77 research outputs found

    The Close-down of Peasant Labour Cooperatives in Karlovac District (1953)

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    Na temelju odluka 2. plenuma Centralnoga komiteta Komunističke partije Jugoslavije iz siječnja 1949. i nakon donoÅ”enja Osnovnoga zakona o zemljoradničkim zadrugama 28. svibnja 1949. partijska tijela Federativne Narodne Republike Jugoslavije započela su forsirati kolektivizaciju seljaÅ”tva u zadrugama prema sovjetskom konceptu. Iako je po miÅ”ljenju političkih tijela Komunističke partije Jugoslavije taj model trebao rezultirati unapređenjem poljoprivrede, poboljÅ”anjem životnih uvjeta seljaka i izgradnjom socijalizma, taj je sustav napuÅ”ten 1953., ponajprije zbog prisilnih mjera kojima su seljaci bili izvrgnuti da bi se pridružili seljačkim radnim zadrugama, slabe učinkovitosti rada, seljačkih prosvjeda i masovnoga napuÅ”tanja Komunističke partije. Početkom 1953. u karlovačkom je kotaru djelovalo ukupno 18 seljačkih radnih zadruga. U članku je na temelju neobjavljenoga arhivskoga gradiva i novinskih članaka prikazano kako su likvidirane četiri od njih: 9 maj iz KaÅ”ta, Narodni borac iz LadeÅ”ić Drage, Ozalj i Josip Boljkovac iz Vukove Gorice.Ā  The initiative to initiate peasant labour cooperatives in the Federal Peopleā€™s Republic of Yugoslavia was introduced at the Second Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia which took place from January 29 to 30, 1949. Based on the decisions, the Basic Law on Agricultural Cooperatives was adopted on May 28, 1949. This Law was the legal basis for the accelerated forming of peasant labour cooperatives and the enforced collectivisation of peasantry in accordance with the Soviet model. There are several reasons why the Communist Party of Yugoslavia lost the political will to continue establishing peasant labour cooperatives and supporting their development. Firstly, the peasants worked less on common properties than on their own, secondly, they did not receive any equipment to compensate for the decline of labour productivity; hence, the state had to compensate for the losses of cooperatives from the budget. Furthermore, the tendency of parasitism appeared among peasants. Some of the members of the cooperatives would neglect their work obligations expecting that another member would do the work. The collapse of peasant labour cooperatives started in March 1953 when the government of the Federal Peopleā€™s Republic of Yugoslavia published the Decree on the reorganization of peasant cooperatives. They were gradually liquidated by the withdrawal of individual peasant farms. The rest of the property was primarily annexed to general agricultural cooperatives. The subject of this article is the liquidation of peasant labour cooperatives in the territory of Karlovac District in 1953. The article was written on the basis of unpublished archival sources and of articles published in the Karlovac Weekly, the newspaper of the Socialist League of Working People of the city of Karlovac. At the beginning of 1953 a total of 18 peasant labour cooperatives were operating in Karlovac District. By September of the same year, 15 of them had been liquidated. Due to a lack of archival records, it was possible to present only the liquidations of four peasant labour cooperatives in this paper: 9 maj from KaÅ”t, Narodni borac from LadeÅ”ić Draga, Ozalj and Josip Boljkovac from Vukova Gorica.


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    Upravljanje kvalitetom je skup radnji u sklopu upravljanja, koje određuju politiku kakvoće, ciljeve i odgovornosti poduzeća. To je sustavni pristup menadžmentu, čiji je cilj kontinuirano povećavanje vrijednosti za kupca oblikovanjem i kontinuiranim unapređivanjem organizacijskih procesa i sustava. Potpuno upravljanje kvalitetom uključuje sve zaposlenike, te uključuje i lanac opskrbe i lanac kupaca, jer je kvaliteta sustava upravljanja od velike važnosti za povećanje konkurentske sposobnosti organizacije i gospodarstva u cjelini. Upravljanje cjelokupnom kvalitetom specifičan je koncept menadžmenta koji je orijentiran na kontinuirano unapređivanje poslovanja, timski rad, rast zadovoljstva kupaca i snižavanje troÅ”kova.Quality management is a group of actions provided by management, which determine quality policy, objectives and responsibilities of the company. It is a systematic approach to management, which has a goal to continuously increase customer's value by shaping and developing organisation processes and systems. Total quality management includes all employees, and also a supply and customer's chain, because the good quality of management system has big importance in increasing competitivness of the company and the whole economy. Total quality management is special concept of management which is based on continuous development of the business, team work, satisfaction of the customers and lowering costs

