35 research outputs found

    Correlation of antiphospholipid syndrome with clinical manifestations and occurrence of complications in children with systemic lupus erythematosus :

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    Sistemski eritemski lupus (SEL) je hronična, multisistemska autoimunska bolest koja kod10-15% bolesnika počinje u detinjstvu (cSEL-prevod engleskog naziva childhood-onset systemiclupus erythematosus, nekada nazivan juvenilni ili pedijatrijski SEL). Povezana je sa značajnimmorbiditetom uzrokovanim prirodom same bolesti, ali i primenjenom terapijom. Antifosfolipidnisindrom (APS) je sistemska autoimunska bolest koju karakteriše pojava vaskularnih tromboza uprisustvu antifosfolipidnih antitela (aPLA). Antifosfolipidna antitela koja se primenjuju ukliničkoj praksi su lupus antikoagulans (LA), antikardiolipinska antitela (aCLA) i anti beta2glikoprotein I (beta2GPIantitela). Za razliku od antifosfolipidnog sindroma, koji je u detinjstvuredak, aPLA se često mogu javiti i kod potpuno zdrave dece, ali i sklopu brojnih bolesti, anajčešće kod cSEL. Većina kliničara pri dijagnostikovanju cSEL primenjuje kriterijumepredložene od Američkog koledža za reumatologiju (American College of Rheumatology, ACR),1997. godine, a za dijagnozu APS i kod dece aktuelni su Sapporo kriterijumi. U praćenju ovihbolesnika primenjuju se laboratorijske analize. Za procenu aktivnosti bolesti i registrovanjepogoršanja najčešće se koristi SLEDAI-2K skor (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus DiseaseActivity Index), a za procenu oštećenja tkiva skor razvijen od strane internacionalne grupe, SDI(Systemic Lupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology-Damage Index). Iako je primećena češća pojava pojedinih kliničkih manifestacija kod dece sacSEL i aPLA, uticaj prisustva ovih antitela nije u potpunosti razjašnjen.Ciljevi istraživanja: procena učestalosti pojave aPLA kod dece sa cSEL; analiza karakteristika(učestalost, vrednosti koncentracija) svakog od aPLA; analiza povezanosti prisustva aPLA saispoljavanjem kliničkih manifestacija i pojavom komplikacija kod bolesnika sa cSEL;utvrđivanje uticaja aPLA na aktivnost bolesti pacijenata obolelih od cSEL.Pacijenti i metode: ovom studijom obuhvaćeno je 40 bolesnika sa cSEL; dijagnoza bolestipostavljena je na osnovu klasifikacionih kriterijuma Američkog koledža za reumatologiju(American College of Rheumathology, ACR) iz 1997. godine. Praćenje karakteristika krvnihslika sprovođeno je u hematološkoj, a koagulacionog statusa u laboratoriji za transfuziologijuInstituta za majku i dete. Određivanje i praćenje prisustva i vrednosti autoantitela specifičnih zaSEL (ANA, anti ds DNA) i vrednosti komponenata komplementa vršeno je u imunološkojlaboratoriji Instituta za majku i dete i u Odeljenju za visokospecijalizovanu in vitro dijagnostikualergoloških i imunoloških oboljenja Kliničkog centra Srbije.Analizirani su rezultati dijagnostike antikardiolipinskih (aCLA), antitela protiv β2 glikoproteina1 (β2GPI), lupus antikoagulansa (LA) u trenutku dijagnostikovanja bolesti i tokom praćenja(nakon godinu dana i nakon tri godine)...Onset systemic lupus erythematosus(SEL) is a prototype of a chronical,multisystemic autoimmune condition which in 10-15% of patients diagnosed starts in childhood(also known as juvenile or pediatric SEL). It is related to significant morbidity caused by thenature of the disease itself, as well as by the prescribed therapy. Antiphospholipid syndrome(APS) is a system autoimmune condition characterized by vascular thrombosis in the presence ofantiphospholipid antibodies (aPLA). Antiphospholipid antibodies which are applied in clinicalpractice are lupus anticoagulants (LA), anticardiolipin antibodies (aCLA) and anti 2glycoprotein I (2GPI antibodies ). Unlike Antiphospholipid syndrome, which has low incidencein early childhood, aPLA can often be diagnosed primary in completely healthy children, butalso as secondary to numerous diseases, and most frequently in cSEL. The majority of clinicianswhen diagnosing cSEL apply the criteria recommended by the American College ofRheumatology (ACR), 1997, and when diagnosing APS in children Sapporo criteria are applied.Laboratory analysis are used in order to monitor these patients. To estimate the disease activityand register deterioration SLEDAI-2K Index (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease ActivityIndex) is commonly used, and for estimate of tissue damage the index used is SDI (SystemicLupus International Collaborating Clinics/American College of Rheumatology-Damage Index).Although more frequent incidence of certain clinical manifestations is registered in childrendiagnosed with cSEL and aPLA, the influence of these antibodies has not been clarifiedcompletely, so far.Research objectives: To estimate the frequency of occurrence of aPLA in children diagnosedwith cSEL; to analyse characteristics ( frequency, concentration value) of each aPLA; to analysethe correlation between aPLA diagnosis and clinical manifestations and complications in patientssuffering from cSEL; to determine the influence of aPLA on disease activity in patientsdiagnosed with cSEL.Patients and methods: The research was conducted among 40 cSEL patients; the diseasediagnosis was established upon classification criteria of the American College of Rheumatology(ACR), 1997. Monitoring of characteristics of blood tests was conducted in a hematology lab,while coagulation tests were run in the blood transfusion lab at the Institute for Mother andChild Health Care of Serbia. Determination and monitoring of the presence and value ofautoantibodies specific to SEL (ANA, anti ds DNA) and the values of components ofcomplement were conducted in the immune lab at Institute for Mother and Child Health Care ofSerbia as well as at the Department for highly specialized diagnostics of allergological andimmune diseases of the University Clinical Center of Serbia. The results of anticardiolipin(aCLA) diagnostics, antibodies against 2 glycoproteins 1 ( 2GPI ), lupus anticoagulants (LA)at the time when the disease was diagnosed and during the monitoring (a year later and three years later) were analysed..

