23 research outputs found

    [Introduction] The making and unmaking of precarious, ideal subjects – migration brokerage in the Global South

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    The migration literature is often underpinned by the idea that migrants are either completely ‘free’ agents, individually choosing how best to achieve returns on their human capital and resources (Sjaastad 1962) or ‘agents of development’ for their home countries and regions (Turner and Kleist 2013). Conversely they are viewed as exploited slaves, being pushed into low-paid occupations and controlled by middlemen and employers. Unsurprisingly, in many close-knit societies a process as expensive and life-defining as migration is rarely undertaken as an individual act and is shaped by complex social interactions within kinship networks and beyond (Lindquist 2012). Brokerage is ever-present in migrant labour markets around the world, variously interpreted as occupying the ‘middle space’ between migrants and the state, helping migrants navigate complex immigration regimes (Lindquist, Xiang, and Yeoh 2012; McKeown 2012; Schapendonk 2017), acting as an extension of the state seeking to outsource border controls (Goh, Wee, and Yeoh 2017) and colluding with employers to cheapen and commoditise migrant labour (Guérin 2013; McCollum and Findlay 2018). It is increasingly recognised that an understanding of contemporary migration is not complete without an understanding of the mediating practices that facilitate and constrain it (Coe and Jordhus-Lier 2011; Cranston, Schapendonk, and Spaan 2018). This special issue investigates the role that migration brokers play in the subjectivation and precarisation of migrant men and women from marginalised classes and ethnicities in the Global South. It shows how these processes are critical for them to become a part of contemporary economic and political systems of international and internal labour circulation. It responds to the call of labour geographers for a deeper understanding of the ways in which diverse economic and social contexts result in complex forms of precarity (McDowell 2015) and adds to the evidence on the role of actors beyond the workplace in co-creating precarity (Buckley, McPhee, and Rogaly 2017)

    La servidumbre por deuda en el ámbito rural del sur de la India

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    Se explora cómo los trabajadores rurales migrantes en el sur de la India negocian y conciben el endeudamiento en un contexto de relaciones de empleo y de poder cambiantes. El rechazo a ataduras, su búsqueda de dignidad y la transformación de la migración laboral se combinan con las relaciones renovadas de patronazgo en el con- texto de pobreza estructural y precariedad. Esto los conduce a formas diversas de empleo, crédito y protección. A través de un estudio de caso etnográfico de trabajadores migrantes se muestra cómo las reformulaciones de la protección a los trabajadores y las relaciones de poder que implican son cruciales para comprender los límites entre endeudamiento y sobreendeudamiento. Se argumenta que el sobreendeudamiento aparece cuando la obligación moral de pagar se combina con la ausencia de protección estable y un quebranto eventual del estatus

    Labour migration brokerage and Dalit politics in Andhra Pradesh: a Dalit fabric of labour circulation

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    Between villages and working sites : circulation of labourers, clientelism and politicisation of law castes in Andhra Pradesh, India

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    A partir d’une ethnographie de la circulation des travailleurs manuels originaires d’un village du Télangana, en Andhra Pradesh, cette recherche explore les mondes sociaux, politiques et économiques des travailleurs migrants en Inde, les dynamiques et le quotidien des rapports sociaux intercastes et interclasses. Basée sur un terrain mené tant sur les espaces de travail et de vie (en zone rurale et urbaine, dans le secteur de la construction) qu’au village, cette étude contribue aux débats sur la transformation des relations de travail par l’analyse de l’asservissement pour dettes, de l’emploi journalier, du patronage, de la médiation et de l’ascension des basses castes. L’examen des contextes sociaux et culturels des expériences du travail et de la migration, des liens de caste et de classe, du labeur, de la dette, de la confiance et des manières de résister et de dominer fournit matière à une critique de la scission théorique entre travail libre et non libre, au profit d’un continuum des formes de travail et de migration, basé sur des dépendances multiples et gradées. Cette approche rend ainsi compte des micro-hiérarchies et des rapports à la mobilité sociale et à l’autorité. Cette recherche s’intéresse ensuite aux dimensions politiques et sociales du retour des travailleurs migrants et à leurs quêtes de dépendances et de protections, multiples et temporaires, au village. Le quotidien des rapports de pouvoir et des relations intercastes et interclasses est examiné à partir des pratiques et des discours d’un intermédiaire politique, des contestations publiques et de la camaraderie en état d’ébriété, des espoirs de mobilité sociale des jeunes migrants scolarisés, et lors d’un conflit politico-religieux. L’étude des logiques de domination, d’acceptation et de résistance des travailleurs exprimées dans les luttes pour l’accès aux ressources du village contrôlées par les dominants (parti politique, crédit, programmes de développement gouvernementaux et ONG) montre de quelles manières s’entremêlent la politisation des basses castes et la recomposition des rapports de clientélisme au village.Based on a detailed ethnography of circulation of labourers, originated from a village of Telangana (Andhra Pradesh) and employed in rural and urban construction work, this thesis explores the social, political and economical worlds of labour migrants and the dynamics and everydayness of intercastes and classes relationships. Through a fieldwork carried out on both spaces of work and life at the destination places and village setting, this research contributes to debates on the transformation of labour relations in contemporary India by examining issues such as bonded labour, daily wage work, patron-client relations, mediation and low-caste ascendancy. The study of social and cultural contexts of labour and migration experiences, toil, debt, recruitment, trust and modes of resistance and domination brings material for a critic of theoretical divide between free and unfree labour. It shows how an approach through the continuum of labour and migration forms gives a better account of micro-hierarchies, dependency, social mobility and authority. This research then explores the social and political dimensions of the return of migrants and their quest for multiple and temporary protection and dependency taking place in the village. The everydayness of power relationships and the reinvestment of migrants into village activities are examined through the practices and discourses of a political intermediary, the public contestation and friendship after alcohol consumption, the aspirations of rural youth and political-religious conflicts. This sheds new light on the logics of acceptation, domination and resistance around access to local resources (development programs, NGO’s, political parties) cornered by dominant groups and on the overlapping of the politicisation of low-caste and of the reconstruction of patronage in the village

