10 research outputs found

    The Sphaleron Barrier in the Presence of Fermions

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    We calculate the minimal energy path over the sphaleron barrier in the pre\-sen\-ce of fermions, assuming that the fermions of a doublet are degenerate in mass. This allows for spherically symmetric ans\"atze for the fields, when the mixing angle dependence is neglected. While light fermions have little influence on the barrier, the presence of heavy fermions (MFM_F \sim TeV) strongly deforms the barrier, giving rise to additional sphalerons for very heavy fermions (MFM_F \sim 10 TeV). Heavy fermions form non-topological solitons in the vacuum sector.Comment: 19 pages, latex, 18 figures in 3 seperate uuencoded postscript files THU-93/1


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    The advancement and utilization of computer technologies for studying and diagnosing the technical state of dynamic systems are closely linked to scientific and technological progress. Among these technologies, fractal technologies hold a prominent position [1]. Time series data, which record changes in controlled parameters over time, are commonly used for diagnosing technical objects and systems. The use of fractals will also be of interest in assessing the resonant frequency characteristics of oscillatory systems [3]. The informational characteristics of topologically distributed networks (e.g., computer, cellular) significantly depend on their geometry, node placement, and inter-node distances. The fractal dimension, a fundamental characteristic of networks, plays a crucial role in this context [2]. The research paper presents a methodology for modeling and synthesizing large networks using the node density function, which follows a power function with a fractal dimension. This characteristic aligns with Zipf's law of population distribution around urban centers. The paper also provides fractality degree indices for the network diagram. Software tools such as LabVIEW play a significant role in scientific research and experiment automation

    Black Sea Seismic Events and Their Geological Environmental Analysis

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    განიხილება: შავი ზღვის აუზის გეოდინამიკის პარამეტრები, რელიეფის მდგომარეობა, განვითარების ტენდენცია, პროგნოზი, ათვისება და დაცვის ღონიძებები; დაფიქსირებულია: პლანეტის უძლიერი სეისმური მოვლენების გეოეკოლოგიური შედეგები, განსაკუთრებით - შავი ზღვისპირა რეგიონის კავკასიისა და საქართველოს სექტორის მიწისძვრებთან დაკავშირებული ნეგატიური შედეგები; შემუშავებულია: მოსალოდნელი სეისმური მოვლენებით გამოწვეული გარემოს ნეგატიური შედეგების სალიკვიდაციო საინჟინრო ღონისძიებები. ბუნების სტიქიური მოვლენებს, როგორც წესი, შთამბეჭდავი მატერიალური ზარალი და ადამიანთა მსხვერპლი მოაქვთ. მ მხრივ, აღსანიშნავია აკვატორიებთან დაკავშირებული მიწისძვრები და მათ მიერ გენერირებული - განსაკუთრებული ხიფათის შემცველი მოვლენები - ცუნამი, მეწყრები, ქვათაცვენა, ნაპირების აბრაზია, პლაჟის ზოლის წარეცხვა და სხვ

    Trans-Cis Isomerization Of An Azoxybenzene Liquid Crystal

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    Trans-cis isomerization was investigated in a room temperature liquid crystal mixture of two azoxybenzene compounds. Experiments were performed on isolated molecules in dilute solutions and on the liquid crystal phase composed of the pure compounds. The absorption spectra of the trans and cis isomers were found to be similar to those of azobenzene compounds, as were the birefringence and order parameter of the nematic liquid crystal phase. The photo-optic properties were also similar in that irradiation by ultraviolet light caused the conversion from trans to cis isomers, while short wavelength visible light incident on these compounds resulted in the conversion from cis to trans isomers. The activation energy for thermal relaxation from the cis to trans isomer in the liquid crystal phase was determined to be ( 66 +/- 7) kJ/mole, which is less than for azobenzene in solution. While a photostationary state in a dilute solution with approximately equal numbers of trans and cis isomers was achieved, the nematic-isotropic transition of the mixture of the pure compounds decreased from 70 degrees C to room temperature with a cis concentration of only about 12%. One unusual finding was that the photostationary concentration of trans and cis isomers due to irradiation with light of a specific visible wavelength depended on the starting concentrations of the two isomers, indicating that there may be a molecular conformation that is not photo-responsive and relaxes only thermally

    Heavy Metals in the Foods

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    განხილულია საკვებ პროდუქტებში მძიმე ლითონების განაწილების თავისებურებებიThe special features of the distribution of heavy metals in food products are examined

    Once Again About the Ecology

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    ნაშრომში გაანალიზებულია ხანგძლივი გზა ეკოლოგიის თანდათანობითი გადაცვლისა ბიოლოგიის არედან ცალკე მეტამეცნიერებათ, შემდგომი ცდით ზოგიერთი სპეციალური სოციოლოგიური კანონზომიერებების ჩამოყალიბებით. მოყვანილია ზოგიერთი განმარტებები

    Physicians' guideline adherence is associated with long-term heart failure mortality in outpatients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: the QUALIFY international registry

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    Background: Physicians' adherence to guideline-recommended therapy is associated with short-term clinical outcomes in heart failure (HF) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). However, its impact on longer-term outcomes is poorly documented. Here, we present results from the 18-month follow-up of the QUALIFY registry. Methods and results: Data at 18 months were available for 6118 ambulatory HFrEF patients from this international prospective observational survey. Adherence was measured as a continuous variable, ranging from 0 to 1, and was assessed for five classes of recommended HF medications and dosages. Most deaths were cardiovascular (CV) (228/394) and HF-related (191/394) and the same was true for unplanned hospitalizations (1175 CV and 861 HF-related hospitalizations, out of a total of 1541). According to univariable analysis, CV and HF deaths were significantly associated with physician adherence to guidelines. In multivariable analysis, HF death was associated with adherence level [subdistribution hazard ratio (SHR) 0.93, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.87–0.99 per 0.1 unit adherence level increase; P = 0.034] as was composite of HF hospitalization or CV death (SHR 0.97, 95% CI 0.94–0.99 per 0.1 unit adherence level increase; P = 0.043), whereas unplanned all-cause, CV or HF hospitalizations were not (all-cause: SHR 0.99, 95% CI 0.9–1.02; CV: SHR 0.98, 95% CI 0.96–1.01; and HF: SHR 0.99, 95% CI 0.96–1.02 per 0.1 unit change in adherence score; P = 0.52, P = 0.2, and P = 0.4, respectively). Conclusion: These results suggest that physicians' adherence to guideline-recommended HF therapies is associated with improved outcomes in HFrEF. Practical strategies should be established to improve physicians' adherence to guidelines. © 2019 The Authors. European Journal of Heart Failure © 2019 European Society of Cardiolog