    Biocompatibility of a new nanomaterial based on calcium silicate implanted in subcutaneous connective tissue of rats

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    The aim of the study was to investigate rat connective tissue response to a new calcium silicate system 7, 15, 30 and 60 days after implantation. Twenty Wistar albino male rats received two tubes half-filled with a new calcium silicate system (NCSS) or MTA in subcutaneous tissue. The empty half of the tubes served as controls. Five animals were sacrificed after 7, 15, 30 and 60 days and samples of the subcutaneous tissue around implanted material were submitted to histological analysis. The intensity of inflammation was evaluated based on the number of inflammatory cells present. Statistical analysis was performed using one way ANOVA and Holm Sidak's multiple comparison tests. Mild to moderate inflammatory reaction was observed after 7, 15 and 30 days around a NCSS while mild inflammatory reaction was detected after 60 days of implantation. In the MTA group, mild to moderate inflammatory reaction was found after 7 and 15 days while mild inflammatory reaction was present after 30 and 60 days. There was no statistically significant difference in the intensity of inflammatory reactions between the tested materials and control groups in any experimental period (ANOVA p>0.05). Regarding the intensity of inflammatory reactions at different experimental periods, a statistically significant difference was observed between 7 and 30 days, 7 and 60 days and 15 to 60 days for both materials. For the controls, a statistically significant difference was found between 7 and 60 days and 15 and 60 days of the experiment (Holm Sidak < p 0.001). Subcutaneous tissue of rats showed good tolerance to a new calcium silicate system. Inflammatory reaction was similar to that caused by MTA. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172026

