71 research outputs found

    Morphological characters and the range of the species Echinops banaticus Rochel (Asteraceae) in the flora of Serbia

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    The species Echinops banaticus Rochel. is one of the five plant species in the genus Echinops L. which have been found to grow in Serbia. The morphological descriptions in our and in foreign floristic literature contain a number of contradictory or incomplete data, which considerably impedes the regular and correct determination and identification of this species. This paper points to the above controversial morphological characters, presents the correct description of the species and the localities where it has so far been found in Serbia, according to field research and the inspection of herbarium material By morphological studies it was found that in the flower region, as correctly reported by Javorka (1925) and Nyarady (1964), pappus scales are joined together throughout their length, and that free tufts appear only at the top The leaves are, after Nyarady (1964), more or less pinnately lobed, green on the adaxial surface, covered with thin, soft, curved, glandular hairs As the range of the species in Serbia has not been sufficiently investigated, it was stated that the species Echinops banaticus Roch. was recorded at 14 localities in Serbia. All the localities are mainly situated in east parts of Serbia, east of the river Velika Morava as far as the borders of Romania and Bulgaria

    Igor Mandić (1939. - 2022.)

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    In memoriam, Igor Mandić (1939. - 2022.

    ā€œKarikatureā€ Mije RadoÅ”evića

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    In his paper, after a brief introduction, the author analyzes Mijo RadoÅ”ević\u27s novel ā€œCaricaturesā€ from a perspective of literary history by contextualizing the subject within the late Moderna movement in Croatia. Through the use of various forms of focalization, the author points out that in spite of the novel\u27s appearance at a time of the avantgarde zeitgeist and domination of ideas that were topical at the turn of the century, the subject text is nevertheless a literary anachronism on the level of workmanship, thus communicating much more to realism (naturalism), than to the avantgarde, as was considered by the rare interpreters of this little known work

    Prevencija seksualne zloupotrebe dece

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    The problem of prevention of child sexual abuse is a field which needs exceptional urgency. Despite the fact that child sexual abuse prevention programs are applied on a large scale in different countries of Western Europe and the USA, problems of efficiency of these kinds of interventions, remains the subject of serious scientific discussions. This paper will try to present different options of child sexual abuse prevention with extended review on program activities that finds application in school context. After theoretical elaboration of this issue, and presentation of efficiency confirmed practical programs, the authors will present prevention options designed for parents. Finally prevention activities adapted for children with disabilities will be presented in this paper.Problematika prevencije seksualne zloupotrebe dece predstavlja područje u okviru kog se javlja potreba za urgentnim delovanjem. I pored činjenice da preventivni programi nalaze značajnu primenu u mnogim državama zapadne Evrope i SAD, problematika stepena efikasnosti intervencija ovog tipa predstavlja predmet ozbiljnih naučnih polemika. U radu su predstavljeni različiti vidovi prevencije seksualne zloupotrebe dece sa posebnim osvrtom na programe koji se realizuju u Å”kolskom kontekstu. Pored teorijske elaboracije datog problema i praktičnih primera programa koji su potvrdili svoju efikasnost u praksi, autori su se posvetili i prikazu preventivnih programa namenjenih roditeljima. Najzad, u radu su predstavljeni preventivni programi prilagođeni populaciji dece sa različitim vidovima ometenosti

    Seksualna zloupotreba dece - teorijski modeli eksplanacije

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    The issue of sexual violence against children is the subject of serious scientific research for several decades. Moreover, it is a topic that in recent years also attracts the attention of the general public, both in the world and in our society. However, local authors have not seriously dealt with etiology and psychodynamics of pedophilia. At the same time, there is plenty of literature, mainly foreign, which is precisely oriented to the explanation of etiology of various forms of sexual abuse of children, focusing on the etiological dimenĀ­sions of pedophilia and characteristics of perpetrators. Basing on the review and analysis of available national and international literature, the aim of this paper is to present the leading scientific theories and concepts that offer an explanation of the phenomenon of child sexual abuse. Thus, it will be primarily given review of biological explanation, then Finklehor's preconditional model, Quadripartite model of Hall and Hirshman, as well as Eliot's papers that explain the nature of abuse of child pornography.Problematika seksualnog nasilja nad decom već nekoliko decenija predstavlja predmet ozbiljnih naučnih istraživanja. Sem toga, to je tema koja poslednjih godina zaokuplja i pažnju Å”ire javnosti, kako u svetu, tako i u naÅ”em druÅ”tvu. Međutim, domaći autori se do sada nisu ozbiljnije bavili etiologijom i psihodinamikom pedofilije. Istovremeno, postoji obilje literature, prevashodno inostrane, koja je upravo orijentisana na eksplanaciju etiologije različitih vidova seksualne zloupotrebe dece, sa fokusom na etioloÅ”ke dimenzije pedofilije i karakteristike izvrÅ”ilaca. Rad ima za cilj da na osnovu pregleda i analize dostupne domaće i strane literature prikaže vodeće naučne teorije i koncepcije koje nude objaÅ”njenje fenomena seksualne zlo-upotrebe dece. Tako će u prvom redu biti dat prikaz biologističkih pristupa eksplanacije, Finkelhorovog prekondicionalnog modela, kvadripartitnog modela Hala i HirÅ”mana, kao i radova Eliota koji objaÅ”njavaju prirodu zloupotrebe dečije pornografije

    Carska rezidencija Vrelo-Šarkamen kod Negotina. ArheoloŔka istraživanja u 2013. godini

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    Rimsko nalaziÅ”te Vrelo nalazi se na desnoj obali Vrelske reke zapadno od sela Å arkamen kod Negotina. Od 1994. do 2003. godine SANU, ArheoloÅ”ki institut u Beogradu i Muzej Krajine u Negotinu vrÅ”ili su sistematska arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja ovog lokaliteta Å”to je rezultiralo otkrićem utvrđenja carske rezidencije iz perioda tetrarhije i memorijalnog kompleksa sa carskim mauzolejom i tumulom. Otkriveno je i viÅ”e rimskih objekata ekonomskog karaktera na desnoj i levoj obali Vrelske reke (Vasić Tomović 2005) sl. Projekat Vreloā€“Å arkamen areheooÅ”ka istraživanja prezentacija i promocija zajednički je projekat ArheoloÅ”kog instituta u Beogradu i Muzeja Krajine u Negotinu. U cilju njegove uspeÅ”ne realizacije 2011. godine potpisan je ugovor o saradnji između ove dve institucije
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