    Confiscation of the Textile Industry in Karlovac from 1945 to 1946

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    Autor na temelju arhivskoga gradiva i literature opisuje i objaÅ”njava gospodarske procese na području Karlovca i njegove uže okolice uvjetovane političkim odlukama neposredno nakon Drugoga svjetskog rata 1945. i 1946. godine.The topic of this paper are the economic processes initiated through political decisions in Karlovac and its surroundings after World War II, from 1945 to 1946. In a wider context of economic relations, the focus is on the confiscation of the textile industry in Karlovac and its surroundings as a leading initiator of economic development in the mentioned area. Confiscation, through judicial government, meant taking private property away by force with the aim of collectivising property for the needs of the central unitarist and totalitarian government. After studying the available documentation, it is obvious that the most successful companies in the textile industry, but not only them, became the stateā€™s property via judicial decisions. After that, the state, through its administrative and central way of governing, made all important business decisions related to the confiscated companies as well as directly about the economic situation in the whole country. Moreover, it is important to emphasise that confiscation was one of the ways used to punish pre-war and wartime political opponents. It was also a way of making them unimportant in social relations, and finally making them dependent on the central government, which, as I have already stressed, dictated political and economic processes on all levels.</p


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    Upravljanje kvalitetom je skup radnji u sklopu upravljanja, koje određuju politiku kakvoće, ciljeve i odgovornosti poduzeća. To je sustavni pristup menadžmentu, čiji je cilj kontinuirano povećavanje vrijednosti za kupca oblikovanjem i kontinuiranim unapređivanjem organizacijskih procesa i sustava. Potpuno upravljanje kvalitetom uključuje sve zaposlenike, te uključuje i lanac opskrbe i lanac kupaca, jer je kvaliteta sustava upravljanja od velike važnosti za povećanje konkurentske sposobnosti organizacije i gospodarstva u cjelini. Upravljanje cjelokupnom kvalitetom specifičan je koncept menadžmenta koji je orijentiran na kontinuirano unapređivanje poslovanja, timski rad, rast zadovoljstva kupaca i snižavanje troÅ”kova.Quality management is a group of actions provided by management, which determine quality policy, objectives and responsibilities of the company. It is a systematic approach to management, which has a goal to continuously increase customer's value by shaping and developing organisation processes and systems. Total quality management includes all employees, and also a supply and customer's chain, because the good quality of management system has big importance in increasing competitivness of the company and the whole economy. Total quality management is special concept of management which is based on continuous development of the business, team work, satisfaction of the customers and lowering costs


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    SažetakGranulometrijski sastav tla (GST) jedan je od najvažnijih parametara fizičkih značajki tla. Određivanje GST najčeŔće se temelji na kombinaciji mokrog prosijavanja i pipetiranja, a razlike između pojedinih metoda temelje se na različitim tretmanima uzoraka u pripremi suspenzije za mokro prosijavanje i pipetiranje. Kako je do sada u mnogim laboratorijima koriÅ”tena metoda pripreme suspenzije s Na-pirofosfatom (i joÅ” se uvijek koristi), opravdana je upitnost usporedivosti rezultata s rezultatima normirane metode (norma ISO 11277). S obzirom na specifičnosti dviju metoda, postavljena je hipoteza o postojanju razlika između istih, bilo na razini granulometrijskog sastava ili teksturne interpretacije. U svezi s navedenim, cilj rada je testirati razlike između dviju navedenih metoda.Istraživanje je provedeno na 67 uzoraka Å”umskog tla, od čega je 15 uzoraka iz njegovog povrÅ”inskog dijela. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da nema statistički značajne razlike između metoda za sve uzorke, kako iz mineralnog i iz povrÅ”inskog dijela tla. Utvrđena je visoka korelacija između udjela svih istovrsnih frakcija određenih po različitim metodama.U interpretaciji teksturnih oznaka na temelju teksturnog trokuta utvrđena je značajna razlika između frakcije pijeska i frakcije praha, dok kod frakcija gline nije bilo statistički značajne razlike. Veći udjel frakcije pijeska utvrđen je interpretcijom na temelju teksturnih klasa po staroj metodi, dok je za prah obrnut slučaj.The purpose of this research was to comparison of two sieving and sedimentation methods for determination of particle size distribution (PSD). Until 2009, PSD was determined at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb by a sieve and pipette method after soil preparation using Na-pyrophosphate according to the Pedological manual (old method) (Å korić, 1965). Since the opening of the ecological-pedological laboratory at the Forestry Faculty in 2009, PSD determination has been performed according to the ISO 11277 (2009) Standard. The most important difference between the two methods is that according to the ISO 11227 Standard, pre-treatment is accomplished with hydrogen peroxide which oxidizes the organic matter, so that PSD is determined only in mineral soil particles, while according to the old method, the organic matter was not removed at PSD determination.The purpose of this research was to establish whether there was a difference in the results of PSD determination between the old method and the ISO 11277 Standard in the overall number of samples and particularly in the topsoil. Another goal was to test the difference in the textural interpretation of PSD results obtained by these two methods.For the needs of the analysis, 67 forest soil samples were taken from two areas in Croatia. The two methods were compared in order to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference in the total number of the samples. A comparison was also made to determine whether there was a statistically significant difference between the samples taken from the topsoil layer, since according to ISO 11277 the organic matter largely found in the surface soil part oxidizes.Statistical analysis and t-test revealed no statistically significant difference in any single fraction from the topsoil layer between the old method and ISO 11277. A high correlation was found in the topsoil layer for all the measured fractions (r = 0.98 for coarse sand, r = 0.96 fine sand, r = 0.94 coarse silt, r = 0.84 fine silt and r = 0.97 clay) as well as in the all established samples (r = 0.99 for coarse sand, r = 0.97 fine sand, r = 0.89 coarse silt, r = 0.88 fine silt and r = 0.97 clay).Based on the classification into three main fractions (sand, silt and clay) a higher percentage of sand and a lower percentage of silt was established by the old method compared with ISO 11277. This difference is directly reflected on textural interpretation. No statistically significant difference between the two methods was found for the clay fraction