    Hemijski-mikrobiološki parametri kvaliteta sirovog kravljeg mleka

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    This paper is based on investigation of chemical and hygiene parameters of the quality of cow raw milk. Samples were collected on 10 collection spots of the dairy firm "Imlek", in 4 identical time intervals in the period of one month (20.06.2005.-20.07.2005.) in municipality of Gornji Milanovac, and research was carried out in the laboratory of "Imlek" in Čačak. Differences in chemical composition and hygienic quality of milk were analyzed, and slight variability was established between collection spots. Average content of milk fat was 3,89%, protein 3,20%, and dry matter without fat 8,56%. It was established that in regard to protein content there is significant and very significant statistical difference between collection spots. This is consequence of different nutrition, focus is on introduction of protein enriched feeds into nutrition of cows. High variability of number of micro organisms is consequence of inadequate, non-standardized obtaining (milking) and storing of raw milk. Average number of micro-organisms was 844.875/ml, and it varied from 112.000–5.000.000/ml. Average somatic cell count was 357.850/ml. Variance analysis determined that collection spots had statistically highly significant effect (P (lt) 0.01) only on protein content, whereas their influence on content of fat, dry matter without fat, number of microorganisms and somatic cell count wasn't significant (P>0.05). Individual testing (LSD test) established that milk collected from 7th collection spot had significantly higher protein content compared to other collection spots, which indicated that dairy heads of cattle consumed higher quantity of feeds rich on proteins and had better balanced diet in regard to ratio of energy and protein.Rad je zasnovan na ispitivanju hemijskih i higijenskih parametara kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Uzimanje uzoraka je vršeno na 10 "Imlek"-ovih sabirnih mesta u 4 jednaka vremenska razmaka u periodu od mesec dana (20.06.2005.-20.07.2005.godine) u opštini Gornji Milanovac, a ispitivanje je izvršeno u laboratoriji "Imlek"-a u Čačku. Analizirane su razlike u hemijskom sastavu i higijenskom kvalitetu mleka, pri čemu su utvrđene male varijabilnosti između sabirnih mesta. Prosečan sadržaj mlečne masti iznosio je 3,89%, proteina 3,20%, a suve materije bez masti 8,56%. Utvrđeno je da kod sadržaja proteina postoji značajna i vrlo značajna statistička razlika između sabirnih mesta. To je posledica različite ishrane, pri čemu se daje akcenat na uvođenje u ishranu proteinski bogatih hraniva. Ispitivanje hemijskog sastava i mikrobiološke ispravnosti, koje je vršeno kod proizvođača AD "Imlek"-a, pokazalo je izvestan pomak u poboljšavanju higijenskog kvaliteta sirovog mleka. Visoka varijabilnost kod broja mikroorganizama posledica je neadekvatnog, nestandardizovanog dobijanja (muže) i čuvanja sirovog mleka. Prosečan broj mikroorganizama je iznosio 844.875/ml, a kretao se od 112.000-5.000.000/ml. Prosečan broj somatskih ćelija je 357.850/ml

    Primena savremene tehnologije ishrane kod visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasušenja i rane laktacije

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    The paper presents review of authors’ own results as well as results of other researchers on the effects of nutritional factors in overcoming of problems in transition period, 30 days prior and 70 days post calving, and to ensure satisfactory productive and reproductive performances. The significance of proper diet balance for total and non degradable protein, sufficient amount of energy, addition of some minerals and vitamins as well as additives in order to achieve good health, high milk production and satisfactory reproductive performances are pointed out. In general, all mentioned factors have great influence in increasing economical effects in cattle breeding.U radu su na revijalan način predstavljeni rezultati sopstvenih kao i istraživanja drugih autora koja ukazuju na značaj pojedinih ishrambenih faktora koji doprinose da se problemi krava u tkz. tranzicionom periodu koji obuhvata 30 dana pre i 70 dana posle telenja prevaziđu i obezbede dobre proizvodne i reproduktivne performanse.Ukazano je na značaj pravilnog normiranja obroka u pogledu nerazgradivog i ukupnog proteina, obezbeđenje sa dovoljnom količinom energije, dodavanje pojedinih minerala i vitamina kao i aditiva. Konačno svi pomenuti faktori doprinose poboljšanju ekonomskih efekata u gov4darskoj proizvodnji

    Primena savremene tehnologije ishrane kod visokomlečnih krava u periodu zasušenja i rane laktacije

