26 research outputs found

    Possible effect of extreme solar energetic particle event of 20 January 2005 on polar stratospheric aerosols: direct observational evidence

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    Energetic cosmic rays are the main source of ionization of the low-middle atmosphere, leading to associated changes in atmospheric properties. Via the hypothetical influence of ionization on aerosol growth and facilitated formation of clouds, this may be an important indirect link relating solar variability to climate. This effect is highly debated, however, since the proposed theoretical mechanisms still remain illusive and qualitative, and observational evidence is inconclusive and controversial. Therefore, important questions regarding the existence and magnitude of the effect, and particularly the fraction of aerosol particles that can form and grow, are still open. Here we present empirical evidence of the possible effect caused by cosmic rays upon polar stratospheric aerosols, based on a case study of an extreme solar energetic particle (SEP) event of 20 January 2005. Using aerosol data obtained over polar regions from different satellites with optical instruments that were operating during January 2005, such as the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III), and Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging System (OSIRIS), we found a significant simultaneous change in aerosol properties in both the Southern and Northern Polar regions in temporal association with the SEP event. We speculate that ionization of the atmosphere, which was abnormally high in the lower stratosphere during the extreme SEP event, might have led to formation of new particles and/or growth of preexisting ultrafine particles in the polar stratospheric region. However, a detailed interpretation of the effect is left for subsequent studies. This is the first time high vertical resolution measurements have been used to discuss possible production of stratospheric aerosols under the influence of cosmic ray induced ionization. The observed effect is marginally detectable for the analyzed severe SEP event and can be undetectable for the majority of weak-moderate events. The present interpretation serves as a conservative upper limit of solar energetic particle effect upon polar stratospheric aerosols

    Water Vapor, Temperature, and Ice Particles in Polar Mesosphere as Measured by SABER/TIMED and OSIRIS/Odin Instruments

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    Although many new details on the properties of mesospheric ice particles that farm Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMCs) and also cause polar mesospheric summer echoes have been recently revealed, certain aspects of mesospheric ice microphysics and dynamics still remain open. The detailed relation between PMC parameters and properties of their environment, as well as interseasonal and interhemispheric differences and trends in PMC properties that are possibly related to global change, are among those open questions. In this work, mesospheric temperature and water vapor concentration measured by the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument on board the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite are used to study the properties of PMCs with respect to the surrounding atmosphere. The cloud parameters, namely location, brightness, and altitude, are obtained from the observations made by the Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imager System (OSIRIS) on the Odin satellite. About a thousand of simultaneous common volume measurements made by SABER and OSIRIS in both hemispheres from 2002 until 2008 are used. The correlation between PMC brightness (and occurrence rate) and temperatures at PMC altitudes and at the mesopause is analysed. The relation between PMC parameters, frost point temperature, and gaseous water vapor content in and below the cloud is also discussed. Interseasonal and interhemispheric differences and trends in the above parameters, as well as in PMC peak altitudes and mesopause altitudes are evaluated

    Multipurpose assessment of the financial competitiveness of a publishing company

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    The paper considers a set of theoretical, practical and methodological issues related to determining the level of competitiveness of publishing companies by forming an integral assessment. The methodology of the study is the application of the ranking system, the Fishburne method, the definition of the specific weights of indicators, allowing you to assess financial competitiveness of companies, the tools of graphic analysis to calculate the overall integrated indicators that characterize the level of competitiveness of the publishing company. The main findings of the study are to determine the level of competitive potential (LCP) of companies, through integral evaluation. The advantage of the assessment method used is the application of a system of financial, marketing and reputational indicators. This indicator system has made it possible to more accurately determine the level of financial competitiveness and improve the effectiveness of financial and investment decisions made in the publishing industry

    Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of maternity patients who underwent Covid-19 during pregnancy

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    The purpose of the study is to study the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of women suffering from COVID-19 during pregnancy and to evaluate obstetric and neonatal outcomes.Цель исследования – изучить клинико-эпидемиологические характеристики родильниц, перенесших COVID-19 в период беременности и оценить акушерские и неонатальные исходы

    Comparative characteristics of various types of portable models for fixed prosthetics

