336 research outputs found

    The Global Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Individuals’ and Couples’ Sexuality

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    The COVID-19 pandemic and its related restrictions significantly impacted individuals' health, wellbeing, and security. Isolation, limitation of movement, social distancing, and forced cohabiting have had a strong influence on all areas of people's lives as well as on their sexuality. Investigating how the COVID-19 outbreak and its consequences impacted people's sexuality was the primary aim of this review. Particularly, we focused on: (1) the variables associated with the improvement or the deterioration of individuals' and couples' lives during the pandemic; (2) the use of sex as a coping strategy; (3) the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on LGBT people. Results have shown that the worsening of sexual life seems to be related to couples' conflict, emotions and psychological difficulties, being female, being single or away from the partner, being a health care worker, and having children. Moreover, a detrimental effect on sexuality was associated with stress, forced cohabitation, routine, anxiety and worry about the job and the pandemic, feeling partner distance, being unhappy with their partner, and lack of privacy. On the other hand, improvements in sexuality were associated with living happily with a partner, being happy and satisfied with a partner, feeling less stressed and more bored, having more free time, having fewer recreation opportunities, and having minor workload. During the pandemic, there was an increase in using sex toys, pornography consumption, masturbating, and trying sexual experimentations. Among LGBT people, an increase was found in the number of casual sexual partners potentially due to the perceived lower likelihood of transmission through sex. Moreover, the increase in sexual activity may have represented a coping strategy to quarantine-related distress

    Simultaneous Dependence of the Earthquake-Size Distribution on Faulting Style and Depth

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    We analyze two high-quality Southern Californian earthquake catalogues, one with focal mechanisms, to statistically model and test for dependencies of the earthquake-size distribution, the b values, on both faulting style and depth. In our null hypothesis, b is assumed constant. We then develop and calibrate one model based only on faulting style, another based only on depth dependence and two models that assume a simultaneous dependence on both parameters. We develop a new maximum-likelihood estimator corrected for the degrees of freedom to assess models' performances. Our results show that all models significantly reject the null hypothesis. The best performing is the one that simultaneously takes account of depth and faulting style. Our results suggest that differential stress variations in the Earth's crust systematically influence b values and that this variability should be considered for contemporary seismic hazard studies

    Seroprevalence of ehrlichia spp., anaplasma spp., borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, and dirofilaria immitis in stray dogs, from 2016 to 2019, in southern Italy

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    Canine vector-borne diseases (CVBD) are an important and emerging health concern for humans and animals worldwide. The purpose of the presented study was to assess, from 2016 to 2019, the seroprevalence of CVBD agents and clarify the epidemiology of tick-borne disease in stray dogs living in the Campania Region, Southern Italy. For this purpose, blood samples were collected from January 2016 to December 2019 from 1023 dogs in authorized kennels located in the five municipalities of the Campania Region. SNAP® 4DX® from IDEXX® Laboratories was used for detection of Ehrlichia spp., Anaplasma spp., Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.), and Dirofilaria immitis antibodies. The overall seroprevalence of CVBD in stray dogs was 19.6% (95% Confidence Intervals (CI): 17.2–22.8%; 201/1023). The most common pathogen was Ehrlichia spp., with a percentage of positivity of 16.03%, followed by Anaplasma spp. with 7.8%. B. burgdorferi s.l. and D. immitis were detected in only 0.2% of dogs; co-infection was detected in 4.5% of stray dogs tested. No link was detected between the gender, age, location, and CVBD seropositivity, except for Ehrlichia spp. for which location (Avellino Province; p = 0.007) and gender (male, p = 0.002) were risk factors for seropositivity. Our results demonstrated that animals are exposed to at least one of the four etiological agents (Ehrlichia spp., Anaplasma spp. Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., and Dirofilaria immitis) transmitted by vectors. Finally, this study highlighted the utility of serological monitoring in stray dogs, housed in kennels, given the threat posed by CVBD to animals and the zoonotic implications of these etiological agents and their vectors on human health

