20 research outputs found

    Apresentação DossiĂȘ Pensar com Pierre Clastres

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    Este dossiĂȘ nasceu do ColĂłquio “Pierre Clastres: pensar a polĂ­tica a contracorrente”, realizado em outubro de 2009 no Sesc Pinheiros, sob organização de Beatriz Perrone-MoisĂ©s, Renato Sztutman e SĂ©rgio Cardoso. Reunindo antropĂłlogos, politĂłlogos e filĂłsofos, o evento foi pensado como parte integrante e como movimento paralelo a um colĂłquio internacional em torno da obra deste autor – “Pierre Clastres e nĂłs: liberdade polĂ­tica e Estado coercitivo” – que ocorreu em Paris, em novembro do mesmo ano, sob a coordenação de Miguel Abensour e Anne Kupiec.This dossier was born the Colloquium "Pierre Clastres: thinking politics to counter" held in October 2009 at SESC Pinheiros under organization <Beatriz Perrone-MoisĂ©s, Renato and Sergio Cardoso Sztutman. Bringing together anthropologists, political scientists and philosophers, the event was designed as an integral element and parallel movement to an international colloquium around the work of this author - "and we Pierre Clastres: political freedom and coercive state" - which took place in Paris in November same year, under the direction of Michael and Anne Kupiec Abensour

    Um mundo novo no Atlùntico: marinheiros e ritos de passagem na linha do equador, séculos XV-XX

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    Integra da Revista Brasileira de PolĂ­ticas PĂșblicas No. 2, Vol. 8, 201


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    Verification and Validation (V&V) is a key process to guarantee that any model represents adequately a given system. Although no one can guarantee a 100 % valid model, it is possible to increase model confidence by the utilization of V&V techniques. There are many V&V techniques which have a descriptive nature (they tell us what to do but not how to do it). There are also prescriptive techniques, that tell us how to do it, but in simulation practice they are underused. The main goal of this paper is based on Kleijnen (1999) procedure. It is to propose a prescriptive V&V technique that is simple enough for practical application and, because of its procedural nature, it could be easily built into any simulation software, thus enabling the automation of the V&V process. This approach was also applied to some test problems confirming its feasibility.