9 research outputs found

    Making the Systemically Desirable Culturally Feasible : Towards the Integration of Gender-Knowledge into Informatics Study Programs

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    This dissertation scrutinizes the problem domain of gender-knowledge integration into Swedish higher education study programs in informatics. This integration has been expressed as desirable by for example the Swedish government, individual universities and university colleges and the student union alike. In Swedish informatics study programs however, gender-knowledge seems to have been integrated to a limited extent and there is a dearth of research in this area as well. This indicates that gender-knowledge has so far only to a limited extent been recognized as important for Swedish informatics study programs. The purposes of this research is to 1) increase the insight of managers and developers of informatics study programs into the potential of gender-knowledge to enrich informatics as a subject; and to 2) inspire commitment and provide a means for the design of informatics study programs in which gender-knowledge is integrated. The overarching research question for this project is: What are the crucial challenges for a successful integration of gender-knowledge into Swedish informatics study programs? To address the overarching research question, several studies have been conducted through scrutinizing documents like articles, reports, evaluations and syllabuses, as well as listening to the accounts of experiences of the gender-knowledge integration process communicated by lecturers, PhD students and study program coordinators following a hermeneutic research approach. The results of these studies indicate that the process of integrating gender-knowledge is challenging and that there is a need of support for getting the process up and running. For this, a guide that identifies different important questions to be addressed related to challenge categories like knowledge, organization, pedagogical, and resistance has been developed. The knowledge challenge seems to be particularly challenging hence special attention is paid to the development of a basic theoretical gender-knowledge base that, along with some concrete examples on how the basic theoretical gender-knowledge base, could be integrated into areas of concern for informatics study programs. The different types of support suggested above should be considered food for thought and perhaps pointers of where to start looking. After all, only the local informatics community can integrate gender-knowledge into a study program in an enriching way thus making the systemically desirable culturally feasible

    Knowing My Peers: Edentity – To Invite Peer Interaction and Social Learning

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    Part 2: Social Networks, Analytics and RecommendationsInternational audienceDigital spaces designated for learning need to invite to social learning. Oftentimes, however, students express feelings of loneliness in their learning in online courses. Making the students more visible to each other is hence crucial. In this article we present a study of students’ self-presentations. We find that they are rather unelaborated, and we propose an alternative solution to making students identities visible within the learning space. Our proposed solution is a separate system that can be plugged into any digital learning system: the edentity

    Identifying Traces of Boundary Object Properties in Data Hub Development Narratives : Two Cases from Scandinavian Electricity Market

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    Digital technology enables multi-relational collaborations between parties with different experiences, knowledge, values, and goals. Regarding digital technology triggering enterprise transformation, boundary object as theoretical model for understanding such differences in development is not well understood, especially the ways boundary object emerges in practice. We inquired what traces of boundary object properties can be identified in data hub development narratives. An interpretive approach was chosen for understanding experience-centered narratives that origins from interviews conducted in two separate studies of national development of data hubs for the electricity market in Denmark and Sweden respectively. Through a literature review covering boundary objects, nine prosperities were chosen for the theoretical frame used in the interpretation of the narratives. The conclusion was that boundary object properties were part of the narratives of the data hub developments early on in the in-use taking processes and even before the digital artifact was taken into use

    Öppen Innovation, den digitala vĂ€gen : Den digitala vĂ€gen

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    Syftet med denna rapport Àr att belysa digital teknologis pÄverkan pÄ innovationsarenor. Vi har inom ramen för Interreg-projekt SMICE deltagit i arbetet med skapa innovationsarenor och dÄ anvÀnt oss av digital teknologi. Den digitala teknologiin har anvÀnts för att frÀmja deltagandet pÄ innovationsarenor genom att erbjuda personer som har lÄngt till dessa eller har andra förhinder frÄn att kunna delta fysiskt. Vi undersökte detta genom fyra olika fall dÀr den digitala teknologin anvÀndes pÄ olika sÀtt för att sÀkerstÀlla deltagande pÄ distans och genom att verifiera vÄra resultat med experter inom omrÄdet. VÄra resultat analyserades baserat pÄ tidigare kunskap inom öppen innovation samt distanslÀrande och resultatet visar att digital teknologi Àr en resurs att rÀkna med nÀr det gÀller att skapa innovationsarenor. Resultaten visar ocksÄ att det finns utmaningar med att anvÀnda digital teknologi sÄsom: identifiera digital teknologi som kan stödja processerna, lÀra sig anvÀnda teknologin, inkorporera teknologin i processerna och att stödja andra aktörers teknologianvÀndning.Vi ser fram emot att digital teknologi anvÀnds mer vid skapande av innovationsarenor och att forskningen fördjupas för att det blir ett sömlöst deltagande för alla deltagare.