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    The paper presents review of authors’ own results as well as results of other researchers on the effects of nutritional factors in overcoming of problems in transition period, 30 days prior and 70 days post calving, and to ensure satisfactory productive and reproductive performances. The significance of proper diet balance for total and non degradable protein, sufficient amount of energy, addition of some minerals and vitamins as well as additives in order to achieve good health, high milk production and satisfactory reproductive performances are pointed out. In general, all mentioned factors have great influence in increasing economical effects in cattle breeding.U radu su na revijalan način predstavljeni rezultati sopstvenih kao i istraživanja drugih autora koja ukazuju na značaj pojedinih ishrambenih faktora koji doprinose da se problemi krava u tkz. tranzicionom periodu koji obuhvata 30 dana pre i 70 dana posle telenja prevaziđu i obezbede dobre proizvodne i reproduktivne performanse.Ukazano je na značaj pravilnog normiranja obroka u pogledu nerazgradivog i ukupnog proteina, obezbeđenje sa dovoljnom količinom energije, dodavanje pojedinih minerala i vitamina kao i aditiva. Konačno svi pomenuti faktori doprinose poboljšanju ekonomskih efekata u gov4darskoj proizvodnji

    Povezanost ocene telesne kondicije krava sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji

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    The aim of the study was, within the tested samples of high yielding Holstein-Friesian cows (n = 363), to analyze the significance of the actual level of correlation between the average BCS of cows according to body regions and results in the production of milk indifferent stages and the standard duration of lactation. Differences in average realized BCS in regard to the recommended values in stages of production cycle were highly significant (p ≤ 0.01). In general, realized correlation coefficients, whose significance was tested, were at very low level. The average value of the BCS at dry off period in the first, second and third body region was statistically significantly (p (lt) 0.05) and highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) positively associated with milk production during the first 100 days of lactation. The mean value of BCS at dry off period in the second body region was in a statistically significant positive correlation (p (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and standard lactation. The average value of BCS at dry off period for all three body regions was highly significantly (p (lt) 0.05) positively associated with milk production in the first 100 days. The mean value of BCS at calving in the first body region was highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) positively associated with milk production during the first and the second 100 days of lactation and standard lactation. Average BCS value at calving for the second body region was highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) positively correlated with milk production in the first and second 100 days of lactation and significantly positvely correlated (p (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the standard lactation. The mean value of BCS at calving in the third body region was highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) positively correlated with milk production during the first 100 days of lactation and significantly positively correlated (p (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and standard lactation. Average BCS value for all three body regions at calving was in a highly significant (p (lt) 0.01) positive correlation with milk production in the first hundred days of lactation. A significant positive correlation (p (lt) 0.05) with the production of milk in the second 100 days and a standard lactation was achieved. The average value of BCS at the peak of lactation for the first, second and third body region was significantly (p (lt) 0.05) and highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in a standard lactation. The mean value of BCS at the peak of lactation for all three body regions was very significantly (p (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation. The mean value of BCS in the mid-lactation for the first, second and third body region was highly significantly (p (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation. BCS average value for all three body regions in the mid-lactation was very significantly (p (lt) 0.01) negatively correlated with the production of milk in the standard lactation.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se u okviru ispitivanog uzorka visokomlečnih krava holštajn-frizijske rase (n=363) analizira značajnost ostvarenog nivoa povezanosti između prosečnih vrednosti BCS krava po telesnim regijama i postignutih rezultata u proizvodnji mleka po fazama i standardnom trajanju laktacije. Razlike ostvarenih prosečnih BCS u odnosu na preporučene optimalne vrednosti po fazama proizvodnog ciklusa su visoko značajne (p≤0.01). U celini posmatrano realizovani koeficijenti korelacije, čija je značajnost ispitana, bili su na niskom nivou. Prosečna vrednost BCS na zasušenju u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je statistički značajno (p (lt) 0.05) i vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije. Srednja vrednost BCS na zasušenju u drugoj telesnoj regiji bila je u statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS na zasušenju za sve tri telesne regije bila je u statistički značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije. Srednja vrednost BCS kod teljenja u prvoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih i drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS kod teljenja u drugoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih i drugih 100 dana i u značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS kod teljenja u trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je vrlo značajno (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivno povezana sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih 100 dana laktacije i u značajnoj pozitivnoj vezi (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS za sve tri telesne regije kod teljenja bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) pozitivnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u prvih sto dana laktacije. Ostvarena je značajna pozitivna veza (p (lt) 0.05) sa proizvodnjom mleka u drugih 100 dana i standardnom laktacijom. Prosečna vrednost BCS na vrhu laktacije u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je u značajnoj (p (lt) 0.05) i vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS na vrhu laktacije za sve tri telesne regije bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Srednja vrednost BCS na sredini laktacije u prvoj, drugoj i trećoj telesnoj regiji bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji. Prosečna vrednost BCS za sve tri telesne regije na sredini laktacije bila je u vrlo značajnoj (p (lt) 0.01) negativnoj vezi sa proizvodnjom mleka u standardnoj laktaciji