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    The article describes the various systems of portable models used in fixed prosthetics.В статье рассмотрены различные системы разборных рабочих моделей, использующихся в несъемном протезировании

    Revised Correlation between Odin/OSIRIS PMC Properties and Coincident TIMED/SABER Mesospheric Temperatures

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    The Optical Spectrograph and Infrared Imaging System (OSIRIS) instrument on board the Odin satellite detects Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMCs) through the enhancement in the limb-scattered solar radiance. The Sounding of the Atmosphere using the Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument on board the TIMED satellite is a limb scanning infrared radiometer that measures temperature and vertical profiles and energetic parameters for minor constituents in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere. The combination of OSIRIS and SABER data has been previously used to statistically derive thermal conditions for PMC existence [Petelina et al., 2005]. a, A.A. Kutepov, W.D. Pesnell, In this work, we employ the simultaneous common volume measurements of PMCs by OSIRIS and temperature profiles measured by SABER for the Northern Hemisphere summers of 2002-2005 and corrected in the polar region by accounting for the vibrational-vibrational energy exchange among the CO2 isotopes [Kutepov et al., 2006]. For each of 20 coincidences identified within plus or minus 1 degree latitude, plus or minus 2 degrees longitude and less than 1 hour time the frost point temperatures were calculated using the corresponding SABER temperature profile and water vapor densities of 1,3, and 10 ppmv. We found that the PMC presence and brightness correlated only with the temperature threshold that corresponds to the frost point. The absolute value of the temperature below the frost point, however, didn't play a significant role in the intensity of PMC signal for the majority of selected coincidences. The presence of several bright clouds at temperatures above the frost point is obviously related to the limitation of the limb geometry when some near- or far-field PMCs located at higher (and warmer) altitudes appear to be at lower altitudes

    The study of the dynamics of clinical and laboratory-instrumental parameters in hypertensive patients with obesity who underwent COVID-19-associated pneumonia

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    BACKGROUND: According  to the results of the ESSE-RF study, the frequency of obesity in the population  reached 29.7%. Obesity is one of the main risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases. Features of the course of COVID-19 in patients with obesity is a very urgent problem.AIM: The aim of the study was a comparative investigation of clinical and laboratory-instrumental parameters in AH patients with or without obesity who had COVID-19 associated pneumonia, to identify the role of obesity as a potential predictor of post-COVID cardiovascular complications 3 months after discharge from the hospital.MATERIALS AND METHODS: Materials and methods. The study included 174 patients with COVID-19-associated pneumonia. Group 1 included 78 patients with AH without obesity, group 2 — 96 patients with AH and obesity. All patients were tested with a blood sample at the time of admission and 3 months after discharge from the hospital. We assessed parameters of general blood test, biochemistry, hemostasis, inflammation biomarkers — concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP), highly sensitive CRP (hs-CRP), homocysteine, IL-6, etc. All patients initially underwent computed tomography  of the chest. In both groups, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring was performed using BPLaB device, according to the standard protocol; echocardiography using  an expert class ultrasound diagnostic  system Vivid S70. The study is registered with the Clinical Trials.gov database Identifier: NCT04501822.RESULTS: Results. The biomarker that significantly distinguished the both groups of patients, as well as subgroups according to the degree of obesity was the concentration of maxCRP and hs-CRP, which was significantly higher in group 2. In addition, the registered maximum values of MPO, NT-proBNP, IL-1,6, TNA-α and NRL parameters in group 2 of patients with 2–3 degrees of obesity, may indicate the highest probability of developing  delayed adverse cardiovascular complications  in this group of patients. Mean systolic blood pressure, variability of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and heart rate at night were significantly  higher in AH patients with obesity. Numerous correlations of obesity with laboratory and instrumental parameters have been registered, which may indicate an increased likelihood of delayed unwanted cardiovascular complications in this particular group of patients. Multiple regression showed that obesity is an independent predictor of an increase in LDH, hs-CRP and right atrium.CONCLUSION: Dynamic control of the studied parameters in patients with AH and OB registered an increased concentration of CRP at the initial stage and 3 months after treatment, with a general trend towards a decrease in the increased initial structural parameters of ECHO CG. The logistic regression method showed that the presence of OB in patients with AH is an independent factor causing increased levels of immune inflammation (CRP), a marker of tissue destruction (LDH), and load on the right atrium

