consequences of tissue remodeling (Bullone and Lavoie 2015).We reported an increased deposition of smooth muscle, collagen and elastic fibers in the peripheral airways of affected horses, which was correlated with the lung function (Herszberg et al., 2006; Setlakwe et al., 2014). The airway subepithelial collagen depositions were almost completely reversed with 6 to 12 months of treatment with either antigen avoidance or inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) administration, and there was a modest (30% on average) decrease in airway smooth muscle (Leclere et al., 2011). A recent study also found that ICS combined with long-acting Ăź2-agonists drugs (LABA) and ICS monotherapy similarly induced a 30% decrease of the airway smooth muscle mass at 3 months (Buollone, 2017). However, only ICS/LABA and antigen avoidance decreased airway luminal neutrophilia.The findings indicate the enhance therapeutic effect of ICS/LABA over ICS monotherapy at controlling asthma exacerbations in humans may be due to their anti-remodeling and anti-inflammatory effects. However, airway smooth muscle remodeling is only partially reversible with current anti-asthma medications

    Alien Registration- Lavoie, Pierre J. (Brunswick, Cumberland County)

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    De I'URSS à la Russie : les institutions internationales de sécurité au service d'une superpuissance en chute libre

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    Constatant que sa puissance diminuait à vue d'oeil, la Russie, tout comme VURSS à la veille de sa dissolution, a recouru aux us afin de préserver ses prérogatives d'une grande puissance menacées par les grands bouleversements géopolitiques. L'article montre à travers trois études de cas combien VURSS durant la crise du Golfe s'efforça à grand-peine de sauvegarder ses intérêts sérieusement entamés ; expérience que la Russie connaîtra avec l'élargissement de I'OTAN vers les pays de l'Europe centrale et orientale. Seule au Conseil de sécurité la puissance grandement amoindrie de la Russie paraît être à l'abri. L'article conclut que la Russie est placée constamment dans des contraintes institutionnelles qui lui échappent malgré ses tentatives d'employer les us existantes pour arrêter l'hémorragie de son influence historique mondiale.Aware that its power was diminishing rapidly, Russia, in the same way as the Soviet Union at the eve of its dissolution, resorted to its in order to preserve its great-power prerogatives threatened as they were by major geopolitical reversals. Through three case studies, this article shows to what extent the Soviet Union during the Gulf Crisis sought with considerable difficulty to forestall the downgrading of its power; an experience repeated by Russia in the NATO enlargement issue. Only at the Security Council does Russia's power seem to be in a relatively safe place. The article concludes that Russia finds itself constantly placed under institutional constraints despite its efforts to stop the downfall of its world historical influence

    Le partenariat professionnel – famille dans les soins aux personnes âgées. Un enjeu de reconnaissance

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    L’État québécois, à l’instar d’autres dans le monde, appelle au partenariat entre l’État et la famille. Ce partenariat toutefois se construira dans le quotidien des échanges entre intervenants et aidants, et exige une certaine congruence entre ces deux groupes sur le plan des attentes mutuelles et des responsabilités attribuées à l’autre. Quatre études menées par les auteurs indiquent plutôt des normes quant à la responsabilité familiale dans les soins et des attentes divergentes. Elles expliqueraient les tensions relevées entre les deux groupes et soulèvent des enjeux de reconnaissance de part et d’autre. Une reconnaissance mutuelle apparaît comme fondamentale dans l’instauration d’une relation partenariale entre intervenants et aidants.The Quebec government, like others around the world, is calling for a partnership between the state and the family in order to provide for the vulnerable elderly. However, this partnership will be built through daily exchanges between formal and informal carers, and will require some agreement between the two groups with respect to what they expect of each other and the responsibilities they attribute to each other. Four studies by the authors provide indications of norms for family responsibility in caring and divergent expectations. They would appear to explain the tension noted between the two groups and raise recognition issues on both sides. Mutual recognition seems to be fundamental to the establishment of a true partnership between formal and informal carers

    L’aide apportée par des tiers et les réactions des aidantes naturelles à la prise en charge de personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie

