2 research outputs found

    Occupations de plateau du NĂ©olithique Ă  l’ñge du Bronze Ă  Quincy-Voisins « ZAC de Ternoy » (Seine-et-Marne)

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    International audienceThe preventive excavation of the site of Quincy-Voisins “ZAC de Ternoy” (Seine-et-Marne) follows on from two positive evaluations carried out in2004 and 2007. The excavation of a surface area of 21 300 m2 brought to light features dating to the Early Neolithic (culture de Blicquy – Villeneuve-Saint- Germain), characterised by a large number of schist and terra cotta rings. Four deep pits either wells or citterns contained intentional animal deposits (suidae, mustelidae and bovidae) and the by-products of the manufacture of axe heads. Other more superficial features could relate to a more recent Neolithic occupation. An alternative interpretation of the chrono-cultural timeframe is explored based on the radiocarbon dates.La fouille prĂ©ventive du site archĂ©ologique de la « ZAC de Ternoy » Ă  Quincy-Voisins (Seine-et-Marne) fait suite aux opĂ©rations de diagnostic positives rĂ©alisĂ©es en 2004 et 2007. La fouille de quelque 21 300 mÂČ a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© la prĂ©sence de plusieurs structures d’une occupation trĂšs Ă©rodĂ©e du NĂ©olithique ancien (culture de Blicquy – Villeneuve-Saint-Germain), caractĂ©risĂ©e par de nombreux anneaux en schiste et en terre cuite. En outre, quatre fosses profondes de type puits / citerne ont livrĂ© des dĂ©pĂŽts intentionnels de faune (suidĂ©s, mustĂ©lidĂ© et bovidĂ©) et le rejet de produits du façonnage de lames de hache. Enfin, plusieurs structures superficielles pourraient ĂȘtre associĂ©es Ă  une occupation tardive du NĂ©olithique. Sur la base des datations au radiocarbone, une interprĂ©tation alternative des attributions chrono-culturelles est proposĂ©e

    Study of behaviours and emitted codas during sperm whales social interactions

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    International audienceSperm whales live in the matrilineal population structure based on complex social interactions. Groups of 10-20 adult females stay together and raise their offspring. During social activities, they emit specific patterned time sequences of clicks, called codas. These codas are also the social unit acoustic signature. However, no associations were already done between these emitted sounds and behaviours. To answer this question, we used a dataset including simultaneous video and acoustic recordings during sperm whale activities close to the sea surface. In 2017 and 2018, 114 days of observations for 25h33min was done. A total of 1,810 behaviours and of 1,324 codas were extracted. We analyzed their internal structures, based of number of clicks and also the variation of inter-click intervals. Results showed firstly that the 8-clicks codas were the most frequent sequences for this social unit, and secondly that codas seems to be call and contact signals for this haptic species