    Food Reputation and Food Preferences: Application of the Food Reputation Map (FRM) in Italy, USA, and China

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    Given the food challenges that society is facing, we draw upon recent developments in the study of how food reputation affects food preferences and food choices, providing here a starting standard point for measuring every aspect of food reputation in different cultural contexts across the world. Specifically, while previous attempts focused either on specific aspects of food or on measures of food features validated in one language only, the present research validates the Food Reputation Map (FRM) in Italian, English and Chinese over 2,250 participants worldwide. Here we successfully measure food reputation across 23 specific indicators, further grouped into six synthetic indicators of food reputation. Critically, results show that: (a) the specific measurement tool of food reputation can vary across cultural contexts, and that (b) people's reputation of food products or categories changes significantly across different cultural contexts. Therefore, in order to understand people's food preferences and consumption, it is important to take into account the repertoire of cultural differences that underlies the contexts of analysis: the three context-specific versions of the FRM presented here effectively deal with this issue and provide reliable context-specific insights on stakeholders' interests, perspectives, attitudes and behaviors related to food perceptions, assessment, and consumption, which can be effectively leveraged to foster food sustainability

    Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for hepatitis C virus-related portal hypertension after liver transplantation.

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    hinolfi D, De Simone P, Catalano G, Petruccelli S, Coletti L, Carrai P, Marti J, Tincani G, Cicorelli A, Cioni R, Filipponi F. Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for hepatitis C virus-related portal hypertension after liver transplantation. Clin Transplant 2012 DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-0012.2011.01595.x. © 2012 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract:  This is a single center retrospective review of 19 consecutive liver transplant (LT) patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)-related graft recurrent hepatitis who underwent transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) at a median interval of 21 months (range: 5-50) from LT. Indications were refractory ascites in 11 patients (57.9%), hydrothorax in six (31.6%), and both in two (10.5%). TIPS was successful in 94.7% of cases (18/19) with only one procedure-related mortality (5.3%) owing to sepsis on day 35. At a median follow-up of 23 months (range: one month-nine yr), TIPS allowed for symptoms resolution in 16 patients (84.2%), with ascites resolving in all cases and hydrothorax persisting in 2. Post-TIPS patient survival at six months, one yr, and three yr was 84.2%, 73.7%, and 56.8%, respectively. We compared these results with a control group of 29 patients with HCV recurrence but without unresponsive ascites or hydrothorax. Patients in the control group had better survival than patients undergoing TIPS placement. However, survival of TIPS patients with a MELD score lower than or equal to 12 was similar to that of the control group. We conclude that TIPS may be used to treat complications secondary to HCV

    Low-Dose Topiramate in Alcohol Dependence: A Single-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

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    Introduction:Topiramate (TOP) and anticonvulsants in general are considered safe and effective drugs for the treatment of alcohol dependence, even though TOP-induced adverse events are quite common, especially for high initial doses or if titration to 300 mg/d is too rapid. The aim of the present study was to assess the efficacy and tolerability profile of low-dose TOP for relapse prevention. METHODS: After detoxification, 52 patients were randomized into 2 groups as follows: 26 patients received 100 mg of TOP (oral, twice daily), titrated over 2 weeks, and 26 patients received placebo (PLA). Both groups underwent rehabilitation twice a week. RESULTS: After 6 weeks of treatment, compared with the PLA group, patients receiving TOP showed the following: (1) fewer drinking days (P < 0.05); (2) less daily alcohol consumption (P < 0.05); (3) more days of treatment (P < 0.05); (4) reduced levels of craving (Obsessive-Compulsive Drinking Scale) and withdrawal symptoms (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol-Revised); and (5) improvement of anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive symptom severity (Symptom Check List 90 Revised). CONCLUSIONS: Despite the small sample size and the short follow-up period, the present PLA-controlled study demonstrated the potential usefulness of TOP, even when administered at a dosage of 100 mg/d, for the treatment of detoxified alcohol-dependent subjects, confirming results from previous studies testing higher doses of TOP
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