22 research outputs found

    Razvoj i tipologije višeporodičnog stanovanja Niša od 1918. do danas

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    Scientific research is based on the study of functional development of a housing unit in multi-family housing of Nis, in the period since 1918 until the present day. The genesis of functional organization of housing has been investigated through the systemic analysis of complex influences occurring during the defined period. Through the adopted periodization of complex cultural and social processes, characteristic historical entities have been defined, according to which characteristic typology models of housing have been identified. As housing represents a complex process, in the paper it was important to identify interdependent process on the spatial development of a housing unit and significant impacts which characterized its changes. Simultaneously with the analysis of social and economic impacts, one should analyze the architectonic-town planning development of a city and employed spatial and formal housing concepts. The end goal of the research was the analysis of rules, regularities, continuities and discontinuities which characterized certain recognizable development stages of a housing unit and identification of typological characteristics of the models which constitute the housing stock of Nis, which are used to feature the time when they were created. According to the defined goal, a significant part of the research is recording and analysis of characteristic developmental phases of housing in the context of social and historical conditions. The Developmental phases have been presented through the housing models established by the case study. For the purpose of a clearer systematization of adopted case studies, analytical lists have been formed and chronologically sequenced for the purpose of analyzing the development of the housing unit, functional layout of the housing as well as housing characteristics according to the defined periodization. The final conclusion, and by the systematization of all the previously analyzed impact and conditions provides the research results which should facilitate a better understanding of the development process of functional housing organization, as well as of the development of typology of the multi-family housing of Nis


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    In times of radical social transformations, the demand for flexibility of space can be identified as one of the strategic priorities of maintaining the urban environment. In the context of social, economic and environmental sustainability, housing must imply an integrated ability to respond to programme changes, which can be achieved through the concept of flexibility. By identifying and applying certain design principles, it is possible to prevent the problem of functional obsolescence and unsuitability of the living environment that modern cities are facing. The apartment as an immediate living environment is the most direct indicator of the degree of adaptability of the physical surrounding to modern human needs. The analysis of basic design principles, using an example of flexible apartment, examines the spatial correlations and laws of the relationship between elements of the plan, which provides the basis for the authors to draw the conclusions about the reality of applying this concept in practice


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    The basic precondition, when it comes to the spatial comfort of social housing units is to create residential space which will, in addition to health, hygiene and sanitary minimum, also provide optimal conditions for proper psycho-social development of the users. Previous researches showed that the most relevant criteria, regarding the unit’s spatial comfort, are: size, spatial arrangement and adaptability of housing space, but also the existence of private open areas. Upon these criteria the evaluation model for the valorization of the spatial comfort of social housing units will be formed. This model will further be used for the analysis of the buildings constructed for this purpose in the city of Niš, Serbia

    Radio-protective effect of DMSO glycerol in human non-small cell lung cancer irradiated with gamma rays

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    Direct effects of radiation affect the DNA molecule, causing DNAdamage and finally cell death. We examined the role of DMSO and glycerol as free-radical scavengers in HTB177 cells irradiated with gamma rays. Direct effects of radiation were estimated through DNA double strand break (DSB) quantification and cell survival. Results of this work revealed that chosen concentration of DMSO exhibit higher protective effect comparing to glycerol.Physical chemistry 2016 : 13th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-30 September 2016

    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Peel Extract: Potential Cytotoxic Agent Against Different Cancer Cell Lines

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate effects of pomegranate peel (PP) extract on different human cancer cell lines. MTT was performed to estimate cytotoxic effects of PP extract against HTB140, HTB177, MCF7, HCT116 human cancer cell lines and MRC-5 normal fibroblasts. Clonogenic assay was used to reveal cell survival after the treatment with PP extract. Cell cycle analysis was done using flow cytometry. Wound healing assay was applied to estimate inhibitory effects of PP extract on migration of cancer cells. The results showed that PP extract expressed selective cytotoxicity for cancer cells compared to normal cell line. Analyzed cancer cell lines displayed individual variations in sensitivity to PP extract reflected through changes in clonogenic survival, cell cycle distribution and migration, which may be due to the specific nature of each tested cell line. In conclusion, PP extract exhibits good inhibitory effects on tested cancer cell lines