    SSSL: Shoulder Surfing Safe Login

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    Classical PIN-entry methods are vulnerable to a broad class of observation attacks (shoulder surfing, key-logging). A number of alternative PIN-entry methods that are based on human cognitive skills have been proposed. These methods can be classified into two classes regarding information available to a passive adversary: (i) the adversary fully observes the entire input and output of a PIN-entry procedure, and (ii) the adversary can only partially observe the input and/or output. In this paper we propose a novel PIN-entry scheme- Shoulder Surfing Safe Login (SSSL). SSSL is a challenge response protocol that allows a user to login securely in the presence of the adversary who can observe (via key-loggers, cameras) user input. This is accomplished by restricting the access to SSSL challenge values. Compared to existing solutions, SSSL is both user-friendly (not mentally demanding) and cost efficient. Our usability study reveals that the average login time with SSSL is around 8 sec in a 5-digit PIN scenario. We also show the importance of considering side-channel timing attacks in the context of authentication schemes based on human cognitive skills

    The effect of parent material on physical and mineral soil properties on Medvednica nature park

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    Matični supstrat, uz klimu, reljef, organizme i vrijeme, predstavlja jedan od pet glavnih pedogenetskih čimbenika. S pedogeneskog stajaliÅ”ta najvažnija su svojstva matičnog supstrata: mineralni i kemijski sastav, način i intenzitet troÅ”enja te sadržaj biogenih elemenata. Cilj ovog rada je utvrditi utjecaj različitih matičnih supstrata na fizičke i mineralne značajke tla. Na području PP Medvednice na Å”est različitih litoloÅ”kih cjelina otvoreno je 80 pedoloÅ”kih profila: metamorfne stijene ā€“ dominantno Å”kriljevci, metamorfne stijene ā€“ dominantno filiti, magmatske stijene, pjeŔčenjaci, lapori i lako troÅ”ivi vapnenci. Uzorci tla uzeti su po horizontima, a analizirani su oni iz humusnoakumulatinog (A-horizont) i B-horizonta. Određeni su sljedeći parametri: debljina horizonata, dubina profila, udjel skeleta, garnulometrijski sastav tla, postojanost strukturnih mikroagregata i mineralni sastav tla (XRD) metodom rendgenske difrakcije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da postoje statistički značajne razlike između različitih litoloÅ”kih cjelina za sve promatrane varijable osim debljine horizonata. Najveće dubine tla su povrh laporovitih stijena, a najmanje na dolomitiziranim vapnencima, Å”to je ponajprijeĀ  uvjetovano načinom troÅ”enja matičnog supstrata. Na svim istraživanim litoloÅ”kim cjelinama, tla na području PP Medvednice vrlo su postojanih mikroagregata. U odnosu na B-horizont u humusnoakumulativnom horizontu utvrđena je veća postojanost strukturnih mikroagregata. Tla povrh lakotroÅ”ivih vapnenaca imaju statistički veći udjel gline i manji udjel krupnog i sitnog pijeska od tla ostalih litoloÅ”kih cjelina. Za sve litoloÅ”ke cjeline teksturna oznaka najčeŔće je u rasponu od praÅ”kaste do glinaste ilovače, dok je na litoloÅ”koj cjelini povrh vapnenaca udjel gline statistički značajno veći, pa je teksturna oznaka u rasponu od praÅ”kaste glinuÅ”e do glinuÅ”e. LitoloÅ”ke cjeline povrh magmatskih i metamorfnih stijena imaju statistički značajno manji udjel minerala kvarca i veći udjel minerala klorita i feldspata u odnosu na sedimentne stijene.The highly complex lithological structure as well as topographic characteristics of the Medvednica area are responsible for its profound vegetational, micro-climatic and pedophysiographic diversity. In view of the quality of the original soil-forming material, the first place is taken by rocks and their detritus which directly govern soil physical composition. The best indicators of soil physical composition are its depth, colour, skeletal nature, particle size distribution, soil density, density of soil solid phase, total porosity, water capacity, air capacity, structure and hydraulic properties. On Medvednica, these vary greatly and play the main role in defining soil quality. The success of ecosystem management depends on the knowledge of the above factors. The goal of this research is to determine how the lithological base, or parent material, primarily affects physical (horizon thickness, profile depth, skelet proportion, soil texture, soil structure) and mineral soil properties.A total of 80 pedological profiles were opened in the Medvednica Nature Park area and evenly distributed so as to comprise all the representative lithological units. Samples of physically altered soils were taken from genetic horizons, as well as a fragment of rock, i.e. parent material, for the purpose of determining the lithological rock affiliation. Soil samples has been analayzed in the humus-accumulative (A horizon) and first under mineral horizon (mostly B horizon). The differences between the topsoil humus-accumulative