    Profile of arterial pressure, structural and functional parameters of arterial wall and blood biochemical parameters in hypertensive patients with abdominal obesity

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    АВРМ values, arterial elasticity, parameters of flow-dependent vasodilation of the brachial artery, lipid profile, oxidative metabolism, plasma levels of nitrites and endothelin in hypertensive patients with obesity and dyslipidemia were compared to those in patients with arterial hypertension alone. The study group had higher indices of mean 24-hour systolic blood pressure, 24-hour systolic blood pressure variability, time and square indices and had a tendency towards increased arterial stiffness, more severe endothelial dysfunction, significant atherogenic changes in blood plasma and increased lipid peroxidation. Pair correlations between structural and functional parameters of the arterial wall and other studied parameters were analyzed. Recommendations on the management of the identified changes were made.В работе проведена сравнительная оценка параметров суточного мониторирования АД, эластических свойств артериальной сосудистой стенки, параметров потокзависимой вазодилатации плечевой артерии, параметров липидного спектра, окислительного метаболизма, уровней нитритов и эндотелина -1 в плазме крови у пациентов АГ с ожирением и дислипидемией и больных АГ. Выявлены особенности изучаемых параметров в основной группе пациентов (достоверно более высокие показатели среднесуточного систолического АД, нагрузки «гипертоническими величинами», суточной вариабельности САД на фоне тенденции к повышению жесткости сосудистой стенки, увеличения эндотелиальной дисфункции, достоверных атерогенных изменений в плазме крови и повышения процессов перекисного окисления липидов). Проанализированы парные корреляционные взаимосвязи параметров структурно-функционального состояния сосудистой стенки и другими изучаемыми показателями. Даны рекомендации по коррекции выявленных изменений

    The elastic properties of the vascular wall and inflammatory biochemical parameters in hypertensive patients with abdominal obesity

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    The study involved 125 patients (male and female) aged 47.67 ± 8.69 years. The patients were divided into 2 groups: group I - patients with hypertension n = 51 (AH ). group II - patients with hypertensive patients with abdom inal obesity (AH with AO) n=74 The structural parameters ot the vascular wall were evaluated by sphygmography on the unit VASERA V S -1000 «FUCUDA»; evaluated biochemical parameters — total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, MDA (MD) and inflammatory markers - homocysteine HS-CRP Initially, in the second group of patients showed a significant breach of the elastic properties ot the vascular wall (PWV-R / L. CAVI). exceeding the level of atherogenic lipid parameters (total cholesterol, low-density lipiproteiny) and inflammatory markers ( high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, homocysteine) compared to the first group. By logistic regression identified the biochemical predictors indicative of impaired elastic properties of the vascular wall.Обследовано 125 пациентов (мужского и женского пола) в возрасте 47.67+ 8,69 лет. Пациенты распределены в 2 группы. 1-я группа - больные с артериальной гипертонией (АГ I-III степени без метаболических нарушений) n = 5 1 ,2 -я группа - бопьные артериальной гипертонией с абдоминальным ожирением (АО) n=74. Исследовали эластические параметры сосудистой стенки методом сфигмографии на аппарате VASERA VS-1 ООО «FUCUDA»; биохимические показатели — общий холестерин, пипопротеины низкой плотности, липопротеины высокой плотности, триглицериды , МДА (MD) и воспалительные маркеры - гомоцистеин и hS-CRP. Исходно во 2-ой группе пациентов выявлено достоверное нарушение эластических свойств сосудистой стенки (P W V -R /L CAVI). превышение уровня атерогенных параметров липидного профиля (общий холестерин, липипротеины низкой плотности) и маркеров воспаления (высокочувствительный С-реактивный белок, гомоцистеин) по сравнению с 1-ой группой Методом логистической регрессии выявлены биохимические предикторы повышения скорости пульсовой волны (PW V)