    Radiobiological Outcomes, Microdosimetric Evaluations and Monte Carlo Predictions in Eye Proton Therapy

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    CATANA (Centro di AdroTerapia ed Applicazioni Nucleari Avanzate) was the first Italian protontherapy facility dedicated to the treatment of ocular neoplastic pathologies. It is in operation at the LNS Laboratories of the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN-LNS) and to date, 500 patients have been successfully treated. Even though proton therapy has demonstrated success in clinical settings, there is still a need for more accurate models because they are crucial for the estimation of clinically relevant RBE values. Since RBE can vary depending on several physical and biological parameters, there is a clear need for more experimental data to generate predictions. Establishing a database of cell survival experiments is therefore useful to accurately predict the effects of irradiations on both cancerous and normal tissue. The main aim of this work was to compare RBE values obtained from in-vitro experimental data with predictions made by the LEM II (Local Effect Model), Monte Carlo approaches, and semi-empirical models based on LET experimental measurements. For this purpose, the 92.1 uveal melanoma and ARPE-19 cells derived from normal retinal pigmented epithelium were selected and irradiated in the middle of clinical SOBP of the CATANA proton therapy facility. The remarkable results show the potentiality of using microdosimetric spectrum, Monte Carlo simulations and LEM model to predict not only the RBE but also the survival curves

    Razvoj i tipologije višeporodičnog stanovanja Niša od 1918. do danas

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    Scientific research is based on the study of functional development of a housing unit in multi-family housing of Nis, in the period since 1918 until the present day. The genesis of functional organization of housing has been investigated through the systemic analysis of complex influences occurring during the defined period. Through the adopted periodization of complex cultural and social processes, characteristic historical entities have been defined, according to which characteristic typology models of housing have been identified. As housing represents a complex process, in the paper it was important to identify interdependent process on the spatial development of a housing unit and significant impacts which characterized its changes. Simultaneously with the analysis of social and economic impacts, one should analyze the architectonic-town planning development of a city and employed spatial and formal housing concepts. The end goal of the research was the analysis of rules, regularities, continuities and discontinuities which characterized certain recognizable development stages of a housing unit and identification of typological characteristics of the models which constitute the housing stock of Nis, which are used to feature the time when they were created. According to the defined goal, a significant part of the research is recording and analysis of characteristic developmental phases of housing in the context of social and historical conditions. The Developmental phases have been presented through the housing models established by the case study. For the purpose of a clearer systematization of adopted case studies, analytical lists have been formed and chronologically sequenced for the purpose of analyzing the development of the housing unit, functional layout of the housing as well as housing characteristics according to the defined periodization. The final conclusion, and by the systematization of all the previously analyzed impact and conditions provides the research results which should facilitate a better understanding of the development process of functional housing organization, as well as of the development of typology of the multi-family housing of Nis

    Contemporary moment of residential architecture at the global level: HOUSING 15

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    'That architectonic exhibitions are an indispensable and significant part of the history of architecture has been proven by numerous exhibitions dating back from the first decades of the 20th century, the Paris exhibitions (Salon d'Automne), where three manifest exhibition designs by Le Corbusier were presented, promoting a new system of values of the forthcoming modernist movement, then the Berlin exhibitions in the second half of the 20th century (Interbau 1957, IBA 1987) where the Postmodern was promoted, up to the second decade of the 21st century and the Biennial in Venice (La Biennale di Venezia, 2014), whose uniting topic was One Hundred Years of ,Modernity' (prof arch Darko Marušić, quote from the catalogue of the HOUSING 15). HOUSING 15 is an exhibition that was created on the initiative of the Department of Residential Building, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Nis, in order to present the modern housing architecture at the global level. The exhibition was shown at the BINA 2016 and was followed by a round table discussion upon the topic Contemporary moment of residential architecture at the global level. The idea of the round table was to compare domestic and international experience in this field and draw attention toward the attitude on the present, electronic time considering the development of the residential architecture. The specificity of this exhibition, compared to the other events of a similar nature, is that in addition to architectural design the scientific expert reviews for the selected works are also presented, given by the international scientific and artistic committee of the exhibition. The paper is the summary of the discussion held at the round table, and it presents the potential problems, answers and conclusions relating to residential architecture today from the professional perspective


