445 research outputs found

    Clinical importance of color doppler ultrasonography in preoperative assessment of hemodialysis vascular access creation

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    Chronic kidney failure is characterized with progressive and ireversible diminishing of glomerular filtration rate. Arterio-venous fistula (AVF) for hemodialysis should be created in patients with endogenous creatinine clearance ≤ 20 mL/min/1,73m2. Inner diameter of a. radialis ≥ 2.0 mm, inner diameter of v.cephalica ≥ 2.5 mm, flow velocity through the a.radialis - VmaxS ≥ 50 cm/s and flow through the a. radialis - Qa.radialis ≥ 40 mL/m intenable adequate maturing of distal radio-cephalic AVF. Diameter of v.cephalica ≥ 4.0 mmand blood flow Q AV ≥ 500 mL/min, four weeks after the AVF creation, indicate adequately matured AVF and possibility of puncturing it. Maximal blood flow velocity through AVF of 100-350 cm/s and blood flow of 500-1000 mL/min, are signs of good function of AVF and adequate hemodialysis. Color Doppler ultrasonography enables preoperative planning of AVF, early complication detection, choice of appropriate therapeutical procedure for complication treatment, estimation of maturation, prime time for puncture and AVF function, which all contribute to a significant morbidity decrease and better life quality in hemodialysis patients

    Modeliranje samovezujućih materijala primenom metode disipativne čestice dinamike i paralelizacija programskog koda

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    Mineralni trioksidni agregat u terapiji eksterne resorpcije korena izbijenog zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena - ishod posle deset godina

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    Introduction Root resorption may occur as a consequence of avulsion injury and may lead to the progressive loss of tooth structure. The aim was to report the outcome of root resorption treated with mineral trioxide aggregate in a replanted immature permanent incisor after 10 years of follow-up. Case outline This case presents external root resorption that was detected 18 months after the avulsion injury in a nine-year-old child. Apical portion of the canal was filled with mineral trioxide aggregate and the rest of the canal was filled with a canal sealer and gutta-percha. Control examinations were performed six months after the completion of the endodontic treatment and afterwards yearly. The tooth was asymptomatic clinically and radiographs did not show progression of root resorption up to four years of follow-up. Infraposition of the injured tooth was detected five years after the replantation, but without significant radiographic changes, until the eight-year follow-up, when root resorption was detected again. However, the tooth was still hard and symptomless at the 10-year follow-up. Conclusion Mineral trioxide aggregate may have an important role in the preservation of replanted immature teeth for a prolonged period.Uvod Resorpcija korena zuba se može javiti kao posledica povrede i može voditi progresivnom gubitku zubnih struktura. Cilj rada je bio da se prikaže klinički ishod replantacije izbijenog stalnog zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena posle deset godina. Prikaz bolesnika Predstavljen je slučaj eksterne resorpcije korena zuba detektovane 18 meseci posle avulzione povrede kod devetogodišnjeg deteta. Apikalni deo kanala korena zuba je napunjen mineralnim trioksidnim agregatom, dok je ostatak kanala opturiran pastom i gutaperka poenima. Kontrolni pregledi su obavljani šest meseci posle završetka endodontskog lečenja i, posle toga, jednom godišnje. Do četvrte godine praćenja zub je bio bez kliničkih i radiografskih znakova progresije resorpcije korena. Infrapozicija povređenog zuba uočena je pet godina posle replantacije, ali bez značajnih radiografskih promena sve do osme godine praćenja, kada je uočeno napredovanje resorpcije korena. Ipak, posle deset godina zub je i dalje bio klinički bez simptoma. Zaključak Mineralni trioksidni agregat može imati značajnu ulogu u dugotrajnom očuvanju replantiranih zuba sa nezavršenim rastom korena

    Techno-economic analysis of gas turbine-based chp plant operation under a feed-in tariff system

