6 research outputs found

    La movilidad compartida, sistema emergente derivado de la economía colaborativa y digital

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    La economía colaborativa y digital está surgiendo con fuerza, en el mundo, después de que hayan pasado casi ocho años de que fuera detectado el comienzo de la llamada Gran Recesión. Lo colaborativo y compartido empieza a dar respuesta a los mercados a la demanda (pull) con las plataformas digitales que permiten casar en tiempo real los recursos disponibles con las necesidades de movilidad. Para todo ello se necesita cambios en las actitudes y conocer y experimentar el funcionamiento de las plataformas digitales gracias a las cuales la movilidad compartida va emergiendo como una realidad cierta y de futuro, aprendiendo los nuevos planos (blueprint) del territorio digital y su gobernanza basada en la orquestación de la complejidad dinámica de las redes.Collaborative and digital economy is emerging with force in the world, after almost eight years have passed it was detected the beginning of the Great Recession. The collaborative and shar ed begins to answer market demand (pull) with digital platforms that allow to match real-time available resources with mobility needs. For all that is needed changes in attitudes and know and experience how digital platforms through which shared mobility is emerging as a certain future and actually learning the new blueprint of digital territory and its gover nance based in or chestrating the dynamic complexity of networks

    Serempathy: A New Approach To Innovation. An Application To Forty-Six Regions Of Atlantic Arc Countries

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    This research provides a new theoretical approach to innovation called Serempathy: Serendipity (which is achieved by chance) + Empathy (putting your self in the other). Serempathy relies on collaborative relationships between: University, private companies and public administration. In this theoretical approach adds chance to scientific discovery and an environment of empathy. Ideas aren't self-contained things; they're more like ecosystems and networks. The work also provides data processed in recent years (2004-2006) for forty six Atlantic Arc Regions (the forty regions of countries: United Kindong, France, Portugal and Spain), overall and in different clusters, providing relevant empirical evidence on the relationship between Human Capital, Technological Platform, Innovation, Serempathy and Output. In the econometric and statistical modeling is considered especially for forty regions of the Atlantic Arc.“This research has been supported financially by the project titled "Dissemination of Knowledge and Networks in Atlantic Area ". INTERREG-IV-c, European Commission

    The impact of Social Networks on innovation: The case of European Regions

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    This research analyses the relationship between the use of social networks and the generation of innovations in European regions through a production function of innovations using human capital, technological capital and virtual relational capital with the new theoretical approach. For this, it is estimated an econometric model of panel data for the period 2007-2011 and 190 European regions

    Las nuevas tecnologías en el transporte, alternativa a la inversión en carreteras

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    Tradicionalmente, la ampliación de capacidad mediante lo construcción de nuevos carreteras ha sido la opción elegida para intentar resolver los problemas de transporte en áreas urbanas, como es la congestión. Sin embargo, lo construcción de nuevos infraestructuras cada vez presenta más dificultades, debido a las problemas ambiénteles que llevo anejos. Los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte ISITI constituyen uno alternatíva a la tradícíonal inversión en nuevos carreteras, poro resolver las problemas de seguridad, congestión y ambíentales. En este articulo se revisan las principales beneficias de los aplicaciones SIT y se define un marco metodológíco explicativo del mecanismo de actuación de sus efectos

    Diseño de herramientas y definición de líneas estratégicas para el Plan de Innovación en Cantabria

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    Este artículo se centra en la actual situación del entramado empresarial cántabro en materia de innovación tecnológica, así como en la importancia de la Administración Pública Regional dentro del Sistema Regional de Innovación como agente de apoyo en el proceso de innovación tecnológica empresarial a través de la creación de políticas y actuaciones que afectan a todas las etapas de creación, difusión y uso del conocimiento

    Efficient route of freight transport by road, evaluated with Innotransmer : XI Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2014).

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    The need to make transport more efficient in order to make it less dependent on fossil fuels, more sustainable and reduce GHG emissions is included in the guidelines of the European Union. One measure to achieve this objective has been for manufacturers to improve engine performance so as to reduce GHG emissions according to regulations EURO I to VI of commercial vehicles for the transport of goods by road. This has resulted in significant savings in the fuel bill for the transport sector; however, the choice of route remains an important element to improve efficiency. In order to make this decision it is important to take into account: Travel time / distance travelled / number of tolls en route. Layout of slopes / consumption / average speeds. Technical characteristics of vehicles / power / number of axles / tonnes transported. In line with these objectives, the 2011 INNPACTO program by the Ministry of Science and Innovation approved a project called "Simulation platform for the development of innovative solutions in freight transport through high capacity roads (INNOTRANSMER, 2011)", with the aim of developing an electronic platform which enabled freight companies to assess the most efficient routes with different vehicles and tracks, in order to determine the transport configuration with the lowest consumption/cost per tonne transported in trucks, thus creating a new instrument to assess transport efficiency and GHG emissions for a certain trip