2,180 research outputs found

    Serum blood content of sEng in uterine pregnanies with clinical oncourse of early disordered pregnancies

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    Introducere. Perturbarea secreției factorului solubil seric sEng este asociată cu dereglarea circulației utero-placetare în sarcini compromise cu preeclampsie și retardare de dezvoltare intrauterină. Scopul: evaluarea nivelului seric al sEng la pacientele cu sarcini dereglate la termen precoce. Material și metode. Nivelul seric de sEng a fost apreciat prin ELISA test (Human sEng, E-EL-H5309). Sângele venos a fost colectat de la 68 paciente, cu vârsta medie 29.3±12.7 ani, supus centrifugării prealabile și stocării la -28°C. Pacientele au fost repartizate în 3 grupuri de studii: avort spontan precoce (ASP) –9 cazuri, sarcini stagnate în evoluție (SS) – 41 cazuri, și 18 cazuri de sarcini întrerupte la indicații sociale (AS) au servit în calitate de control. Toate grupurile de studii au fost subdivizate după vârsta gestațională în 6-9 săptămâni și 10-12 săptămâni. Procedeele statistice (Winstat 2012.1, R. Titch Software, Bad Krozingen, Germany) au inclus determinarea conținutului mediu, corelațiilor statistice (Spearman (rs)) și diferențelor dintre subgrupe (Mann-Whitney U test). Rezultate. Conținutul de sEng seric în grupul ASP: 6-9 săptămâni – 4,56±2,53 (ng/ml), 10-12 săptămâni – 1,55± 0,87 (ng/ml). În grupul SS: 6-9 săptămâni – 4.64±3.14 (ng/ml); 10-12 săptămâni – 3,44±2,41 (ng/ml) vis a vis grupului de control: 6-9 săptămâni – 3.27±1.56 (ng/ml), 10-12 săptămâni – 3,4±2.77 (ng/ml). Diferențe statistic veridice nu au fost stabilite între grupele studiate, valorile p variind de la 0,1 la 0,89. S-a atestat doar o tendință de creștere la compararea: control 6-9 săptămâni vs ASP 6-9 săptămâni – (p=0,1); ASP 6-9 săptămâni vs ASP 10-12 săptămâni – (p=0,14) și ASP 10-12 săptămâni vs SS 10-12 săptămâni – (p=0.11). Corelații dintre nivelul seric al sEng cu vârsta și termenul de gestație nu au fost stabilite. Concluzii: sEng reprezintă un factor antiangiogenic implicat în disfuncția circulației utero-placentare. Conținutul seric nu depinde de vârstă și de perioada timpurie a gestației. Conținutul seric maxim a fost atestat în grupul SS (6-9) săptămâni vs ASP (6-9) săptămâni.Introduction. Impaired secretion of the serum soluble factor sEng is associated with dysregulation of uteroplacental circulation in pregnancies compromised with preeclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation. The aim of the work: evaluation of the serum level of sEng in patients with disordered early-term pregnancies. Material and methods. The serum level of sEng was determined by ELISA test (Human sEng, E-EL-H5309). Venous blood was collected from 68 patients, with an average age of 29.3±12.7 years, subjected to prior centrifugation and stored at -28°C. The patients were divided into 3 study groups: early stage spontaneous abortion (ESSA) – 9 cases, stagnant pregnancies (SP) – 41 cases, and 18 cases of pregnancies solved on social indications (SA) served as control group. All study groups were subdivided by gestational age into 6–9 weeks and 10–12 weeks. Statistical procedures (Winstat 2012.1, R. Titch Software, Bad Krozingen, Germany) included determination of mean, statistical correlations (Spearman (rs)) and differences between subgroups (Mann-Whitney U test). Results. Serum sEng content in the SAP group: 6-9 weeks – 4.56±2.53 (ng/ml), 10-12 weeks – 1.55± 0.87 (ng/ ml). In the SP group: 6-9 weeks – 4.64±3.14 (ng/ml); 10-12 weeks – 3.44±2.41 (ng/ml) vs the control group: 6-9 weeks – 3.27±1.56 (ng/ml), 10-12 weeks – 3.4±2.77 (ng /ml). Statistically veridical differences were not established between the studied groups, the p values ranging from 0.1 to 0.89. Only an increasing tendency was attested when comparing: control group 6-9 weeks vs SAP 6-9 weeks (p=0.1); SAP 6-9 weeks vs SAP 10-12 weeks (p=0.14) and SAP 10-12 weeks vs SP 10-12 weeks (p=0.11). Correlations between serum sEng levels and age or gestational age have not been established. Conclusions: sEng represents an antiangiogenic factor involved in utero-placental circulation dysfunction. Serum content does not depend on age and early term. The maximum serum content was attested in SP group (6-9 weeks) vs SAP (6-9 weeks)