and B horizon were statistically analyzed per lithological units. The samples were prepared (ISO 11464 2006) and analyzed in the laboratories of the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Zagreb and at the Croatian Geological Institute in Zagreb. According to FAO (2006), the following was determined in situ: the proportion of skelet per genetic horizon, horizon thicknesses and total profile depth. Laboratory analyses of the samples taken from genetic horizons included the particle size distribution according to ISO 11277:2009, stability of structural microaggregates according to Pernar et al. (2013) and mineral soil composition (XRD) using the X-ray diffraction method on X-ray diffractrometer Xā€™Pert PRO MPD.For the needs of statistical analysis, parent material was divided into six characteristic units, leaning in part on the classification of Halamić et al. (2001) used during geochemical research of stream sediments on Medvednica. The lithological unit LIT1 is represented by metamorphic rocks, predominantly greenschists, muscovite chlorite and quartz-muscovite schists. The lithological unit LIT2 is represented by metamorphic rocks, predominantly phyllites. The lithological unit LIT3 consists of igneous rocks, predominantly diabases and spilites. The lithological unit LIT4 are Mesozoic clastic rocks of Lower Cretaceous age, and comprise sandstones, siltites and shales. The lithological unit LIT5 consists of Mesozoic and Tertiary clastic rocks dominantly represented by marls. LIT6 is made up of Tertiary carbonate rocks represented by lithotamnic limestones together with clay limestones (Figure 1).Statistical analysis was performed with Statistica 7 software. Descriptive statistics was made for all the analyzed variables, including the number of samples, arithmetic means and standard deviation. Differences between the analyzed variables by lithological units were tested with a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), on condition that the assumption of homogeneity of variance was satisfied. For those variables in which the test of homogeneity of variance was not satisfied, the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test was used. Type I error (a) of 5 % was considered statistically significant.The following soil types were identified in the opened pedological profiles: dystric cambisol, eutric cambisol, calcaric cambisol, stagnosol, regosol and luvisol (the percentage ratio by representation is 62 % ā€“ 19 % ā€“ 10 % ā€“ 4 % ā€“ 3 % ā€“ 2 %).Based on the comparison of soils formed in six different lithological units, it can be concluded that physical and mineral soil properties depending on type of litological units. Silty to clay loam is the most represented textural class in Medvednica Nature Park. It was found on metamorphic rocks above greenschist and phyllite, igneous rocks, sandstones and marls, whereas on easily weathered limestones the textural class ranges from silty clay to clay. The analysis of particle size distribution (content of individual fractions) showed that the profiles developed on silicate lithological parent material have on average higher sand content compared to the profiles developed on carbonate rocks, which is conditioned by the manner of parent rock weathering. Higher clay content above easily weathered limestones eventually led to variability of the textural class in relation to other lithological units. In all the investigated lithological units in terms of structural microaggregate stability, the soils in Medvednica Nature Park manifest highly stable microaggregates. In relation to the B-horizon, the humus-accumulative horizon revealed higher stability of structural microaggregates, which can be attributed to higher content of organic matter in the topsoil horizon. The soils above igneous and metamorphic rocks have significantly lower content of the mineral quartz and higher content of the minerals chlorite and feldspar in relation to the soil above sedimentary rocks. There was no difference in muscovite/illite contents in lithological substrates. Soil was the deepest above marl rocks and the shallowest above dolomitised limestones, which is primarily conditioned by the manner of parent material weathering.Our research highlights all the complexity and heterogeneity of the geological-lithological structure of Medvednica. In combination with other pedogenetic factors, it manifests even higher soil heterogeneity, which eventually causes problems in the processing and interpretation of the results.This research provides reference data on physical and mineral properties of soils in Medvednica Nature Park in the most represented lithological units. However, these data should be taken with caution and should be compared with the results of other similar studies, since the same lithological parent material may give rise to the formation of soils of different taxonomic affiliation, depending on the changes in the constellation of other pedogenetic factors (climate, vegetation, relief)