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    This paper deals with the techno-economic analysis of gas turbine-based combined heat and power production, within a current local legislation frame for the promotion of such production of energy in the Republic of Serbia. Since the legislation includes plants with electric power below 10 MW, an overview of the relevant technical characteristics for a number of appropriate gas turbines was prepared. The relevant thermodynamic parameters are calculated in order to estimate the economic feasibility of combined heat and power production using these plants. The production cost of useful heat is determined by taking into account the incomes from the sale of electricity to the electric grid under a feed-in tariff. It is compared with the production cost from an equivalent boiler for the separate production of the heat. One of the main objectives is to determine the effectiveness of the implemented legislative measures in the promotion of combined production of heat and power. Clear conclusions were drawn based on the results obtained

    Prognostički parametri jednogodišnjeg mortaliteta hospitaliziranih bolesnika sa srčanom insuficijencjom

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    The stratification of the clinical risk in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure using biomarkers: BNP, troponin I and C-reactive protein, can contribute to the early diagnosis and decreased mortality rates. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of demographic and clinical parameters, biomarkers (TnI, hsCRP, BNP), echocardiographic and electrophysiological parameters and the presence of comorbidity on predicting the outcome of patients hospitalized for heart failure. The clinical group consisted of 124 consecutive random patients, aged 30-89 years, who were treated at the Coronary Care Unit at The Institute of "Niška Banja". Immediately after the admission the patients underwent clinical examination performed during the first 24 hours after the admission. Laboratory analyses, BNP, TnI and hsCRP were measured in fasting serum. The procedures performed during the hospitalization included echocardiography and Holter ECG. The patients were being followed for one year after being discharged. The overall one-year mortality rate was 29.8%. BNP concentration was significantly higher in deceased patients compared to survivors, while hsCRP and TnI were higher among the deceased patients, with no statistically significant difference. The independent predictors of one-year mortality rate obtained by univariate and multivariate analysis were: BNP, TnI, depression, hypotension, chronic renal failure (CRF), ejection fraction (EF) and systolic pressure in the right atrium. Significant predictors of mortality were: the size of the left ventricle and left atrium, the presence of the left bundle branch block, the length of QTC interval and decreawsed value of Lown's classification of ventricular arrhythmias. Out of the tested parameters, BNP showed the best discriminant value (The limit value Cuf-off was 905.77 pg/mL)

    From race to mass – the influence of political and economic transformation of Austro–Hungarian society on the changes in Ludwig Gumplowicz’s social theory