    Congenital lobar emphysema – a clinical and morphological interpretation of the evolution and morphofunctional changes of the lung parenchyma

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    Natalia Gheorghiu National Scientific and Practical Center of Pediatric Surgery, Department of Histology, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Institute of Mother and Child, Chisinau, the Republic of MoldovaBackground: Congenital lobar emphysema evolution and morphofunctional changes of the lung parenchyma is an actual problem for the clinicians. Material and methods: The study has analyzed a medical history, clinical and imaging data and, particularly, the results of the histopathological (lung tissue samples) and histobacterioscopic examinations of 11 patients aged 0-6 months with congenital lobar emphysema (CLE) that have undergone a surgical treatment. Among them the newborns have constituted 54.5% (6 cases), the children aged 2-3 months – 36.4% (4 cases). The study has stated that CLE pathogenesis involves a large number of congenital, nonchromosomal pathologic processes that represents the ontogenesis abnormalities in embryogenesis, fetal development and neonatal periods. Results: In terms of histopathology, these processes can be classified into 3 groups: dysplastic changes, inflammatory changes and tissue immaturity (dysmaturity). This classification contributes to the development of a new histopathologic concept of ethiopathogenetic forms of CLE. Although the inflammatory changes have statistically predominated in all tissue sample groups, the inflammation has not been a determinant but a secondary factor in the development of dysplastic changes or immaturity, what essentially complicates the assessment of preexistent congenital abnormalities and the disease evolution, especially, in the neonatal period. Conclusion: The histobacterioscopy of tissue samples with inflammatory changes has not detected any microorganisms. The authors suggest that a surgical intervention (lobectomy) immediately after the diagnostication is the optimal treatment as it provides good results in the short, middle and long terms

    The double kidney in children. The clinical and morphopathological aspects

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    The study included a batch of 86 children from 3 months to 3 years age with double kidney diagnostics treated in pediatric urology departments during the years 2006-2016. From the 86 patients - 42 were diagnosed with double kidney and obstructive megaureterohydronephrosis of superior pelvic; 34 - with double kidneys with refluxing megaureterohydronephrosis of superior pelvis and 12 - with nonfunctional kidneys. The surgeries were performed: 1. The Lumbotomia. The heminefrectomy of upper renal pelvis. The capsulotomy of the resting kidney segment (17 cases); 2. The Lumbotomia. The heminefrectomy of upper renal pelvis. The capsulotomy of the rest of the kidney segment. The second approach - survezical ureterectomy of the residual stump (11 cases); 3. The Gregoire’s plastic joint antireflux surgery in a common block (34 cases); 4. The resection of the lower ureter segment of the renal pyelone with ureterocystoneanastomosis, the procedure by Mö-bly (4 cases) 5. The lumbotomia. The nephroureterectomy of both kidneys. The supravezical ureterectomy of both ureteral stumps (12 cases); 6. The Ureteral resection with ureter neoimplantation, the procedure by Mö-bly (10 cases). The morphological explorations were performed intraoperatively and postoperatively with retrospective examinations based on the material (renal and ureteral complexes, kidneys, kidney and ureter segments), removed in surgical interventions and biopsy of the renal pelvis at distance by applying macroscopy (organometry, macrometry) and microscopy of tissue specimens. The histological processing methods included the method by cryotomy and the usual histochemical method. The methods of coloring with hematoxylin-eosin, picrofuxin by Van Gieson, Arnold’s silvering method after Bilshovski-Grosse were used. The results of morphopathological investigations have allowed us to establish the mechanisms of lesions at the cell, tissue, organ level, which require new solutions in the choice of effective diagnostic methods and the level of surgical interventions, which is of decisive importance in the choice of surgical management

    Aspecte clinico-morfologice în chistul de arc II branchial la copil

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    Cazul prezentat ilucidează principiile de diagnostic și tratament chirurgical în chistul de arc II branchial la copii, autorii descriind și modificările morfopatologice caracteristice în această formațiune malformativă. Raritatea cazului prezentat are ca scop de a atenționa necesitatea unui indice de suspiciune sporit în cazurile unor formațiuni cervicale laterale pentru un diagnostic adecvat și un tratament corespunzător, examenul histologic al piesei de rezecție fiind obligator.The case illustrates the principles of diagnosis and treatment of branchial second arch cyst in children, the authors also described the morphopathological changes found in this malformative formation. The rarity of the presented case aims to warn of the need for an increased index of suspicion in cases of lateral cervical formations for proper diagnosis and treatment, the histological examination of the resection piece being mandatory