    A Transition Towards Digital Home Visits in Social Care and Home Health Care During the Corona Pandemic

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    During the pandemic, physical meetings were supposed to decrease as much as possible to avoid the virus to spread. Before the pandemic, the physical meeting favoured social care and home health care in Sweden. One solution was to digitize as many of these meetings as possible. Therefore, we investigated this transition in a web survey, including questions with predetermined and open-ended answers. The web-survey was sent to co-workers in home health care and social care in a middle-seized municipality in Sweden. The results showed that not all meetings could be transformed, like meetings with citizens with hearing or cognitive impairments. Challenges related to the transformation were instability in technical equipment, the professionals’ and citizens’ knowledge of handling technical equipment, and access to technical equipment support. Despite this did the co-workers digitize meetings whenever possible, adding operational and problem-solving attitude to the transformation. Due to this study’s limitation, like respondents from one municipality and the pandemic’s length, we intend to investigate further and understand the development of the transformation and how knowledge in the area increases

    A Transition Towards Digital Home Visits in Social Care and Home Health Care During the Corona Pandemic

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    During the pandemic, physical meetings were supposed to decrease as much as possible to avoid the virus to spread. Before the pandemic, the physical meeting favoured social care and home health care in Sweden. One solution was to digitize as many of these meetings as possible. Therefore, we investigated this transition in a web survey, including questions with predetermined and open-ended answers. The web-survey was sent to co-workers in home health care and social care in a middle-seized municipality in Sweden. The results showed that not all meetings could be transformed, like meetings with citizens with hearing or cognitive impairments. Challenges related to the transformation were instability in technical equipment, the professionals’ and citizens’ knowledge of handling technical equipment, and access to technical equipment support. Despite this did the co-workers digitize meetings whenever possible, adding operational and problem-solving attitude to the transformation. Due to this study’s limitation, like respondents from one municipality and the pandemic’s length, we intend to investigate further and understand the development of the transformation and how knowledge in the area increases

    On the inclusion of sustainability and digitalisation in quality management–an overview from past to present

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    The aim of this study is to explore whether trends in sustainability and digitalisation from the 1980s until today have left any significant practical or epistemological footprints on the quality management paradigm. The study design consists of a mixed-methods approach that applies a data-mining methodology and content analysis to the digital archives of eight scientific journals: six within the quality management (QM) domain and two with a focus on operations management (OM). The data set contains an unbroken time series of over 12,000 research paper abstracts, the first of them published in 1980, giving the study a coverage of almost 40 years. The findings show that sustainability came onto the scholarly scene in 1996 and has since become an increasingly popular research area. In regard to digitalisation, the story is quite different, as the concept is currently absent from the scholarly QM and OM literatures. However, a search for information technology (IT) and information systems (IS) revealed that these topics have been gaining attention since the 1980s. However, it was found that QM research only addresses one part of digitalisation, omitting several interesting dimensions. One example is that the QM and OM literatures address IS mainly in relation to standardised guidelines and business processes within organisations. At the same time, we found a handful of studies combining QM and topics related to modern digitisation, like social media.

    Kokbok för förÀndringsledare : Metdoder för att stötta engagerade mÀnniskor att förverkliga idéer

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    Det hÀr Àr en kokbok för förÀndringsledare. Du kan anvÀnda denna bok om du ska leda  utvecklingsaktiviteter och letar efter bra och beprövade metoder för att leda grupper  och processer. Vi beskriver metoderna som vi har anvÀnt inom vÄrt projekt SMICE, i  vilket sammanhang metoderna anvÀnts och nÀr de olika metoderna fungerat bra. VÄr förhoppning med att nedteckna dessa metoder Àr att du ska inspireras och vÄgar  prova nÄgot nytt för att skapa nytta. Vi tror att ett detaljerat sÀtt att dokumentera  metoderna gör dem mer anvÀndbara för dig men ocksÄ för oss sjÀlva.   Metoderna Àr graderade efter vilket behov av förkunskap och förberedelser du behöver,  frÄn det enklaste, dÀr du kan öppna kokboken och anvÀnda metoden pÄ en gÄng, till  metoder som krÀver utbildning eller specialistkompetens innan du sÀtter igÄng. Boken Àr indelad i fyra huvuddelar; Starta, Forma, Utveckla och förankra och Bygga vidare. Till dessa delar har vi identifierat metodstöd som kan anvÀndas vid en rad olika tillfÀllen;  vid idégenerering, vid idéutveckling, vid affÀrsutveckling, för att inspirera, för att skapa  samsyn och samverkan och för att mobilisera större grupper av mÀnniskor och  organisationer. NÄgot för alla, alltsÄ. Avslutningsvis finner du tips och stöd för att  driva dessa utvecklingsprocesser pÄ distans med digitala verktyg i digitala möten.  Ska vi sammanfatta nÄgon lÀrdom av detta arbete sÄ blir det vÄra nycklar som presenteras pÄ nÀsta sida. Du kan se dessa nycklar som vÄra bÀsta rÄd för att du ska lyckas med ditt  arbete med att leda processer och att ordna möten. Lycka till! Metoderna har testats och utvecklats inom SMICE - Samskapande Mittnordisk  Innovationsarena för CirkulÀr Ekonomi, ett projekt inom Interreg som pÄgÄtt  2017-2020.