    The measurement of ambient dose equivalent by passive dosimeters method during CBRN exercise

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    Za potrebe obuke lica za delovanje u slučaju hemijskih, bioloških, radioloških i nuklearnih akcidenata (HBRN) uspostavljena je platforma u okviru Instituta za nuklearne nauke Vinča (INNV). Na samoj platformi se između ostalih izvode praktična uvežbavanja: lociranja radioaktivnog izvora, obezbeđivanja izvora i različitih scenarija dekontaminacije. Jedna od nadležnosti Laboratorije za zaštitu od zračenja i zaštitu životne sredine (Zaštita) je da primeni odgvarajuće mere radi kontrolisanog izlaganja jonizujućem zračenju pojedinaca na platformi kao i radnika INNV. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati merenja ambijentalnog ekvivalenta doze, H*(10) pomoću termoluminiscentnih dozimetara (TLD) koji su postavljeni u cilju monitoringa okoline tokom HBRN vežbe koja je izvedena u aprilu 2017. Merenja su vršena postavljanjem TLD na 22 lokacije na samoj platformi i van nje u trajanju od 14 dana. Izmerena srednja vrednost H*(10) iznosi 34 µSv za posmatrani period što pokazuje da nije došlo do značajnog povećanja ambijentalne ekvivalentne doze u odnosu na osnovni nivo prirodnog zračenja.For the purpose of professional responder training in the case of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear accidents (CBRN), a training platform was established within the Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences (INNV). On the platform, among other things, practical exercises are carried out such as: locating radioactive sources, securing sources and various decontamination scenarios. One of the responsibilities of the Department of Radiation and Environmental Protection (Zastita) is to apply specific measures for the controlled exposure to ionizing radiation of individuals on the platform as well as of INNV workers. This paper presents the ambient dose equivalent H*(10), measured using thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) that were set up to monitor the environment during the CBRN exercise in April 2017. The measurements were made by placing the TLD at 22 locations on the platform itself, and out of it for 14 days. The mean H*(10) is 33 µSv for the observed period, which shows that there was no significant increase in the ambient dose relative to the background level.Зборник радова : XXIX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ : Сребрно језеро, 27-29. септембар 2017. годин

    EMPIR project 16ENV04 Preparedness - main goals and research directions

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    16ENV04 Preparedness je projekat iz poziva EMPIR 2016 za zaštitu životne sredine. Glavni cilj projekta je poboljšanje pripravnosti za nuklearne i radiološke incidente i akcidente, koji bi mogli da se dogode u budušnosti. Pripravnost će biti poboljšana tako što će se izvršiti istraživanja u nekoliko pravaca: upotreba bespilotnih letelica za radiološka merenja, upotreba mobilnih sistema za uzorkovanje vazduha, istraživanje mogućnosti korišćenja radioloških podataka iz nevladinih mreža i korišćenje sistema pasivnih dozimetara za monitoring okoline. Još jedan od načina za poboljšanje pripravnosti je smanjenje mogušnosti bezrazložne panike koja bi mogla da bude izazvana diseminacijom merenja iz nevladinih mreža i drugih izvora, što bi moglo da izazove i smanjenje poverenja u zvanične podatke. U cilju realizacije projekta, od velikog značaja su diseminacija razultata i komunikacija sa svim zainteresovanim stranama.16ENV04 Preparedness is a research project within the EMPIR 2016environment call. The main project goal is to increase the preparedness for nuclear and radiological incidents and accidents that might occur in the future. The preparedness will be increased by pursuing several directions of research: use of unmanned aerial vehicles for radiological measurements, use of transportable air-sampling systems, investigating the crowd sourced radiological data for possible official uses and investigating the use of passive dosimetry systems for ambient monitoring. Another aspect of preparedness is to try to reduce the possibility of unwarranted panic caused by the data disseminated by citizen networks and other sources and to increase confidence in official data. To realize the project goals, communication with stakeholders and dissemination of results are of greatest importance.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Harmonisation of dose measurement procedures using passive dosemeters: use of passive H*(10) dosimetry systems in Europe