    Morphopathological considerations in pulmonary hydatid cyst complicated by endobronchial rupture

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    Catedra de chirurgie, ortopedie și anesteziologie pediatrică, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Centrul Național Științifico- Practic de Chirurgie Pediatrică ,,Natalia Gheorghiu”, Institutul Mamei şi Copilului, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Atitudinea faţă de cavitatea reziduală post-echinococectomică este diferită, mai frecvent recurgându-se la obliterarea acesteia prin capitonaj, care are ca scop prevenirea pierderilor de aer în urma fistulelor bronhiale reziduale, fiind un deziderat până în prezent. Scopul: Stabilirea aspectelor morfopatologice în chistul hidatic pulmonar complicat prin ruptură endobronșică după 72 ore de la survenirea complicaţiei la copii. Material şi metode: Studiul prevede examinarea chistului larvar, a ţesutului pulmonar perichistic, selectat în 635 probe tisulare, utilizând reţeaua de histoprocesare, şi coloraţie automatizată „Diapath” aplicând metodele H&E, van Geison, selectiv Orceina şi A&E. Rezultate: Prin examinările histologice retrospective şi prospective, s-au relevat modificări în larvochist şi parenchimul pulmonar perichistic. Acestea fiind caracterizate prin modificări degenerescente, necrolitice, infiltrativ-inflamatorii polimorfocelulare în 95% cazuri, cu o frecvenţă de 57% a fisurelor intra- şi transcuticulare, prezenţa membranei proligere în 15%, şi a elementelor germinative parazitare în 37% cazuri. Ţesutul capsular fiind divers hialinizat cu modificări alterativ - erozive, persistării aspectului vascular sinusoidal cu elemente granulocitare în amestec cu eozinofilic. Perichistic fiind atestată o alveolită de tip macrofagal, exudativ-fibrinoasă şi leucocitară în 65% cazuri. Reţeaua vasculară a relevat fenomene de stază, agregaţie şi trombi micşti, vasculite necrotico-fibrinoide, iar pleura viscerală în 48% cazuri – cu diverse proliferări a mezoteliocitelor în aspect micro-papilomatos. Concluzii: Chistul hidatic pulmonar complicat prin ruptură endobronşică este caracterizat de modificări necrolitice a capsulei cu eozinofilie, sindrom trombo-vascular acut; pneumopatie perichistică, pleurezie reactivă micropapilomatoasă mezotelială ce determină o morbiditate postoperatorie îndelungată.Introduction: The attitude towards residual cavity after echinococectomy is different. It is frequently managed by the obliteration through capitonnage, which aims to prevent air leaks as a result of residual bronchial fistulas, it being a desideratum so far. Aim: To establish morphopathological aspects in pulmonary hydatid cyst complicated by endobronchial rupture after 72 hours of complication occurrence in children. Material and methods: The study included the examination of the larval cyst, pulmonary percystic tissue selected in 635 tissue samples, using the histoprocessing network, and „Diapath” automated staining, applying the following methods: H&E, van Geison, selectively Orcein and A&E. Results: The retrospective and prospective histological examinations revealed changes in larval cyst and pulmonary pericystic parenchyma. They are characterized by degenerative, necrolytic, infiltrating inflammatory polymorphocellular changes in 95% of cases, with a frequency of 57% of the intra- and transcuticular fissures, the presence of proligerous membrane in 15% and parasitic germ elements in 37 %of cases. Capsular tissue is diversely hyalinized with alterative-erosive changes, the prevalence of sinusoidal vascular appearance with granulocyte elements mixed with eosinophils. Pericystically it was attested macrophages, exudative-fibrous and leukocytes alveolitis in 65% cases. The vascular network revealed stasis phenomena, aggregation and mixed thrombus, fibrinoid-necrotizing vasculitis and visceral pleura with different proliferation of mesotheliocytes of micro-papillomatous aspect in 48% of cases. Conclusions: Pulmonary hydatid cyst complicated by endobronchial rupture is characterized by necrolytic changes of eosinophilic capsule with acute thrombo-vascular syndrome, pericystic pneumopathy, reactive micropapillomatous mesothelial pleuritis resulting in a prolonged postoperative morbidity