11 research outputs found

    Emergency management in health: key issues and challenges in the UK

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    Background Emergency planning in the UK has grown considerably in recent years, galvanised by the threat of terrorism. However, deficiencies in NHS emergency planning were identified and the evidence-base that underpins it is questionable. Inconsistencies in terminologies and concepts also exist. Different models of emergency management exist internationally but the optimal system is unknown. This study examines the evidence-base and evidence requirements for emergency planning in the UK health context. Methods The study involved semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders and opinion leaders. Purposive sampling was used to obtain a breadth of views from various agencies involved in emergency planning and response. Interviews were then analysed using a grounded approach using standard framework analysis techniques. Results We conducted 17 key informant interviews. Interviewees identified greater gaps in operational than technical aspects of emergency planning. Social and behavioural knowledge gaps were highlighted with regards to how individuals and organisations deal with risk and behave in emergencies. Evidence-based approaches to public engagement and for developing community resilience to disasters are lacking. Other gaps included how knowledge was developed and used. Conflicting views with regards to the optimal configuration and operation of the emergency management system were voiced. Conclusions Four thematic categories for future research emerged: (i) Knowledge-base for emergency management: Further exploration is needed of how knowledge is acquired, valued, disseminated, adopted and retained. (ii) Social and behavioural issues: Greater understanding of how individuals approach risk and behave in emergencies is required. (iii) Organisational issues in emergencies: Several conflicting organisational issues were identified; value of planning versus plans, flexible versus standardized procedures, top-down versus bottom-up engagement, generic versus specific planning, and reactive versus proactive approaches to emergencies. (iv) Emergency management system: More study is required of system-wide issues relating to system configuration and operation, public engagement, and how emergency planning is assessed

    Prisoners of the Capitalist Machine: Captivity and the Corporate Engineer

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    This chapter will focus on how engineering practice is conditioned by an economic system which promotes production for profit and economic growth as an end in itself. As such it will focus on the notion of the captivity of engineering which emanates from features of the economic system. By drawing on Critical Realism and a Marxist literature, and by focusing on the issues of safety and sustainability (in particular the issue of climate change), it will examine the extent to which disasters and workplace accidents result from the economic imperative for profitable production and how efforts by engineers to address climate change are undermined by an on-going commitment to growth. It will conclude by arguing that the structural constraints on engineering practice require new approaches to teaching engineers about ethics and social responsibility. It will argue that Critical Realism offers a framework for the teaching of engineering ethics which would pay proper attention to the structural context of engineers work without eliminating the possibility of engineers working for radical change

    Organizing risk: organization and management theory for the risk society

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    Risk has become a crucial part of organizing, affecting a wide range of organizations in all sectors. We identify, review and integrate diverse literatures relevant to organizing risk, building on an existing framework that describes how risk is organized in three ‘modes’ – prospectively, in real-time, and retrospectively. We then identify three critical issues in the existing literature: its fragmented nature; its neglect of the tensions associated with each of the modes; and its tendency to assume that the meaning of an object in relation to risk is singular and stable. We provide a series of new insights with regard to each of these issues. First, we develop the concept of a risk cycle that shows how organizations engage with all three modes and transition between them over time. Second, we explain why the tensions have been largely ignored and show how studies using a risk work perspective can provide further insights into them. Third, we develop the concept of risk translation to highlight the ways in the meanings of risks can be transformed and to identify the political consequences of such translations. We conclude the paper with a research agenda to elaborate these insights and ideas further

    Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) Analysis and U-Pb Geochronology of the Oldest Lunar Zircon: Constraining Early Lunar Differentiation and Dating Impact-Related Deformation

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    The evolution of the early moon was dominated by two processes (i) crystallization of the Lunar Magma Ocean (LMO) and differentiation of potassium-rare earth element-phosphorous-rich residual magma reservoir referred to as KREEP, and (ii) an intense meteorite bombardment referred to as lunar cataclysm . The exact timing of these processes is disputed, and resolution relies on collection and interpretation of precise age data. This study examines the microstructure and geochronology of zircon from lunar impact breccias collected during the Apollo 17 mission. A large zircon clast within lunar breccia 72215,195 shows sector zoning in optical microscopy, cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging and Raman mapping, and indicates that it was a relict fragment of a much larger magmatic grain. Sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U-Pb analysis of the zircon shows that U and Th concentration correlate with sector zoning, with darkest CL domains corresponding with high-U and Th (approx.150 and approx.100 ppm respectively), and the brightest-CL sectors containing approx.30-50 ppm U and approx.10-20 ppm Th. This indicates that variations in optical CL and Raman properties correspond to differential accumulation of alpha-radiation damage in each sector. Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) mapping shows that the quality of electron backscatter patterns (band contrast) varies with sector zoning, with the poorest quality patterns obtained from high-U and Th, dark-CL zones. EBSD mapping also reveals a deformation microstructure that is cryptic in optical, CL and Raman imaging. Two orthogonal sets of straight discrete and gradational low-angle boundaries accommodate approx.12 misorientation across the grain. The deformation bands are parallel to the crystallographic {a}-planes of the zircon, have misorientation axes parallel to the c-axis, and are geometrically consistent with formation by dislocation creep associated with <100>{010} slip. The deformation bands are unlike curved morphology of crystal-plastic microstructures in tectonically deformed terrestrial zircon, and geometrically similar to dislocation microstructures reported in experimentally shocked zircon. We interpret these crystal-plastic deformation microstructures to have resulted from a significant impact, either directly from impact shock, or during ductile flow directly following the impact. The deformation bands appear to continue undeflected through the non-indexed, radiation-damaged areas of the grain, which suggests that the orientation variation predates any significant mechanical weakening from radiation damage in the grain, and therefore occurred early in its history

    University Reporter Vol. 3 Issue 2

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    New UA President Interview With Humphrey By: Jim Kelly (2) Opening for Student Regent By: Unknown (2) Students Speak Out: By: Unknown (2) Student Sponsored Forum A Success By: Tom Bayley (3) Scholarships for Students By: Unknown (3) Coordination Council Clears Air By: Ken Pergola (3) A Year Later Chancellor Search Committee Revisited By: Marty Hann (4) ACC Master plan Depends on People By: Tom Bayley (4) Campus Assembly Ponders Future By: Tom Grockett (4) Can They Work Together? By: Unknown (5) Allegations Prove False By: Unknown (6) ’77-78 Budget Approved Anchorage Short Changed By: Unknown (6) Another Solution, Another Problem By: Jim Kelly (6) Campuses Compared By: Unknown (6) Letters (7) Election Oct. 4 Municipal & School Board Candidates Speak Out By: Unknown (8-9) How Would You Spend $2 Billion? By: Ken Pergola (10) Layman’s Guide to the Permanent Fund By: Unknown (10) UAA Arts Fair is a Beauty By: Unknown (11) Playwrights Wanted By: Unknown (11) More Scholarships for Students By: Unknown (12) The Federal Complexity By: Steve Pidgeon (12) Rachal: ‘Let’s Work Together’ By: Bob Rachal (13) Creature Rises Again By: Unknown (13) Healthy Health Services By: Hari Kaur (14) Financial Aid: Help to the Needy By: Peter Mazzie (14) The Print Switchboard (15) Community Calendar (16

    Images of women in popular song lyrics: A bibliography

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