    Autoimmune Liver Diseases

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    Autoimune bolesti jetre uključuju autoimuni hepatitis (AIH), primarni bilijarni kolangitis (PBC) i primarni sklerozirajući kolangitis (PSC), te se nerijetko pojavljuju i zajedno u vidu sindroma preklapanja (overlap). Dok AIH primarno pogađa jetrene stanice, druge dvije bolesti zahvaćaju bilijarni epitel i tipično se prezentiraju svrbežom, umorom, žuticom te kolestatskim profilom u laboratorijskim nalazima. AIH i PBC pogađaju dominantno osobe ženskog spola i imaju specifične, gotovo patognomonične seroloÅ”ke biljege, dok se PSC tipično javlja kod mladih muÅ”karaca oboljelih od upalnih bolesti crijeva. Ove bolesti pretežito su asimptomatske ili vrlo nespecifičnih simptoma, zbog čega često prođu nezapaženo i otkriju se tek u stadiju uznapredovane fibroze ili ciroze. Dok je biopsija jetre zlatni standard u dijagnostici AIH i sindroma preklapanja, MRCP je metoda izbora u PSC-u. U terapijskom smislu, AIH uglavnom pokazuje dobar odgovor na imunosupresivnu terapiju za koju je ključno ne prekinuti je do postizanja ne samo biokemijske, već i histoloÅ”ke remisije, Å”to nužno zahtijeva barem tri godine liječenja. Ursodeoksikolna i obetikolna kiselina te ERCP kod striktura ekstrahepatalnih žučnih vodova zasad su jedini modaliteti liječenja kolestatskih bolesti jetre. U razdoblju dekompenzirane ciroze jetre transplantacija ostaje kao posljednja mogućnost izlječenja, osobito u slučaju razvoja hepatocelularnog karcinoma.Autoimmune liver diseases include autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). Sometimes they occur simultaneously in the form of the ā€˜overlap syndromeā€™. While AIH primarily affects liver cells, the other two diseases affect biliary epithelium and typically present with pruritus, fatigue, jaundice, and cholestatic profile in laboratory findings. AIH and PBC affect predominantly females and have specific, almost pathognomonic serologic features, whereas PSC typically occurs in young men with inflammatory bowel disease. These diseases are mostly asymptomatic, or manifest themselves in nonspecific symptoms, and are therefore often detected in advanced stages of fibrosis or cirrhosis. While liver biopsy is the gold standard in the diagnosis of AIH and the overlap syndrome, MRCP is the method of choice for PSC. Regarding therapy, AIH generally responds well to immunosuppressive therapy, but requires continued treatment until biochemical and histological remission is achieved, which inevitably implies at least three years of treatment. Ursodeoxycholic acid, obeticholic acid, and ERCP in extrahepatic bile duct strictures are currently the only modalities for the treatment of cholestatic liver diseases. In decompensated liver cirrhosis or hepatocellular cancer, liver transplantation remains the last treatment option
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