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    House-like apartments are intended as a compromise between the opposing aspirations of the modern city dweller ‒ to live in a quiet family home in greenery in the suburbs and to live in a dense, bustling and vibrant city. These are apartments in multi-family housing buildings that have some features of single-family houses in order to increase the comfort of life, the feeling of dwelling in a family home and generally to improve the quality of housing in urban areas. This paper first deals with a comparative analysis of the features of family houses and apartments by certain criteria in order to determine what makes houses better than apartments, ie. to define what are the features of family houses that make this type of housing higher quality and more attractive and can be applied to apartments. Then, an overview of some realized contemporary housing schemes with apartments having the characteristics of houses was given. Finally, features of house-like apartments were identified, their detailed analysis with illustrations through appropriate examples was provided and the importance of their application was explained.Stanovi sa karakteristikama kuća predstavljaju kompromis između suprotstavljenih težnji savremenog stanovnika grada ‒ za stanovanjem u mirnom porodičnom domu u zelenilu u predgrađu i stanovanjem u gustom i užurbanom gradu. To su stanovi u višeporodičnim stambenim zgradama koji imaju neke od karakteristika porodičnih kuća u cilju povećanja komfora života, osećanja boravka u porodičnoj kući i generalno unapređenja kvaliteta stanovanja u gradskim sredinama. U radu je najpre izvršena uporedna analiza karakteristika kuća i stanova po određenim kriterijumima kako bi se utvrdilo po čemu su to kuće bolje od stanova, tj. koje su to karakteristike porodičnih kuća koje čine ovaj tip stanovanja kvalitetnijim i atraktivnijim a koje se mogu primeniti na stanove. Zatim je dat prikaz nekih savremenih izgrađenih stambenih šema sa stanovima koji imaju karakteristike kuća. Na kraju je izvršena identifikacija karakteristika ovog tipa stanova, data je njihova detaljna analiza sa ilustracijama kroz odgovarajuće primere i objašnjen je značaj njihove primene


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    In regards to waste treatment and management, both in the European Union and in the Republic of Serbia, a candidate for EU membership, it is necessary to improve municipal waste management systems, transform them into sustainable management systems and treat waste as a resource in order to preserve the environment and protect human health. In May 2018, an amendment to Directive 2008/98/EC, Directive 2018/851 was adopted, which refers to waste treatment in EU member states and which is in line with all other laws and regulations of the European Union. The total production of municipal waste in the 35 European countries participating in the data collection decreased by 3% in absolute terms and the average amount of waste per person by 7%. The aim of this paper is to compare the amount of municipal waste generated by residents of urban areas in the Republic of Serbia and in the Member States of the European Union.Kada je u pitanju tretiranje i upravljanje otpadom kako u Evropskoj uniji, tako i u Republici Srbiji koja je kandidat za člana EU, u cilju očuvanja životne sredine i zdravlja ljudi, potrebno je unaprediti sisteme za upravljanje komunalnim otpadom i transformisati ih u sisteme za održivo upravljanje otpadom kao resursom. Maja 2018. godine, usvojena je dopuna Direktive 2008/98/EC, Direktivom 2018/851 koja se odnosi na tretiranje otpada u zemljama koje su članice EU, i koji je u skladu sa svim ostalim zakonskim i podzakonskim aktima Evropske unije. Ukupna proizvodnja komunalnog otpada je u 35 evropskih država koje su učestvovale u prikupljanju podataka, opala je za 3% u apsolutnom iznosu i prosečna količina otpada po osobi za 7%. Cilj rada je sagledavanje količina komunalnog otpada koju generišu stanovnici urbanih sredina u Republici Srbiji i u državama članicama Evropske unije, kako bi se izvršilo njihove poređenje