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    Jedan od zadataka projekta 16ENV04 Preparedness jeispitivanje pasivnih dozimetrijskih sistema namenjenih za merenje operativne dozimetrijske veličine H*(10). Cilj ovog zadatka je evaluacija i harmonizacija procedura koji koriste laboratorije u Evropi a odnose se na merenje ambijentlnog ekvivalenta doze,a u vezi eventualne primene ovakvih doziemtrisjkih sistema u kontekstu dleovanja u vanrednom događaju.One of the outstanding tasks of the project 16ENV04 Preparedness, is to investigate the use of passive dosemeters aimed for measurement of operational quantityH*(10). The aim of this task is to develop a rationale to harmonize the procedures used by European measuring bodies and authorities, which provide services or fulfil tasks in radiation protection by using passive H*(10) area monitoring systems. Procedures used by European measuring bodies and services for environmental monitoring using passive area dosemeters are investigated, with a goal to investigate the applicability of passive dosimetry systems in the aftermath of a nuclear event.Proceedings: [http://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/8681]XXX симпозијум ДЗЗСЦГ (Друштва за заштиту од зрачења Србије и Црне Горе), 2- 4. октобар 2019. године, Дивчибаре, Србиј

    Цијанобактерије и алге из биофилма са улазне зоне Петничке пећине

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    The importance of biofilms in caves, the diversity of microorganisms in them, their mutual relationship and relationship with the substratum are among the advancing research topics in microbial biospeleology. This research is making contribution to the knowledge about biofilms at cave entrances and phototrophic communities in them. In that manner, biofilms from the entrance zone of the Petnica Cave were examined. Light microscopy showed that cyanobacteria were exclusively dominant phototrophs (34 taxa out of 39 total taxa recorded) with coccoid forms prevailing (28 taxa); simple trichal forms were present to a lesser extent, while heterocytous ones were completely absent. Genera Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus,Gloeothece and Leptolyngbya were the most diverse. Four green algal genera characteristic for aerophytic habitats (Apatococcus, Desmococcus, Haematococcus and Trentepohlia) were also recorded, while Bacillariophyta were observed sporadically. Three groups of sampling sites were distinguished based on recorded taxa, their richness and similarity, using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Quantitative biofilm characteristics were also assessed – the content of chlorophyll a (Chl a) was determined, as well as the contents of water, organic and inorganic matter. Chl a had a significant positive correlation with the content of organic matter (r=0.904, P=0.013).Значај биофилмова у пећинама, разноврсност микроорганизама у њима, њихов међусобни однос, као и однос са супстратом, спадају у водеће теме истраживања у пољу микробијалне биоспелеологије. Ово истраживање доприноси општем познавању биофилмова на улазима пећина, као и познавању фототрофних заједница које се налазе у њиховом саставу. Имајући то у виду, испитивани су биофилмови са улазне зоне Петничке пећине. Светлосна микроскопија је показала да су цијанобактерије искључиво доминантни фототрофи (забележено је 34 од укупно 39 таксона), са изузетном доминацијом кокоидних форми (28 таксона); трихалне форме (хомоцитни представници) су у биофилму заступљене у мањој мери, док су хетероцитне потпуно одсутне. У родовима Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece и Leptolyngbya документован је највећи број таксона. Четири рода зелених алги која су иначе карактеристична за аерофитска станишта (Apatococcus, Desmococcus, Haematococcus и Trentepohlia) су такође забележена, док су представници раздела Bacillariophyta нађени спорадично. Статистичка анализа NMDS је показала да су се према сличности, односно на основу таксона који су идентификовани, одвојиле три групе тачака узорковања. Kвантитативне карактеристике биофилма су такође процењене – одређен је садржај хлорофила а (Chl a), као и садржај воде, органске и неорганске материје. Значајнa позитивна корелација (r=0.904, P=0.013) уочена је између садржаја органске материје и Chl a