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    Ovaj rad za svoj predmet ima teoriju Ludviga Gumplovica, sociologa koji je stvarao tokom formativnog perioda nauke o društvu, a koji je danas gotovo u potpunosti zaboravljen. Razlog zaborava se krije u percepciji ovog sociologa kao rasiste, militariste i socijaldarviniste unutar naučne zajednice. Delo sa kojim se prevashodno vezuje njegovo ime, Borba rasa, jeste doprinelo da se danas Gumplovic svrstava u istu grupu autora koju čine Artur de Gobino, Hjuston Čemberlen i Vašer de Lapuž. Činjenice su da se njegova teorija o društvu vremenom menjala i da je retko ko zapravo čitao Gumplovica. Osnovna teza rada jeste da se misao o društvu poljsko–austrijskog sociologa ne može razumeti bez poznavanja istorije Austrougarske ili tačnije zapadnog dela carstva u poslednjim decenijama XIX i početkom XX veka. Takođe, nastoji se pokazati da je pomeranje osnove konceptualnog aparata sa pojma rase preko heterogenih društvenih grupa do koncepta mase nastalo pod uticajem ekonomskih i političkih promena kroz koje je prolazilo austrougarsko društvo u pomenutom periodu. Tokom rada, u cilju ostvarenja opisanog osnovnog zadatka, predstaviće se Gumploviceva teorija i na taj način ostvariti osnovni uslov u donošenju suda da li je pomenuti tretman ovog autora u glavnim sociološkim tokovima opravdan ili ne. Tekst je organizovan u tri velike celine naslovljene Teorija, Kontekst i Teorija i kontekst. Prva celina se bavi prikazom teorije Ludviga Gumplovica, druga je posvećena oslikavanju najvažnijih mesta austrougarske istorije u poslednjim decenijama postojanja carstva, dok Teorija i kontekst predstavlja svojevrsnu sintezu zapažanja iznetih u dve prethodne celine. Naročita pažnja je posvećena postepenoj demokratizaciji političkog sistema zapadne polovine carstva, gde 1907. godine stupa na snagu izborni zakon kojim se predviđa opšte pravo glasa za sve punoletne muškarce. U ovom zakonu je prepoznat glavni uticaj koji je doprineo pojavi mase u Gumplovicevom teorijskom sistemu.This PhD thesis has Ludwig Gumplowicz’s theory for its subject, a work of a sociologist who labored during the formative period of sociology and who is also almost completely forgotten today. The reason for mentioned oblivion lays in the perception of this sociologist as a racist, militarist and social Darwinist that is widespread among the scientific community. First association for the work of mentioned sociologist, if one is made today, is his book titled The Struggle of Races, and because of this Gumplowicz is viewed as a part of group that is composed of such authors like Arthur de Gobineau, Huston Stewart Chamberlain and Vacher de Lapouge. The facts are that his social theory changed over time and that there is hardly anyone who really read Gumplowicz. Basic thesis of this paper is that social theory of Polish–Austrian sociologist cannot be understood without the knowledge of Austro–Hungarian history, or more precisely, history of the western part of the Empire in the last decades of the 19th and the start of the 20th century. Also, this paper tries to show that the shift of the conceptual apparatus from the notion of race via heterogeneous social groups to the concept of mass is due to the economic and political changes at work in the Austro–Hungarian society during the mentioned period. Throughout the paper, in order to achieve described basic task, Gumplowicz’s theory will be presented and, in that way, rudimentary condition for making a judgement concerning justiciability of treatment of this author within contemporary sociological main stream will be met. The paper consists of three main wholes titled Theory, Context and Theory and Context. First part is concerned with the presentation of Ludwig Gumplowicz’s theory, the second one draws a sketch in broad stokes of the most important points of Austro–Hungarian history during the last decades of the Empire, while Theory and Context is a synthesis of some sorts of observations made in two previous wholes. Close attention is given to the gradual democratization of political system in the western half of the Empire, where in 1907 an electoral law is introduced which provided universal male suffrage. This law is identified as a main cause of introduction of mass in Gumpowicz’s theoretical system

    Strategic Management and its Effects on Serbian Wood Industry

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    According to the available data on economic trends in Serbia, it is noticeable that companies in wood in-dustry do not use their capacities to the maximum. Furthermore, a significant number of newly founded small en-terprises, shortly after their establishment, go bankrupt or go into liquidation. Research works that have beenconducted so far have indicated that, most commonly, company deterioration is caused by a lack of strategic ap-proach in business management and company development. The aim of this paper is to gain an insight into the ex-tent to which wood industry enterprises apply strategic approach (their vision, mission and development strategies)when making business decisions, as well as the effects of such approach. This will be achieved by analyzing col-lected questionnaires and interviews with competent experts from wood industry monitoring institutions. Besides,SWOT and PESTLE analyses of the surveyed companies will be conducted. Furthermore, possible solutions forovercoming weaknesses and threats emerging in Serbian wood industry development will be indicated. Likewise,the possibilities for encouraging industry development and increasing its competitiveness level will be presented

    Techno-economic analysis of gas turbine-based chp plant operation under a feed-in tariff system

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    This paper deals with the techno-economic analysis of gas turbine-based combined heat and power production, within a current local legislation frame for the promotion of such production of energy in the Republic of Serbia. Since the legislation includes plants with electric power below 10 MW, an overview of the relevant technical characteristics for a number of appropriate gas turbines was prepared. The relevant thermodynamic parameters are calculated in order to estimate the economic feasibility of combined heat and power production using these plants. The production cost of useful heat is determined by taking into account the incomes from the sale of electricity to the electric grid under a feed-in tariff. It is compared with the production cost from an equivalent boiler for the separate production of the heat. One of the main objectives is to determine the effectiveness of the implemented legislative measures in the promotion of combined production of heat and power. Clear conclusions were drawn based on the results obtained