16,158 research outputs found

    Some interesting gasteroid and secotioid fungi from Sonora, Mexico

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    Nine rare species of gasteroid and secotioid fungi from Sonora, Mexico are treated here: Agaricus texensis (= Longula texensis), Araneosa columellata, Calvatia bicolor, C. craniiformis, C. pygmaea, Disciseda hyalothrix, D. verrucosa, Endoptychum arizonicum, and D. stuckertii (= Abstoma stuckertii), which is a new combination. SEM micrographs of all studied taxa are included

    Some interesting gasteroid and secotioid fungi from Sonora, Mexico

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    Nine rare species of gasteroid and secotioid fungi from Sonora, Mexico are treated here: Agaricus texensis (= Longula texensis), Araneosa columellata, Calvatia bicolor, C. craniiformis, C. pygmaea, Disciseda hyalothrix, D. verrucosa, Endoptychum arizonicum, and D. stuckertii (= Abstoma stuckertii), which is a new combination. SEM micrographs of all studied taxa are included

    Os sentidos de competência no trabalho: discurso da mídia e discurso acadêmico

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo tratar da noção de competência em discursos prescritivos relacionados ao tema trabalho. Tomamos como objeto de estudo os discursos que falamsobre o modo de se comportar no trabalho e de pensar o trabalho. Considerando as noções de interdiscurso, campo e espaço discursivo (Maingueneau, 1984/2005), nosso objeto de análise é constituído por discursos que não travam entre si um diálogo preestabelecido, mas circulam em uma dada conjuntura que permite a delimitação de determinado campo discursivo. Institui-se, então, um espaço discursivo que abriga ao menos dois posicionamentos: (i) textos constitutivos do posicionamento 1, formado por discursos que circulam na mídia, aqui restritos a exemplares da revista Você S/A1 e (ii) textos prescritivos característicos doposicionamento 2, que pertencem ao domínio dos saberes acadêmicos, neste momento circunscrito a um artigo científico centrado no enfoque ergológico (Schwartz, 1997). Pode-sedizer que no espaço partilhado por esses dois posicionamentos há um embate: enquanto amídia considera a competência como algo já resolvido e, portanto, não problematizável, a reflexão proposta por Schwartz assume uma perspectiva crítica acerca do trabalho em geral e da noção de competência em particular. Nesse sentido, a articulação entre as reflexões de Schwartz e o discurso da mídia trouxe à tona uma polêmica não explicitada na revista cuja pretensão de univocidade presume a inexistência de um possível contradiscurso.This article aims to deal with the notion of competence in prescriptive discourses related to the theme work. Our object of study is the discourses that speak about the way of behaving at work and of  thinking  about work. Considering the notions of interdiscourse, discursive field and space, as proposed by Maingueneau (1984/2005), we analyzed discourses that do not hold among themselves a pre-established dialog, but circulate in a given conjuncture that allows the delimitation of a certain discursive field. This field institutes a discursive space that encompasses at least two positionings: (i) texts constituting the positioning 1, formed by discourses that circulate in the media, here restricted to copies of the magazine Você S/A and (ii) prescriptive texts characteristic of the positioning 2, which belong to the academic knowledge domain, in this moment circumscribed to one scientific article approaching the ergological focus (Schwartz, 1997). It is possible to say that in the space shared by these two positionings, there is a struggle: while the media considers competence as something that is already settled, and, therefore, not questionable, the reflection proposed by Schwartz assumes a critical perspective concerning work in general and the notion of competence in particular. In this sense, the articulation between Schwartz’ reflections andthe conceptions of competence identified in the media discourse brought to light a non-explicit polemic in the magazine whose pretension to univocality assumes the inexistence of a possible counter-discourse

    A Semantic-Based Approach to Attain Reproducibility of Computational Environments in Scientic Work ows: A Case Study

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    Reproducible research in scientic work ows is often addressed by tracking the provenance of the produced results. While this approach allows inspecting intermediate and nal results, improves understanding, and permits replaying a work ow execution, it does not ensure that the computational environment is available for subsequent executions to reproduce the experiment. In this work, we propose describing the resources involved in the execution of an experiment using a set of semantic vocabularies, so as to conserve the computational environment. We dene a process for documenting the work ow application, management system, and their dependencies based on 4 domain ontologies. We then conduct an experimental evaluation sing a real work ow application on an academic and a public Cloud platform. Results show that our approach can reproduce an equivalent execution environment of a predened virtual machine image on both computing platforms

    Planejamento e implantação do sistema de gestão da qualidade na Embrapa Uva e Vinho.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma abordagem para conduzir um processo de Implantação de um SGQ (Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade) e relatar os resultados recentes alcançados na Embrapa Uva e Vinho

    Radiological impact of soil biosolid amendment on maize grown in a Brazilian Ferralsol.

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    Sewage sludge has predominantly organic composition and can improve soil characteristics, such as fertility and erosion resistance. Therefore, its application as an amendment for agriculture is an adequate alternative for its final disposal. However, there is a lack of information concerning soil enrichment with radionuclides in long-term experiments in tropical areas. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the impact of soil biosolid amendment on the concentration of 210Pb, 226Ra, 228Ra, U, Th, and other elements in maize grown in a Brazilian Ferralsol. The results obtained showed that radionuclide concentrations in maize grains were not significantly influenced by either the applied biosolid doses, or biosolid origin, or the interaction of these two factors