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    Cet article s'intéresse à la relation entre, d'une part, l'aide apportée par des tiers et, d'autre part, le fardeau ressenti et la dépression pour les aidantes principales de personnes âgées souffrant de problèmes physiques ou cognitifs. Les auteurs avancent l'hypothèse que le soutien social ne constitue pas une entité homogène et que les différents types d'aide apportée sont susceptibles d'avoir des effets différents sur les réactions adverses à la prise en charge. Les données proviennent d'une étude menée en 1990, dans la région de Montréal, auprès de 159 aidantes co-résidant avec la personne aidée et demandeurs de services de la part du réseau formel et le réseau informel. Les analyses de régression hiérarchique montrent le rôle restreint des variables d'aide apportée par le réseau dans l'explication des niveaux de dépression et de fardeau et confirment l'hypothèse d'un spectre d'action étroit de ces variables.This article is about the relation between, on the one hand, support provided by third parties and, on the other, the burden and the depression experienced by the main female supporters who care for the elderly suffering from physical or cognitive problems. The authors examine the hypothesis that social support is not homogeneous accross the board and that the different types of support are likely to have different effects on elders with adverse reactions to the caring process. Data originates from a study that was conducted in the Montréal area in 1990 with 159 female supporters living with an elder requiring care who requested support services from formal and informal networks. Hierarchical regression analyses show that the variables in connection with care dispensed by the network play a limited role in attempting to explain the depression and burden levels. Furthermore, these analyses confirm the hypothesis of the variables' narrow range of influence

    Mille après mille : mobilité, célébrité et mémoire des artistes populaires après «l'exode»

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    L’histoire des arts et de la culture au Québec comporte plusieurs exemples de « retours d’Europe » et de « triomphes français » depuis les séjours de formation outre-Atlantique des « exotiques » jusqu’aux succès des chansonniers sur les scènes parisiennes. Or, entre le début des années 1930 et le milieu des années 1950, de nombreux artistes populaires montréalais font plutôt l’expérience de la tournée américaine. Année après année, ces artistes sillonnent les routes de la Nouvelle-Angleterre pour divertir le public francophone présent dans les villes industrielles et dans les villages forestiers de la région, se rendant même parfois jusqu’à New York. Pourtant, cet épisode de grande mobilité est pratiquement absent de l’histoire, de la mémoire et du patrimoine culturel au Québec et aux États-Unis. Au-delà de l’impact de la Grande Dépression sur la scène culturelle montréalaise et de celui de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale sur la possibilité de séjourner en Europe, si ces artistes ont tourné leur regard vers l’Amérique, c’est parce qu’ils évoluent dans un espace transnational autant géographique que symbolique, hérité de l’époque des grandes migrations intracontinentales, puis réactivé et reconfiguré par l’avènement des médias sonores et audiovisuels comme le disque, la radio et le cinéma. L’histoire de la célébrité médiatique de Mary « La Bolduc » Travers, de Rudy Vallée et de Jean Grimaldi proposée dans cette thèse permet d’accéder aux différentes strates de ce phénomène à la croisée de l’histoire culturelle, de l’histoire des médias et de l’histoire des migrations. Leurs récits enchevêtrés révèlent ainsi les modalités de la mobilité migratoire, artistique et médiatique au sein — et parfois à l’extérieur — de la « communauté imaginée » canadienne-française. L’étude des critères de la patrimonialisation des artistes éclaire en partie les causes de l’oubli de cet épisode de la culture francophone en Amérique du Nord, comme : le rejet de la mobilité dans la mise en récit des formations nationales et ethnoculturelles ; la marginalisation historique des arts populaires ; et la méfiance que suscitent à l’époque les États-Unis au sein des élites culturelles et politiques à travers le monde.Art history and cultural history in Quebec present many examples of “retours d’Europe” and of “French triumphs,” from the formative overseas stays of the “exotiques” in the 1910s to the stage success of Quebec “chansonniers” in Paris in the 1950s and 1960s. However, between the early 1930s and the mid-1950s, some of the most famous French-speaking artists based in Montréal preferred to go on tour in the United States. Many of them traveled New England year after year, sometimes going as far as New York City, to cheer the French-speaking public present along the way in the industrial cities of the region. Yet this episode of high mobility is almost absent from history, memory and cultural heritage in Quebec—and even more so in the United States. Beyond the impact of the Great Depression on Montréal’s cultural scene and of the Second World War on the possibility of visiting Europe, these artists have turned their eyes towards America because they participated in a transnational space, both geographical and symbolic, inherited from an era of great intracontinental migrations, then reactivated and reconfigured by the advent of sound and audiovisual media—discs, radio and cinema. By studying the history of the celebrity of Mary “La Bolduc” Travers, Rudy Vallée and Jean Grimaldi, this thesis attempts to access to the various layers of this phenomenon at the crossroads of cultural history, media history and migration history. Their intricate narratives therefore reveal the modality of mobility involved inside—and often times outside—of the French Canadian “imagined community.” By analyzing the heritagization process of these artists, it is possible to isolate some of the causes the oblivion of this transnational episode of francophone culture in North America, such as the rejection of mobility in the formation of national and ethnic identity narratives; the historical marginalization of popular arts; and the mistrust of the United States among cultural and political elites around the world at the time
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