    The Henchman

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    Dalit mobilisation and faction politics in rural Andhra Pradesh: The everyday life of a Dalit NGO and a Dalit agricultural labour union

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    International audienceThis paper explores the relations between the trajectories of Dalit assertion and of faction politics in contemporary Rayalaseema in rural Andhra Pradesh. Based on a case study of a local hybrid alliance between a Dalit NGO and a Dalit agricultural labour union, it examines how Dalit organisations deal with the state and politics at village and town levels in a context of economic and political insecurities. It shows how the decline of Dalit collective forms of mobilisation in the 2000s has reinforced feelings of disempowerment among Dalit activists who look at goondaism and bossism as concrete and direct modes of assertion. The article then investigates the ambivalent relations between Dalit agenda, individual social mobility and dependence on faction leaders

    Dépendance et emploi journalier. Circulation des travailleurs Golla en Andhra Pradesh

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    L’objet de cet article est d’examiner les stratégies spatiales développées par les travailleurs migrants saisonniers Golla d’un village du district de Mahabubnagar, premièrement pour s’inscrire durablement dans un quartier de Hyderabad et constituer une niche dans l’économie de la construction, et deuxièmement pour renforcer leur intégration au sein d’une caste toujours plus hétérogène en participant pleinement à l’ascension sociale et politique des Golla au village.L’inscription temporaire de ces travailleurs à Hyderabad s’articule selon une inscription durable et collective de la caste, par des mécanismes de transmission des réseaux pour sécuriser cet accès. Ceci engendre une mise sous dépendance envers les recruteurs de main-d’œuvre et l’acceptation des nouvelles hiérarchies et disciplines auxquelles ils sont confrontés. Lors des retours au village, cette dépendance est reformulée par les travailleurs journaliers comme une marque de leurs capacités à négocier ces rapports sociaux et à migrer hors du système d’asservissement local, capacités valorisées pour mieux se réinsérer dans les rapports sociaux de pouvoir au village.This paper examines the spatial strategies of seasonal labour migrants of Golla caste originated from a village in Mahabubnagar district. It shows how they attempt first to control the access to a labour market niche in the construction industry in Hyderabad, and second to participate in the social and political ascension of their caste in the village.The short duration of those seasonal migrations of daily-wages labourers in Hyderabad is articulated with a permanent and collective inscription of this caste on this space, through diverse strategies to transmit their network within their community. This process engenders new forms of dependencies with labour middlemen for Golla labourers and an acceptation of those new hierarchies and disciplines – at work and in the neighbourhood – with which they are confronted. This paper details the multiple dimensions of their return to the village and shows how their dependency is reframed as a capacity to negotiate various social relationships and to move out of labour bondage system. This capacity is strongly promoted in order to re-insert themselves within their caste and village hierarchies of power

    Formes contemporaines de la servitude pour dette et continuum des formes de travail en Inde du sud : le cas du système Palamur

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    L’article explore les manières dont les formes contemporaines de la servitude pour dette en Inde sont façonnées par des articulations concrètes avec d’autres formes de travail et de circulation comme l’emploi journalier et l’auto-emploi. En considérant la servitude non comme une catégorie homogène et hermétique, mais comme inscrite dans un continuum de formes de travail, l’article examine les pratiques et les représentations de l’asservissement pour dette, dans un contexte de relations de patronage remodelées tant par les travailleurs et les maistri que les leaders politiques-industriels. L’auteur s’appuie sur une étude ethnographique du système de servitude pour dette, Palamur, mis en oeuvre dans le district de Mahabubnagar, État du Telangana.This article explores how the contemporary forms of debt bondage in India are shaped through complex articulations with forms of labour and circulation such as daily wage employment and self-employment. By considering debt bondage, not as a bounded category but as part of a continuum of forms of labour, the article looks at the practices and representations of debt bondage in Andhra Pradesh (India) in a context of changing relations of patronage manipulated by labourers, maistri and politicians-businessmen. This research is based on in-depth ethnographical study of a debt bondage system, called Palamur, in the district of Mahabubnagar, State of Telangana.Este artículo explora las maneras en que las formas contemporáneas de servidumbre por endeudamiento en la India han sido moldeadas por articulaciones concretas con otras formas de trabajo y de circulación como el trabajo a jornal y el trabajo independiente. Al considerar la servidumbre no como una categoría homogénea y hermética, sino como inscrita en un continuum de formas de trabajo, este artículo examina las prácticas y las representaciones de la servidumbre por endeudamiento, en un contexto de relaciones de clientelismo remodeladas tanto por los trabajadores y los maistri como por los líderes político-industriales. El autor se basa en un estudio etnográfico del sistema de servidumbre por endeudamiento, Palamur, que opera en el distrito de Mahabubnagar, Estado de Telangana

    ‘Red sanders mafia’ in South India: violence, electoral democracy and labour

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    JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected] audienceThis chapter offers insights into the material assemblage of red sanders smuggling, extending to its recruitment and labour processes and the role of electoral democracy in determining hierarchies and structures of power. By following a number of smugglers/politicians’ career trajectories, it explores how electoral politics and the red sanders mafia are entangled in relations of intreccio. It also reveals how the regulation of red sanders smuggling is deeply entrenched in the economic, cultural and political history of Rayala-seema. The latter is further illustrated by the ways the mythical figure of Veerappan is used to negotiate labour, violence and justice in the region